The world goes round

The world goes round

A Poem by Christopher Ross Livingstone

As the world goes round
The times we're living in
Have been uncertain 
An epidemic to a pandemic
It escalated fast 
And day after day
We'd hear numbers and statistics  
Experiences overwhelming 
From fear and restrictions 
This is happening 
As the world goes round 
We've had to restrict our basic need
Of community, 
And connection 
Cuddles and interactions
From coffee to conversations 
It's brought out the best of hearts 
To heal the hurts 
We're all in this together
People shine out the hope of day
And into the night more secure and hope for a new day 
As the world goes round 
I've stopped 
To look 
To think 
And to listen 
As the world is turning
Reflecting upon my own experiences and existence 
And these times have given space to stop and learn
There's great injustices 
The pandemic has shined a light on them
Have you ever asked 
What makes the world go round?
Capitalism or compassion
As the world goes round
We're meaning making beings
With hearts craving connections and less oppressive structures 
Love lifts us higher 
Emotionally and connected 
To ourselves and each other 

© 2021 Christopher Ross Livingstone

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A poem of hope in a dark time. It does not deny the pain, but directs us to look beyond it.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 17, 2021
Last Updated on January 17, 2021