Watching Porn-1(REVISED)

Watching Porn-1(REVISED)

A Poem by Chandler bing

Experiences of boy who is in his early teen and is surrounded by religious fanatics with "watching porn"

                                                         Watching Porn
Last night I did something brash,
and this time I couldn't give it a pass,
My libido was slovenly flowing through,
I knew this moment of manic would be rued,

I cursed my conscience called it an imbecile pervert,
but that incongruous tension wouldn't just divert,
My fingers trembled as I made the move,
And my eyes rolled around whilst I wouldn't be screwed.

Now I had entered the lair of seductresses,
For I was Incognito so I left no traces,
Making a choice now seemed so absurd,
Everything is ominous I murmured.

That unsavory stuff did lend me,
Some sparse moments of serenity,
But the ruefulness had already started,
Now it would be hard to carve it.
This would be a little secret to myself I thought,
Hoping it won't turn into an addiction I sobbed, 
Watching porn is no big deal I grumbled,
Everyone does it then why should I be troubled?


© 2014 Chandler bing

Author's Note

Chandler bing
Frankly speaking many of us share a love-hate relationship with porn.I don't know whether it is good or bad but what I do know is that for some it is an ominous necessary. This for the "some of us".

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I really liked this one. I love how you encompassed the shame that religious people make young teens feel. To me, watching porn, is better then going out and sleeping with diffrent people and catching some sort of disease. If "bible thumpers", as I like to call them, would open their eyes and see it the logical way, teens wouldn't feel shame.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a christian. I fully believe there is a God, but I also believe he's more willing to forgive you pleasuring yourself, than being promiscus...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


You really captured the essence of guilt and seediness in that activity. Great job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

A super-bold theme.
The feelings apart, you have written a really good poem!

Posted 9 Years Ago

I started watching porn when I was like 9 years old, I finally stopped about 6 months ago. It makes you devalue women and yourself. It disconnects you from reality among many other things in this world. A lot of guys number one goal as a teenagers becomes f*****g a chick like they do in the porn you watch, some never grow out of it. I think it's disgusting how so many men treat and speak about women today. Truth is if we lived in a world without money I don't think there would be a place for porn. A world without money would solve a lot. Feed yourself with s**t your going to spew s**t back out...

Posted 10 Years Ago

I'd say that's probably the feeling we all get when we watch porn, one of shame, of being almost physically dirty. Religious zealots like you to feel that way. That like to think they have the moral high ground and have never done anything wrong in there life. They also like to feel like they are in control of everything. So they want you to feel disgusting for doing anything that is incongruous to there agenda. Very nicely put. Watch on, Watch on. And don't feel ashamed of yourself for doing so.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I really liked this one. I love how you encompassed the shame that religious people make young teens feel. To me, watching porn, is better then going out and sleeping with diffrent people and catching some sort of disease. If "bible thumpers", as I like to call them, would open their eyes and see it the logical way, teens wouldn't feel shame.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a christian. I fully believe there is a God, but I also believe he's more willing to forgive you pleasuring yourself, than being promiscus...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There are two types of people in the world- those who admit they watch porn, and LIARS! But like anything, too much is bad. So just don't get addicted! ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I agree with what others have said; a bold topic to choose.

Your use of rhyme was good until the last verse, where it wasn't as strong. Still, a powerful piece.

Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Chandler bing

10 Years Ago

Thank you sir! I will look up to it and make sure it turns out well.
It's there to use I suppose, the immorality lies more in making it? Up to your point of view, it's there to be enjoyed ^///^

Posted 10 Years Ago

well well penned this shows your guts ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

"'Everyone does it, then why.. should I be troubled ?!?" "Wondering deliriously at my thoughts.."

Understood, but all things that trouble us, whatever they be, must be against our being and others. However, if some things feel good and then it doesn`t trouble us, then this would say that one feels, but if there is no conscious feeling at all, then one must question...

Posted 11 Years Ago

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33 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 9, 2014
Last Updated on November 29, 2014
Tags: porn, sex, fuck, guilt, teenager, naked, mastrabation

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