Don't fight for your gay.

Don't fight for your gay.

A Poem by Chandler bing

Just read it thats all i want to say.

Don't fight for your gay

Why is being homosexual not nice?
Because bible says its a vice
Who wrote the bible?
I ask with submissive intent,
he says Shepherds,physicians and doctors,
Were those men god?
I inquire facetiously,
No, but they were inspired by lord.

those fanatics says that we have sinned,
but their beloved book says one more thing,
person with no sin may carve the first stone,
have you never commited a sin I ask?
A straight sullen face is all they got.
We have been here since ages,
So why is it taking so long to get over it,
From mughals to milk,
We were there in historys every ink.

We never demanded for extra rights,
So why does it have to be a fight?
We live in the year 2014,
it's a shame i still have to write this thing.

© 2015 Chandler bing

Author's Note

Chandler bing
evemthough i am not homosexual,i feel a strong affinity towards the gay community...i have been wanting to write something for a while but no topic excited me to pick a pen i after a few months and doing some research on the matter both online and offline i have come up with this...i have not written this to change your beliefs on this matter but start a debate for those who think this is unnatural and then decide for yourself.

Ps: this is not targetted specially against any specific religion.It is just pitted against our own our understanding of our fellow brothers and sisters.

My Review

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Featured Review

I love it! Being gay myself I thank you for being open minded and believing in change for a community you aren't in- I respect you! I love the poem, the 3rd stanza provoked a 'f**k yeah' response from me. I loved the link to History, I thought about the countless homosexual writings from the world war poets- true greats! Thanks again for speaking out loud and sharing something you believe in, I hope this inspires others!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chandler bing

10 Years Ago

thank you so much your words mean so much to me.. :)

10 Years Ago

You're very welcome and very deserving of it!


Oh wow, this piece is amazing. :-)


This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Amazing! What a well written piece!!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Truly Outstanding. It is a topic that yes sadly not everyone wants to comprehend enough to accept, but I am very glad you have . :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

I think it is very brave for you to write about something, that many people would object to. You may wish to put a space after shepards - does it have 2 p's? Person with no sin CAST not carve. It is thought provoking. I choose not to make judgements. In the U.S. Sigorney Weaved starred in a movie (based on true story) in which her son was gay and she being Catholic tried everything possible for him to change: He committed suicide; he didn't want to disappoint her. Afterwards, she went to a church that he had been going to, and the priest gave her many quotes, from the bible, that if taken literally was insane. Anyway, she travels now speaking engagement. Very brave, I say again. Poetry 101 tag.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Good effort. There's a poem by Alan Moore that you should check out called "The Mirror of Love". It's basically the story of homosexual love and oppression throughout history.

Here's a link to it:

The poem appears from about 5:00-23:00.

This is the verse at the very end:

"While life endures we'll love
and afterwards,
if what they say is true,
I'll be refused a Heaven
crammed with popes,
policemen, fundamentalists,
and burn instead,
quite happily,
with Sappho, Michelangelo
and you, my love.

I'd burn throughout eternity
with you."

Even though I'm heterosexual, it sometimes brings tears to my eyes.

Thanks for sharing :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

The last two lines say it all. It's nearly 2015 so why are we even still talking about this? It seems that sexual preference isn't even a choice. Good for you for speaking out.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

I was born and raised in the rural south with the fire and brimstone southern baptist tradition and I'll admit I wasn't to thrilled with the gays until I was stationed at camp Pendleton and met my now long gone X wife's best friend Jeffery. He was the one who told me all the crazy crap she was doing with her bulimia while I was deployed and he was my go to guy for advice on dealing with her. His androgynous personality was male enough for me to relate to and female enough that he understood her better than anyone either she or I knew. I don't think I could have talked to any of Gina's girlfriends about her the way I could with him. I don't think any of them saw her the same way he did. He was both her brother and sister and got things about her and I no one else did. I really grew to love that guy and I miss him terribly sometimes. Anyway, Because of my friendship with Jeffery I did a 180 degree turn on the gays and am now an ardent supporter of gay rights. The contributions the gays have made to culture through art, fashion and performance is enormous and the world owes them huge props for that alone. There's always going to be ignorant, frightened people in this world so homophobia will always be with us but on the plus side straight people have come along way in embracing the gay community. Twenty years ago Ellen DeGeneres, Anderson Cooper and Tim Gunn would have never been openly gay, let alone respected celebrities. I believe one day there will be a gay president. Maybe even sooner than we think. The time between LBJ signing the civil rights act in 1965 to Barrack Obama being elected in 2008 was not all that long. It could definitely happen.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

you are what you are, we are born to be something then that is what we shall be, its not a crime or a sin its actually chromosomes and karma cooked together and here we are and here we learn from our experiences of life and love, how we love is how we learn, the spirit grows as we live, be as you were born to be and strive to be happy, no one can condemn you as you say, throw the first stone, thank you for your excellent work :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

hey your my friend and i have a question-i write out my poem and then fill in the various boxes-who should read it etc....and then i press the big thing white v on its side grey background and that is poem on the big board or anything..just something like ok what went wrong in my writers thingy i have no record of the poem either..perplexed..what you think?!mikey,[email protected]..

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

It is a personal matter of once liking and choice. What state or anybody else has got to do with it?

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

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62 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 6, 2014
Last Updated on January 25, 2015
Tags: Gays, tabboo, homosexuals, sexual orientation.

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