A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles
Is the Faith of the Old Catholic Church as Defined by Holy Scripture,
Holy Tradition, Ecumenical Councils, and the Documents of the Old
Catholic Church
- We believe in The Holy Trinity"that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- We believe that everything that exists was created by God.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Holy Trinity, who came in the flesh.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the clear image of who God is.
- We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for sin, and rose from the dead in accordance with the Scriptures.
- We believe that Jesus is coming again to establish the eternal Kingdom of God on the earth.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit has guided the Catholic Church in all her doctrines and dogmas.
- We believe that “Catholic Church” has
always meant the church that teaches and affirms what all Christians
everywhere have always believed.
- We reject the new doctrine that “Catholic” means being in union with the Bishop of Rome.
- We believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
- We believe baptism washes away original sin.
- We believe in the resurrection of the dead.
- We believe in the three historic creeds: Nicene, Apostles, and Athanasian.
- We believe that the Catholic faith was established by Ecumenical Councils guided by the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that there were seven Ecumenical Councils of the whole church:
The Council of Nicea (325), The Council of Constantinople (381), The Council of Ephasis (431), The Council of Chalcedon (451), The Second Council of Constantinople (453), The Third Council of Constantinople (680-681), The Second Council of Nicea (787).
- We believe that all other “Councils”
after 1054 were not Ecumenical Councils, since the whole church did not
meet together, but that they were Synods of a part of the whole church;
therefore, their decisions are not binding on the whole church.
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- We believe that the apocryphal or
deutero-canonical books of the Old Testament are not of the same
canonicity as the books contained in the Hebrew Canon"they are good for
personal edification and spiritual growth, but not for doctrine.
- We believe that the Bible in the original languages are superior to any one translation.
- We believe that the Bible should be
read in the common language that is understood by the people (English in
England, French in France, German in Germany, etc.).
- We believe that the Bible is the
primary source for our faith, but we also accept the Holy Tradition as
passed down by the Apostles through teaching, documents of the early
Church, and Ecumenical Councils.
- We believe in and maintain Apostolic Succession.
- We Believe that the guidance of the Early Church Fathers as part of Holy Tradition.
- We believe that the liturgy of the church should be conducted in the common language that is understood by the people.
- We believe that faith and works are required of us by God (because we do what we believe).
- We believe that no amount of good deeds can earn salvation. Salvation comes by God’s grace through Jesus Christ.
- We respect the Saints of the church,
but we do not believe that they have earned some sort of extra salvation
that can be transferred to others.
- We believe in seven Sacraments of the church:
Baptist Confirmation Holy Eucharist Anointing of the Sick Absolution--Confession and Reconciliation Marriage Holy Orders
- We believe that the Sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist are the primary Sacraments of the church.
- We believe that the Eucharistic
celebration is not a continual sacrifice, or a re-sacrifice of Christ,
but its sacrificial character consists in that it is a permanent
memorial of Christ’s sacrifice that was offered once forever on the
- We believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist"that the bread and wine are the Body and Blood of Christ.
- We believe that the Sacrament of the
Eucharist is open to all who are baptized, regardless of their personal
views regarding the character of the Eucharist.
- We believe that celibacy for those in Holy Orders is a personal decision and voluntary, not required.
- We believe that the practice of
confession of sins before the congregation or a Priest is a Sacrament
that has been passed down to us by the Catholic Church, but it is not
- We believe that the doctrines of the
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a new teaching that
has crept into the church and is not the product of the Catholic Church,
neither does it reflect the teaching of the Catholic Church; therefore,
it is a new idea that crept into the church and is neither binding on
the Catholic Church to observe, nor is it binding on any person in to
- We believe that the doctrine of the
infallibility of the Bishop of Rome is a new teaching that has crept
into the church and is not the product of the Catholic Church, neither
does it reflect the teaching of the Catholic Church; therefore, it is a
new idea that crept into the church and is neither binding on the
Catholic Church to observe, nor is it binding on any person in to
- We believe that the pope, as Bishop
of Rome, is an heir to the apostolic authority and ministry of the
Apostles; therefore, the Bishop of Rome is respected.
- We believe that all Bishops hold an equal apostolic calling and authority and no one See is above in authority over any other.
- We believe that the idea that the
Bishop of Rome is the ruler of the church is not in keeping with the
Catholic Church, but it is a new idea that crept into the church and is
neither binding on the Catholic Church to observe, nor is it binding on
any person in to accept.
- We believe that the use of “Catholic”
for only those who are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome as
ruler of the church is not in keeping with the Catholic Church, the
Seven Ecumenical Councils, Holy Tradition, or Scripture of the Catholic
Church. Therefore, it is a new idea that crept into the church and is
neither binding on the Catholic Church to observe, nor is it binding on
any person in to accept.
- We believe that marriage is a
Sacrament, but divorce and remarriage are realities. We do not believe
that divorce is the “unforgivable sin,” neither do we believe that
divorce should bar anyone from the ministry and Sacraments of the
- We believe contraception is a personal decision.
- We believe in teaching what the whole
church has always taught everywhere. We do not teach theological
speculation, new and controversial doctrines, neither do we believe in
debating or arguing them with anyone.
- We believe that the church cannot
compel anyone to believe anything and that it is not the role of the
church to impose “faith” on anyone, in and out of the church.
- We believe the role of the clergy is
to guide morality and faith by being examples, not by being
authoritarians"the clergy serves the church, they do not impose their
will on it.
- We believe that the Catholic Church
combats unbelief and religious indifference by faithfully professing the
doctrine of Jesus Christ, by refusing to admit human error into the
teaching of the Catholic Church, by weeding out any abuses of the
church, and by the clergy living simple lives of faith that serve as
examples to others.
The Kingdom of God Catholic Church Also Holds the Following Beliefs:
- We believe in the responsible stewardship of our planet.
- We believe that there is nothing in
the teaching of the Catholic Church as expressed in her Holy Tradition
and the Seven Ecumenical Councils that impedes anyone from participating
in Holy Orders; therefore, ALL Holy Orders are open to men and women
regardless marital state or sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- We believe in, and advocate for, the full inclusion of LGBT persons in the church and in society.
- We believe in and support marriage
equality, trusting that God celebrates the love between two consenting
adults, despite gender or any other variables including physical or
sexual ability.
- We believe in being truly Pro-Life,
in that we consider all life to be sacred and we believe that Pro-Life
has to do with quality of life for all people; therefore, we are
pro-education, anti-poverty, anti-violence, anti-war, pro-health care,
and oppose torture and the death penalty. We also believe that
Pro-Choice is not incompatible with any of this. Pro-Life cannot be
limited to “Pro-Birth” and Pro-Choice does not mean “Pro-Abortion.”
© 2013 Bishop R. Joseph Owles
Added on February 3, 2013
Last Updated on July 9, 2013
Tags: Bible, Jesus Christ, Church, God, heaven, earth, Holy Spirit, Christian, Christianity, teaching, apostles, ministry, kingdom, Catholic, belief