![]() A clockwork wingA Story by roma20![]() soul searching![]() Once a clockwork wing, braided by bare breeze, tripped a
beat and lost her key; Feathers frowned at gravity’s grin, for with the cast key
lay her wind Heaven circled down the drain, with the rusted old melody in
its mane; But the Ground caved in, for a hard bargain, one pound of
plumage, For battered last legs. Thus, into the din of dinted
daylight, she dived, Hamstrung and naked, she hunted for the passage back to the skies; Peeked under her cradle of birth, the perpetrator to her
crime, But beheld just dwindling morrows’ pesky sighing chime, Combing the Carnival of wilted chuckles for stolen smiles, she departed nursing a jilted silence in a teary old vial, Winked by aloof gratitude, sipping tea in a burning hive; Haggled with the peddler of Garbled Truths, Who duped her with lisping White Lies, Atlas she crumpled, swaddling her fickle being, Which flickered in the speckled dark, of fluttering pages, Turning to her waiting Shadow, prisoner of no realm, she whispered kindly,” Its time. Make haste” Thus, Hatred arose to the call of its mistress, It Gathered her up and did her behest, Strewing crumbs of shattered dreams, It lay her gently at the old witch’s feet, Said she to the fair, blind Temptress, Would you not honour thy guest? In this shroud of flesh Put me to rest © 2020 roma20Reviews
2 Reviews Added on May 22, 2020 Last Updated on May 22, 2020 Author