sometimes i'm scared to share my writing because i think you guys won't like it, or i'm afraid to share a certain part of my past and i worry. but it's always worth it. thank you for all the support.
Writing is therapy as well as expression. I agree it is hard to share because it is such a piece of yourself. This is beautiful; I can feel all of the emotion.
Keep writing!
. oh, your words flow beautifully ... i agree with your perspective completely ... a lot of people have tried to silence me in various ways ... but i'm glad i didn't get silenced ... that would have been disastrous for them as well ... your tip is more powerful than you realize ... or, perhaps you do realize how powerful it is ... regardless, this is truly excellent work ... very inspirational ... :) ...
I enjoy many of your poems! The anxiety on what others may be thinking of you is overwhelming, all of us may have felt it here and there. Many of these lines were cleverly written, especially the connection between the past and a cast for a sprained/broken bone. How it hurts and you fear you are not able to live without it. Well done!
I am a 15 year old girl who loves to read, write, act, and draw. I just started writing seriously about 2 years ago. I've been published a few times in small online magazines. I am trying to find out .. more..