Upon the waves of love

Upon the waves of love

A Poem by ron

Upon the waves of love



Why did you love me,

is the question Elves and the souls of Earth and Haven ask each and every day.


How could you love “ME”?


I’m an old man with an old soul,

and yet I am young at heart.


How could love have found me,

after so many years?


After so many heart breaks,

I fled into the darkness in my life.


But on the shores you held me,

on full moons light you kissed me.


You held me while I shivered,

and cried.


You loved me when no other would,

you loved me and I don’t know why.


Upon Epic heart breaks,

you stole my love and made it your own.


On the suns morning light and full moon,

I declare my love for you,

a love so true and strong no other could deny it.


But in the shadow of Romeo and Juliet,

my heart was torn form it’s foundation.


Torn and burned,

turned to ash in a blink of an eye.


I begged for your heart,

but a fathers love of his daughter,

turned me away.


Now my heart hides in the shadows once again,

born to never love again.


© 2015 ron

Author's Note


My Review

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The pitfalls of heartache you have described so beautifully; I know love poems are clique, but I think they are suppose to be...the story is beautiful and heartfelt. I loved every single word: On the suns morning light and full moon, I declare my love for you, a love so true and strong no other could deny it.
Great writing. Thank you so very much. Dale

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Confuser for your kind words.
I don't think love poems are clique, I think .. read more

9 Years Ago

You are right! If we read the "masters" that's been said, but I do disagree, like you. I believe the.. read more
I could not understand this poem entirely,still felt that this poem got even deeper meaning that i could ever understand,very carefully chosen words and nicely framed sentences..

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you. Its kind of a Romeo and Juliet poem. Love between two people that her father will not all.. read more

9 Years Ago

i am not very good in romance but yes i kinda understood partly..and loved the words thats been chos.. read more

9 Years Ago

Thats ok not everyone is into romance
Thank you very much.

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2 Reviews
Added on February 24, 2015
Last Updated on February 24, 2015



Imperial, CA

I have been writing on and off or more years than i care to remember. I started writing poetry, than i started a novel (still in the works), now I'm writing a six part short story erotic.. more..

Fangs. Fangs.

A Poem by ron