Part Six: The Way Of Destiny

Part Six: The Way Of Destiny

A Chapter by Robert Donald Brooks

As the final battle comes to pass, William Temple faces his ultimate destiny.


                                    Part Six:

                            The Way Of Destiny


                      The Show Down Of Old Rivals


       The armies of the Cause had gathered just outside of the White House in Old Washington D.C. They were ready for battle but it would be days before an attack by the enemy. Dyson knew what he was doing; he always had a plan.


       On the other side of town, Caleb, Rufus and Dimitri entered the old Police station and looked around to see whatever they could find, weapons wise. There was little to be found.

       “This just doesn’t make any sense to me,” complained Caleb.

       “What’s that?” asked Rufus.

       “Why would the boss send us here? We don’t need any more weapons.”

       “You’re right,” replied Dimitri who then pulled out a dagger, “we don’t.”

       “What is this?” asked a panic stricken Caleb.

       “You stole her from me. Now you die.”

       “D****t, I knew you would pull this.”

       “Now you die, scum,” laughed Rufus.

       Caleb snickered and said, “She loves me, not you.”

       This made Dimitri even more angry and he said, “That’s too bad for you.” He then stabbed Caleb and threw him to the ground. He began stabbing his rival over and over again, until there was no more life in Caleb. Dimitri stood and he and Rufus laughed.

       “Finally,” said Rufus, “It’s over.”

       “Yes it is,” replied Dimitri, “It is.” He cleaned the dagger, put it away and then he and Rufus exited the building to find two of Dyson’s troops waiting for them, holding shotguns.

       “What is this?” asked Dimitri.

       “The boss says you’re out,” answered one of the troops.

       “No, wait!” cried out Rufus who held out his hand in hopes of making a plea. He failed. The two men shot Rufus and Dimitri to their deaths. The two troops sent word to Dyson that their assignment was complete and then headed back to base.


       Dyson got the message and knew what he wanted next, as did the Doom-Giver. “Okay,” Dyson said with a sigh, “do it, Doom-Giver.” The Doom-Giver then pulled a gun on Ms. Gale.

       “What?! Why?!” begged Ms. Gale in fright.

       “Sorry, sweetheart,” said the Doom-Giver. “Boss’s orders.” He then shot Ms. Gale, who fell to the ground, crying and holding her wound. “Don’t worry, your boyfriend’s dead too.” He then finished her off.

       “Good work, Doom-Giver,” said Dyson calmly, yet relieved.

       “You got it, boss.”


       William Temple, Edward Hall, Ronald Payne, Patrick Holdman and Taylor Muldoon had found a boat off the coast of Connecticut and they were now in New York City. They traveled along the Hudson River and came across the great Statue of Liberty. Taylor and Ronald rejoiced to see that it was still standing, seeming as if no evil could touch it. Once they reached the old docks, they got off the boat and headed on their way to the old dungeon. There they would realize how easy it would be to free the imprisoned army from Dyson’s forces. This would be over in no time.


       Officer Mackey, Donald Mackey, Rick Petrie and the Warlock finally arrived at the Cause’s camp. They met with those in charge and were shown to a tent in which they could use to rest in, until it was time for the battle to begin. The friends sat inside and discussed the overall issue.

This just seems so off to me.

       “A lot seems off around here,” remarked Rick. “We’re right on his doorstep, why doesn’t he strike?”

       “He’s waiting; biding his time,” answered Officer Mackey. “Soon he’ll make his move.”

       “Do you think the guys were successful in freeing those prisoners?” asked Donald.

       “I believe in them,” stated the Warlock. “They will not let us down.”

       “If they do succeed,” said Rick, “then we’ll have some odd-hundred allies for back up.”

       “They will succeed and their second army will rain upon this land like fire to burn Dyson’s home down.”

       “Look at us,” said Rick. “We’re about to attack the White House. I kind of feel like a terrorist.

       “We’re no terrorists,” said Donald, “he is. Remember, this is no longer the nation’s capital. He took it from us, now we have to end his reign of terror.”

       Officer Mackey looked upon his son with much pride and said, “We will, Donald. We will.” The friends then got some dinner and attempted to find some sleep, yet it wasn’t too likely.


       William, Edward, Ronald, Patrick and Taylor had succeeded in beating the few men guarding the dungeon, well all of them but one. This man hid, holding his shotgun and waiting to attack from behind like a coward. He made his move and shot at the group, hitting both Taylor and Patrick. Ronald acted fast and shot back killing the enemy. William and Edward ran to Patrick while Ronald went to Taylor.

       Patrick looked into William’s eyes and said, “I guess it makes sense this way.” This shook William, since Ian Blackburn’s last words to him had been very similar. “I die here, before the battle even begins.”

       “No,” pleaded William, “you’ll be fine. You just have to stay in there, kid.”

       “No…here.” Patrick handed William the amulet, which he unwillingly took. “You should have it. Don’t let him get it, William. Dyson can’t win.”

       “I won’t fail. We’re going to win this. I promise.” But it was useless to cheer Patrick up. The young man was already dead. William stood and put the amulet around his neck. He and Edward looked to each other out of sorrow and then to Ronald who had a similar moment with Taylor.

       “We’re going to get you out of here,” said Ronald, “just hang on, Taylor.”

       “No, it’s okay,” said Taylor, who was in a lot of pain. “At least we got to see New York City again, right Ronald? Hell, I even get to die here. It’s almost as if…no matter where I went, I was destined to come back here to die where I was born.” William overheard this and was reminded of the Ellis curse. “Weird, huh?”

       “No, not really,” answered Ronald. “I guess it makes sense. I’m glad that I got to see it again too.”

       Taylor smiled feeling much pride and died there that day. The three remaining friends covered their allies’ bodies and decided that it was time to release the prisoners.


       Dyson watched out his window and could see the Cause’s large army camped outside of the gates. He was somewhat surprised by how large his enemy’s numbers were. He however did not worry. Soon, he would make his mark in the world and this mark would suck every human soul alive into his own private hell.


       Now that the army was freed, William and his friends stood before them and explained the situation. Every man there agreed to what must be done and they would follow William. They marched to an old high school, loaded up several buses and made way for Old Washington D.C. Within a day, they would see battle.


                  Tears And Blood In Middle America


       The most important war began on a Friday afternoon. The Cause would have been almost relieved to see it finally start after days of wait, if it had not have been so sudden. Rick, Donald, Officer Mackey and the Warlock entered the fight, hoping to stick together but were quickly separated. The two sides of the battle fought long and hard, each suffering many casualties. This battle would last for hours.


       Dyson sat in his office with the Doom-Giver, watching over the battle. “Finally,” he said with much arrogant pride, “I’ve tied all of my loose ends and now we end this war once and for all.”

       “Should I go and join in?” asked the Doom-Giver.

       “Not yet. Just wait, Doom-Giver. Soon you will have blood.”

       “You know, the Warlock’s out there.”

       “Yes I know, but you can defeat him.”

       “Yes sir.”


       Officer Mackey knew his son was close but was still worried. Donald had not seen war and he could not protect him. Officer Mackey felt weak by this but did not let it affect him. He continued to fight valiantly.


       The Warlock used all that was left of his powers, which had been very little over the years, to take down numbers of enemies. There was no worry for him from these soldiers. His greatest rival in battle would be the Doom-Giver.


       After being separated from his father, Donald came across Rick, who was taking out numbers of troops at a time. The two then stood together, back to back to further their advantage.


       Dyson stood in curiosity to see that his army was outnumbering that of the Cause. He just knew he would win this. Now he just had one more surprise in store for his enemies.

       “Go On,” he said.

       “Yes sir,” said the Doom-Giver who then headed out to claim blood.


       The Warlock remained the strongest of fighters, which is why the Doom-Giver had wanted to kill him most. They had both been created by Dyson and were both often curious as to which was stronger. Unfortunately, the Doom-Giver came across one of our other heroes first. Donald was saddened by the sudden attack. Rick was struck out of nowhere and turned to Donald. He reached out his hand as he fell. Rick Petrie was dead and Donald was left all alone to face the Doom-Giver, or so he had thought. The Warlock had seen the murder of Rick and headed over as fast as he could. He blocked the Doom-Giver’s strike at Donald, and stood his ground.

       “There you are,” laughed the Doom-Giver. “I was hoping to find you sooner, Warlock, but I’m afraid I had to make due with your friend first.”

       “That was your last mistake,” declared the Warlock, who made the next move. The two began their fight to the death. Each had a strong force at their will, which made it a battle for the ages. Donald worried for his friend but went back to battle against those he could fight.


       The battle continued furiously. Both sides may have suffered but Dyson’s forces were winning. The Cause felt weak; this could have been there end. But just as they had almost given up hope; just as one of their best fighters fell to his death; just as Dyson saw victory at hand; the real heroes arrived. Several buses appeared honking their horns, each carrying hundreds of soldiers ready for battle. Officer Mackey, Donald and the Warlock each knew that their friends had finally arrived with the backup they had promised. Now luck had looked better on their side as the second army marched down from a distance and stormed over the enemy.


                      The Fall Of William Temple

Dyson was furious at the site of this outrage. He had not expected to see such a disaster. He instantly realized that his captives in the dungeon of New York had been freed. He should have killed them when h had the chance. However, Dyson then realized that there was one good thing to come of it; William Temple had arrived and that must mean that the key that he needed was close by. He grabbed a dagger and headed out to the battlefield.


       The Warlock and the Doom-Giver continued their epic showdown. Each was now weak, their bodies being wounded and beaten time and time again. The Warlock knew that he couldn’t lose. If he did then no one else could ever stop this monster. He used every bit of power he had left and summoned up a ray of light. The Doom-Giver got his head together and leapt at the Warlock, carrying a blade that might have killed his enemy. But the Warlock acted first and blasted the beam through the villain and disintegrated him. Finally, the Doom-Giver was gone forever but the Warlock’s powers were completely gone. He was happy for this though. Even though he was still cursed with immortality, he at least now felt a bit human. He rejoined the fight, hoping to come across William Temple once more.


       Even though they were separated, each hero felt their friends near. They knew that no matter what, they were not alone. Ronald fought; Edward fought; William fought; Officer Mackey fought; Donald fought; the Warlock fought; like a family, they fought together, despite the distance between them. Unfortunately no one saw what came next.

       The fought was beginning to die down and the Cause was winning victoriously. William was proud of what he and his friends had done. He stood looking upon their coming victory with much pride, not seeing his worst enemy approaching.

       “William!” cried Ronald, who saw this, “ behind you!”

       William turned to see Dyson standing right behind him. The monster dug his dagger deep into William’s back, which would normally have been fatal. He then ripped the amulet from around his neck and used a bit of charge from the magical item, throwing William’s body a mile away. Ronald attempted to attack Dyson but was grabbed by two men, who he killed in a moment’s time. However, he lost Dyson; the villain disappeared out of site.

       Within moments, the war had ended and the last of the evil forces departed, following Dyson to Ellis. Ronald, Edward, Donald, Officer Mackey and the Warlock were reunited in the middle of the former battleground. Ronald told them all the tragic news and they each felt a deep pain in their hearts. It had appeared that William Temple was dead and now Dyson had the key that he needed. All he had to do was return to Ellis, return it to its rightful location, claim the ultimate power and then he could take over the world, ruining it as he had ruined America.

       The heroes gathered around a bonfire to talk about what would come next. This was our heroes at their worst. They just knew that all hope had been lost. If William Temple could not stop Montgomery Dyson, then who could?


       While Dyson made way for Ellis, excited for his moment to shine, William Temple’s body lay lifeless in the battlefield. This made the situation seem helpless, but there is always hope.


       Hope Crawford had gotten word of the victory, but there were no absolutes. Had Ronald survived or died? What about their friends? Where was Dyson? She wanted to head straight to Old Washington D.C. to see for herself but was ordered to wait until they received word. This would end up taking a couple of days. Only in time would she find out, for better or worse.


                        Second Star To The Right

I’ll say it now: William Temple was indeed dead, but he wasn’t dead dead. He was somewhere in between, as if given a second chance out of mercy. You see, no matter what happened, William was going to Ellis and he was going to face his destiny. He was now just a bit stalled.

       He awoke in a room, which was very brightly lit. He stood and realized that it was his old bedroom back in Ellis. He knew this was impossible; his old home had been blown to smithereens years before. He walked out of the room and down a hall until he came upon a familiar face, who then called upon a familiar name. Joseph McGregor and Willard Kelley stood before him now with news that he was dead, in some way.

       “So this is heaven or something?” asked William.

       “No this is the in between,” answered Willard. “We’re waiting for you before we can move on.”

       “Waiting for me to do what?”

       “You still have to stop Montgomery Dyson,” answered Joseph. It’s your destiny.”

       “Dyson? How can I stop Dyson now?”

       “Soon you will leave here. We have something to show you.”

       “I’ve already met the Oracle. What more can you show me?”

       “We have to help you,” said a voice coming softly from behind him.

       William turned to see that it was his mother. “Mom?” he cried.

       “Yes son,” said Wendy Temple.

       “What is going on here?”

       “Follow me. He’ll tell you what you need to know.”

       “Who?” William’s mother led him down the hall and into a tall door, while Willard and Joseph stayed behind. They came across a large dining room, where everyone he had known in Ellis were all sitting around a large table, eating food, talking and laughing. He saw so many faces that he had sorely missed. He saw Father West, Carl, the Troublesome Trio, Billy Partridges, Sandra Beckett and so many more…he saw them all. He was then led into a room, where a man stood waiting. This man was his father, Gulliver Temple.

       “Dad?” he said, almost in tears.

       “Yes, son,” said Gulliver as Wendy Temple left the room to leave them to some privacy.

       “I can’t believe it.”

       “Believe it. I am glad to see you too but there’s no time now. You have much to do. Soon your two friends will show you how to get back but first I need to remind you what you’re fighting for.”

       “I’ll do whatever I have to.”

       “I know you will, William. The whole world will fall. Everyone you know will die. We who have died will remain here and never be able to move on. That is, unless you stop him.”

       “I will, I promise.”

       “You lost the key but you can still get it back. He is on his way to Ellis now. You and your friends must return there to end this nightmare.”


       “You will confront him. There will be another man who will tell you what to do next; he can help you. Just listen to Samuel.”


       “You’ll see.”

       “Dad…where’s Myra?”

       “You will not find her here.”

       “Dad, please tell me. Where is my old girlfriend? Where is Myra Wilson?”

       “She and Amelia Dillon are somewhere else. They are waiting for you and Edward. When this is all over, then you can be together again. For now, you must return so that you can save us all.”

       William said goodbye to his mother, gave one last look at the crowd he had known all of his life and then reunited with Joseph and Willard in the hallway. His two lost friends showed him a door, which he was to go through.

       “So I just go in and I’ll be back?” asked William.

       “That’s right,” answered Willard.

       “Thank you, guys. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

       “Neither could we without you,” said Willard.

       “Will I ever see you again?” asked William

       “Just finish what we began and you will,” said Willard.

       “Keep Edward and Ronald close,” added Joseph. “They will help you.”

       “I will,” declared William.

       Joseph said, “Until next time, my friend.”

       And William said, “Goodbye,” before entering the door and falling through a bright light.


       William awoke in the empty battlefield, where he could see thousands of mutilated bodies lying all around him. It was now night and a cold breeze could strangely be felt in this wasteland. He looked for the wound, which had strangely healed up. He then realized that he truly was destined to stop Dyson. He stood and saw a brightly lit bonfire in the distance. He knew instantly that this was where his friends had set up camp now that what was left of Dyson’s army had mostly departed to Ellis.

       Edward, Ronald, Donald, Officer Mackey and the Warlock sat around the fire, feeling more lost than ever. William was gone and no one could stop Ellis. Soon the villain would have the ultimate power of Ellis and would storm the world to tear it apart. There was suddenly some commotion and someone was coming out of the darkness. It was William. His friends ran to him and they all hugged, feeling happy for the first time in a long time. William explained to them what needed to be done and they all loaded up their supplies, rallied what was left of their army and headed off to Ellis, where their destinies were waiting.


                              The Return To Ellis

       The heroes arrived on the outskirts of Ellis the next day and hid under cover, seeing that Dyson’s army stood guard along the main road that led to town. This was perfect; they could send out their army to battle the enemies as a diversion while he and his band of friends could sneak by to confront Dyson. The brave remaining men of the Cause marched forward and went to battle one more time.

       William, Edward, Ronald, Officer Mackey, Donald and the Warlock did as planned and found themselves in the old down town section. They were all shocked to see its condition. Vines grew around the buildings and they had become rotten, making it look very tropical, yet apocalyptic.

       “Does anyone see anything?” asked Officer Mackey.

       “No,” answered Edward.

       Suddenly there was a shot and Officer Mackey was hit in the stomach. Donald cried and ran to his father, as he fell to the ground in agony.

       “Where are you?!” Ronald cried out in rage.

       Suddenly, Chris Norton appeared holding a rifle. He was happy to see that William Temple was not dead, as Dyson had said. Now he could get his revenge.

       “Chris?” asked William in shock. “What are you doing here?”

       “I’ve been working for Dyson for years,” announced Chris. “He told me to stay here and I could kill any of you who attempted to come and take him down. I never thought it would be good old William Temple, since he said he killed you. I’m glad he was wrong.”

       “Fine then,” William said. “You and I settle this now, once and for all; just us.

       “Good. I’ve been looking forward to it.”

       “Stay here,” William told his friends.

       “Be careful,” said Edward.

       William and Chris walked away out of sight, while the others remained behind. Donald kneeled down by his father, who was dying, and whispered, “Hold on, dad. I can’t lose you now.”

       “It’s okay, son,” said Officer Mackey. “Just promise me one thing; don’t die here.”


       “It was always obvious that I would die here. If you’re born in Ellis, you die in Ellis.” He paused and sighed. “I was born here.”

       “I know.”

       “Yes but so were you. You have to beat it, Donald. You can’t die in Ellis.”

       “I won’t.” Donald took his father’s dying wish to heart.


       William stood across from Chris out front of the old Church. They talked first. “Why are you doing this, Chris?” asked William.  “What do you really want?”

       Chris sighed and said, “All I ever wanted was respect, friendship and love. I got none of this. I worked, I cried yet all I heard was your name. William Temple did this, William and Myra did that…I have hated you my whole life. I even tried to let out my stress by one day burning down a building.”

       “You started that fire?”

       “Of course. However, I did not intend you to end up the hero.”

       “Why did you even bother to come with Edward and I to see the Warlock?”

       “I wanted to prove you wrong. And if you weren’t, then I hoped he would kill you. Unfortunately, he was real and he wouldn’t hurt anyone. You did meet him didn’t you?”

       “That’s right. I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

       “I knew it. Of course he now follows you, weaker than any legend ever told of him.”

       “You killed Myra too.”

       “No, Donovan McNeal’s guy killed Myra; I only helped.”

       “That’s right, Pucker Tyson did it. But why did you help?”

       “Like I said, I have always hated you and I want to see you fail.”

       “Well Chris, here’s your chance.”

       “Yes, I know…” Chris then pulled out a large knife and leaped at William, who kicked it out of his hand. The blade fell to the ground, not too far away. Chris grabbed William by the throat and William head butted Chris, who barely flinched. William then punched Chris repeatedly until his oldest rival finally let go. Chris then punched back, and kicked at William’s feet. Temple fell hard to the ground and Chris began to repeatedly kick him around. William kicked up and the villain fell. William rolled over and grabbed the knife as Chris got up, ran and leaped at Edward. William held the knife up and Chris landed on the blade, suffering a critical wound. William stood and watched as Chris fell and died almost instantly. This lifelong battle was finally over.

       William returned to his friends to see that Officer Mackey had died. He remorse for his old friend and then he, Edward and Ronald marched on while Donald and the Warlock stayed behind.

We will not meet again, William.

You think I’ll die?

No but even if you do survive, I will be gone. I will never be seen in these lands again.

Well then…goodbye my friend.

Good luck, all three of you.

They said their goodbyes and the three friends headed off towards the old cemetery. There was much nostalgia as they stared upon sights they had never expected to see again. They only wished it was for a better purpose.

       Unfortunately William, Edward and Ronald did not make it far before four men appeared out of the shadows and attacked them, though they were not killed. These enemies beat the three and held them at gunpoint, taking them hostage.

       “Go ahead and kill us already,” cried Ronald.

       “We can’t do that,” said one of the men. “The boss wants you alive.”

       “Yeah, I guess you’re too weak anyways.”

       “Ronald?” asked Edward in surprise by his friend. “What are you doing?”

       “Hell,” remarked Ronald, “I was hoping they’d at least put us out of our damn misery.”

       “Shut up and come on,” said another of the captors.

       The four men kept their guns aimed at the three and led them to the old cemetery, where Dyson was sure to be waiting. They had no idea what would happen to them there but they knew that it could not be good.


       Donald sat in tears, wishing he could have done more. The Warlock sensed this and said, “Don’t worry, Donald. You don’t have to prove your strength.”

       “I just want to help my friends,” cried Edward.

       “You already have. The three of them have to do this alone. This is their destiny.”

       “What’s mine?”

       “I don’t know but if they pull this off, your father might just get his last wish. Maybe you won’t die here in Ellis after all.”

       “I want to get married and have a family. I want to be a good man like my father.”

       “We all do. In time you may get your chance.”


                          In The Presence Of Greatness


       Captured and beaten, William, Edward and Ronald were led by four thugs to the cemetery, where many of their oldest friends had been buried. When they reached the memorial for Hector C. Gold, they found it mysteriously open with a secret passage that led under ground. Suddenly, Montgomery Dyson appeared from out of the shadows and smiled to our heroes in pride. “William Temple,” he said. “So you survived?”

       “That’s right,” William answered proudly. “The wound’s already all healed up.”

       “Then he did choose you.”


       “My brother. So, after all these years and all of the battles, here we are right where it began so many years ago. This is where my brother and I found the power. We took the key from its cradle and we unlocked our fates. Now finally, I have that key once more.” he held the key up over his head, dangling it in a sarcastic manner. “Now we will meet our destinies. Come boys, we’ll witness the rebirth of this world together.”

       “You’ll never control the power, Dyson,” cried William.

       “I already have, my boy. Now come, we’re running out of time.”

       The three friends and their five captures entered the hidden passage and followed it until they reached a dark and musky tomb. In the center of this tomb, was a platform, which the key had been removed from centuries before. Now the key would be returned. Dyson approached it and held the key tightly, analyzing the slot, which he had to insert the key back into.

       “Don’t do it, Dyson,” demanded Edward.

       Ronald joined in, yelling, “You’ll kill us all!”

       “I don’t think so,” said Dyson arrogantly. “See for yourselves, this… is destiny. Now don’t you wish that you didn’t sell me your father’s company, Mr. Payne?”

       This of course angered Ronald but he kept quiet. Dyson then inserted the key and attempted to turn it but it wouldn’t budge. Dyson became frustrated. “What? It won’t turn. Why? I don’t understand.” Then any trace of light went out and there was a gust of hot air that filled the room and suddenly small flames lit up along the walls. A figure appeared from the darkness and he seemed both angry and yet glad to see these eight figures.

       “Who are you?” asked one of the goons.

       Dyson became quite bewildered at the sight of his dead sibling. “It’s my brother. What are you doing here, Samuel?”

       Samuel sighed at his brother in shame and said, “I could ask you the same thing, Monty.”

       “You’re dead.”

       “You know you couldn’t kill me. You only stopped my body.”

       “Why won’t the key turn? Why can’t I get the power?”

       “You can’t do it alone. You’ve forgotten that we found this place together; we turned the key and we both found the power. Only together can we accomplish this and I will not help you.”

       “So what now?”

       “Give the key to William Temple.”


       “Just give it to the boy.”

       Dyson did so with much restrain. William examined the key, not sure what he was supposed to do with it. “Now what?” he asked.

       “Insert it into the slot, “ answered Samuel. “Then turn it and whatever happens, happens.


      “William,” Edward said,” be careful.”

      “Don’t worry,” William said to his friend. “I don’t think anything’s going to happen to me.” William then did as he was told and inserted the key. He held a deep breath and turned the key. Suddenly there was yet another strange feeling in the air. Samuel smiled as spirits appeared like dust in the wind, circling the heroes and villains.

       “What is happening?” asked another of Dyson’s thugs, who was then grabbed at the feet by some unseen force and dragged into the ground, leaving behind flame and ash. Everyone looked around and saw hands reaching up from the ground. One by one, the last of Dyson’s men were pulled into the ground just like the first, leaving behind the flame and ash. The last screamed in mercy, asking Dyson to save him, but the villain did not budge. He and his brother continued to stare each other in the eye, until a set of arms grabbed at him. It took these spirits more force to bring him down. He began to catch fire and was burning alive as he was sucked into the ground. He looked to his brother in rage. “I hate you!” he screamed as the earth devoured him, leaving behind the same flame and ash. Then it stopped.

       “What was that?” asked Ronald.

       “That was my brother’s suffering. Finally he has been judged and his evils will go punished. The world will never again know his wrath.”

        “So it’s over?” asked Edward.

        “Yes, boys. It’s over.”

       “What now?” asked William.

       Samuel smiled and answered, “Now it’s up to you, William. You alone must decide what to do with this power.”

       “I want to end it for good.”

       “Then Ellis will truly die and the land will lie empty. That is, until the trees take over. Is this really what you want?”

       “Yes.” Then the ground shook and the platform holding the key was sucked into the ground. Ellis was dead and there was no more power.

       “Good work,” cried Samuel, “all of you. I always knew you could do it.” Samuel then disappeared and our heroes left the tomb, which oddly closed in behind them.

       “This is really it,” said Ronald.

       “Yes,” William said with a sigh of relief, “It’s done.”


                               The End Of All Things


       The war against Dyson was over. With the help of the outside countries, his forces were diminished for good. William, Ronald and Edward reunited with Donald, who had covered his father’s body, in what used to be Myrtle’s Diner. They were all shocked to find that the Warlock had gone against his word and stayed behind to see his friends again. However, he promised that he would soon depart and keep his word of vanishing. The outside battle had been won by the Cause and the troops met their allies in town. Officer Mackey was mourned and his son and their friends buried him in the old Ellis Cemetery, next to the memorial of Martha Mackey, which Donald was glad to finally see. Hope arrived a week later with some colleagues and was relieved to see her husband, Ronald and their friends alive, for the most part anyways. Like her friends, she too was heartbroken by the many casualties. They all talked over what was to come next.


       The country was restored and things were put back in order over the next few years, yet things would be better. Laws were given, order was rebuilt and peace became the way of this new world. There was a monument located in Washington D.C. dedicated to all those who fought and died in the war. All the names of our heroes were given first.

       Hope and Ronald headed to New York where they started their own business, much like his father’s. Hope gave up her maiden name, Crawford and became Hope Payne. They had several children, William, Edward and Joseph.

       As he had promised, the Warlock was never seen again but we’d all like to think he’s happy and finally at peace where ever he is.

       William and Edward remained together in Ellis. The woods devoured the old town and it was forbidden for anyone to enter. William had become the legend he had once loved as a child.

       The years went by and all of our heroes entered old age. Edward died on a Tuesday. Ronald, Hope, Donald and William gathered and buried Edward in the old cemetery by his family and his beloved Amelia. This was the last time they’d all be together again. Hope and then Ronald were the next to die. Two years later, Donald paid William a visit and found his oldest friend near death. They sat and talked of times passed and how much the world had changed for the better. On a Saturday, Edward found William lying in the old cemetery near the grave of his lost love, Myra Wilson. He laid the old engagement ring on her tombstone, smiling and whispered,  “Oh there you are, Myra.” He then died at peace. I buried him there next to her and stared down at the cemetery. Everyone I had known was now together forever, at peace. I was then the last of my kind. How do I know all of this, you ask? I am Donald Mackey.


       After the war, I went to Tampa, where I became a cop. I met Katie in the same bar that had once belonged to Alec Nightmoon, Byron McLoven and Toby Bennett. We were married on a Sunday in June and had several children. The years go by and my life is the best it’s ever been, but I will not forget my friends. Because of these heroes, my wife, my children and I are alive and free. Together. And when I say heroes, I don’t just mean William Temple, Edward Hall, Ronald Payne, the Warlock or my father…that also goes for the ones who died for this cause; Willard Kelley, Billy Partridge, Patrick Holdman, Joseph McGregor and so many more…I owe them everything. They saved me. I will not die in Ellis.

© 2011 Robert Donald Brooks

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Added on November 14, 2011
Last Updated on November 14, 2011


Robert Donald Brooks
Robert Donald Brooks

New Orleans, LA

Young aspiring writer, whose influences range from Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Bret Easton Ellis and even most film makers. more..
