Episode 9A Chapter by HopelessRomanticScene 1 (Zahar is sitting at her desk and Sarai and Taylor and standing in front
of her) Zahar This can’t be happening, this isn’t happening I don’t know this girl get
her out of my office Sarai What’s wrong Zahar? You don’t remember your daughter? Zahar I gave her up! She’s not supposed to come into my life I sold her! Taylor Sarai can you give me a minute alone with my mother? Sarai You sure? Taylor Yes (Sarai then leaves the office) Taylor Now that she’s gone you can tell me face to face, did you have a daughter
that you gave up when you were young? (Zahar looks at her then looks down) Taylor Hear that awkward silence? That’s all the answer I need right there (we then cut to Juan’s office and he’s drinking a glass of water and
looking over a file when Sarai walks into the office) Juan I am on the verge of getting the final piece of Sinai Industries stock to
where I can merge the companies and push her down Sarai I don’t think that will hurt her as much as I just did Juan Que paso? Sarai I just found the daughter she had as a teenager, and now they’re both in
her office meeting each other for the first time since she gave her up Juan This is big, she had a daughter as a teenager? (Sarai nods and Juan takes a drink from his glass) (Fade out) Scene 2 (We’re in Emilio’s apartment and Allye is sitting on the couch reading
when Emilio comes from downstairs dressed very nice and Allye looks up to see
him) Allye Whoa! Emilio What? Allye And where are you headed out to all dressed to kill? Emilio Oh um, I am going to meet someone for a social gathering at a restaurant Allye Dad, you’re going on a date? (Emilio looks down and Allye starts to tear up) Emilio No no its not like that. (He grabs her and hugs her) I’m not trying to
replace your mother Allye Well it sure seems that way! Emilio Allye please… (Allye then runs into her room and Emilio goes to follow then stops and
turns around and leaves, we then cut to Juan’s office with him and Sarai) Juan I’ve always known Zahar to be a little “fast”, but even I thought she was
more dignified than that Sarai This is the biggest thing I could bring out on her, but I’m actually
concerned about Taylor Juan Taylor? Allye’s friend Taylor? Sarai You know her? Juan Yes I saw her when I went up to the school for Emilio Sarai Well she’s the long lost daughter. As much as this brings joy to my heart
to watch her suffer, I’m worried that this may hurt Taylor more than anything (we then cut to Zahar’s office with Taylor and Zahar) Taylor Now I’m not gonna go into why you let me go, but now that I’m here do you
wish to go into detail with that? Zahar I don’t think I owe you an explanation, and where is Sarai I bet she put
you up to this. Find out something horrible about my past and pay you to act
like the daughter I gave up (Taylor pulls out the test that Sarai gave her and throws it on the desk) Taylor If you’re so smart read it! (Zahar grabs the paper and rips it open to read it, as she reads it her
expression goes from anger to fear) Zahar It is you, isn’t it? (Taylor stands there silent) Zahar My biggest mistake has come back to haunt me (Taylor steps back as if hurt by the statement) (Fade out)
Scene 3
(We’re suddenly at a party, there’s people dancing and laughing all
around, we then see Malory at a table laughing hysterically with a group of
Yeah then I told her to step it!
(They all start laughing uncontrollably)
Random person
Let’s hear it for Malory, la jefa verdad de Valenova Designs!
(They all clink their glasses and take a big drink, then suddenly Mallory
stands up swaying)
(slurred) Well I think its time for me to head home
(The crowd boos as she says this)
Stop it! (laughing)
(Malory then walks towards the door and grabs her keys and fumbles out the
door, we then cut to The Coffeehouse and we see Emilio sitting at a table with
a cup of coffee, then suddenly Patricia Garcia, Allye’s english teacher, walks
over to his table and he sees her)
Glad you could make it, (he gets up and gives her a hug)
(sitting down) Well I’m glad I took you up on your offer, but you don’t
seem happy is something wrong?
Allye found out I was coming to meet you
Oh, and I take it she was upset?
She just ran to her room and started to cry
Well did you tell her that this was just a casual meeting between two
No, I just left
Well maybe it’s good that you didn’t try to push the issue, but do you
think you should go back?
I’m not sure
Why don’t you call her?
(Emilio takes out his phone and dials a number, we cut to Allye’s room and
her cell phone starts to ring, she picks it up and sees its Emilio and ignores
the call, then we cut back to Emilio)
She ignored it
You wanna put a raincheck on this
and go home?
(Emilio looks down at his phone then nods)
(Fade out)
Scene 4
(We’re in Zahar’s office where we left off)
Your biggest mistake?
I knew when I found out I was pregnant I should’ve just ended it there,
but my grandmother the devout Catholic wouldn’t hear of it, I was to bring this
baby full term and then give it up. I kept telling her, “Grandma this baby was
a mistake, I don’t know who the father is and why should I burden everyone by
keeping it? Let me have the abortion”
You were so willing to kill your own child?
I was on the verge of doing it myself, but I decided to just give you up
instead. And now look where it got me, I’m a very establish business person
with a hold in two great companies rising in Houston, and now you’re here to
ruin everything
I’m not here to ruin this-whatever you call it. I wanted to see my
biological mother face to face
Don’t! Don’t ever call me that!
Like it or not you are my mother now do I want anything to do with or from
you? Hell no, but at least I know who you are. A cruel, coniving woman that
only cares about what she wants. I’m glad I found someone that cares about me.
(Taylor then runs out of the office as Zahar then grabs the test and rips
it up and throws it into the trash)
No, no one can find out about this. I don’t have a daughter
(we cut to a street and see Emilio walking to his car, and we suddenly
hear tires screeching as a car comes around the corner too quickly and then
accelerates toward Emilio, he turns up but by the time he sees it its too late
and he’s hit head on and flops to the ground we hear the car stop then keep
going and we see Emilio laying on the ground with blood coming out of his
(Fade out)
© 2012 HopelessRomantic |
Added on July 12, 2012 Last Updated on July 12, 2012 AuthorHopelessRomanticHouston, TXAboutI am currently a college student in Houston, Texas. I attend Houston Baptist University receiving a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in English. I have always enjoyed reading and writing and a.. more..Writing