For me, the table was too big "
The salad much too small.
Across the room, to make it worse,
the wine’s uncorked plippety-plop
awoke my demon’s thirst.
The half-full redness glistened
with each hypnotic swish,
sipped slowly by a goddess nymph
who chatted with her beau.
The wheat-haired beauty’s voice
was louder than she knew.
He leaned closer in his chair
to listen as if she whispered,
when others could easily hear.
Their laughter was contagious;
it bounced from there to here.
Then Envy raised its nasty head
blurring today with yester-year.
My heart sank and longing struck
for love songs left unsung.
Perhaps one sip … just one
could soothe my weary heart
and ease my discontent.
But I knew the hard-earned truth:
The tragic turn of the magic trance
red potions dragged me through.
I would not be the wine sipper
who dined across the room;
the sipping would turn to gulping,
while laughter would drown in tears.
No Silver Fox would gaze on me;
the gaiety would leave the room …
Fine dining would be over
before dinner was ever served.
But if luck would hold me up
I’d stumble towards the door,
my napkin left unfolded
beside the empty plate.