![]() PART 6 THE CHURCH OF GOD OR CHURCH OF MANA Chapter by rondo![]() In what manner is someone ordained to the office of a pastor?![]() 5
is called and qualified by the Spirit, has met the qualifications of the
leadership office, and evidence knowledge of the
foundational doctrines of the Christian faith, then in what manner should
they be ordained? Before I attempt to answer this question, I’d like to
leave you with this story. Back in the early eighties, I was attending Bible
school. At this time, my family was living in housing that was provided by the
college. The accommodations were like living in a student dorm, except in each
room, there were, instead of single males or single females, families. Some of
them were made up of a husband and wife with no kids, others with a husband and
wife with kids, and still others with just a father or mother with kids. Each
family had only one room to live in. Breakfast and lunch were provided at this
location in a cafeteria-type setup. Over time, I got to know just about everyone in the
facility except for the husband of one of the families. I remember his wife as
she had aspirations to work on staff for the Bible college. Her husband had
other intentions, and that was a desire to become a pastor. While there was
nothing wrong with this ambition, many of the other males, including myself,
thought that this was a pipe dream. Why not, because he wasn’t sociable at all? Whenever one
of us tried to start up a conversation with him, he was always aloof. It seemed
like he didn’t want to be bothered to converse with any of us or even be in our
company. This attitude of being non-sociable seemed to be the contrary attitude
for someone who was wishful to be appointed to a leadership office in the
church. Well, the time came when his wife did indeed get a
position to work in the administration. So, off she and her family went. After
a short period of time, one of my fellow believers at the residence came up to
me and said something like, you’re not going to believe this. To this, I
probably said, believe what? Do you remember the couple whose wife secured a
position on the staff and whose husband wanted to be a pastor? Well, he just
got ordained as a pastor. When I heard this, I couldn’t believe it. This caused
me to contemplate, what should be the protocol for someone being formally
assigned to the office of a pastor? Like many biblical topics, this is another one of them
that has much-divided opinions. There are at least two distinct views as to
the protocol for promoting someone to the office of pastor. The first
states that it’s only those in leadership that will decide who to select for
consideration and confirmation. The second states that it’s the assembly
of believers who are given the opportunity by those in leadership to choose
those that meet the qualifications which are expounded upon and then vote to
approve them. After which, it’s the leadership’s responsibility to ordain them.
The best way to find out which approach is biblically
grounded is to look at various sections of Scripture that pertain to this
issue. Are you ready to begin? Let’s start by going to the first chapter of the
book of Acts. Suggested Reading: Acts 1:12-26
Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy
Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to
them that took Jesus. For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of
this ministry.
Just prior to the arrival of the
day of Pentecost, an apostle was to be chosen to replace the vacancy left by
the deceased Apostle Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Christ and subsequently
committed suicide. 21-22
Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord
Jesus went in and out among us, Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that
same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness
with us of his resurrection. The Apostle Peter suggested that
the replacement should be filled by someone who accompanied the original twelve
apostles, beginning with the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist and
culminating with being a witness of Christ’s resurrection. 23
And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and
Matthias. We’re told that two men were appointed,
one named Justus and the other named Matthias. Right away,
many questions surface. What do the words they appointed mean? How many
men out of the one hundred twenty disciples that were abiding in the upper room
waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit were with the apostles during
Christ’s public ministry? How were the two men that were appointed chosen? What
was the method used to determine which one of the two would take the vacancy
left by Judas Iscariot? The approach we’ll take in trying to answer these
questions is to look at the meanings of the various words according to Koine
Greek, the original language of which most of the New Testament was written.
Let’s see how much we can learn from using this approach.
We’ll begin by looking at the words
they appointed. These words are from the Greek word esteesan, which is derived from another Greek
word histemi, meaning to bring forward or to present. This tells us that the
two disciples were brought forth before the group. What condition was used to determine who would be chosen? As was
previously stated, anyone who accompanied Jesus throughout His earthly ministry.
Why were only two picked out? Commentators are divided on this. Some contend
that these were two among many other candidates. And that these two men could
have been more personally acquainted with Jesus than the rest of them. Other
commentators suggest that these were indeed the only two who accompanied the
apostles and Christ throughout His earthly ministry. 24
And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men,
shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, And they prayed,
or prayer was made to the Lord by the entire group of disciples asking the Lord
to reveal which one of them should be noted as the twelfth apostle. 26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell
upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. And here is where there’s added
controversy. We’re told that they gave forth their lots. What does the
word lots mean? This word refers to the casting of lots. This was a
common practice among the Jews and was incorporated on difficult occasions. The simple
approach was to put two stones, pieces of board, metal, or slips of parchment,
with the names of the persons inscribed on them, into an urn; and after prayer,
sacrifice, etc., to put in the hand and draw out one of the lots, and then the
case was decided.32 If this
was indeed the process, then there it is, case closed. But, wait just a minute.
Did you know that there could have
been a second avenue which is what we commonly call [a] ballot, [with] God inclining the hearts of the majority to
ballot for Matthias?33 What does the
word ballot mean? The word ballot refers
to a slip or sheet of paper, cardboard, or the like, on which a
voter marks his or her vote.34
here’s the question to consider. Was Matthias chosen by means of two stones
placed in an urn or by the majority vote of the disciples? I don’t know.
We’re not given a clear indication of either one. However, there’s another word in this verse
that might shed some light on this. And that’s the word numbered. Some believe
that this word means added to. This is to say that Matthias was added with the
eleven apostles. However, the literal definition of it is as follows. The
word strictly means to [“vote down” or “condemn,”] but here it evidently means
to [“vote in.”] 35 The UBS New
Testament Handbook believes that this word means to choose (by a vote).36 Well, let’s not make a decisive
conclusion yet based on one section of Scriptures. Are there any other Scriptures that talk about appointing or ordaining
someone to a leadership office? Yes, there is. Please stay in the book of Acts
and go to chapter 14.
Reading: Acts 14:8-24
10 Said with a loud
voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.
While Paul and Barnabas were at Lystra, there was a man
that was born crippled, whom God healed by the intermediary of the Apostle
Paul. The priest of a nearby temple that worshipped the god Jupiter Custos
thought that this god had visited the city in human form; and Barnabas, he
imagined was this person; and as Mercury, the god of eloquence, who was the
general attendant of Jupiter, the people and the priest supposed that Paul, who
had a [powerful,] commanding eloquence, was that god, also disguised.37 Therefore, the priest decided to offer animal
sacrifices before the people in honor of Paul and Barnabas, whom they thought
of as deity. Subsequently, Paul and Barnabas intervened and persuaded
the group to turn from these sacrifices unto the one true God. Unfortunately,
there were present within the crowd certain Jews that came from Antioch and
Iconium, who persuaded the contingent not to follow these directives. As a
result, Paul was apprehended and then stoned appearing to be dead. When some of
the disciples came and gathered around him, miraculously, he rose up. Following this tumultuous event, Paul and Barnabas
determined to leave Lystra and departed to a place called Derbe, where they
preached the gospel and taught many disciples. After which, they returned again
to Lystra, later went on to Iconium, and finally arrived at Antioch. The
purpose of returning to revisit these cities was twofold. They wanted to ordain
elders (pastors) in every church (in private houses) and strengthen the souls
of the believers by encouraging them to remain faithful to what they had
believed. 23a And when
they had ordained them elders in every church,…
Here’s another example of certain believers being elected
to a leadership office. In this case, it’s that of an elder (pastor). Although,
in this instance, it’s more than just one of them being appointed. So, here’s
the question to consider. What does it mean when Scripture says they had
These words come from the
Greek word Cheirotoneesantes. It has
a few different meanings such as, they had appointed; the holding up or stretching out the hand, as approving the choice of
any person to a particular work38;
to appoint without any reference to voting, and to appoint by the raising of hands.
Here are a few more descriptions of
what this Greek word means. That they [those in leadership] presided in the
assembly when the choice was [made, which doesn’t] mean that they appointed
them without consulting the church…[but rather] in the usual way of appointing
officers, by the suffrages [votes] of the people.39
Another meaning is that [apparently,] each congregation had the privilege of voting on qualified
men.40 And finally, [there’s]
indisputable evidence that the concurrence [agreement] of the people was
required in all elections to sacred office in the earliest ages of the
[church].41 It’s pretty obvious that the majority of the
references believe that ordination to any of the church hierarchical
designations, whether of apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastor-teachers,
was made by those in leadership but not before the approval of such by the
assembly of believers through voting by means of the holding up of the hands.
While this avenue is still considered as supposition, we’ll consider this to be
the path taken unless further study provides a conclusive alternative approach.
23b …and had prayed
with fasting,… they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed.
Scripture also tells us that they had prayed with
fasting. When did this take place? It appears that prayer with fasting
followed the declaration of those who had been chosen. I’d suggest that based
on the order of the words, this appears to be a correct interpretation.
Wouldn’t you agree? But hold on, hold onto your Greek horses. The words had prayed according to Koine Greek are
in what is called an aorist middle participle. Without getting into too much
minutia, although we might have to get into some triviality, is the word
Aorist. What does this word mean? This word refers to the tense (what kind of
action) of the verb had prayed. This simply tells us that prayer took
place at a point in time. The word middle (the subject produces the action and then receives it) refers to
the voice (how the subjects are related to the action of the verb), meaning
that those who prayed participated in the results. And finally, the word
participle is a verbal adjective that denotes the purpose as to why someone is
doing something or why something is being done. This helps us determine that
the action of the minor verb or verbs occurs before the action of the main verb
or verbs. Well, the minor verbs are prayer and fasting, while
the major verb is ordained. So, what we can deduce is that before
certain were chosen by vote, prayer and fasting took place. And just who were they that prayed and fasted? Was it only
the leadership? Or was it everyone in the assembly, including the leadership?
This is a tough one. What do you think? If the choice of certain candidates was
made by the assembly of believers, then wouldn’t they also be asked to
participate in prayer with fasting? I’d think so. 23c …they commended
them to the Lord, on whom they believed. After which, those who were chosen, approved, and
appointed were commended…to the Lord. What does it mean that they were commended?
The word commended means to be entrusted. And the word entrusted means
care and protection. So, the newly appointed pastors were given over to the
Lord for His care and protection. What this could have actually been was a
proclamation prayer made by leadership in accordance with the presiding
believers. So, could there be any more sections of Scripture that
might shed new light on the protocol of ordination? Believe it or not, there’s
one more group of verses that talk about appointing certain believers not to
the position of a pastor but to that of a deacon. You might be thinking, well,
this isn’t a leadership consideration to church administration. That’s true.
But if the circumstances are similar, then the path taken should be given
examination. Don’t you think? Please go to the book of Acts chapter 6.
Suggested Reading: Acts 6:1-6 3a
Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men ... What was taking place in the early
church was that the Grecian Jews (Jewish immigrants to Palestine " those who spoke
Greek) were complaining about the native Hebrews (those who also spoke Aramaic
and Greek) because their widows were overlooked in the daily administration of
money and food. Consequently, the apostles came up with a suggestion to address
the matter. They recommended that the brethren look ye out among you.
These words are derived from the Greek word Episképsasthe
which means to choose certain ones by the showing of
hands from among the assembly. 3b …of honest report, full of
the Holy Ghost and wisdom,… But before these men were chosen,
the apostles conveyed to the congregation the qualifications for consideration
that should be recognized by their fellow brethren concerning each one of them.
They were to be men of honest report (authentic testimony) and full
of the Holy Ghost. The latter means that each one of them was being
directed by the Holy Spirit and, as such, was spiritually minded. And as for
the word wisdom, this conveys the skill associated with this post, i.e.,
proficiency in practical affairs.
And according to 1 Timothy 3, we
can surmise that the credentials for choosing a deacon are similar to those aspiring
for the application of a pastor. 1
Timothy 3:8-10, 12 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not
given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let
these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being
found blameless. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their
children and their own houses well.
Instead of going
over each of these particular aspects, what I’d like us to do is take a look at
only one of them, and that’s the word proved. This word has a
couple of interesting meanings. The first one is that they should be men who understand and hold [on to] the deep
truths of the faith.42 And
secondly, this word has reference to the general judgment of the
Christian community as to whether they [fulfilled] the specifications set down.43
6:3c … whom we may appoint over this business.
And presumably, after the men were chosen by the showing of the hands of
the assembly, then the apostles would appoint them. The word appoint
is from the Greek word katasteesomen which is derived from kathistemi,
and it means to put them in charge by the imposition of hands. This is another
way of saying that leadership had the responsibility of putting their hands on
each one of them.
And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full
of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and
Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:
What we’re told is that the
whole multitude…chose these seven
men. This would insinuate that each of them was nominated and approved by a
majority vote. Acts
6:6ab Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, … And as we can see, prayer comes
into play again. This begs the question, when was prayer made? The words had
prayed according to the Greek language are, you guessed it, in the Aorist
Middle Participle. This means that prayer occurred before the congregation chose
and set (presented) the candidates before the apostles. Based on the
context, prayer could have been made so that God would direct them with the
spirit of wisdom and discretion to choose the best and most meet men. In that
regard, it would seem to follow scriptural sense that everyone would be
involved in prayer. Right? Any thoughts?
6:6c …they laid their hands on them. And then we’re informed that when
each man was presented before the apostles, hands were laid on
them. This signified that the apostle’s hands were placed on each person’s
head, indicating that they were appointed (put in charge) over the distribution
of the alms of the church. The imposition of hands can also signify the
commissioning and granting of authority44
along with symbolizing blessings from the assembly.
Well, there you have it. That was a
lot to take in. But I think we could conclude that ordination or an appointment
of certain believers to church authority was made by someone in the church
hierarchy, but not before corporate prayer, followed by the choosing and
subsequent voting on the candidates by the churchgoers.
So, where do we go from here?
Another consideration that we should make in choosing the right church is
recognizing what the duties are of those who are in leadership. Is what their
life exemplifies in words and actions consistent with the biblical declarations
of such. Let’s find out by turning the page to the next chapter.
© 2022 rondo |
Added on May 4, 2022 Last Updated on May 4, 2022 AuthorrondoBLOCK ISLAND, RIAboutMy name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader. I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life. I attended bible college having completed a.. more..Writing