

A Poem by Christopher Ross Livingstone

Oblivion By Christopher Ross Livingstone 
We're facing a threat of oblivion  
Mother nature's calling us out 
Yearning for us to change our ways 
Humanity's collective heart
Must listen and act
Wild fires burning 
Rapid rains 
Weather patterns changing causing destruction in it's path
Capitalism is riding on it's back
Consumerism moves us 24/7 
And what's the cost?
We move too quickly
Wasting time because we've become too busy
Consume, waste and utter
The throw away culture 
But do we need it?
The 24/7 culture 
Causing overactive minds 
And overwhelmed hearts 
Pounding nervous energy 
Racing and never-ending pursuits 
Trauma and disconnection 
We've been hurtling into oblivion  
And this is the price 
Stop now
And avoid oblivion 

© 2021 Christopher Ross Livingstone

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Indeed, the clock is ticking. If the world does not act soon, the irreversible will be upon us.

Posted 3 Years Ago

well said and well written with truth behind it. We are moving too fast in this world hurtling toward our demise. I was recently watching a video about drawing and art in which the person advocated for a fast quick style because being more productive equates to more views. But what of beauty and perfection or the sublime and intangibles. Is it all about commercial value over actual quality. No one takes their time anymore, and I'll be the first to admit to this vice as well. We need to balance ourselves and our art. Being productive doesn't always equate to quality or even value. We have made vices more important then our values. We may never have another 60s revolution again because we are too selfish a society and indifferent. Thank you for sharing your poem.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 15, 2021
Last Updated on August 15, 2021