Romeo and Juliet: The Fued

Romeo and Juliet: The Fued

A Story by kathrine

So for our english class we had to do a writing assigment on Romeo and Juliet. I picked "creating the feud"



 Romeo and Juliet: The Feud

 Romeo and Juliet’s parents hated each other because of their grandparents. Romeo’s great-grandfather was Walter Montague. Juliet’s great-grandfather was Nicholas Capulet. Romeo and Juliet fell in love and so did Walter and Nicholas. Walter and Nicholas’s falling in love is what lead to the feud between the Montague’s and Capulet’s.

 Walter and Nicholas were never really friends because of Arthur. Arthur is Nicholas’s best friend. Nicholas’s family moved to Verona when they were all 7 years old. Walter and Arthur where friends up until Walter’s family lost all there money just about the same time that Nicholas showed up. When Nicholas showed up he had to pick who he would be friends with. Walter and Arthur did not give him a choice. After a few days Nicholas had settled on being friends with Arthur, and enemy’s with Walter.

 Over the years the enemy’s grew stronger and wiser. They were both always pulling pranks on each other, which is partly what lead to the feud between the to families. All three boys were 16 when the feud began. They were young and looking for bride’s (well there parents were). There parents were wanting them to get married and all for different reasons. Arthur’s parents just wanted grand children. Walter’s parents were looking for a way to get money into the family. Nicholas’s parents wanted him to be happy.

 Walter, Nicholas and Arthur all had there eye on one girl in town. They were all hoping that they could marry Rose. Rose was a small young girl. She was 15 and hadn’t been married off yet. She was intelligent and a bright girl. Most people thought she would be married off to Arthur because of his money.  Arthur wanted her but so did Walter and Nicholas.

 Nicholas saw his chance to get Rose alone. It was a very bright day in the middle of summer.  Nicholas walked over to and sat down on the bench next to Rose.

“Good morrow Rose”
“Good morrow Nicholas”
“ how are thee today?”
“just lovely”
“that’s good to he…” Rose interrupts him with a very loud high pitched scream.
 Nicholas looks over to see what it was that startled Rose.

“Are you all right?” Looking and realizing that she’s being attacked by a snake. Nicholas gets up and picks her up. He then runs to get out of the snakes way.

 Nicholas was carrying Rose over to another bench that was in the town center. Rose looked startled and embarrassed.  Nicholas looked over and saw Walter laughing his head. Immediately Nicholas knew it was Walter trying to get in the way of him and Rose.

“Any time Rose” Nicholas replied and then got up and went home.

 Later that day Nicholas ran into Walter.
“Why did you do that?”
“Oh, Nicholas I haven’t done anything.” Walter said in a snotty remark
“You scared Rose have to death with that snake”
“I don’t know what your talking about”
“Stop messing around!” Nicholas punches Walter in the face.
“Your crazy dude.” Punches Nicholas back
“And your just mean” A fight starts to break it out when Arthur comes in.
“Wow! Break it up you to”  Arthur yelled and dodges a punch

 Arthur barley dodges a punch from Nicholas. Nicholas is tackled to the ground by Walter. Walter hits Nicholas as he tries to get up off the ground. Both are wrestling on the ground while people from the town stop and watch. Arthur try’s to grab Nicholas off of Walter but is having no luck. Another punch is thrown by Nicholas right as Rose appears. Rose tripped over a rock and falls right in between Nicholas and Walter.

“Stop!” Arthur yelled. “stop you’ll hurt Rose!”

 More people from the town gather. Gasp’s and No’s where yelled as Nicholas and Walter continued to fight.  Arthur and some other people in the town tried to grab Rose out but couldn’t. “Stop you guys!” says being shouted by everyone in town but neither of them would listen. 

 Finally Nicholas and Walter would pulled away. Everyone in town looked down to see Rose laying there. People started to freak out. Some one ran to get a doctor but no one could find him. They all looked done at Rose. She didn’t move. She was dead.

“You killed Rose!” Walter shouted
“You killed rose you were the one that punched her!” Nicholas shouted right back.

 As Nicholas shouted Walter shouted right back. They started arguing over who killed her. No one was sure who actually through the punch that killed Rose. Arthur just shocked his head to the fighting. The towns people just stood there looking at the lost that was made.  It was a very sad day for everyone. Ever since the fight Montague’s have blamed Capulet’s and the Capulet’s blamed the Montague’s over Rose’s death.


© 2009 kathrine

My Review

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I like the idea. One critism I do have is that you go from using Shakespearean lanugage to modern language, but other than that it was a good story with an interesting concept.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 15, 2009
Last Updated on June 6, 2009



I'm Kathrine but every one calls me Katie. I am in high school and have been wrinting since I was little. I don't plan on ever becoming an authur but I have had a few poems published. I'm really in to.. more..

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