![]() PART 8 ETERNAL SALVATIONA Chapter by rondo![]() What are the remaining paramount scriptures on salvation that we should be familiar with?![]() PART 8 ETERNAL SECURITY CHAPTER 13 What Are the Remaining Paramount Scriptures on Salvation That We Should Be Familiar with? Before we take a look at the final sections of Scriptures on this topic, I wanted to mention the apostle James’ instructions to the Jewish believers who were scattered throughout the ancient world. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. In James 3:14-17, James told the Jewish believers who thought their ideas and practices were the only correct ones, which were promoted out of selfish motives, to not be prideful. This earthbound wisdom was considered unspiritual and demonic. In contrast, heavenly wisdom, that to which they should aspire to is: • Pure"free from self-interest. With that in mind, let’s continue looking at more Scripture sections that churches use to support their perspective on whether a believer could lose their salvation? Some use the word unrighteous to refer to those Christians who have lost their salvation. Just who are the unrighteous? Such Were Some of You: “But Ye Are Washed” We are told that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Some of whom were involved with the committing of habitual overt sins such as: There are others, Corinthian believers that are mentioned, who habitually practiced some of these sins, but were now converted to the Lord and would subsequently inherit the kingdom of God. As such, their sins were washed away; they were sanctified (the setting apart of one as consecrated by the Spirit in the eternal purpose of God66); and they were justified (of being acquitted or declared innocent by God, and so placed in a right relationship with him67). With these thoughts in mind, just who are the unrighteous? Are they unbelievers or believers who have decided to reengage in these sins? The answers will be presented according to how someone chooses to answer this question. Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • The unrighteous believer, who habitually chooses to continue practicing these sins will not enter into or become a partaker of the kingdom of God. NO • The unrighteous are unbelievers, who did not repent of their sins to God the Father and believe in his Son and therefore will not inherit the kingdom of God. What does it mean to be a castaway in relation to salvation? Those Who Run a Race: “Lest…I Myself Should Be a Castaway” The apostle Paul made himself a servant to both the Jews, who were under the Law, and the Gentiles, who were not under the Law, when preaching the gospel to them, hoping for a favorable response. By analogy, we, Christians, are like runners in the Isthmian games, one of the four great national festivals of the Greeks. Every runner who contended disciplined himself very carefully, enduring ten months of preparatory training and practice in the gymnasium under the direction of judges who had themselves done the same thing.68 Self-denial and hardship was required in order to compete in the contest and possibly win a perishable wreath. Paul said to the Corinthian Christians, that they should strive for a prize that will never fade. As for himself, he ran not as a boxer, beating the air and practicing without an adversary; but as one who, in his conflict with evil, struck straight and did not despair. As the Greek boxer wore a pair of fur lined gloves covered with cowhide and loaded with lead and iron69 in order to punish his opponent, so should we be as energetic in addressing sin in our own life. Our bodies, which is where the sin nature resides, are like the horses in a chariot race that must be kept well in hand by whip and rein if the prize is to be secured.70 Like the herald at the games who proclaimed the conditions of the games, displayed the prizes, exhorted the combatants, excited the emulation of those who were to contend, declared the terms of each contest, pronounced the name of the victors, and put the crown on their heads71, Paul proclaimed the consequences of this race and the necessity of the body being brought into submission. What did Paul mean when he said that if he, and inference them did not keep the body under subjection, then he or they would be a castaway in respect to salvation? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • A decision not to live separate from the world in victory over sin would result in Paul being a castaway, and therefore he would lose his salvation, being rejected by God who is the ultimate judge. NO • If we don’t address sin in our life by subjecting our bodies to God’s discipline, then we could become a castaway, but not lose our salvation. ~ Being a castaway is analogous to a judge in the Greek games disqualifying a runner for breaking the training rules, and subsequently being unable to obtain the prize. One of the paramount expressions for those who believe that salvation can be lost is found in the next section. Stand Fast in the Liberty: “Ye Are Fallen from Grace” Paul encouraged the Galatians to depend on the ministry of the Holy Spirit; not like the Judaizers (Christian Jews) who believed that salvation was not only predicated on repentance and belief, but also on keeping certain aspects of the Mosaic Law. They also believed that obedience to the Law would bring about spiritual maturity and thus neglected reliance on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Those believers who followed their teaching would be characterized by the apostle Paul as having fallen from grace. If a believer was fallen from grace, does this mean that he/she lost their salvation? YES • Believers lost their justification or standing because they chose to live according to the mandates of the Mosaic Law; and therefore, they were fallen from grace. NO • Believers were not able to live a life pleasing to Christ, because they were not being sanctified (they had ceased from deriving spiritual benefits through the ministry of the Holy Spirit72). One of the prominent expressions for those who adhere to the view that a believer cannot lose their salvation will be looked at next. “Ye Were Sealed with the Holy Spirit” After you heard the good news that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again; you acknowledged him as your savior and were sealed with the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of much more to come and a taste of the life God has promised to his people in the future.74 What does the word seal mean, and how does it pertain to salvation? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • The word seal means to mark with a seal. "Following Jesus’ death, Joseph of Arimathaea begged Pilate for Jesus’ body so that he could place it in a new tomb. NO • The word seal means a stamp of ownership or a finished transaction. The word destruction is another one of those words that appears to signify loss of salvation. Is there another way of interpreting it? Be Followers of Me: “Whose End Is Destruction” The apostle Paul instructs the brethren to be imitators of him, and to fix their attention on those who set a righteous example. Many Christians live as the enemies of the cross of Christ, using their liberty as a covering over licentiousness.76 Their fixed doom is destruction because they: "Worship their own appetites, sexual gratifications, and self-indulgences. How is the word destruction translated as pertaining to losing salvation? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • Believers who habitually live for self as identified as being enemies of the cross of Christ do not secure God’s favor. Their inevitable outcome is destruction or separation from the presence of God in eternal judgment.78 NO • This idea of the words Whose end is destruction can be similar to what was said about a person who had sex with his stepmother. " In 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, Paul had received a report concerning someone in the church who was involved in an illicit sexual relationship with his stepmother. This person was to be cast out of the church and given over to Satan for physical suffering so that he would be corrected, humbled and reformed before the day of the Lord’s judgment when believers would receive rewards for their works.79 If Christ were to say to a believer that He will deny them, is He saying that they are no longer His children? We Have Died with Christ: “If We Deny Him, He Also Will Deny Us” Having died with Christ, we shall also live through Him. If we remain faithful in the midst of suffering, we will reign with Him. We experience a measure of reigning with Him now, because He enthrones Himself within our hearts.80 But, He will also deny us, if we deny Him. What is meant when the scripture says, if we deny him, he also will deny us? YES • The word deny is used of the followers of Jesus who, for fear of death or persecution, deny that he is their master, and desert his cause, or disown81 Him. In this case, he will also deny that any of them are his followers and will not acknowledge them as his own.82 • Christ’s denial of us means that our relationship with Him and the receiving of eternal life has been lost. NO • If we deny Him through unfaithfulness in the midst of suffering, He will also deny us; which indicates a loss of fellowship, but not eternal life. " Paul and Timothy suffered intensively for Jesus, amidst great perils, their bodies bearing the marks of physical abuse, so that His resurrection power might be seen in them. • Christ denying us has to do with His resurrection life not being operative within us as we operate in the flesh, doing things under our own power. It is in this sense that Christ has denied us. If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. Is obedience to Christ’s commands, the secret to keeping one’s salvation? The author of eternal salvation “unto all them that obey him” Jesus learned experientially what it meant to obey the Father while enduring intense suffering in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. And because of such, He was made perfect (reached the goal of his spiritual journey) having paid the penalty owed to the justice of God for the sin of all mankind. His sacrifice was accepted as evidenced by His resurrection following His death on the cross. He is therefore become the author (the great procuring cause) of eternal salvation (for people to be saved forever) to those who obey Him. Some claim that what is being said here is that if an unbeliever repents to God the Father, believes in his Son Jesus, and is obedient to Christ’s commands, then he/she will secure their salvation. Is this what it means to obey Christ? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • Obedience to Christ means to repent, believe, and show forth good works. NO • The obedience spoken of here refers to the hearing of and responding to the Gospel of Christ. To get rid of something by fire signifies its destruction. When applied to a believer, does it mean the same thing? For It Is Impossible for Those Who Were Once Enlightened: “Whose End Is to Be Burned” These scriptures are some of the most controversial concerning the question “Can a believer lose their salvation?” The context appears to be of believers leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ and not going on to maturity. Having once been enlightened in their minds and hearts to understand the gospel; having tasted (experienced) the heavenly gift (of salvation); having become partakers of the influences of the Holy Spirit; if they have fallen away, it has become impossible for them to be renewed and as such their end is to be burned. Does the word renewed infer that it is impossible for them to regain their salvation and as a result their end is destruction (eternal misery)? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • These believers did not go on to maturity; totally abandoning their faith, becoming disqualified for further service, and losing their salvation. God cannot save them again. He can’t allow them to come back either, because of their condition. NO • These believers chose not to go on to maturity by totally abandoning their faith and deviating from the right path. Because of their depraved mind and apostate condition, it is impossible for them to be renewed (to be brought back) to repent (to return to Christ) and be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, renewing their fellowship with God.84 " The PURPOSE of burning land in this way was to render it available for useful purposes by destroying noxious weeds, and thorns, and underbrush.85 • If left up to those in the apostate condition, they would never return to their faith, but God will chastise them with the hope that they will acknowledge their ungodly works, repent, and be renewed. " "This is the gradual conforming of the man more and more to that new spiritual world into which he has been introduced, and in which he now lives and moves; the restoration of the divine image" (Trench). This is the work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification86, thus bringing forth fruit for God’s glory. • Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost (Titus 3:5) What we will look at next is another Scripture section about fire that is associated with the words judgment and fiery indignation. This begs the question, what do these words mean concerning a believer’s salvation? Not Forsaking the Assembling of Ourselves Together: “Looking for of Judgment and Fiery Indignation” These believers were instructed to enter God’s presence with a right and genuine attitude toward Him, unwavering in their confidence in Christ for purification through his blood and by grace, confessing their faith without being shaken by trials or by the arguments of our enemies. Like them, we should be mindful of each other’s spiritual welfare, encouraging one another in ministry as we share love and good works with others. And we should not stop meeting together for reading, exhortation, and worship. It is interesting to note that the emphasis here is not on what a believer gets from the assembly, but rather on what he can contribute to the assembly.87 If any believer repeatedly commits deliberate and willful sin and chooses to renounce their Christian faith by returning to the Law, then they are no longer have access to the benefits the sacrifice Jesus made for our sin; and all that will remain is the fear of God’s judgment against those who oppose Him. The Jewish believers were warned of severe punishment, if they discounted the Son of God by deliberately and contemptuously rejecting his sacrificial death on the cross, considering it to be of no value. The question remains that if these or any Christian rejects Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and decides to return to obeying the tenets of the Mosaic Law or that of any other faith will they have forfeited their salvation? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • These Jewish believers, who at one time heard and responded to the gospel, were now treating the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing and renouncing its efficacy. No other sacrifice can address this sin. NO • These Jewish believers, who at one time heard and responded to the gospel, were now treating the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing and renouncing its efficacy. No other sacrifice can address this sin. What does it mean when God calls a believer a b*****d and not a son? You Have Not Yet Resisted unto Blood Striving against Sin “Then Ye Are B******s, and Not Sons” 4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. As Jesus endured (to bear up courageously under suffering without sinning) all that came against Him, so should we lay aside (get rid of) every weight (hindrance; obstruction; stumbling block), and the sin (sinful propensity) that easily besets (distracts) us, so that we can run with patience (perseverance) the race that is set before us. At this time, the persecution these believers were enduring had not involved physical death which accompanied with it the temptation to renounce one’s faith in the Messiah in order to be relieved of suffering. 5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye b******s, and not sons. And the he goes on to say, don’t despise (not pay attention to) the chastening of the Lord. In other words, persecutions are allowed by God for your chastening (correction; of whatever in adults cultivates the soul, especially by correcting mistakes and curbing the passions; to instruction which aims at the increase of virtue). This word does not have in it the idea of punishment, but of corrective measures which will eliminate evil in the life and encourage the good. Persecutions were used of God in an effort to clarify the spiritual vision of the readers, enlightening them to the relative merits of the First Testament and the New Testament, warning them against returning to the temple sacrifices and urging them on to faith in the Messiah as High Priest.89 Then this statement was made, if you are without chastisement, then you are b******s, and not sons. What do these words mean in respect to a believer’s salvation? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • Those believers who wish to be removed from correction or who will not submit to correction will lose their salvation, and become b******s (those born out of wedlock with no inheritance). NO • God chastens all of his sons. Chastening is proof that we are his children. Those who are not disciplined by God simply means they are unbelievers (b******s), and not the Father’s real children. For those who believe that works must accompany faith in order for a person to be saved will use these verses to support their perspective. My Beloved Brethren “Can Faith Save Him? The apostle James is addressing Jewish Christians, those who were scattered abroad beyond Palestine. He is instructing them to be doers (to live out the gospel message; put into practice what they have heard and known) of the Word and not just hearers only, thereby deceiving themselves by false reasoning. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. (James 1:23-25) After which, he gave an example of what any Christian, who is only a hearer of the word, is liken unto. They are like a man who is attentively observing and considering his reflected image (his natural face; who he used to be) in a mirror. The mirror can be by analogy the Word of God, which not only helps us to see our shortcomings and defects, but also provides the appropriate instruction that will allow us to address these areas of weakness such as self-examination, confession of sin, and meditating on the Scriptural perspective that would allow us to see ourselves as we are seen by God. What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? (James 2:14) James decided to address this matter of not being a doer, but only a hearer, once again by providing an illustration of such. If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? (James 2:15-16) If any believer chooses to not provide for the needs of a fellow sister or brother in the Lord, then can his faith save him? What do you think is the Biblical answer to this? The answer depends on how the words can faith save him? are interpreted. Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • There could be two ways to look at the question “Can faith save him?” NO • The context of these verses is not about a believer losing their salvation, but about a believer not growing spiritually. If someone says they know Christ, but does not obey His commandments wouldn’t this tell us that they are an imposter and were never saved in the first place?
How can we have evidence that we know that we know Christ? This scripture says that this can be realized by keeping his commandments. Is this saying that if we keep the Ten Commandments this will bring about evidence to us that we know that we know him? The first word know means to come to recognize. The second word know means to know in a personal way, to be intimately acquainted with a person’s intentions and character. How does a believer come to realize that they truly know that they know Christ in a personal way? The apostle John says by keeping (the moment by moment safeguarding of; to hold in remembrance) his commandments. What does the word commandments mean? The word commandments according to the Koine Greek, the language of the common people during which time most of the New Testament was written, is entolas, which refers to precepts (various commands) that were given to the church by the apostles and/or by Christ, when he lived on earth as pertaining to the dispensation of the church. If the word commandments in the Greek was the word nomos then this would be referring to the Law, and as such we could deduce that this word was talking about the Ten Commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (1 John 2:4) If we say that we know Christ and don’t keep these commandments, then we are considered as being a liar revealing that the truth is not in us. What does it mean to be called a liar? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • There are two ways to look at as to who this person is who is being called a liar. NO • This context is referring to a believer, a born-again Christian. If a believer had left their first love and were fallen, is this saying they had lost their salvation? I Know Thy Works, and Thy Labor: “Thou Hast Left Thy First Love” The apostle John is writing to the seven churches that are located in Asia Minor. While there were more Christian churches than seven in Asia, these seven are the ones that the Spirit guided him to write about. It appeared that he was caught up in a vision, seeing someone like unto the Son of man, who told him to write down things that are and things that will be. What does it mean to lose one’s first love and be fallen? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • The words left thy first love means they are no longer operating in God’s love, and conversely their walk with God can be classified as being religious. And thus, they have fallen (lost their salvation). NO • These believers have left their first love, which means they were no longer operating in God’s love, which is a love that God has for people. We have come to the final scripture section, which is taken from the book of Revelation. Does the blotting out of a person’s name in the book of life mean that at one time this person was Christian but because they didn’t overcome, they lost their salvation? He That Overcometh: “I Will Not Blot Out His Name Out of the Book of Life” Overcomers will be clothed in white garments and will not have their name blotted out of the book of life. Just who are these overcomers and what is the basis for their name not being taken out of the book of life? Can a Believer in Christ Lose Their Salvation? YES • The book of life contains the names of those who have eternal life92, names that could be removed as a result of habitual and unrepentant sin; the individual forfeiting the privileges of the theocracy, shut out from God’s favor, and losing eternal life. NO • The book of life contains the names of all humanity, including those who did not believe in God as He revealed Himself whether in the Old Testament or in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. I hope that now you have a better understanding as to what it takes to do a thorough study on any Biblical topic. If you were to attempt something like this on your own, I would suggest a few things. First, try as best as you can to look up as many scriptures on the topic at hand. Second, try to understand who the author of the Biblical writing was talking to and about (i.e., the context) by looking closely at the verses that come before or after the passage or passages of scripture that you are looking at. Finally, look closely at some of the words in the verse finding out their meaning according to the Koine Greek language they were originally written in. © 2020 rondo |
Added on March 5, 2020 Last Updated on March 5, 2020 AuthorrondoBLOCK ISLAND, RIAboutMy name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader. I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life. I attended bible college having completed a.. more..Writing