![]() Episode 1A Chapter by HopelessRomantic
Episode 1
Scene 1
(We open in an office. At the desk is Sarai Esperanza, the CEO and President of Esperanza Enterprises. She is going over a report given to her by her financial offices, by her face she doesn't look impressed. At that moment the door opens and in walks Juan Esperanza, her oldest son. He is Vice-President of the company.)
Did you get the report for this past quarter?
Looking over them right now.
Figures are looking same as last time and the time before that.
Deadlock isn't good for us at all.
Why not? We're one of the heavyhitters in Houston, we don't have much competition.
(She hands him a magazine on her desk) Think again
(He looks on the cover of the magazine and sees a young, beautiful woman on the cover with a triumphant smile in front of a new building. The headline reads:
Zahar Rodriguez
Rising Business Star) When did this happen?
She's been is business for a while now. She takes the companies that are on the brink of going under and revamps them, but she doesn't just help them get back on their feet she maintains ownership and then it belongs to her.
Is she a plausable threat?
I wouldn't put anything past this woman, first she tried to steal your father away from me, then she wanted the company, and now she's trying to compete.
(Then the door to her office opens and her secretary walks in)
Mrs. Esperanza, your meeting with the associates from Austin is in 10 minutes.
Thank you Vanessa
I highly doubt that Zahar even has a chance getting anywhere close to us. We've been in business since before me or her were born. She may be grabbing the tabloids, but business isn't flashing lights and pretty faces.
Juan Zahar isn't any of those things. She can play hardball, but we will just play right back with her.
(Cut to Zahar's office, she is standing in front of her desk reading the article on her)
“Sinai Industries has grown from a few small business ventures into a large conglomerate among the business world and is quickly growning in Houston and making its way up.” Oh my this press just gets me flustered. (She laughs as she walks around and takes a seat at her desk) Look out Sarai, I will find a way into that company of yours and your career will be destroyed, not me this time, (her face changes from triumph to anger) not me.
(Fade out)
Scene 2
(We're outside of a building, we see the name of the company Valenova Designs in big letters, and a limo pulls up. Out of the limo steps Malory Valenova, the new owner and President of the company. She is dressed very fashionably and walks into the building, then cut to hallway with doors and a desk with a receptionist Malory comes around the corner and the receptionist jumps up)
Good morning Ms. Valenova, is there anything I can get for you this morning?
I need you to call Issac down in advertising and tell him that I need the layout for the new line and then I need you to go to Sharpstown and I need these fabrics (hands receptionist a list)
Anything else ma'am?
No that's all thank you.
(Malory walks into her office and sets her bag down on the table by the door. She sees a picture of an older woman on her desk and lays it face down on the desk. She then walks to a tray behind her desk and pours herself a small glass of scotch.
Por tu ama
(She drinks the glass swiftly, then grabs the entire bottle and starts drinking, she pulls it away and the flavor lingers and she shudders. She then puts the bottle down and takes her seat at her desk, at that moment her door opens and in walks Maria Elizabeth de la Paz, Malory's Vice President and right hand girl)
Ok, I pulled our designs from last year's Venice Rememberance collection and I think that we could go with this again, but revamp it to be a more edgy kinda feel to it.
(takes the sketches) You wanna keep the same colors and patterns?
Probably the patterns but I'm thinking of a more darker, harsh colors for the new line.
I like the idea, I have Issac giving me the ad layouts so I can try to see what our style is going for.
Ok, and are you doing ok?
Ama's death was inevitable, I'm just happy she's with God.
Yes, let me know if you need anything you or Santino.
I think we'll be fine Maria but I'll let you know if I need anything
(We see Malory's face and she seems distressed but hiding it, then cut to an apartment. We see Emilio Esperanza at a table in the living room with files and pictures all over the surface. He takes a picture and puts it into a box behind him, the front door opens and in walks his daughter Alexandria Esperanza. She goes by Allye and she puts down her bag and walks over to her dad)
Hey sweetheart, how was school?
Boring, everyone kept coming up to me telling me they were sorry and that it was sad that mom died, but they don't know anything.
Well baby they're just trying to show you they care, you and I both know how you feel but they don't. Don't hold it against them they don't know what else to do.
It gets kinda irritating after awhile.
Don't worry about it.
(Allye suddenly starts tearing up and starts crying and Emilio holds her tearing up too)
(muffled) I miss mom!
(stiffling) I know sweetheart, me too.
(Fade out)
Scene 3
(We're back in Esperanza Enterprises, we see Sarai and a few executives come out of a room smiling and shaking hands)
Well gentlemen, I am more than happy that you came to me with this great opportunity and I see a great future with our companies.
Executive 1
Thank you Mrs. Esperanza, oh and I just read the article on that Ms. Rodriguez and how her business is quickly growing, what do you think of that?
I think its great to have more companies here in Houston, and I look forward to perhaps working with Ms.Rodriguez.
(The executives say their goodbyes and then leave the building, Sarai then rolls her eyes remembering what they said about Zahar and goes into her office and she sees her son Jose in her seat with his feet up on the desk)
Hello mother, how are we doing today?
I was doing great, what's your need today?
Can't I come and see my mother and see what's happening with my future company?
No you can't because you never do.
Right now lets cut through the crap, I lost the money from last week in a poker game and I need to head out to Barbados for a party, so I need about $500,000
Son have you even been to your office?
Of course and I still see that large stack of papers and I run right out (laughing)
Well unfortunately I don't have the checkbook for your funds.
Well who does because I need to get my ticket, new clothes, and find a couple of girls to take with.
(walks in) What do you need now Jose?
I need some money but Sarai gave away my checkbook
No she didn't I have it.
(frustrated) Then may I please have $500,000 for my trip?
Well last I checked the money wasn't yours so just write the check.
No, until you starting actually doing something with your life instead of sleeping around and wasting your trust, I put a hold on all the funds in your account.
(Jose gets mad and walks out of the room)
That was utterly dissapointing
He needed to hear it, I'm tired of him just living off his trust
Well if this doesn't wake him up then I hope he doesn't do something stupid.
(Cut to a nurse's station. We're in St. Thomas Memorial Hospital and in walks Santino Valenova walk in with a nurse right next to him)
Mrs. Johnson in 3a said that she was having some chest pains so I need you to give her a nitroglycerin tablet and then keep an eye on her vitals and see if they change.
Yes doctor.
(The nurse walks away and Santino walks into his office. He walks over to a desk and opens a drawer and pulls out file. He opens it and observes it when the door opens and Maria walks in)
I'm sorry is this a bad time?
No no Maria your ok come on in.
(Maria closes the door and walks into his office. She takes a seat in front of Santino's desk)
And to what do I owe this pleasure?
I wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing with everything.
Well I'm going. Malory was a bit shaken up this morning but she got over it. She went to work didn't she?
Yes, she was acting normal.
She doesn't want
people to know that she's hurting. Ama always told her “No mostrar nunca sus emociones, te hace débil.”
(translating) Never show your emotions, it makes you
weak. But she should know that we're here for her.
I doubt that she would let us.
Well if there is anything that I can do to help just
let me know.
Yo se Maria. And thank you for coming by, I feel a lot
(Santino and Maria both get up as he walks her to the
door. They both reach for the doorknob and their hands touch. They stay still
for a moment then Maria slowly pulls away and Santino opens the door for her
and she walks out. Then cut to Juan's office in Esperanza Enterprises. His door
suddenly bursts open and Jose walks in)
Ok now listen to me. My trust is my trust it doesn't
matter how I use it, but you will not hold my money back from me.
Don't think that you can come into my office and talk
to me like I'm one of your deadbeat friends! Your trust fund is now under my
control, if you even want to see a dollar of it again you will straighten up
and start making something of your life.
What do you want me to do? Work here at this god awful
place and be bossed around by you and Sarai? No thank you, and if I remember
correctly Sarai is the only person who can execute my trust, not you!
Mother gave
me the trust because she's tired of you just wasting all of it, and unlike
mother I don't just give in.
You are gonna regret this. I will be back later and if
I don't have a check for me, you won't be happy with me.
Don't try to threaten me Jose (he stands up and looks
him dead in the eye) if you think that you can convince me to give you money by
throwing a fit think again. I control your trust now and until you straighten
up you will not see anything from it.
(walks towards the door then turns around) This ain't
(Jose walks out and Juan sits down)
(Fade out)
Scene 4
(We see Zahar enter a little coffee shop, she goes to
the front desk and orders a cappucino. On the other side we see Sarai walk in
and she takes a seat at the bar, looking through her phone. Zahar turns and
sees her and walks over to her with her head high)
So did you happen to read the article about me in
Houston Business Monthly?
(not looking at her) Yes and as usual by anything you
do I was nauseous.
You know you think that everyone in this town thinks
so highly of you, but the truth is that there are people out there that think
of you the way I do: A cold, useless person that would be doing the world a
favor if she went away.
(turns towards Zahar) I know the people who think of
me that way. Each one of them are the lowlifes like you that tried to mess with
me and got destroyed. You however went one step higher than them and tried to
hit me where it hurt. You slept with John and tried to get him to divorce me,
but you didn't succeed because I made it not happen. You tried to claim you
were pregnant with John's child and wanted a piece of the company and we found
you out. So, try to take up as many companies as you can and sleep around with
anyone you want and try to look good, but you won't work. You were never a threat
to me and now you think you can stand up to me well I have news for you. (she
stands up facing Zahar)
Sarai I am not your assistant anymore. You don't scare
Well you should be, and congratulations on your new
company, lets see if it fails like your love life.
(A waiter comes to Sarai and gives her a to go bag,
she takes it and thanks him. Then leaves without looking at Zahar. Zahar takes
her cappuccino and storms out. Cut to Malory's office, she is looking at
various drawings and holding cloths up on a mannequin. Maria walks in and
brings more designs with her)
I found the sketches you asked for.
Oh thank you, come here and look at this.
(walks over to her) Your thinking the steel and black
Yes, and then we could try to make the accessories the
only color in the collection.
I think it could work.
Send the idea downstairs and have the sewers put it
together so we can see a physical view.
Ok, and you want me to stop by advertising for the
No I have it already
What did we get.
Steel Uprising
Sounds good
(Malory nods and sits down at her desk. Maria walks
out and Malory turns around and grabs the scotch bottle and starts drinking,
but finishes it. She gets mad and throws it across the office shattering it
against the wall. She then pulls out her phone and dials a number)
Chloe, its Malory, is Corrs still throwing that party
tonight? Ok good tell him to expect me and I'm ready to have fun.
(Fade out)
Scene 5
(We are in Emilio's apartment and he is in the kitchen
cooking dinner and Allye comes down and sits down at the table)
You feeling better mija?
Yeah, just needed to let some of my sadness out.
Well to help you I made your favorite.
(smiling) Not fishsticks and mac and cheese?
(puts down a plate in front of her with everything she
listed) Only the best
(laughs and starts eating) Mmmmmm, I miss this.
(coming out of the kitchen) Yeah, we've been on the
takeout train haven't we?
Yeah, but luckily I have Jason.
(suddenly catches her attention) Jason?
Yeah, my new boyfriend
Oh....you have a boyfriend
Yes dad, you know I'm 16 now not 6.
Well as long as he's nice
I've known him since middle school
Well he'll have to come by so I can meet him
(Allye smiles but Emilio has a worried look on his face, cut to Zahar's office and she is going through her files and her Vice President Rachel Martinez walks in)
We are getting a lot of press from that article
It seems to be doing the job I thought it would
I have a list of potential stockholders and the price they're willing to give for a piece
(hands Zahar the list)
(looking) And from what I see then we are gonna be in good shape for this coming fiscal year
Yes we are, oh and I am currently talking with the LA houses to see what we would need to open up here
(At that moment Jose walks in, he sees Zahar and walks over to her desk)
Who the hell are you?
It would seem that you wouldn't remember the only Esperanza child who was nice to you while your affair with my father
Oh yes your Jose, well what the hell do you want?
I'll just talk to you later
(Rachel leaves and Jose sits down in front of the desk)
Now what exactly are you doing here?
In case you haven't noticed this isn't a bank
I have something of great value to you
No I don't take well to men who can't gamble
(is shocked by her comment, then gets over it) No I have something that you could use to your advantage
What would that be?
I have 25% ownership over Esperanza Enterprises, and it's one of the only things I have complete control over. I have no use for it and I am in need of money, so my proposition to you is that I will give you my shares of Esperanza Enterprises, for $5 million dollars
(Zahar doesn't show her expression but her eyes light up at the thought of owning a quarter of the company)
Why would you do this? This company could be yours, but you are actually willing to give me your share?
On two conditions
Name them
I want $5 million dollars and a wife
(Zahar's jaw drops and we fade out)
© 2012 HopelessRomanticReviews
3 Reviews Added on July 12, 2012 Last Updated on July 12, 2012 Author![]() HopelessRomanticHouston, TXAboutI am currently a college student in Houston, Texas. I attend Houston Baptist University receiving a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in English. I have always enjoyed reading and writing and a.. more..Writing