Why is being homosexual not nice?
Because bible says its a vice
Who wrote the bible?
I ask with submissive intent,
he says Shepherds,physicians and doctors,
Were those men god?
I inquire facetiously,
No, but they were inspired by lord.
those fanatics says that we have sinned,
but their beloved book says one more thing,
person with no sin may carve the first stone,
have you never commited a sin I ask?
A straight sullen face is all they got.
We have been here since ages,
So why is it taking so long to get over it,
From mughals to milk,
We were there in historys every ink.
We never demanded for extra rights,
So why does it have to be a fight?
We live in the year 2014,
it's a shame i still have to write this thing.
evemthough i am not homosexual,i feel a strong affinity towards the gay community...i have been wanting to write something for a while but no topic excited me to pick a pen up...so i waited....now after a few months and doing some research on the matter both online and offline i have come up with this...i have not written this to change your beliefs on this matter but start a debate for those who think this is unnatural and then decide for yourself.
Ps: this is not targetted specially against any specific religion.It is just pitted against our own our understanding of our fellow brothers and sisters.
My Review
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I love it! Being gay myself I thank you for being open minded and believing in change for a community you aren't in- I respect you! I love the poem, the 3rd stanza provoked a 'f**k yeah' response from me. I loved the link to History, I thought about the countless homosexual writings from the world war poets- true greats! Thanks again for speaking out loud and sharing something you believe in, I hope this inspires others!
A very though-provoking and meaningful poem. Your words are full to the brim with truth. I firmly believe that everyone deserves equal rights, even if I don't live that lifestyle. Everyone deserves to be accepted, no matter how different or "odd" by society's standards. A very powerful piece. Wonderful job!
Chandler, When I was young the gays were protectively closeted, and f*g was the worst insult to be called by your classmates in the schoolyard. It has been a struggle, just as racism is still around but kept more closely hidden, so is homophobia. Fortunately I had parents who helped change my mind by becoming more enlightened themselves. I worked in restaurants for years, an industry in which gays are, for whatever reason, more representative and prevalent. Working with them allowed me to put faces on my prejudices, humanizing the gays and showing me, "Hey, they are real people with real beliefs, maybe more true to themselves than we straight (and ill-informed) folk." My prejudicial barriers were knocked down and I was able to finally allow them a more prominent place in my world and my consciousness. Just as any minority group that struggles under the weight of societal bigotry must forge onward, the gay and lesbian community has steadfastly refused to buckle under to the limitations some in society believe is their place. I, for one, am glad I had the good fortune to have changed my attitudes and allowed myself to accept what I had no right to exclude before. take care, my friend....dan (my real name)
I am not homosexual myself but I second your thought on this topic. It is indeed sad that in current society, where we are all living in the 21st century, we have such narrow minded thinking. The worst part is that despite knowing that nothing is wrong in being homosexual, many of us still stand and judge others from the sidelines! It is cowardly and disgusting! You have truly done a great job on writing on this topic! I can totally connect with how you feel! Thanks for sharing.. :)
well I'm not homo and I don't want to give my opnion on that, but it was written with an anger and well crafted but just one thing, God put everything for a reason, and some stuff must not be questioned. We done
"We live in the year 2014,
it's a shame i still have to write these things. " exactly i really feel this shame. I just wish people get over their narrow mentality.
Homosexuals are human too ,just because they r not normal like us doesn't mean they have to b like us. As homo sapians they must have their right to fulfill their need.
Sigh! :[
I see you are living in Delhi and I was reading this weekend an article on making it illegal in india to be openingly gay. This worries me imensly, I have spent alot of time around india and this spells trouble. In any part of the world it is a narrow minded cave man idea that two people from the same gender can't fall in love. it should be fought by everyone, as it is another way to label people and segregate. I think it is a great piece that people will have an opinion on and it will inspire others to stand up and speak out.
It has nothing to deal with that of "God", that people tend to not accept, its more to it actually, The bible, and "God", is just use as an excuse, or a clutch. Making people see "Change", in that of their beliefs, or asking change, makes a person, not only question their beleife, but most importantly question who they truly are. Some people, in time will come to accept, others will be to scared, and the few will be to stubborn...That is why, still and forever, will, you write such things. And all we can do, is just to try and "understand" & let be.
Really great poem. Loved this. Your words ring true, and it hurts to think that they do in this day and age. I'll just point out though that there are several grammar errors and typos in this piece. Maybe have another few read throughs yourself just to fix those up because it's shame that they're there to take away from the message of this piece. Great write, shelving this one :)
I feel very ignorant despite so many people telling the same things and I am truly sorry but I will .. read moreI feel very ignorant despite so many people telling the same things and I am truly sorry but I will make sure these errors are dealt with...And I am glad you liked it :)
10 Years Ago
Don't feel ignorant! Sometimes when we write things we just get carried away with the point we tryin.. read moreDon't feel ignorant! Sometimes when we write things we just get carried away with the point we trying to get across, and as we should! :)