Gee, this seem hauntingly familiar. As if I have read this before. LOL Yes, I am sure of it. It is quite memorable. I loved the creativity and fabulous rhymes. And the flow that carried me along like floating on an inner tube on a lazy creek.
I swear the person who wrote this attended rhymaholic's anonymous with me.
Oh My God !! Perfect , beautifully crafted words here and so connect to where the writer is on his feel mature or a maturing ... a skin shedding an ego loosening .. or something like that anyway was fab !
" I think this time I’m going to skip
my quest for happiness
Every time I look for love
I leave another mess"
really connected to these lines .. easy to read also , thank you xx
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
hahaha an old rhymer from ages ago.. thanks poet for giving it some love.. its been lonely as you ca.. read morehahaha an old rhymer from ages ago.. thanks poet for giving it some love.. its been lonely as you can see.. glad you like.. :)
You are "young" in the space of time we are given, impatient in the desire of life's gifts (and they are there) but in the way you give of all YOUR gifts in writing of the life you've lived and how you wish to live, the LIVING at its best will slowly trickle in and provide you with a deep pool from which to draw the contentment that is reflected there. The more we give to life of ourselves, the more is returned. Being alone is a time of COUPLING with ourselves so that we can grow in our abilities to share when that ONE soul out there (much like you or me) finds the crumbs and follows the path to the door we bid them open...
Your writing could feed the multitudes.
Aww! The last stanza made me all gooey inside. It made me want to give the guy a hug so bad! Absolutely marvelous. I love your work very much and honestly I am hypercritical of people most of the time, but you? Flawless. Love it.
I'm going to sell this extra baggage
that I've have had too long
In hopes that I will find a place
I finally belong
Wouldn't that be great.. just sell all the old baggage. I guess there is an easier way, just let it go, except it's not that easy is it, or is it. See you got me all thinky now. Lovely poem.
Gee, this seem hauntingly familiar. As if I have read this before. LOL Yes, I am sure of it. It is quite memorable. I loved the creativity and fabulous rhymes. And the flow that carried me along like floating on an inner tube on a lazy creek.
I swear the person who wrote this attended rhymaholic's anonymous with me.
A emotional mix of this and that really well put and, such a good sound when it's read aloud.. rhythmic.. could be lyrics, all you need is a good guitarist and a voice to equal your words..
Sad and optimistic at the same time. Who'd a thunk it? This was suprisingly delightful to read even with its melancholic current. A good flow. Well done.
If you don't see me around that much be happy for me..
I scribble the most when I'm sad.
Thanks for helping me write less.
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