Passion, Fire, Desire are true words of an Archer heart
For when they fall, they turn over their all
They hide not
They run not
They fear not
For when an archer's love is released, it pours like waterfall uponit’s intended soul
They change from a quiet stalker hunting its prey
To an inflamed lover with passion and desire
They know no boundaries
They have no rules of engagement
To them to love is to live and breath their unbridled passion with theirintend mate
They desire to become one, to become entwined, to embrace in joyfulbless
They yearn to pleasure their mate, show there prowess and wit
They desire to stimulate their lovers mind, body, and soul
They seek out new methods, strategies, and allies to improve theirskills
They are playful but serious
They are trusting but jealous
They are loving but strong
They are loyal but loners
They are hunters by nature but fall prey only to love
They are the wild beast that our mother warned about,
Considered to be untamable
Considered to be uncontrollable
Considered to be dangerous
But in their lovers arms they are loyal obedient servants desiringonly to be loved
But in there lies the Rub, what happens when the archers heart isdeprived
To them to love is a permanent commitment
An archer can not posses two loves at once
For an archer to love again their previous love must become dead intheir eyes
It is slow and sad process, they tend to hide from the outside
They retreat from things they enjoy,
Their hearts become harden
Their mind slows down, and their happiness fades
Their eyes turn dim as their life fades in to darkness
Once they sink in to oblivion
Their fight for survival begins
For when archer falls so low they must then face enemy within
A deadly battle ensues within inner mind
A terrible consequence, which seldom hurt anyone outside
But mortally wounds the archer for life.
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