sing me to sleep

sing me to sleep

A Poem by just take a breath

this isnt suppost to be a poem about hurting that someones gone from your life... but more or less about someone who left for a little while, but is coming back soon...


Tonight, i rest my head down

With the ear buds in my ears

The soft spoken melody

Of our song brings me to tears


I close my eyes and form an image

Of the memory once formed…

Of this song

Of mine and yours


The poetic voice of an ipod

Brings you back to life

Count, one two three…

And sing me to sleep tonight

© 2011 just take a breath

Author's Note

just take a breath
every night i fall asleep to my ipod. i literally can not live without it... and every song, every word, every lyric reminds me of this guy im in love with... this isnt suppost to be a poem about hurting that someones gone from your life... but more or less about someone who left for a little while, but is coming back soon...

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Good one..!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I think this is so beautiful. I love the last stanza the most because, of when you described the poignant memories that a song brings.

Posted 13 Years Ago

i love the last stanza of this. It read like a lullaby.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I live it! it seems so placid and sweet! I love the first stanza! great write! ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

i like this poem a lot!
the truth is clearly stated and i like the way you describe how you fall asleep with your ipod!
great write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nice to have a kind voice to allow you to fall into a deep sleep. I like the way you made your emotion and feelings alive with kind and hopeful words. A very good ending to a excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on June 1, 2011
Last Updated on June 27, 2011
Tags: music, songs, love, dream, ipod, life, boy, girl, happy, sad, missing


just take a breath
just take a breath

about me? im 15, im a girl, im blond, and tend to take my feelings out through music and writing. if you knew me, you would know non-believers drive me insane! this includes people that say "your t.. more..
