A Chapter by rondo

Are All of the Forces of Evil Called Angels?



Are All of the Forces of Evil Called Angels?

What we know is that the Devil is a cherub who’s the leader of many forces with a rank over varied geographical areas of responsibilities, whether on the earth or in the heavens.

Ephesians 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

Likewise, God has forces that are described using the exact words principalities and powers but without reference to the word rulers. Some commentators contend that the term principalities is generally related to both the good angels living in heavenly places and the evil angels living in the lower sense of heavenly places, i.e., in the lower atmosphere, the air. If this were the case, then both would be made known by the church (the assembly of believers), and the manifold wisdom of God (the beauty and variety of God’s wisdom in His great plan of salvation20). Is this true? Please turn to the Book of 1 Peter, and hopefully, we’ll obtain clarification of such.


1 Peter 1:10-12

10-11 Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.             

We’re informed that the Old Testament prophets were given glimpses of the salvation by grace that was to come in future dispensations by the Holy Spirit’s prediction of a future Messiah and His subsequent sufferings (Isaiah 53). By whom, a new kingdom, an inner spiritual one, was prophesied and proclaimed using those who received it, i.e., the apostles, whereby one of the members of the Trinity, i.e., the Holy Spirit, would come to reside within, providing eternal blessings that would change the nature of the recipients forever and assist them in becoming conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, the actual Messiah whose atonement and forgiveness of sin on the cross paved the way for the dispensation of the church that would evidence such.

12 Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.

Of which things we’re told that angels desire to look into (would like to understand). This rendering convinces me that the angels spoken of here refer to those who follow God. The angels that have fallen would have no aspiration to know the truths about salvation as they’d continue to believe and espouse falsehoods.

With that said, this begs the question.


Are all of the forces of evil, and we might as well add, forces of godliness called angels?

Revelation 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

This verse unveils the name of a spiritual creature who’s the leader of the angels of godliness. He’s distinctly called Michael. Likewise, the name of the leader of the angels of evil is called dragon (synonymous with Devil or Satan). What we could conclude is that it appears the powers and rulers of the darkness of this world are referred to as angels.


But what about the principalities, those of the first rank? Are they also called angels?

Please go to the book of Jude, and we’ll find out.


Suggested Reading: Jude 1-21

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Jude was writing a general letter to his fellow believers. Regarding their common salvation (the gift of new life they’ve received), he urges them to defend, fight, and actively promote the faith (the main tenet of Christian teachings). However, there were certain men (false teachers) who gained admission into the faith under false pretenses. They were called ungodly (in their thinking and living) who were turning (changing) the grace (forgiveness and power to overcome sin21) of God into lasciviousness (satisfying their own lusts; an immoral perversion of spiritual privilege), thus promoting their sinful lifestyle and leading others to [take impure] and profane liberty in sinning.22And thus, they were denying (rejected being owned by) Christ and submitting to His rule.

11 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

After this declaration, He gave different examples about groups of people, individuals, angels, and even the Devil that chose to live in the same manner as these ungodly men and who, like them, will receive judgment (divine retribution - punishment) for their transgressions.

9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

One of them that we’ll look at concerns the story of Michael the archangel, which we’re told disputed with the Devil concerning the body of Moses. The word archangel signifies that Michael was the chief angel and leader of the godly angels. This word is found in the singular, indicating that he was the sole chief of God’s angels. However, this doesn’t infer that he was the only archangel. The rendering of Michael as an archangel clarifies that he’s an angel.

What about the dragon, the Devil, who was originally the anointed cherub of God? Is he an angel? Is a cherub an angel? He wasn’t referred to in like manner as being an archangel as Michael was. There might be one more way to answer these questions, but before we do, let’s take a look at why the Devil contended with Michael for the body of Moses.

This story wasn’t found in the Old or New Testament Scriptures but in the writings known as “The Assumption of Moses,” which many believe were written in the first century AD. It alleges that Michael was given the task of burying the body of Moses by God after he died, but the Devil intervened, claiming that he had power over this body, and because of such, he could do with it as he pleased. Why the Devil would want his body is, to say the very least, quite confusing. I don’t recollect contention for anyone else’s dead body in the Scriptures.

Michael refused to give him jurisdiction over Moses’ dead body. However, the Devil tried to use a reason why Moses’ body was his, which was because, in his younger days, he had murdered an Egyptian. Michael didn’t respond to this charge by rebuking him but left this matter in the hands of the Lord by saying, the Lord rebuke thee. This story concludes with Michael being the one who buried Moses’ body.

Getting back to the Devil as to whether he’s an angel, believe it or not, there’s another heavenly creature that we haven’t mentioned that might help shed some light on whether he’s one or not.

Let’s go to the book of Isaiah.

Suggested Reading: Isaiah 6:1-13

1-2a In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims:

Isaiah, the prophet, received a vision from God, who was pictured as sitting on a throne. Above it, he saw many heavenly creatures whose descriptions were different from those we’ve already looked at. These are called seraphims. As he observed them worshipping God, he had a sense of [his unfitness] to join in.23 

7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.  

One of them took a hot stone and caused it to touch his lips, and as a result, all iniquity (implying conscious unworthiness of acting as God’s messenger24) was taken away (removed), and his sin purged (forgiven, in relation to the altar sacrifices). After which, he heard the Lord say, who shall I send to go and speak to the Southern Kingdom of Judah of impending judgment because of their sin, rebellion, and worship of false gods? Isaiah replied, here am I, send me.

These verses also give us a glimpse into the physical features of these heavenly beings.

2b each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

One of the physical characteristics of these supernatural beings was that they had six wings. We can learn more about them by turning your Bible into the book of Revelation.

Revelation 4:6-9 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,

Even though the name of seraphim isn’t mentioned in these passages of Scripture from the book of Revelation, each of these heavenly creatures was likewise described as having six wings. We can safely assume that they are indeed seraphim. And where they’re found is in the midst of and round about the throne of God serving as His ministers. They’re similar to the other godly creatures we looked at in a previous chapter, known as cherubim, in that they have the same four faces: one of a lion, one of a calf, one of man, and one of a flying eagle. Now we know that there are at least three heavenly creatures: cherubim, seraphim, and angels.


Can we deduce that all of them are angels, each of which has a different rank, physical features, and purposes?

If this were the case, then the Devil, a cherub, would be considered as being an angel. Well, we’re getting closer to drawing a conclusion as to whether this is so. We have one more heavenly creature to look at: angels. Let’s begin by finding out what they look like. But before we do, I’d like you to answer this question.


Do you believe angels exist?

I’ve left an exciting article for you to read concerning this. By the way, the angel in this scenario is described as being female. Scripture appears to indicate that these heavenly beings are only male in gender. Is that true? We’ll find out as we proceed in this study.



It was an [early] winter morning. It was still dark when Derrice received the call. Her mother had been found on the floor, unable to move, unable to communicate, and [her] body contorted. The situation was [desperate,] and the prognosis looked bad. Derrice arrived at her elderly parents’ home within minutes. She prayed all the way. If her mother was to die [today,] there was so much left to say, so much left to share. And so many questions. Did her mum really know God, Derrice wondered. She grew up in a generation of churchgoing, but you can attend church and still not be saved.

There was an urgency when Derrice arrived with paramedics and other family already making arrangements to transport Glenna to the nearest hospital by ambulance. When she saw her mother, Derrice was shocked and distressed. Glenna’s eyes were wide and [frightened;] one side of her face was [paralyzed,] and her hands were taut and twisted by her body. She could not say a word. The family formed a circle and prayed to God, interceding for their [much-loved wife, mother,] and grandmother.

‘Is it a stroke?’ Derrice asked the medical staff. They thought [so and insisted she get to the] hospital immediately, as the situation was serious. Glenna was laid and fastened on the stretcher in the ambulance. A paramedic boarded with her and strapped himself beside her. Derrice boarded [too and was belted into a seat nearby]. The doors were closed, and the ambulance sped away.

The siren blared. Ahead was a sea of red brake [lights] as cars parted to make way for their speeding vehicle. They lurched forward as the ambulance took a bend at speed. Just as [well,] Mum is strapped in, Derrice thought.

She looked over at her mother. She looks so frightened. What is she trying to tell us? Will we ever be able to communicate again?

Glenna was extremely distressed, twisting and making noises. Still unable to speak and desperately looking around the ambulance with [wide,] frightened eyes.

Derrice was scared and [helpless;] what was going to happen to her? She started to pray again. That God would heal her mother and give them all a second [chance. He] would give Glenna a divine encounter with [Him] so that she would have a chance to know Him for real.

[Suddenly,] the atmosphere in the ambulance changed. Derrice felt a powerful presence over her mother. She [recognized] this as the presence of God. “I could describe it as a hovering blanket of power or mist,” she says, “but it seems far too holy to describe it in such a way.” Instantly, Glenna’s hands stopped twisting, the expression in her eyes [changed,] and she became calm. Fear left her. There was a thick peacefulness. At that moment, Glenna’s speech returned.

“I can’t believe it, your mum is talking,” the paramedic said. “That’s the power of [prayer,”] Derrice replied. “It’s something,” he said, nodding his head in almost disbelief.

A week later, Derrice sat with Glenna in her hospital room. They talked about the trauma of that morning that had brought them [here] and what had happened in the ambulance. “Do you remember anything unusual?” Derrice asked. “Not really,” Glenna said casually. “Just the three of us in the back of the [ambulance] and that other woman.”

Derrice paused, puzzled. There was not another woman in the back of [the] ambulance. “Do you mean the lady at your house earlier, the paramedic?” “No, not her. That lady said [goodbye to us at] the ambulance door. She asked you if she should drive your [dad] to the hospital behind the ambulance. No, the woman in the [ambulance] was a very tall lady. She stepped into the ambulance just before the doors closed.”

Derrice’s heart began to race. Maybe her mum was confused. There was no other woman in the back with them. She began to test Glenna to see if her mind had been muddled, but Glenna recounted every detail correctly �" the conversation Derrice had had with the hospital paramedic, where they were each sitting, [and] even the route to the hospital.

“This lady was extremely tall. She had very fair, almost white [hair] down to her shoulders. She stepped into the ambulance, with her head down and stood behind the ambulance man next to my bed. She was dressed as a paramedic. I remember you waving at me from your seat, Derrice, then the lady moved forward and stood over me, and I couldn’t see you behind her.” Derrice remembered how she had sensed the presence of God so strongly over her mother on the journey.

“The lady touched the equipment above me. As she did, she said to me, ‘Don’t worry, you will be alright.’ She had the most beautiful light in her hands as she touched the [equipment, like golden, crystal, and diamonds]. It was a very bright [light,] and I was admiring how beautiful it was. It seemed to get brighter and brighter, and suddenly it got so bright I couldn’t look at it [anymore] and turned my head.” Derrice remembered the expression [on] Glenna’s face change, the way she became peaceful, and wondered if that was the moment.

“I did think it was funny, you know,” Glenna [said.] Derrice looked at her. “Well, we were all strapped in, but this lady wasn’t. She wasn’t even holding onto anything. The ambulance was going all over the place, and she didn’t fall. I remember this one very sharp turn, and I really thought the lady would fall on me as she was standing right over me, but she didn’t.”

Glenna [sat,] taking it all in, questioning her own sanity. Physically, there had only been three in the back of that ambulance that morning. Her mother, [herself,] and the hospital paramedic. As she reflected, words from Scripture came to her mind, “For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways,” Psalm 91:11. “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14. The excitement set in. Derrice was filled with awe and joy that an angel of God had ministered healing to her mother. That God had answered her prayer for this [healing] and for a divine encounter so that Glenna would know God is real.

“Needless to say, my Mum feels so blessed,” Derrice says. “It has totally changed her. She [realizes] that I am not “quite so mad” after all. And how privileged she is to be healed by Almighty God Himself, through Jesus Christ, who came for us. [She, of course,] is back home and doing very well.

The medical staff did think she had a stroke. It didn’t make sense to them though because there was no sign of it on the scan.” 25



© 2025 rondo

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Added on January 31, 2025
Last Updated on January 31, 2025




My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader. I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life. I attended bible college having completed a.. more..
