The darkness
provided resistance to the potent rays of the omnipresent sunshine. A blast of
cool relief washed over me as neon emerald brightness embraced my eyes,
transporting me in the very throbbing heart of Nature. The caressing rustle of
leaves, the beckoning trees, and the relentless gurgle of the stream provided a
sanctuary to my chaotic and turbulent thoughts and an unfamiliar sense of
security. The combination of the emerald glow, dampened due to the fog and the
touch of cold gently forced me down onto the soft grass and the curtain of my
eyes to slowly come down and give rest to my constant source of vision.
Aggressive red beams penetrated the curtain of my eyes, as though eager to
transfer the heat and relieve itself. Jerking back, I shook my head to rid it
of the screaming demons, to rid it of the demons that cut through my head to
escape. Opening my eyes, I stared at what remained of the perfect creation.
Flitting my eyes over the scenario, I realised why Man always had to die, why man
always had an end, how Nature had created its own greatest enemy and given him
access to the tools to its own destruction. An insane laugh escaped me, as the
futility of the situation hit me, and tears glazed my eyes, dampening the scene
of total destruction for moments. Staring at the reddening horizon, I got up
and sub-consciously walked away from the fire and then halted. Smiling slightly, I doubled back and walked
into the embracing arms of the fire, letting it cover me in a sheet of flame. I
expected to be embraced by Nature, yet all I felt was rejection and bubbling
anger. A final scream escaped from me before I was torn apart, finished in an
attempt to revive my very enemy. Nature retaliated when Man crossed the
boundaries and quenched the ego in his head.
Our creator is coming to avenge it, and there is nothing we can do about it.