I've never forgotten the people in my life and still remember the birthdays of friends of mine and this picture of me was taken 37 years ago in 1974 when I was 5 standing to the left of the photo beside my friend Michelle on what was our first day of kindergarten. I was three and I decided on my own to walk across the street to her house from mine in Baltimore, MD. I wanted to send you more light and love to those who are friends family and loved ones. It's all because my friend Michelle and I used to say I love you almost every single day we were together whether we were playing basketball and with dolls because she was a girl and I played along. Obviously neither Michelle or I knew what the word love mean't in the physical aspect but I knew that the warmth I felt when I was around her and the feeling could only have been described as love on the level that we both understood love to be from our own perspectives as children who were born in 1969 less than a few months apart from each other.