Happy New Year

Happy New Year

A Story by Aehr

1D Fanfic about the one and only Zayn Malik. I love him so much! :P


“What’s the time?”

That was the question on everyone’s lips, and everyone’s mind. Of course, in mine as well. I quickly pulled my sleeve and glanced at my worn off watch. It was 11:58 p.m. Only two minutes to twelve. Two minutes to the start of the new year. Two minutes to the end of that horrible year that had shown me nothing but horrible scenes, misfortunes, and adverse situations.  All I could do back then was to wish that the next year, thinks would change. All I could do was hope. And well, that’s exactly what my inner conscience urged me to do, so that’s what I did.

Those two minutes, my mind raced. It was faster than any of those rockets or bullets. Flashes of the whole year came before my eyes as a meaningless film. Leaving New York, my first day at university, that embarrassing fresher’s night incident, everything. It all came back to me, all in one go. The speed increased and kept on increasing, more rapid with each second. I was lost somewhere deep in my own thoughts. I was in the state of oblivion for those two minutes. Those two minutes kept dragging on and on. But then, I snapped back to reality. I looked around me, there was nothing but people with excited looks on their faces. And then?

“Happy New Year”

Fireworks shot up  in the sky, and it looked like daytime all over again. Red, blue and green neon lights seemed to have been thrown up in the sky. People around me stood up and hugged each other, with smiles on their faces, and ‘Happy New Year’ on their lips. The chilly air suddenly didn’t feel so chilly. There was warmth all around me. The warmth of the smiles on the people’s faces, and the warmth of love and care. It was everywhere.

I turned around to look for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. He should have been there. At least that moment when the fireworks went up in the sky. At least that moment when the clock struck twelve. He was late. Just like always. I rolled my eyes, and pushed my way through to the road. The crowd seemed to be never-ending. I wanted to stomp my foot on the ground and scream ‘Why me?’ like a three year old, but then I realized that it was useless. And also kind of stupid. I shook my head and continued walking. I was quite hurt. He promised that he would be there.

I was just crossing the bridge, when I broke down. It was kind of stupid, but I really couldn’t help it. The tears came trickling down quite unexpectedly, and it was like a mini avalanche in my brain. I stopped to look over the edge. The sight was beautiful. There were reflections of colourful lights on the black water of the lake. The sky was pitch dark and starry. From the corner of my eye, I saw my friends Fiona and Jasper slow dancing with each other on the music one of the people had requested the Café manager to play. I managed a faint, almost fake smile. At least someone was having fun.

Fiona, Jasper, and I were kind of a trio at university. Of course, I had my boyfriend too, but he was busy with his group, and we basically met after school every day. Fiona, Jasper and I used to hang around and have fun together. It wasn’t long before the three of us turned into best friends from just friends. And talking of Jasper and Fiona, they actually turned into more than friends the month before. I was quite happy for them, and they themselves were having the time of their lives.

I wiped my tears with the knuckles of my fingers, and tried to shake the thought away. But sadly, it just didn’t seem to go away. It had sort of mad its place in the back of my head. I hated that feeling. I just started walking again. This time, with no idea where I was going, or what I was doing. I crossed the bridge, and kept walking. I was just going to cross the road, when I felt a strong, muscular hand catching mine. A shock wave ran down my spine, followed by a surge of excitement, and then a tiny hint of anger. I recognised that hand just by touch.

It was him. It was Zayn. My Zayn.

With that firm hold of his, he pulled me towards him, and I twirled like it was some dance step. I inhaled the fragrance of his super intoxicating deodorant, and a smile automatically played on my lips. The anger flew away, and nothing but love took its place. The hair stick which bound my brown hair in a loose bun fell down, and my hair fell down open on my shoulders. A second later, my face was inches away from his, and he had his arms around my waist. My hands were around his neck. He was smiling that divine side-smile of his, and was wearing the same black flimsy shirt I had gifted him on his birthday. We were under one of those huge trees in the park and were well covered by some of the thick, low, green branches. No wonder no one had noticed him.

I was completely speechless at that point of time. Suddenly, the sky seemed to be clearer, and more beautiful. The bad start of the year didn’t seem all that bad, and I didn’t feel like crying any more.  Zayn had held me many times like that before, but whenever he did, he blew my mind away. We stood in silence like that for a moment.

“Happy New Year, Des” he said in that low, husky voice of his which was like music to my ears, even when he wasn’t really singing. He wiped my half-dried tears, and my face invited a hint of pink. I stared down at the ground, biting my lower lip.

“I missed you,” I managed to say, the tears coming back. I wrapped him in a tight hug, and he hugged me back.

“I missed you too, Destiny,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled, a stray tear escaping my eye. I always loved the way he spoke my name. It was the most comforting voice in the world for me.

“How was the tour?” I asked, looking up to his face.

“Pretty awesome,” was his reply.

We stood like that, looking into each other’s eyes. I could hear the music from the café, only faintly, but it was enough to dance to. He gently swayed to the music, to and fro, with me in his arms. I didn’t want to be anywhere else except in his strong arms. Zayn twirled me around, and brought me back to him with a jerk. It was a miracle being with him, not surrounded by paparazzi and people with cameras.

“Fiona’s out there with Jasper you know,” I said, just so that he knew that they weren’t going to drive me home.

“Shhh,” he whispered putting a finger on my carmine lips. “It’s just you and me now” We danced for quite a while. It was just amazing. It really was just him and I. But then, a question struck my mind.

“So, how exactly are we going to go home without people noticing us?” I asked him, with my innocent look.

He chuckled. "Don’t worry. Harry’s sent a ride. It’s waiting outside the park. We’re just going to have to sneak out”

I nodded, and he took my hand. We walked, pretty much jogged to the entrance of the park, and surprisingly, no one noticed  us amongst the immense crowd. It seemed like God did have a few miracles for me that new year.

Our fingers intertwined in the car, and we sat close enough to hear each other’s breathing. 

That car ride home, I realized what a big pessimist I was. I wanted someone to kick me.  I saw all the bad things, and forgot the good ones. I mentally made a list of all the good things that had happened to me the year before, i.e. 2012, and I actually had quite a good number. My parents had got together again, Fiona and Jasper were my friends, I had met Zayn, and I was doing good at school. What more would a girl like me want? It was only then that I realized that I was the weirdest girl on the planet. How could I miss out on the good part of the year when it was right under my nose?

With a self-satisfied smile , I pulled Zayn closer to me and hugged him tighter.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, a considerate tone in his voice.

“Nothing. Everything just turned out to be right,” was my answer. Zayn chuckled, and I could make out that he didn’t understand what I was trying to say, but he decided to shove it away. 

When we reached my place, he got down, opened the door for me, and got me out. I could still see fireworks in the sky, but my head was spinning round. I was happy, but also a bit confused. It was the best feeling in the world.

When we reached the door, Zayn bent down, kissed me on my cheek, and released my hand.

“Later, Princess” he whispered in that magical voice of his before vanishing to his car.

And just like that, I thought, the prince rescued the princess, and returned her safely to the castle again.

When I was going to bed that night, I looked up at the ceiling, and smiled with my eyes tight shut, like a lovesick fan-girl. Even without saying anything, Zayn had just made me realize something I should have long back. From someone else's point of view, I thought, it would be like crediting him for absolutely nothing. But that was really untrue. He made me realize, he really did.  And he didn’t even have to say anything.

That was when I decided that I loved him with all my heart, and that 2012 was not the worst, but actually the best year of my life. I just had to tilt my vision a bit!


© 2013 Aehr

Author's Note

I might be very VERY bad at this. But this is my first fanfic, so please be kind. lol. :P
I hope you like it!!!
*crosses fingers*

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I am very happy to inform you that I stopped at this write just by chance and it has made my day.
Thanks for sharing a heartfelt write.
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2014!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked it :) Thank you for reviewing, and a very happy 2014 to you too!

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome.
Its nt bad at all.......gurrrrrl...........its ossam like alwys.......keep writing!!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thanks bestie! :) missing u all... :'(
Flutterby aish

11 Years Ago

sm here gurrrrrrl.........there is soooo much 2 tell u n ask u.......see ya soon.........

11 Years Ago

k :)
That is your inspiration for you.

I think that's as close to a novel as some things can create.

And that's all I can whine about.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This really is great. The only thing I have to say is that whenever you write dialougue that is in quotations, make sure you always use punctuation at the end. Like when you write, "Fiona's out there with Jasper you know" I said.
It should be, "Fiona's out there with Jasper you know," I said. See?
I hope that's helpful. It probably wouldn't bother most people, but I'm kind of a grammar nazi, haha.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha. I understand. It can be tricky. I hate to bother you with this, but do you think you could che.. read more

11 Years Ago

Oh God, I almost forgot. I'm on it!

11 Years Ago

Haha, that's okay. I can't wait to see what you think.
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This is awesome, Rhea! It has been written so well:)) you are not very bad at this, you are extremely good!
And of course, you rock too:)
Such an amazing story doesn't come by everyday-
Keep writing!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you so much! 1D forever!
I love Zayn!!! *giggles*

11 Years Ago

lol:) it's cute thinking of you giggle:P
Oh and I replied to your email

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on January 4, 2013
Last Updated on May 17, 2013



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