Four paws stealthy, she slinks along the wall, her claws mouse-ready. Eyes dilated with anticipation, she hugs the earth like an old friend, grass sweet in her flaring nostrils. Each movement a study in grace, as one at a time paws lift, held in silent suspension.
There! Statue-still in cat pursuit, her prey in view, she stalks. Green eyes, pin-pricked small, they focus on twitching, nervous whiskers. The mouse, quivering obliviousness, munching crunchy seeds, she sits.
Pretty kitty, haunches taunt and muscles bunched, her claws unsheathed and sharp as razors.
Back end wiggle, tail whipping, she pounces. Sharp teeth find their mark to the sound of a high pitched squeak, biting into warm flesh paralyzed.
A new toy for fat cat to bat in the warm summer sun! Mock hunting, she relives the chase, bringing the food proudly home to a screaming host. Window seat she sleeps, purring content.