![]() the voidA Story by Ms. RThe void. There once was a girl with a void inside her heart, a void
so big that nothing could ever fill, or at least that’s what she thought. For me the void seemed infinite, like a black hole no matter
what you threw in there it would swallow and still be a hole, it’s not that I
don’t feel anything or don’t have compassion, it’s quite the opposite, I might
not feel too much for my own being, but I feel too much for my own sanity for
others, not meaning to brag about it at all, it’s actually not a blessing the
whole time, sometimes its consuming and very very destructive. As for my own feelings, I ran out of those quite some time
ago, I don’t feel happy, sad, grateful, warm, bla bla bla. I am only OK and
MAD, it’s like my body activated the survival mood after all what I went
through the last few years and I am ok with it, it’s like the ultra-mode you
put your phone on when you want to save its battery, my body was just saving its
energy for all the fights it was and still going through, but it just made the
void bigger, but here is my silver lining, the void shifted all of my attention
to others, I have always cared for the people I love, but quietly , only on the
inside of my mind and heart and rarely took actions to be there for them and
really get out of my head, later I realized that this was the reason of my
misery, I always felt too bad for myself that I thought, the little energy I have
is barely enough to keep me going, but the void eventually didn’t agree with me I was trapped inside my head for a long time, feeling sorry
for myself ,always whining and complaining, a good book I once came across advised those who are worried
the whole time just like me to adopt the dead dog theory, “nobody kicks a dead
dog” , and *drum rolls* it worked! , so I forgot about myself, I am a dead dog,
so why should I worry or complain, and in return the following happened: on a
good day morning I told myself “you have a mental illness? Ok what then?
Complaining and whining won’t do the trick, live like a dead dog, act as you
were never diagnosed, you could have been the world’s healthiest individual who
chocked on a peanut in their lunch and died! Stop worrying about it and enjoy whatever time
you have left, with whatever it brings along, just try to enjoy all the
messiness in the world. I won’t tell you that from this point on rainbows
invaded my life and I am now living with unicorns, not really, the change might
seem so subtle to others but to me it was huge. I started paying attention to others and their pains,
forgetting about mine and for the first time in a very long time, I felt
something, it stopped me in my tracks, wait what? I can feel something, it’s a
faint slight feeling of happiness, but holy s**t I will take it for sure, it
was a mid-week day and I rarely stop on
my way to work to pick up anything as I am usually late, but a bakery shop
seduced me , decided to pull over and go
in to get some bread sticks, while my ungrateful a*s stood there confused of
what should I get, breadsticks and croissants, or breadsticks and salted
pretzels, a voice of on old lady so sad and desperate struck my world that I
immediately forgot about the cravings debate. “just this one please let me have
it” she said those words and I can swear that every word coming out from her
shattered my small disfunctioning heart into million pieces, I turned around to
see this lady, something about her very wrinkled, but still smiling face made
me want to hug her tightly, and that’s really big for me, I rarely hug anyone.
I knew her smile wasn’t genuine she had no other option but to beg this a*****e
running the place with a smile , she moved her hands pointing to one of the
cheese croissants lined up in front of her, the guy without even looking at the
croissant she wanted told her to leave and never come back, oh my dear god how
can anyone be so cruel, that’s only 3 pounds ,this pathetic excuse of a human
being is humiliating the old lady and making all this fuss over 3 pounds,
without even considering that such an
old lady was up wandering the streets for something to eat at 8 am! Or maybe
she spent the whole night wandering for a bite or two, I am afraid that this
will come as showing off, but hopefully along the rest of my not so coherent sentences
you will get the bigger picture, I froze looking at her, while our eyes me I
might have came off as an angry customer waiting, yes I was angry but not at
the helpless lady, I was very angry at our cruel world, I can’t really tell
what I felt back then actually, angry? ashamed?
devastated? I have no idea but what I can tell you now is that I am more
grateful than ever for crossing paths with her, she looked at me and smiled a
crooked smile, turning around to leave the shop, I ran to her and held her arm,
before I could say anything she said I am sorry I won’t come again , walahy I
won’t come again. Right at this moment I felt like a train ran me over back and
forth and I can feel every bone cracking, hey hey I just wanted to ask you what
is your favorite? Cheese? Or olive and cheese? Or cheddar? She turned her face
away, she was embarrassed and tearing, and out of the corner of my eye I can
see the guy standing there boiling in anger. Her reply was heart wrecking, she
said in a low voice whatever you will get I only want a small piece and I will
wait for you outside, but noway my hands are letting go of hers, by that time all
my cravings vanished to thin air and all I can think about was what is this
lady craving, she wouldn’t tell but I grabbed what I could with the little money
I had, she kissed me while saying something I couldn’t really get, I was just
trying to process the feelings that swamped my
heart, a very subtle wave of warmth crept on my frozen conscious, but
something horrible mouthed by this terrible guy snapped me out of this warmth : “you will make her come back every day and the
owner will give me hard time” , in any normal day I would have punched him in
the face, lectured him and maybe even asked him to get his boss right away to
kick his a*s as well, but no not today, I am a dead dog remember, I quietly
gave him my number and said great I live couple of blocks away whenever she is
here call me and took out one of my rarely used business cards from my wallet
and left it on the counter, I grabbed the lady’s hand and we walked out, while
handing her the plastic bags, she grabbed the croissant she wanted out of one
of them saying: that’s all I want you can have the rest, me shocked trying not to burst out in tears :
no look I am on a diet I can’t really eat any of those, she smirked at me in
return saying : eat while you can and
enjoy habibti* you never know what the
next day brings, ok I will but please take these I have plenty at home. She
said in a very cheerful funny tone: and I don’t have a fridge in home and its
hot, they will rot by tomorrow. She turned to walk away , but something inside
of me was screaming , not wanting to let her go, hey , can you even take my
number and call me anytime you need anything ? The way she giggled back then
was unforgettable, nothing ever sounded so happy to me like this giggle, I don’t
have the phone or the money to call you, don’t worry my child your god never
forgets, he will keep sending good people like you my way. She left hiding the croissant in her torn dress and veil. good people? But I am not good people, not even
close, I am more of like ungrateful people who lived inside their heads cursing
all the circumstances that made them who they are, despite being late for work
I had to stay in my car for a while, my world was spinning and my grounds were
shattering, I was overwhelmed with a
bunch of feelings that I forgot how to process actually, I caught my glassy
eyes in my rear mirror flooding with a heave of long missed tears, no no you can’t
cry, you can’t make this a sad story, this was god’s message, yes he might have
tested you with some pumps along the road, you failed to realize that those
pumps were really minor, he tested you but within your limits, he never gave
you something you couldn’t handle, yes you might have needed help along the
road, but you failed to see that he also sent the nicest most decent human
being to your rescue, a person who was genuinely happy to help you and all he
wanted in return was your own well-being, maybe that’s gods circle of paying it
forward, he created us to complete each other, if he made us perfect, not
needing a help or a push sometimes then why would we appreciate each other? We
would have started killing one another actually, how would we know the good times
without going through the hard ones, the thing is the feeling I had in this
moment was priceless, it wasn’t the feeling of feeding someone, no not really
it was the feeling of astonishment that this angel god sent my way who decided
to count me among good people, right in this moment I was grateful for
everything god has put me through, every test, every road pump, cause nothing
would have ever measured up to this, nothing, absolutely nothing, not all the
designer bags and shoes I couldn’t get and felt so sorry for myself for being
broke and poor, actually I have the whole world at my feet but I was blinded by greed and
ungratefulness, but here I am, god
showing me again that he is still there
, he is still watching over me and out of his mercy he reminds me in the most
gentle yet life changing gesture, why I wrote all of this risking coming off as
the snob who babbles about their good deeds, as a matter of fact I was having a
hard day personally today, when I fired up my laptop in anger to write and let
out all the negative thoughts I couldn’t , all I could think of was “ be
grateful that you had family who flew to your rescue, others go through hell
and have no one to watch their back”, I had my life changing moment and I
realized it 3 weeks later, that this was it, life changing moments are not
usually what we think of, for me I always pictured it as the day I will be
declared free of any illnesses, mental or physical, but what that moment gave
me was bigger and greater , it was accepting all of my tiny problems, embracing
them and understanding god’s well and figuring out his purpose of connecting us
all together, maybe if other people too stopped complaining and started doing,
the world will be a better place? Yes maybe I won’t
live till my 70s like I always imagined, but maybe also god is planning to make
me experiment extraordinary stuff and
indescribable feelings in the shorter life span? Maybe the long life I
wanted would have been a sad tragic one, watching the people I love leaving me,
I failed to notice that I am surrounded with people who love me unconditionally,
family and relatives who would go to extreme measures to keep me safe, I have a
roof over my and a fridge that I feel so grateful for, despite all of the hard
days my family faced I never slept hungry or went without food for a couple of
hours even! , I have a variety of clothes to cover my body, a car that takes me
wherever I want , and the one great blessing that I have always missed: yes I was in great pains
at times but he never failed to send me
the medication in a way or another. Suddenly my void didn’t seem so empty, finally I have
something to cling on to, the great purpose that I missed for 27 years is now
crystal clear, so whoever reads this (if any), life changing moments might not
always be what you expected, they might be subtle, but they feel right, and
take my word for this, it’s a moment you will feel with every shred of your
mind, heart and conscious all you need is to embrace them and the world will
follow. © 2017 Ms. RFeatured Review
2 Reviews Added on October 7, 2017 Last Updated on October 7, 2017 Author