![]() Cha ChaA Story by riddlekiller![]() welcome to the world of Cha Cha, a dark fantasy comedy, check it out cho![]() Cha Cha Prologue Sitting beside a giant is something I rather not do. I rather leave it to super man or the incredible hulk. At least they got what it takes to take down a giant with just strength only. I mean come on look at me, standing at just 4.5 feet I looked like a midget compared to a 1000 feet giant. No, not even a midget, a micro organism. A micro organism, something you look at through a micro scope, something that has to be magnified to be seen. Yes, someone as insignificant as me, a micro organism, sitting beside a giant. Like I said, I rather Superman do it instead of me. However, fates were cruel, I learnt at the tender age of 3 that super man does not exist, and UFO’s, and ghost, and the little elves or the gnomes that stood stoned on the roof’s of old libraries in London. You see these things simply do not exist to me. They exist only in fiction and to me fiction was some sort of mirage created by someone without a scientific mind. Only people with little brains could come out with something so fickly it’s appalling…but here I was right now sitting next to a giant. Fates were whack sometimes, too whack too be called normal and too normal to be called whack, so basically it’s just whack. Am I confusing you? Well I think I am…well, I’m not in the right state of mind to be sane right now. I mean come on; I’m sitting next to a f*****g giant. A 1000 feet tall giant…do I need to repeat myself. I think not, I repeated myself too many times…even my grammar’s getting haywire… Well how the hell did I manage to end up in such a situation…? Let’s start from the beginning shall we… Chapter 1 Shopping is for girls with no brains…why the hell am I in a mall, I don’t know, ask God…or rather the half a century egg The problem with the world today is that there are too many terrorist ****ing it up. One moment you’ll see a bomb in a highly sophisticated looking car and the next a bomb in the middle of Middle East. The last sentence was not meant to be a pun, but who cares, I made my point. So the problem is they’re too many terrorist and too top it off, they’re too many stupid people too. So you add terrorist with stupid people and you get world destruction. However the world hasn’t ended yet and here I was dragging my feet along the sidewalks of a small town in the middle of Tokyo, Shinjuku. Ah, Shinjuku, a shopper’s paradise…or should I say, a women’s paradise. Not mine though; I’m not a big fan of shopping. Shopping throughout the years had become a chore for me. Just standing outside a fashion store with my half a century egg mother picking out clothes for me was enough to drive me mad. Even then, shopping on my own had only lasted me 5 minutes. Shopping with my friends, nope, never done it. I found it simply, a waste of practical time. Why did girls like to shop so much? Was it a need? Was it a maternal instinct? Or was it just female, you know the “female” thing. Well if that was the case, then I was not female, call me s**t, **** tard or something else well you. Anyway shopping not a good way to start a day; it was a chore, a simple 10 hour chore which involves walking down the busiest streets in Tokyo city, surrounded by obnoxiously dressed teenagers with ear studs, flashy outfits, thick make up and smelly perfumes and old people dressed in black suites walking to and fro the offices. With tall sky scrapers and small shops beside it, Shinjuku was not a well portioned city. It was not balanced; everything was a mixed of each. I hate it. The noise, the smell and especially the people. Why did my mom, plum, short and ugly take me here, I don’t know. But once Mother said, “The chicks got to follow me,” I had to follow her. One cannot question big Mama. It was a definite rule in an Asian family. Piss the Mama off and you’re looking at three months of definite bruises. “How do you like this Kayo?” Mom asked me from the inside of a Lolita shop. The frilly a*s abomination she held up was enough to make a baby cry. It was not only bright hot pink, the frills were overpowering and the very sight of it even made hard core Lolita fans drop dead in horror. Whoever designed it should be killed was my first thought. My second thought was too get the big Mama out of the shop before she embarrassed me further. “I’m looking for a sweat shirt, Ma,” I told her through clenched teeth. Mama sulked and a few teenage girls laughed at me mockingly at the corner. Irritation crept up my forehead. “Hey I change my mind, I would like it, MA!” I practically shouted the words at my Ma who looked up in surprise. “Oh my Kayo, you like it?” she asked surprise. No, of course I don’t, but no one laughs at my Ma…no one but me. I turned to look at the b*****s who were now staring at me in new light and I smirked at them, taking the dress my mom held out and wearing it over my plain outfit which consisted of a white shirt and black shorts. “Oh my,” the mama said when she saw what the pink abomination had down to me. “I think we shall not purchase this,” Big Mama told me and I took the thing off. Like I said, whoever designed the pink abomination should be killed. The girls at the side laughed again and I snorted, this was not my day. My mom shopped for another hour and I continued to mope. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, I could be at home lazing around with Tabby the cat but here I was in the middle of crappy Shinjuku. I stared up at the polluted blue sky and thought how great it must be to be a bird flying in the sky right now, free, and away from all life’s s**t. As you can see, I’m a pretty negative kid. While my Mom is shopping let’s talk about me shall we. My name was Kayo Asano. Please do not call me Mayo; I do not like being compared to a milk product. I am a healthy 17 year old girl with more bad luck than anyone else in the world. Let me walk around alone at night and I’ll probably get mugged by a robber, place me in a bus full of people and I’ll probably get molested by some freak. Put me on a bicycle and I’ll probably cycle off a cliff. Yes, bad things have been happening to me since the age of zero. When I was just 2 months old, Mama said I fell off a tall table my Dad has placed me on. I hit my head on the floor and I had to be sent to the hospital. The stitches of that incident still left a scar on my scalp. It was hidden of course by my black short hair. When I was 3 months old I slipped on a banana peel and hit my chin, I had to be sent to the hospital again to be stitch up, the scar has since vanished but it took 10 long years. When I was 4 months old I fell off…well you get the picture. My bad luck in accidents persisted and till today at every start of the month something bad happens to me. I was so used to it I had a first aid kit strapped next to me whenever I go out. There was also a note in my pocket, a note stating this, “If this girl faints on the road, please kind soul call the ambulance.” It was written by my Ma. If you checked my hospital records you would have noticed that my record had since reached 200. It was an incredible feat for someone as young as me and hey, I’m not even terminally ill. Because of my countless accidents I have many scars on the body; these scars had given me a fearsome reputation. Guys in school would avoid me and girls too scared to even speak to me. They all thought I was a delinquent of some kind and because of that I was a pretty lonely kid. Did I mind the fact that I was friendless…no, not really. Anyway because of the countless bad luck I had turned into an ultra negative person. A rather cynical one to boot too. When I was age 3 and while my friends were talking about how rabbits live on the moon or how magic exist in this tiny little world I was talking about society and how people would never change. I even gave my child care teacher a lecture about how the government should be destroyed and how having a government to rule senseless people was just a waste of time, adding on to that I discussed how the American government could just blow the world up with nuclear weapons. This conversation apparently made the teacher very worried and she had a nice long talk with my Ma. How did I know about nuclear weapons at the age of 3, well let’s just say I was a very clever child. I never looked at fairy tales but at the facts stated in front of me. I could never see past these facts and imagine. The thought of Santa clause climbing down the roof often made me think he was a burglar. Or that the fairy god mother in Cinderella was just a con-man. Fairy tales were fictional lies created by people who just wanted to dream. Dreams were hopeless; people who strive to get them were idiots. Dreams can never be realized. That was why when my childhood friend told me she wanted to be superman I told her that she couldn’t fly, not now and not in a million life times. She cried and this earned me an ear shelling from my teacher, her mother and my Ma. I took it all in silently, thinking adults were fools; teaching children to dream when their dreams can never be realized. When Mina, my childhood friend cried that day somehow I knew she knew that her dreams cannot be realized and I felt the need to crush every 3 year old dream in my childcare class. An ambition of a slightly demented 3 year old…yep, from a normal person’s point of view…but from my view I was just teaching the class reality. Fairy tales were for senseless people, we must grow up to be people with sense. The world was not beautiful. Caterpillars would always remain ugly caterpillars and birds cannot fly. Flowers do not sing, ghost does not exist, all people are evil, and everything was a conspiracy from God. The earth was a ****ed up place. Too much negativity? Want to take a break…? Well let’s talk about how I look ok. I am thin, standing at only 4.5 feet high I was pretty short. I had paled skin, tiny Japanese eyes and my pupils were light brown, and I had black hair and thin lips. My Ma said I looked like the ghost in the movie the ring. I had watched the ring and while the couple beside me screamed throughout the movie I could only sit there and stare at the girl acting as the ghost and think, “Man, oh man, ghost do not exist…only ****ed up humans.” So that was it about me, a pretty normal teen if you didn’t count the awesome bad luck and the huge amount of negativity. “Kayo,” my Ma called me again and I sighed looking into the shop she was in. She held out a pink sweater and I could only stare at it in disdain. Like I said, people who design such abomination should be killed. * If you were somehow looking for Mary Poppins (did I spelt that right) in the middle of Asia, Japan, Tokyo, the please look no further. Just come to my household and you’ll find that Mary Poppins she’s called my Ma. Ma was 50 years old and she had raised me up since birth. Her positive thinking was frightening. If she was caught in a cross fire between two bank robbers she’ll probably say, ‘Oh, what an interesting experience.” And get shot in the head. My MA was a happy-go-lucky person. Everything she did was sprinkled with a little sugar and sweet spices. Mary Poppins anyone? She could probably do a musical by herself. It was a good thing Ma was like that, ever since my Dad died 13 years ago, Ma had been my only parents. When Dad died I remembered MA crying so hard about it I thought her face was going to crack up into tiny little pieces. That didn’t happen of course, a few days later after Dad’s death I suggested to her family suicide, she slapped me across the cheeks and told me we got to live on. Tell you frankly, suicide would be a much better option, it would release all the pain we had and we would become nothing. However, Ma chose the hard way out and from that day onwards I have always thought of MA as some stupid freak. Why choose the hard way when you can just snuff yourself out. I don’t know. Once my mom dies, I would die by suicide. So basically my Ma’s the only lifeline I had now, I wouldn’t die before her, dying before the stupidest person on earth would just kill my pride. Do I love my Ma…well I do feel a sort of affinity, a sort of respect for the half a century egg…but it was small and faint and hardly alive. Everyone would die, why love? Love did not exist in reality it only exist in the minds of stupid people and they have deluded themselves to think that it exist in real life. “You really need to see a counselor,” was my middle-school’s teacher’s word to me on the day of graduation. Well, screw it, I don’t need a counselor, nothing would change. The world is cruel…why save it… I mean come on… Why was I so stupid…? D****t! Was what I thought when I was laying underneath a highly sophisticated Japanese car with a spanner and a cutter inn my left and right hands. My Ma was shouting at me to come back and the policemen of Tokyo had flocked into Shinjuku and had created a protective barrier around the car I was underneath. They men in blue had blocked off the city and had created a 50 meter circle radius red alert circle around the car. Let’s start from the beginning shall we. After convincing my mother not to buy the pink sweater I had dragged my Mom out of the girly shop only to hear a scream coming from a woman dressed in an office suit. She was pointing to a car and in that few seconds only chaos erupted. People started running left and right away from the car. My Ma and I stood, confused by the chaos that had erupted around our very eyes. A man pushed me down and I collapsed on the ground. That was when I saw what the woman saw. It was a huge big box and it was ticking away slowly. The box was lodge underneath a large Puma car. It was a very classic example of a time bomb. My Ma gasped when I told her what I saw and she grabs me attempting and we got away from the car and the box. Soon thereafter police arrived in huge flocks to Shinjuku and began to clear the area off, soon it would seem the whole city stood at a standstill standing behind the bomb barricades the police men had build around the car and watching as bomb squads attempt to dislodge the bomb from the car. It was too no avail. My Ma and I were standing behind one of the bomb squads at that time and we were watching the whole process. My Ma’s eyes wide in horror and mine, bored as hell. We could have headed straight home but instead stupid idiot Mary Poppins over here wanted to see the bomb dislodge. In other words she was like every other busy body idiot standing around right here. It was 15 minutes later when police men, maybe the boss took out a speaker and spoke to the crowd. “The Bomb we are dealing with is C4’s, they are highly explosive and they can cause great damage. There are 100 C4’s packed into a black box and a timer is attached to these C4’s, normally the wiring of these casually made bombs are very easy to crack however the wiring in this case is complicated and complex. The bomb is set to explode 2 hours later, the safest thing to do is to clear the area and just let the bomb explode…however the if there is any expert here who could crack a puzzle of these size, please step forward and exist the bomb squad.” The crowds were taken aback one guy even shouted, “And you call yourselves professionals!” This squad was going to be a laughing stock; their heads would be shown on national TV and their names forever written as “THE SQUAD WHO COULD NOT PROTECT SHINJUKU” Man, oh man were their lives totally screwed. Why were they asking civilians who can’t even handle a guns to fix up this mess…I don’t get it. It amused me greatly. It hit me hard at that time that I could die at this very spot…I could die and it wouldn’t look stupid at all. It would be heroic, people would be praising me and I wouldn’t look stupid. I could die earlier…even before my MA dying. Heck, I was smart I could probably cracked this bomb in about an hour or so, but if I couldn’t…then dude, I would die a hero. I could commit suicide with pride. People wouldn’t think of it as a suicide. I cracked my fingers and smirked. And did the most stupid thing in my entire life, I raised my hand and shouted, “Hey, I’ll do it.” * “Kagome~ Kagome~” I sang as I happily snipped away a golden wire behind the red wire. A bomb squad member named Genta Takashi looked at me work with amazement. He was 4 years older than me and he was just a trainee but he sacrificed his life to join me under the car. He was a brave one this one. ‘Why are you singing a kids song?” he asked me as I happily used the spanner to dislodge the timer from the packets of C4’s. Looking at the bomb you could tell it was made by a professional but it was easy to crack if you had a mind of mine. Usually, the bomb would be connected to the timer and once you snip the timer off the bomb’s good as dead. However this bomb maker had placed many different wires connecting the C4’s to the timer. It would mean that one of these wires is the real one and the rest fakes. However, it was placed in such an order that if you cut the wrong one, the bomb just explodes. Pretty stressful hey…well not for me. I was planning to die anyway. “It’s getting hotter, huh?” Takashi told me. Sweat was dripping down his young boyish face. His light brown hair was glistening with sweat underneath his helmet. “Well, yeah,” I said and tore the timer off with such force that it gave out a sound. Takashi tensed and gave a shriek. However nothing happened and I chuckled a little. “Why are you so calm?” Takashi asked me panting. He was slightly irritated I could see this. He knew I wasn’t taking this seriously and well…I wasn’t. I shrugged at him, “Because this is so ****ed up,” I told him. He was shocked by my answer. “You know I actually wanted to die…alone,” I told him and his eyes widened as I raised the cutter. He reached out and grabs my wrist tightly. “Don’t cut! **** it!’ he shouted. “But since they place you here with me, I can’t commit suicide the way I wanted to…fate is cruel you know, not allowing me to die when situations like this only happen once in a lifetime.” I said. Takashi was utterly shocked. “Do you really know how to do this?” he stuttered once he was able to find his words. I smirked, “What do you think I am?” “I swear if you cut the wrong wire I would personally send you to hell in the next life!” he shouted at me. He was pretty riled up. “I would probably go to hell anyway…what makes you think you exist after death?” I asked him. He gaped at me and I smiled sweetly at him. “Humans are such foolish creatures, believing in stuff that can never happen, has never been proven and well does not exist…why are humans so pig headed that they can’t see anything at all.” Takashi could not answer it and I raised the cutter again. My Ma was probably crying and sobbing uncontrollably now, the people outside were probably gazing at me with a tensed silence, the police squad were probably setting up the barriers now with upmost care…everything about this situation was so fucked up. My plans to die alone, heroic were thwarted by this guy named Takashi Genta. Sigh…sigh…sigh… “Do you believe in life after death Takashi?” I asked the stupid boy who lay beside me as I fumbled with a green wire. Takashi nodded his head furiously. “So you wouldn’t mind if I killed the both of us now?” “NO!” Takashi shouted as I smiled and cut a golden wire that lay behind the green wire. Takashi tensed so hard and shut his eyes shut. I smiled and let the cutter dropped out of my hands. The timer that I had dislodged stopped and for a few seconds hushed silence spreads across the nation. “Relax man,” I told Takashi, “We’re still alive.” Takashi opened his eyes and he rolled himself out of the car, yelling in triumph and pulling me out too. He held me up and bounced happily. Upon seeing this the street erupted in cries of joy and screams. I felt nothing but regret. Please just let me die now… Just let me die now… It was as if God had heard my request because at the very moment huge shock waves seem to shake through the Earth. I heard an in depending sound of death whizzing past my eyes and I felt something small and hard collide with my right chest. Pain ripped through me then I slumped. A tiny smile rose on my lips…I think it was the first time I smiled a real smile. I slumped on Takashi and he cried out in horror. I felt blood leaving my chest and I felt myself sliding faster and faster away. Soon darkness greeted me and all I saw was a great nothingness. I was right…there was no life after death. Ghost did not exist, fairy tales were for foolish people, ha-ha, and the world was a conspiracy. One big ****ing lie! © 2010 riddlekillerAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on October 21, 2010 Last Updated on October 21, 2010 Author![]() riddlekillerBanana, Baa Baa black sheep , SingaporeAboutI come from the smallest country of Asia. Pls don't bomb it. I'm an average teenager who likes to both read and write. I don't know whether I have any great artistic talent that all writer's who wrote.. more.. |