The Bleeding Heart Dove

The Bleeding Heart Dove

A Story by Rhemaebel

T he   Bleeding   Heart   Dove

Chapter 1 
The Town of Avodroc

Dear Emily,
I'm sorry...


Emily read the first line of Kyle's letter. She read it hundreds of times and could memorize it by heart. She was caressing the very end of the letter his name hand written by him without a doubt.

She closed her eyes trying to push back the tears, her heart compressed with emotions and painful memories. She gently hid the letter in her bag. She pulled out her iPhone and played with the charm attached to it. She was sitting in the train for nearly two hours now and as she looked out of the window there in sight, the town of Avodroc.

"I'm almost there. Lend me some of you luck" she kissed the charm and stood as the train came to a stop.

She came out of the train pulling her trolley people were turning their heads as she walked by, who wouldn't? In a small town like Avodroc you don't see people wearing high heeled Gucci boots, matched with a white turtle neck long sleeved top and black leather mini skirt. A city girl definitely stands out.

Hesitantly she sat down on a public bench and she dialed her uncle’s number.

"No reception!" She exclaimed. "Should've known" she checked the time once more, she was 30 minutes early for her uncle to pick her up. As impatient as she was she decided to walk to her Aunt's House. She wasn't about to sit down and wait for another 30 minutes.

She was tired of waiting, crying and being alone when will it all stop. It's been two years since IT happened. She shook her head trying not to remember, she focused on counting her footsteps one, two, and three... And she came to the 14th step she paused and took a deep breath April 14th; she remembered the date the tragic moment. Once more she shook her head and deeply sighed, this time she held her head up.

The small town of Avodroc has indeed changed as she look upon building to building, she was very little the last time she visited, her parents used to drag her along shopping down Jane street with all the lovely dress shops. She used to play in the park with the little kids, she wondered what happened to them, and they’ve probably changed the same way the town has. There were numerous of new shop. 

She watched them as she went along her way hoping of course that she wasn't lost. She stopped when she saw her Uncle's newly renovated shop it sure has changed. From the paintings, the roof, front door and then something caught her eye there it was on the middle of the toy shop amongst the teddy bears. The Binoculars.




Chapter 2 
Unlimited Dream's Toy Shop

"Jhake help me out here!" Fye yelled. 

"No way man, you said yesterday that you'd handle all the new arrivals in exchange I took your shift an hour early so you could go out with that Mira girl" 

Jacob and Fye were doing inventory in the most famous toy shop in Avodroc the Unlimited Dreams Toy Shop. There were 8 boxes of toys that had arrived. Jacob was counting while his best friend was doing all the labor.

"And that was such an amazing date." Fye smirked and Jacob just scuffed. 
"Hey! Hey! Hey! What was that? Why are you laughing?" Fye reacted 
"Nothing." Jacob assured him 
"Are you mocking my dating skills me? I haven't seen you going out with anyone"

"One, I'm not mocking your dating skills merely your lifting skill" Jacob easily lifted the box that Fye was pushing. 
"Two I haven't gone out with anyone because I haven't found the one yet" Jacob defended 
"More like you haven't had the guts!" 
"Yeah easy for you to say, you get all tongued-tied in front of a girl!"
"Me the Fye ? The Love Guru? The Love Expert? Mr. Cupid? Mr. Prince Charming? Jhake, I'm smooth with the ladies." 

As Jhake was about to give another smart remark the bell in the shop's door alerted them that someone was in the shop.

"Well Mr. Love Guru show off your moves because we've got a customer" Jacob pulled Fye to the small window if the stockroom door.

There they saw someone they've never seen before and by the looks of it she wasn't from anywhere near their town.

"You sure you want me to handle it? I mean you can gain experience from this" Fye shrugged   
"No, I insist on a demonstration" Jacob pushed Fye out of the stockroom with an evil grin on his face.

He could feel his best friend banging on the door wanting to retreat. And he couldn't help but lock the stockroom door. Sometimes with friend who was as egoistic as Fye he needed a few lessons or so.

He heard the girl, 
"Hello? I asked you a question!" And the girl's tone was tensed. 

Merciful as he is, he knew that his best friend was frozen over the counter. He quickly unlocked the door before his best friend could lose the customer he intervened.

Jacob was frozen on the sight of the girl, she had long silky blonde hair that curled at the very end and had a rosy white complexion. She was holding on to the binoculars placed at the round table with all the white teddy bears.

The girl looked at Jacob revealing her doll like face pink cheeks, rosy lips, she had long eye lashes and big round vivid blue eyes.

"Is your friend deaf or something?" she casually said with a flare of insult in the tone of her voice. Well so much for the pretty face, look like she’s another spoiled brat Jacob thought.  Jhake shook his head and looked at Fye whom had a frozen expression, they were both speechless. 

"No" Jacob forced himself to answer. "How can I help you ?"
"This item it doesn't have price tag. How much is it?" 
"That's not for sale. Sorry that's just a display." 
"I should've known... Name your price I'll buy it"
"I'm sorry Miss." Jacob was a bit pissed. "Like I said it’s not for sale" 
"Like I said name your prize" the girl repeated herself raising her voice a few octaves. 
"It's not for sale I'm sorry, but if you want there's a store right around the corner that sells the exact same binoculars" the girl gave him a look and her stare pierced right through him. 
"Don't act as if you know anything! I'll buy it no matter how many zeros you want" the girl pulled out her checked book. Definitely a spoiled brat.
"I'm sorry but that's not for sale" Jacob stood his ground.
"Then why is it here! At the exact same spot! How could he be so insensitive!" the girl continued on asking to no one in particular
"I'm sorry miss but..."
"Don't say sorry! I have had enough of sorries! Why the hell am I talking to you!"

Jacob was taken aback, he was asking in his mind “what the hell is this girl’s problem?”  But of course it would be too impolite to say such thing to a customer as much as he wanted to show this customer to the door he simply tried to calm himself down.

Then the girl pushed the closest shelf to her and stormed off mumbling to herself. 
"Of course you wouldn't sell it you idiotic uncle"

"Hey!" Jacob had a few seconds lagged before he went out of the shop to Chase after the girl. And she was gone
"What just happened?" he asked Fye in disbelief. 
"Smooth Jhake, that's why you don't get dates" And there goes the egocentric Fye with his smart remark. 
"Yes Fye and guess what you're on cleaning duty today" Jhake pointed to the messed up shelf. 
"Who was that?" Fye asked 
"No clue but one thing's for sure if you don't clean this up Uncle Ule'll will..." 
"... will kill you both! What happened here!?" Both flinched when they heard the familiar voice of the shop owner. 
"Uncle Ule” Jacob tried to calm him down.

“Someone came in here and was asking to buy the binoculars and she just went ballistic when I told her ..." Jacob explained 
"Yes" both of them answered 
"Blue eyes?" 
"City girl"
"Oh boy! She arrived early, and she saw these?" Unlce Ule was referring to the binoculars.
"Yeah, said she was willing to pay just name our price" Jacob explained 
"And what did you say?" 
" I said we weren't selling it and that she could buy the exact same binoculars in another shop" 
"Then she threw a fit and this happened? That girl she'll hear from me..." 
"You know her uncle?" Jacob asked 
"Yeah she was my niece"

Chapter 3 
Aunt  & Uncle

Mr and Mrs. Amelcro were the friendliest couple in the neighborhood, but unfortunately they weren’t blessed with any child. Mrs. Mace was called as Aunt Mace by the children in their neighborhood because she was almost everyone’s favorite neighbor she was in her mid 30’s and Mr. Ule Amelcro had owned the famous Unlimited Toy Shop would often give out gifts on to the children every year from his toy shop kids call him Uncle Ule.

'Stupid uncle! Stupid uncle!' Emily kept on repeating and was trying to control her temper as she pulled her trolley to her Aunt Mace's house. 
'Why would he put them there!? How could he!? And how could HE even give him those binoculars they were important to him!'

She arrived at her aunt’s house, and her aunt was waiting at the front porch. 
"Emily sweetie" her aunt smiled
"Where's your uncle? Didn't you see him at the train station? Why the long face sweetie?" Aunt Mace asked, with the sweet familiar voice of her Aunt, Emily burst to tears and ran into her aunt’s embrace. 
"What's wrong Emily?"
"I can't get him out of life auntie… Why is he still here? He left me and now I just don't know what to with my life anymore…" Emily sobbed
"There there sweetie it's all right come and get your things upstairs."

Her aunt ushered her to her room and left her to unpack her things. Emily was looking outside the window reminiscing the past, the past that she wishes to relive. Outside her window was her aunts lovely garden, she used to play there when she was little. And there was tall old rose vine ladder. The rose vine ladder, She was around 13 years old,

“Kyle! What’re you doing here?” she opened the window to see Kyle had climbed up onto her Aunt’s Rose vine ladder.

“Are you okay? You’re dad got angry at you again. I thought you’re crying again”

“Well I was. Is that why you came here? You’re supposed to be in a soccer camp?”

“Yeah, and it’s just really close from here.”

“What are you talking about it’s an hour ride from where your camp is!”

“Well then all the more reason for you to come with me”

“With you? Where are you going?”

“There’s a fare in this town let’s go”


“If you’re not coming I’ll find another girl to come with me” he teased

“You wouldn’t!”

“Try me” he winked and went to down the ladder.

“Kyle come back here! Kyle! Kyle!”

"Kyle" she whispered to herself. She grabbed her phone and took the charm. 
"You said this was Lucky. Remember that night when you gave me this? And that time when I threw it at you?" Emily could feel the tears in her eyes. 
"Lend me some of your luck, will you? I really need it." Emily kissed the charm gently.

A few minutes later Uncle Ule burst open the door. 
"Ever heard of knocking!?" Emily shot. 
"Ever heard of keeping an appointment?" Her uncle Ule answered
"I was early"
"So? You should've waited for me" 
"I hate waiting. I've had enough of it!" 
"What did you to my shop!?"
" Why were his binoculars there? At the exact same spot? We’re you trying to be insensitive uncle!?" she fumed
" Because he wanted them there!" 
" How did you know!?" Emily burst in outrage 
"Because he said so, he gave it to me before he…" Uncle Ule couldn’t finish the sentence. 
"Before he dumped me? I want them!" Emily was crying

Both of them suddenly burst out of emotions neither one of them wanting to hold back. 

"You can't have everything you want Emily you're not a little girl anymore stop crying."
" You don't know how I feel! For him to break up with me like that and just leave me!"

What happened next was something they both didn’t expect. Emily’s eyes widen, she was fueled with anger. She could feel the stinging sensation on her right cheek. It was the first time her uncle slapped her. Both of them went dead silent.

"It's been two years! Almost everyone's been over it, almost every teenager would move on”
" I loved him and I still do uncle" unable to suppress the tears, they flooded down her cheeks. She could feel them tingling against her red cheeks.

She slammed her body onto the bed, retreated from the vicious memory, retreated from her uncle’s slap. The pain inflicted on that slap was something she knew she could bear because she knew that she was too shattered to feel such shallow pain. Yet she couldn’t help herself from crying.

"Well you're not the only one Emily, so please stop crying sweetie." Her uncle surrendered at the sight of her niece so devastated, so alone, so broken. She covered her face with a pillow and cried and screamed. All her uncle could do was to caress her hair and let all of her complaints float into the air.

When her aunt Mace came in Emily had ran out of tears her eyes were swollen and her nose was red. Aunt Mace sat down at the edge of the bed and her uncle was sitting at the rocking chair the whole time she was crying.

“Emily sweetie” her aunt called her.

“Yes Auntie?” she kept looking outside of her window.

“I know it’s been really tough for you, and been really painful, but sweetie…”

“Life moves on.” Emily finished her aunts sentenced with a weak smile.

“Now, your daddy sent you here on vacation to have a good time” her uncle joined in. “And by all means you’re going to have a good time… starting with the Town’s opening salvo!” he continued.

“Right well let’s get you dressed up sweetie you’ll have a wonderful time why don’t you help me prepare the food, I have the roast beef in the oven”

“So as long as I can lick the spoon when you finish baking your homemade brownies auntie.”

“I’ll beat you to it.” Her uncle winked.

Chapter 4


In the small town of Avodroc they have a yearly celebration for the festival which last for 1 whole week. The start of their festival is high mass and is followed by a huge banquet dinner. Everyone in the neighborhood pull out there chairs and tables outside the street and put them together to have a long table filled with food and drinks. People just jump table to table chair to chair enjoying the grand feast.

“I’m telling you she’s like a doll” Fye was eating a bowl of salad while talking to Mr. Avalon, Jacob’s dad.

“Are you sure?” Jiro, Jacob’s little brother was holding a huge bowl of pasta.

“More importantly are you sure you’re not going to help me over here?” and Jacob was grilling barbecues in the backyard.

          “I’m the guest here.” Fye announced and dived in the his salad

“So who is this girl? What’s her name?” Jacob’s dad asked Fye

“I don’t know uncle” Fye and Jacob we’re childhood friends and Fye comes to their house as if it was his he even addresses Jacob’s dad as his uncle.

“We didn’t ask her name”

“You never said a word. You were practically a statue when you faced her” Jacob screamed from the backyard

“Man! Do you want a megaphone for that? Go ahead announce it to the whole neighborhood.” Fye threw a piece of cabbage at Jacob and a flying Tomato came flying back.

“Boys don’t play with the food” Mrs. Avalon came down from upstairs all dressed up for the Opening Salvo.

“Thank you mom. Now could you please tell Fye to get his lazy butt out of the couch and help me with the barbeque?” Jacob said as his mother walked into the kitchen.

“Of course darling.” Mrs. Avalon replied

“Now tell me how will you find this girl for Jacob?” His mom was quite interested with this mystery girl

“Well she’s Mr. Ule’s niece”

“Mr. Ule? The owner of the Unlimited Dreams Toy Shop?” Jiro asked.

“Well that’s very interesting you both headed there first?” Mr. Avalon ask

“Well if you’re headed there first bring Mr. and Mrs. Amelcro some of my home made pudding, Mace is such a dear she brings us her homemade brownies every festival.”

“Sure thing Auntie” Fye said as he helped himself in another bowl of salad

“Yeah, not unless Fye eats them all up on the way there” Jacob came in with a huge tray of barbeque. “I’m done with these mom” and he headed towards the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His mom stopped him halfway through the kitchen.

“I’m bringing these to the table outside.”

“You give them to your dad and both of you quickly get changed especially you Jacob Avalon I’m not having you locking yourself in your room in the festival sleeping the whole night” she commanded.

“That was actually my plan mom” Jacob rebutted and headed for the door.

“How are you going to get a girlfriend when you do that” She took the plate and handed it to her husband whom she gestured to take outside. “Now go on and change.”

“I don’t even know her name” Jacob sulking murmured to himself


          “Emily!” Alice yelled. “Are you girls ready or not?”

Alice was Emily’s cousin. She had the same facial features as Emily except her eyes were almond shape and were as brown as her father’s  and she had long straight black hair which Almira intricately braided into a French braid.

Almira was Emily’s long time best friend in Avodroc since they were kids they’ve been exchanging emails when Emily’s mother passed away and would always be a virtual companion in the most devastating moments.

These two girls burst through the kitchen door when they heard Emily had arrive in town, they’ve made Emily insane made her cry and laugh in the whole length of the afternoon while they were preparing in the kitchen.

“We we’re actually done ten minutes ago.” Almira smirked.

 They were both waiting for Alice to get change. When Alice heard they were taking a batch of brownies to their aunt Mace’s close friend, she dragged the two girls to her house and threw every clothes she had onto her bed. Frustrated that she couldn’t find anything to nice to wear in her closet Emily lend her, her pink laced dress.

          “Well would you look at that sweeties, you look so beautiful.” Almira was wearing aquamarine tube top and long pants with a matching French hat she borrowed from Emily. Her golden hair was in a simple bun she place at the side with some strands of hair loose. And Emily was in a simple white dress, heels and Almira braided her hair in a complicated yet elegant waterfall braid that had a white ribbon tied at the side of her hair.

          “Right Auntie we’ll be going then” Alice beamed.

          As they went on people were turning their heads at the sight of them, and whispered in groups as they passed by. Emily being the guest looked at almost everything with amazement. People have prepared their tables and placed it on the streets, chairs were placed in the front yard with tables for eating, and the whole neighborhood were talking and laughing. They’ve passed by several of Almira’s and Alice’s friend. Emily had lots of pictures taken with her DSLR.

          Contrast to her mood earlier on she was enjoying herself. Emily loved taking pictures of their festival the town was decorated with colorful banderitas, streetlight to streetlight. Houses had balloons, paper unique origami shapes and chirstmas lights were on trees. You would think that there was competition for the best in garden with all the blooming flowers and green lawn. 

People smiled for her and she took pictures. They offered her their best delicacy and were very friendly asking random questions. Almost every old person they’ve met shared one or two story about Emily’s mother when she was young, those who were around there 30’s asked how their Aunt Mace was and Uncle Ule and gave their regards.   

          And when they arrived at Avalon residence, there were so many people in the front yard who were eating and drinking.

“How do we find Mr. and Mrs. Avalon in this state?” Emily whispered to Almira

“Don’t worry they’re probably just in the kitchen let’s go in” Almira replied

“Are we allowed to go in?” Emily asked

“Of course it’s not like we’re going to steal anything.” Alice said.

          They made their way to the kitchen stopping for a couple of times to say hello to Almira’s friends and to some strangers who were completely drunk and tried to block their way.

“Alice and Almira, is that you?” Mrs. Avalon smiled when she saw the two girls.

“Come on in, excuse the kitchen it’s a bit of a mess you know how boys can be with their drinks” Almira and Alice sat on the table while Emily paused at the door looking at bird house outside the backyard.

“These are from Aunt Mace” Alice batted her eye lashes and smiled, Almira just stared at her while she tried to make small talk to Mrs. Avalon apparently to get to the good side of her crush’s mother.

Emily’s eyes were wandering looking at the new place with curiosity and appreciation. Emily couldn’t resist but to take a picture of the sparrows perched on the bird.

“…and who might this be?” Mrs. Avalon casually asked

“I’m sorry, I’m Emily Cousland” she smiled at Mrs. Avalon feeling guilty that she didn’t introduced herself.

“Cousland? You’re not from around here, are you?”

“She’s Aunt Mace’s niece” Alice said 

“Is that right?” Emily saw Mrs. Avalon’s eyes widen she was staring her like a grinning cat.   

“Well girls would you like to stay for a couple of minutes? We have barbeque grilling in the backyard.” Mrs. Avalon offered

“And you can take some pictures up close of our birdhouse” she offered

“That would be really great Mrs. Avalon” Alice was the first one to answer.

“Excellent” She said with glee “Honey, prepare a few more of those barbeques we have guests” she called out to her husband and lead the three girls to the backyard.

“Who are they honey?” Mr. Avalon called out

“Alice and Almira and Mrs. Mace’s niece, Emily” for a few seconds Emily could’ve sworn that the two of them exchanged weird eye signals, she thought it was an inside joke and she didn’t get it at all.

“Well girls I’ll leave you to this table then” Mrs. Avalon showed them to a table underneath a tree next to the garden fountain.

“Thank you Mrs. Avalon” Alice one’s again politely said and as soon as Mrs. Avalon turned around…

“This is it! This is my chance to get Jiro to ask me to the Last Dance”

“I knew it! I knew you were acting too nice towards Mrs. Avalon, you had a hidden motive”

“So what? I don’t want to act all like a damsel in distress waiting for him to come to me, I’m not living in a fairytale you know.” She reached for her compact and checked the mirror. “No!” she screamed when she saw her reflection. “I look so haggard! What the heck! I can’t let Jiro see me like this.”

“I need to go to the bathroom Almira,” she looked at her with her puppy dog eyes “Come with me please?”

“Emily?” Almira looked at Emily as she stood up.

“I’ll be fine, I’ll just take pictures here.” She assured her best friend and the two of them left.


“This is insane, Aunt Mace sure has amazing baking skills” Jacob said while eating some Bavarian doughnuts

“I can’t believe you’re so happy about this!?” Fye snapped

“Relax Fye, we still have two more boxes of doughnuts here” Jiro said while biting on his third doughnut

“Uncle Ule may seem strict but he sure does care for us” Jacob said to Jiro

“Are you really dense!?” Fye said this with a disbelieving tone.

“No, you’re just over reacting” Jacob took another bite

“Well someone needs to look out for you, look I won’t let my best friend go to the Last Dance and dance with his mom again”

“I happen to love my mom Fye”

“You’re missing the point”

“Look!” Jacob said annoyed we went to their house, she wasn’t there what do you think that means?”

“That we should go look for her” Fye replied

“No it means we tried and we need to go home”

“What!? You’re quiting!? The person who trained me so hard until I got into the team and became the team’s forward? The person who told me to keep going when I didn’t get the penalty kock last season that almost cost us the finals? The person who made me kick more than a hundred soccer balls that helped me get that penalty kick and made our team win the championships? ” Jacob rolled his eyes at his best friends long and overly dramatic speech. Fye faced Jacob and said.

“What did you say to me before?”

“Fye the neighbors are staring”

“Quitters never win…”

“…and winners never quit” Jacob finished his speech for him.

“But Fye that was soccer, soccer and girls are two completely different things.” He argued. “And I’m getting a hamburger.”

“Jiro you go look for mom and give her the boxes” Jacob started arranging the tables and chairs in their front yard.

“Fine! Do this to a friend Jacob” Fye was whining.

“Fye why don’t you just stop worrying about me and ask Mira”

“Ask me what?” Almira was at Jacob’s front porch, walking towards them

“Here’s your chance” Jacob knew Fye would be too much of a coward and couldn’t move so he bailed out.

          As he passed by Almira he whispered to her, “He wanted to ask you out to the Last Dance but he’s chickening out” he knew Fye as arrogant as he was, he wouldn’t have the guts to ask a girl and would always need Jacob’s help.

“Then it was by Destiny that we were here” whispered back

          Destiny. Jacob repeated in his head. He headed for the kitchen passing through the bak door because he knew when he saw his mom she’d start asking him about Uncle Ule’s niece. Destiny, he repeated to himself. Uncle Ule’s niece was pretty but she has a bizarre personality. She was a spoiled rich brat. He looked at their grill and he saw outside their kitchen window someone was outside their backyard.

          She was all alone and was holding a camera, covering her face. Jacob couldn’t recognize her. She lowered her camera he saw the girl smiling. He squinted his eyes, came nearer to the window to have a closer look at her face.

 Destiny, that word repeated itself in Jacob’s head. He shook his head and threw the plastic cups in the garbage can. Destiny and the image of the girl’s smile flashed into his mind. He opened their fridge and searched for the patties.


 "Mom!" he was startled

"How did it go?" her mother was at the kitchen counter.  
"Good, Uncle Ule sent as two boxes of doughnuts" 
"Well that was thoughtful of him, say Jhake honey do you mind checking up on backyard, your father's bringing home some of his guest" she smiled at his son,

Jacob wondered why his mom didn't ask him about uncle Ule's niece. Destiny, there it goes again. He went to the back yard and arranged some of the chairs, he looked at the table where the girl was at and it was empty, did she by any chance left already? Well figuring that she was all alone, could've she gone around the house? That would be rude for a guest Jacob scanned their backyard and heard something snapping and then... He heard a girl's scream and he was knocked out to the ground,

"I'm sorry" he was looking at two big blue eyes and could smell a sweet scent of cherry blossoms. He could feel the soft dainty skin of the girl when he pulled her apart from him. 

"Ouch!" the girl reacted to his touch. 

"Are you alright?" She was talking to him, he knew this girl.
"Emily!" He heard Almira calling her name, 
"I'm right here" Jacob heard her soft velvet voice 

Jacob was sitting down he stared at her, she was wearing a white dress she looked like a fallen Angel, she literally fell out of nowhere. Destiny.

"Emily!" The next voice Jacob knew that it was from his Uncle Ule's voice
"What happened!?" Uncle Ule was panicking "Quickly let’s get her to the clinic!"
"I'm fine uncle" she said. And then it hit him this fallen angel was the same rude spoiled city girl from the toy shop earlier.

















Chapter 5

The  midnight story

"Relax uncle it's just a sprain it'll be fine by tomorrow" 
"Emily sweetie," her aunt mace was worried sick
"I'm fine auntie" 
"You two should've been watching her" uncle Ule yelled at Alice and Almira 
"Uncle I'm not a baby anymore and it's not their fault I climbed a tree." 
"Heavens, please sweetie tell me you didn't try to kill yourself" 
"No I didn't auntie"

It was almost midnight that night and the whole town was still alive because of the grand banquet. Emily just got out of the hospital her Uncle Ule wasn’t convinced that the doctors said it was simply a sprain ankle while Aunt Mace was being difficult on whether or not Emily tried to kill herself. 
Emily had a long time telling them that she was only trying to take a photo so she climbed the tree and the branch jut snapped when she came to the very edge.

Almira and Alice were worried about Emily, and she felt a bit of guilty for dragging them to her obsession with photography. It was getting too late and Uncle Ule had brought Alice and Almira home while Aunt Mace stayed with Emily.

"Swear to me Emily, that you didn't try to kill yourself" her Aunt Mace asked for the nth time.

"I swear auntie I didn't try to kill myself" 
"Alright then sweetie, do you want to go downstairs? There still some brownies I can make you some hot milk"

"Thank you auntie but I want to rest now, It’s been such a long day" 
"Alright sweetie, good night" 
As soon as her aunt left her she reviewed her shot, no luck it was a blur! 
"It was too fast” she sighed in dismay she, laid her head. She sprained her ankle, fallen off a tree not to mention she’d fallen on a stranger, It’s been such a long day and she had that one chance  
"You were so close Emily…"


"Are you Okay?” A little girl asked when Jacob was crying under the park slide.

“Go away!” He shooed her

“Why are you crying?” The little girl sat next to him.
"Because we lost the game…" He looked up to see the little girl with a pink laced ribbon tied in two pigtails; she had big blue eyes like a doll’s.

“So why are you crying?” she persisted

“What do you mean why am I crying? It’s because I made our team lose” Jacob said gloomily and casted his look on the ground. The little girl took a sharp rock and wrote underneath “Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit”

“Here I don’t really know what it means, but my friend tells me this when I lose and feel sad” Jacob could swear that when the little girl smiled there was something sparkling in her eyes.


“I’m right here” she shouted back. “I hope you feel better”

He had that strange flash back and he thought of Uncle Ule’s niece.

“Are you okay?” the memory from his past

“Are you okay?” he couldn’t help but compare them both



“I’m here” the little girl turned and left

“I’m here” they had similarities.

Jacob was turning and turning and he sat up convinced that he couldn't go to sleep. He couldn't get over what happened. That girl, Emily falling out of nowhere, smiling like that. Images from what happened earlier came flashing into his mind. Her smile, her eyes, her doll-like face 

"JACOB!" He slapped himself. Convince that there was no way he was getting to bed and it was almost midnight, he took Emily's phone and looked at the small little charm. It was a Dove that had a red spot in the middle of its chest. Jacob had found it on their backyard
"New phone, old cellphone charm..." He stared at the charm placed on his hand,


"Here this will be our lucky charm, Okay?" It was Emily’s first day of High School in a new school and she was feeling really anxious.
"Kyle" Emily called out 
"Kyle! No wait come back!" 
"Emily..." Her eyes flew wide open and she heard someone tapping in her window... Could it be! She realize it and jumped out of bed. She saw a bright light, and the Bleeding Heart Dove charm.

"Kyle" she whispered to herself, “Kyle!” she called out and opened the window.
"Is it your cellphones name?" An unfamiliar voice replied 
"Who's there?" 
"It's Jacob" Emily turned on her lampshade and saw someone she knew she saw somewhere before 
"Are you crying? Sorry!" Jacob said 
"No, it's not your fault" she opened the window and "I just thought you were someone else" 
"Oh ah sorry, ah sorry I keep on saying sorry, Ah”

“You’re from Unlce Ule’s shop.” Emily realized

“Yeah that’s me, I’m Jacob.”

          “I thought I'd give this to you it's seemed important to you" he gave the charm and the cellphone to Emily.

“It got detached from the phone” Jacob explained
"Thank you it is" Emily held the charm into her hands like precious jewel. 
"Sorry I woke you up." 
" It's alright I'm glad you did I was having a nightmare." 
"Oh good, then yeah" 
"Yeah, thanks again" 
"You're welcome" 
" aah...Do you want to go to the last dance with me?" Out of nowhere Jacob suddenly asked this. He felt stupid for saying so and wanted to take it back but wanted not to, and he was confused and didn't know what to do. The awkward silent grew between them

until Emily spoke "I'll think about it" 

Jacob couldn't quite respond to her answer was that a yes or a no, should he say thank you, or should just silently leave while he still has his dignity left. 

"Right, aah Jacob thank you so much for this and I'll think about that invitation." 
"Sure no problem, I should be going before, who know what will happen to me if Uncle Ule sees me in his garden.” Emily snickered, he could see that she was trying so hard not to laugh.

 “Well, Good Night."

“Good Night.” Emily smiled but Jacob could see the tears in her eyes.

Jacob slowly climbed down the vine and then, he felt frustrated for asking that question out of the blue,

"Ooow" he jumped startled, "Good Evening Aunt Mace." 
"Now you almost gave me a heart attack."
" I thought you were Kyle" 
"I'm sorry auntie, I just returned ...” he trailed off. “Auntie isn't. Kyle a cellphone?"
"Oh I mean I just came and gave Emily her Cellphone she left it at our backyard. She called me Kyle you see, so I thought that she was referring to her cellphone, she was about to cry when she saw it. Isn't the cellphones name Kyle?"

"Well, no Jacob, you see, Kyle..." Aunt mace sat on the bench in their backyard an gestured Jacob to sit next to her. Jacob sat down and aunt mace continued. 

"Kyle was Emily's first boyfriend, Emily's dad were against their relationship because Kyle was five years older than Emily. 
But Kyle loved her and was always there for her. They were childhood friends, and they used to fight like real siblings. When Emily's mother died, she never opened up to anyone except Kyle, shed use to hide behind him whenever she was afraid.”

“Everyone thought that they'd love each other like real brothers and sisters. But their love was more than what anyone could've imagined. Emily's father was against them but in the end they both fought for their love and poor Richard had to give in to his daughter." Aunt Mace chuckled. 

"What..." Jacob was hesitant to ask thinking that it wasn't his place to pry on Emily's love life 

"Happened to them?" Aunt Mace finished his question for him.

"Well Kyle broke up with Emily, and he left her for months didn't contact her in the end, poor Emily simply knew he was dying in a hospital because of Terminal Cancer. It's been two years now since his death April 14th. She was a lot worse several months ago and she still hasn’t quite fully recovered but at least now she can smile" 

"Kyle used to come here when they were kids when Emily was still a little girl. He’d climb up on that old ladder and just talk to Emily"


"That's right auntie" Emily was watching them ears pressed against the window. She was crying when she remembered about Kyle. She took out his letter and read it once more.

Dear Emily,

I'm sorry...

I don't know what else to say. I know when this letter reaches you I would be away far far away. I'm sorry if I'd left you without saying good bye. By now you've probably heard of my sickness. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but Emily, I wanted you to move on and find someone who can love you as much as I have. I was too much of a coward to know whether or not you'd find someone. I was too scared to face you in my condition.

I'm sorry if I was too selfish enough to hide you from the truth but was only protecting you from a painful memory. I'm sorry if we couldn't make the plans we made for the future come true. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Emily don't cry, please don't cry, cause you know I can't be there anymore to comfort you as much as I want to hold you in my arms, kiss you and say "everything will be alright". I wouldn't be there to take you on a trip where you can just capture everything on your camera until your hearts content. Emily I need you to be strong okay? Now that Im no longer with you I need you to live the life that you want. Smile for me.

Hey remember the bleeding heart dove charm I gave you? And remember that time when you threw it at me when we fought? We made it our lucky charm. I know you'll be strong enough but in the moments when you feel weak remember that charm. Im sure itll lend you some luck as it always has. You even tried to convince me once that it was Miraculous.

Emily I want you to know, I've lived a wonderful life because of an angel like you. You were the greatest thing that happened to my life. You were my life.

Probably it wasn't our destiny to live together in the future probably someone else is meant for your love, for you hugs, for your kisses, your sorries, your laughter, your smile... You'll find him someday Emily, someone who will love you as much as I have. He will be your Destiny.             

I love you Emily , and I'm sorry... For everything.


She close her eyes and pressed the letter to her heart. She was starting to cry again and this time she couldn't suppress the tears. She could almost her Kyle's voice as she read the letter. 

"You'll find him someday Emily, someone who will love you as much as I do. He will be your Destiny" he repeated aloud
"Kyle what're you planning" she whispered.






Chapter 6

The Town's Festival

"You asked her out? Just like that?” once again Fye was furious at Jacob. The three of them were cleaning the house after the party last night. Jacob had just told Fye where he was last night. 

"So what did he say?"
"She said she'd think about it"
"Man you'll be the only one without a date again in the festival" 
"What do you mean Jiro..."
"I asked Alice." Jiro told his older borther.
"What? When?"
"Last night."
"Geez! Thanks for the heads up" Jacob felt betrayed getting left alone 
"Then I'll just dance with mom again" he placed all the chairs and left them both feeling bitter that they have dates and once again he was dateless. He was headed to his room when the doorbell rang 
"Jacob honey could you get that please" his mother called out. He opened the door and was surprise to see Emily holding a cake.

"Hi" she smiled 
"Hi" he answered back still in shock
"Who is it honey?" Mrs. Avalon went to see the door. 
"Hello Mrs. Avalon, I came here to say sorry about the incident yesterday. I cost such a fuss and here's something to apologized"
"That's very thoughtful of you, come on in for a second"
"Who's here honey?" Mr. Avalon called out from the living room.
"Jacob's friend," Mrs. Avalon replied with a wink. Jacob could shrink right now and hide, as his mom drives his dad who was trying to go to the living room to join them. 
"Give them some privacy" he heard his mother saying as they left the room.

"Sorry about that,"
"No need" she smiled at him, it was the same smile she had on yesterday. He could see the circles in her eye and puffy eyes. Jacob thought whether she'd cry all night and had no sleep, was there a probability that he trigger her memory of Kyle. He feels bad about and awkward right now. He doesn't know what to do.

"Mom this cake’s delicious" 
"Jiro what on earth, this is for later" they heard them argue. 
"Jacob were finding you a date ... For the..." Fye stopped himself when he saw Jacob and Emily sitting down in the living room 
"Fye come over here…" Mr. Avalon pulled him back to the kitchen

"Emily dear, you'll stay for lunch right?" Mrs. Avalon appeared again holding a kitchen knife and had a “best mom” apron on.
"No" they both answered simultaneously and look at each other. Jacob thought that Emily probably thinks his family are all weirdos.  
"No, thank you Mrs. Avalon," Emily continued "I didn't ask permission from auntie or uncle to go here. They were both asleep, when I left the house, I wouldn't want to worry them." 
"Well then Jacob could walk you home." Jacob was hand signaling his mother saying No! No! No! 
"Actually that would be great," Emily answered. "If it’s alright with Jacob" Emily looked at Jacob with her twinkling blue eyes. He stopped his hand signals and smiled at Emily

"Sure it's no problem.” 
BIG PROBLEM! How the heck is he going to talk to her. 
"We’ll come with them Mrs. Avalon" Fye came out of the kitchen.
"Not so fast Fye, Jiro,” Mrs. Avalon grabbed them by their shirts remember you said you'll help out with that thing with your father Jiro? 
"Right honey?" she called out loud 
" Yeah absolutely that thing lets go and get on with it" Mr. Avalon nervously added and grabbed the two boys and retreated to the kitchen

Forget shrinking! Jacob wanted to shoot a bullet through his brain. It was so uncomfortable to talk to Emily, he didn't know what to say. And he was purely humiliated by his family and Fye, not only were they eavesdropping they were also making it so obvious. His mom asking him to walk her home, It’s a 15 minute walk to Uncle Ule's house, what the heck are they supposed to talk about.

"Aah…" Jacob started "Sorry about my family, they're a bit..." He couldn't find the right word to say.
"It's alright, you're family really looks fun and your mom is really nice" she complimented. 
"Well most mom's are like that, I bet your mom's like that too" 
"She was, she died when I was little." She looked straight ahead as she was talking.

Smooth Jacob you reminded her last night of her dead boyfriend and now her dead mother. Smooth! He was kicking himself, in his head. Then it was awkward silent for the rest of their walk until Emily said, 

"Jacob about what you said last night” He knew she was going to reject his invitation why else would she wait to tell him when they were outside. 

"Sure I’ll go with you to the Last Dance" Jacob stopped dead in his tracks.

“Something wrong?” Emily looked around to see why he stopped.

“No,” Emily raised her eyebrows “aah I mean nothing’s wrong”  And continued on walking he was thinking of what to say.
"That's great!” was his only reply. 
"Yeah, thanks for walking me home." Emily said and she was about to go into his uncle’s house.

“aaah, Emily” Jacob called out.

“Yes?” Great now what Jacob Think! Think! What am I going to say.

“We’re going to the Festival’s fare tonight. Do you want to come with?” Jacob couldn’t believe that he just asked her to a stupid town’s fare. She’ll have to reject him, of course she wouldn’t go.

“Sure, we can meet at around 4-ish?”

“4 sounds good”


“Yeah,” Jacob repeated.

“See you there then” Emily said good bye and Jacob left.


“He asked you out?” Almira still couldn’t believe that Jacob Avalon, the JACOB AVALON, school’s hot soccer captain asked Emily out.

“He never asks anyone to the Last Dance.”

“He never asks anyone to anywhere period.” Alice added

“You know him?” Emily questioned.

“Know him?” Alice “He’s like the Campos crush and idol, all the girls”

“…and some boys” Almira inserted

“Know him, his a really good athlete and an amazing student”

“He never goes on dates, he’s really shy around girls and doesn’t really go out that much” the three of them were walking to the festival’s fare.

“So where are you guys going to meet?” Almira asked

“Can I come with?” Alice beamed

“You just want to go with Jiro” Almira rolled her eyes

“Exactly, so can I come with?”

“I think that’s them” Emily pointed to one of the fare’s booth that looked like a game at a casino. It had three cubes that had six different colors on its side and there was a table where people placed their bets on depending on what color would come out in the three cubes. It looked complicated to Emily and before she knew it she’d taken a picture.

“Hi” Jacob said

“Hi” she replied and there four audience, Jiro, Alice, Fye and Almira looked at the two of them waiting for what they would do next.

“So… where are we going?” Almira was the first person to break the silence

“Why don’t we just take walk around the fare” Jiro suggested

“That’s a great idea Jiro” Alice batted her eyelashes. Emily looked at Almira and Almira shrugged and Emily smirked

          They walked around the fare in pairs. Fye and Almira taking the lead, followed by Jiro and Alice, Alice who was flirting all out, and lastly Jacob and Emily.  They stopped a few times to try on some games in a few booths. Emily wasn’t really enjoying herself but she loved taking pictures. She could feel Jacob was very silent she thought to herself maybe this was a bad idea. She just took pictures and pictures as an excuse for her being silent. She was avoiding looking into Jacob’s face, she wondered if Jacob felt as uneasy as she’s feeling.

          Almira was playing a goldfish game and Emily was taking pictures of her, when she spotted a pink penguin stuffed toy. She came closer to the next booth and took a picture of it.

“Do you want that prize?” Jacob caught her and Emily blushed because she got busted of her obsession for stuffed animals.

“Hey there little lady, come on in and try the game.” A man who owned the booth took them by the hand dragged them inside.

“All right you get three shots” the man gave him a toy gun with plastic bullets inside it after Jacob paid.

“All you need to do is hit that pyramid of cards”

Jacob pointed the gun and aimed, the 1st shot was no good, the second one went through pyramid and the last one shot hit the top of the stack

“Tough luck kid but you needed to take down the whole pyramid” he reassembled the top card and turned to Emily,

“But I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you a free shot little lady because you’re so dang pretty.”

Emily shrugged, gave her camera to Jacob, and took out her lucky charm. Jacob saw Emily clenched the charm in her hand. She aimed the base of the pyramid and pulled the trigger. Then the 8-based-pyramid crumbled with Emily’s one shot.

She was holding the Pink Penguin.

“No way! How did you do it?” Jacob was in disbelief.

“Luck” she showed her lucky charm to Jacob.

“The charm?”

“Yup” Emily smiled.

“There’s no way.”

“It’s true this is my lucky charm, it has miraculous luck” she smiled. She tied the charm with the penguin’s ribbon around its neck and took out her camera.

“You really like to take pictures, don’t you?”

“Yeah it’s really fun” she looked through her camera and took a picture of Jacob. She laughed and showed him the picture.

“Very funny” he smiled

“I think this is great shot.” Finally they were talking, she looked at the photo again and there she saw something on the photo, perched in one of the booths. She glanced up and saw the dove flying away. She ran towards it, the dove lead her far from the fare.

Emily couldn’t find the dove she scanned the area where it flew and she was losing hope. She held her charm close to her and whispered,

“Lend me some of you Luck.”

Then it flew within her sight and landed on the bridge. Emily positioned herself and was ready to take a picture. She stepped closer and completely lost her balance. She was about to fall into the river.

“Hey!” Jacob had grabbed her and pulled her to safety

“What?” she gasped, closed her eyes shut and opened them once again as if she’d woken up from a trance.  

“You were about to fall.”

“I’m sorry, Thank you.” She was still catching her breathe

“Why did you run? I had to chase after you”

“It was just…” she tried to explain “I’m sorry”

“It’s alright” Jacob looked at Emily and she could’ve sworn Jacob was thinking she was a wacko with a peculiar passion.

“Hey you want to grab something to eat? You look a bit pale”

“Yes, that would be good” they both went back to the fare.

Emily looked back at the spot where the dove had landed and could feel that there was something pushing her away from there.

          When they returned to the booth of the goldfish game, Almira and the others weren’t there anymore. So both of them decided to just buy something and sit somewhere. They were walking towards the food section of the fare when the crowd started to grow larger.

 Emily had a difficult time trafficking over the crowd and could barely keep up with Jacob not to mention her sprain wasn’t fully recovered yet. She lost sight of Jacob and panicked the sea of people have devoured her in. She couldn’t find her which direction to go. She tried to push her way through the crowd. Someone grabbed her hand. She felt a spark of electricity.


Jacob reappeared and took her hand, Emily felt her legs going numb. She couldn’t walk properly. She looked at their hands intertwined with one another. Her cold hands in his warm hands made her feel the heat rising from her cheeks. The butterflies in her stomach started to flutter.

 She tightened her grip as the people flooded. It was a long time since someone had held her hand. Then she remembered the first time when Kyle held her hand. She wanted to let go because it reminded her of him but her hand wouldn’t move as she wanted to.

They stopped and were in front of the food fare; Jacob bought them some steam buns and can sodas while Emily waited on a bench.

“Here you go” Jacob handed it to her.

“Thank You” they both ate silently as they watched the sunset across the horizon,

“I’m sorry about earlier. The way I acted” Emily said

“You don’t need to apologize, what did you chase after anyway?” Jacob wondered.

“A bleeding heart dove” Emily said.

“The same one in your charm?”


“You mean it was wounded?”

“No it only seems wounde, it has a red spot in its chest”

“You really seem so attach to your lucky charm” Jacob continued wanting to start a conversation.

“It was a gift from Kyle” Jacob was at dead end not knowing what to add to that.

“It’s okay” Emily assured him

“I know you know about him, I heard Aunt Mace telling you about him.”

“Is he the reason why you came to this town?”

“His the reason for everything really,” Emily simply answered

“My dad sent me here so I could escape for a few days. He’d hope I’d get better if he’d sent me to place where nothing can remind me of him. But what daddy doesn’t know is I first met Kyle here. That time at the store with the binoculars…” Emily trailed off.

“I used to play here you know when I was a little girl” she decided to change the subject. She stood up trying hard to hide from Jacob the tears in her eyes. Jacob simply watch her as she walked and sat underneath the slide.

“What are you looking for?”

“It’s not here anymore.”

“What’s not there anymore?” Jacob felt the sudden chill that went up his spine.

“I remember One day my mom took me to the park and I found a little boy crying here because he lost in his soccer game. I wrote something here… I guess not all marks that are left last forever.”       

          “Emily!” Almira called out.

“Guess they found us” Emily said to Jacob “I think it’s time for us to go home.”  

Chapter 7

The Bleeding Heart Dove

Emily was sitting underneath a tree sulking at her dad because she made her go to the trip out in the woods. If her mom was with her she would’ve been home right now and not with all these creepy crawlies scaring her. If her mom was still alive, if she wasn’t dead. Emily hugged her knees closer to her and cried again. The next thing she knew something hit her head. When she looked up it was Kyle with a long stick.

“Ouch! Kyle that hurt!” she yelled

“You’re crying? again?”

“Stupid! Of course not!”

“You know you look really ugly when you cry.”

“I don’t care!”

“suit yourself you’ll be ugly and won’t become a fairy princess when you grow up”

“Stop teasing me!”

“Then smile for me” Kyle sat in front of Emily watched her face to see whether she’d smile or not. “She’s going to smile now…” Kyle teased her. “any minute now”

“I’m not!” Emily was holding her breath and biting her tongue

“There we go you’re smiling again. Remember you should always smile because you’re beautiful when you smile”

‘That was the moment when I started to smile again’


Emily was in her uncle’s toy shop, her uncle had placed a white dove inside a box and she was crying over it. Kyle came into the shop breathless he had run from their hotel to the toyshop.


“What’s wrong Emily why are you crying?”

“It’s the bird! It’s been shot! Look at it! It’s going to die! It’s going to die Kyle!”

“Don’t be stupid Emily!” Kyle arrogantly said.

“What do you mean by that!?”

“That’s a bleeding heart dove! It’s not real blood” Kyle explained “It’s just its feather’s it probably just broke its wing that’s why it can’t fly”

“You mean it’s not going to die?”

“No stupid!” Kyle said in exasperation.

“Here, you can have my binoculars you should go bird watching if you have time so you can have a know how in birds.”

“Okay!” Emily smiled and took the camera. Kyle felt Emily’s soft fingers against his. He flinched and suddenly let go.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Kyle was blushing.

“But you said, I should always smile because I look beautiful when I smile.”

“What? I didn’t say that! stupid!” Kyle looked away

“Why don’t you think I’m beautiful” Emily came closer to Kyle

“Why are you looking away Kyle? Why are you so red?”

“Be quite! Stupid!”

‘That was the moment you told me you fell in love’



“What is it now Emily?”

“My Dove.’ She sniffed ‘Uncle Ule had taken it away to the forest”

“Then that means the dove must’ve recovered from its broken wing. Why are you crying then?”

“Because I really loved that bird”

“Do you really really really loved that bird?” Kyle asked
          “Yes!” she replied with a hiccup

“Then you must set it free” Kyle smiled

‘That was the moment I knew I’d always have you to tell me not to cry’



“What Emily

          “I want to go home”

“We’re not even at the parking lot yet.”

"Here this will be our lucky charm, Okay?"

It was Emily’s first day of High School in a new school and she was feeling really anxious.

“Remember, when you were little you cried over the bird with a broken wing? And you had to call me to go to your uncle’s toy shop?” He handed it to her

“It’s a Bleeding Heart Dove charm! Where’d you get it?”

“That suppose to be my project in workshop last semester but when I finished it I didn’t have the heart to submit to my lousy teacher. So I was planning to give it to you”

“Thank you!”

“Why are you smiling like that!”

“But I thought you said I looked beautiful when I smiled?”

“You look beautiful period” he mumbled

“What was that?”


‘That was the moment I knew you loved me’


“Kyle! I won first place!” Emily was running to Kyle.
"I think you really have an obsession with photography." Kyle patted her head. 
"Don't you think it's amazing? To look through the lens and capture the moment to make it everlasting." 
"But you know it's better to look with your eyes and treasure that moment deep in your heart" he pointed at her chest to where her heart was.

“What?” Emily got confused.  
“Never mind. Your photos were amazing!” He kissed her gently on the forehead.
“I think it has to do with this little charm” she showed him the charm that was linked to her camera. 
“You still have that?” 
“Yeah and it’s been my lucky charm ever since”
“Really?” Kyle took Emily into his embrace “Who gave it to you?”
“Someone I really love” she playfully answered.
“Really?” He planted a sweet kiss on Emily’s lips
“Who might that be I wonder?”
“It’s a secret” Emily tiptoed to give him a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Well then I hope you don’t cry over it like last time,”
“I know it’s not going to die Kyle”
“How do you know?” He looked at her and she could see the sadness in his eyes.
‘That was the moment you knew… that you would…DIE’



“Kyle!” Emily burst into the room. “You’re not going to die!”
“Emily don’t cry.” he whispered. He could barely utter a word 
“Don't leave me Kyle!” She cried.
“Smile for me Emily please?” Emily forced a smile on her face.
“You look beautiful when you smile, I love you" with all his might he said his last message and the machine connected to his heart beeped.

 Its sound echoed in the room, that was what Emily had last heard before everything went mute and she'd shook Kyle. Trying in vain attempt to wake him up, she begged, she pleaded. The nurses pulled her away, she fell to her knees, Kyle's mother went to her and hugged her. The next she'd seen was the doctor checking the time and declared 
time of death 11:11.  

‘That was the moment you left me.’


Emily had closed her eyes and drowning herself to Vivaldi’s “The Four Season”. She was reminiscing all those times she'd had with Kyle. Until Kyle's last moment he'd showed how much he loved Emily. She stood up knowing that she couldn't go back to sleep… She took out her trolley and looked for the keys for its lock.

Chapter 8

The Lucky Charm

The spare key for the Unlimited Toy shop was with Kyle. He was holding it as he was pacing back and forth. He had decided before coming here it would only take a few minutes and he’d placed them back to where they were. What he’s going to do is something that’s completely out of the line and he might lose Uncle Ule’s trust. 

He opened the toy shop and grabbed the binoculars. He remembered that day when Uncle Ule was with a person as he recalled he'd heard his name was Kyle. He was talking to Uncle Ule, he didn't quite catch their conversation but when he left, Uncle Ule went home early that day. And a few weeks later, he'd placed all the white stuffed toys to the in one small round table. He placed the binoculars on the center. For almost two years even with all the changes he’d made in the shop those binoculars were never moved.  

"Sorry uncle but I'm doing the right thing" he sighed "I think"


“Jacob? What’re you doing here?” Emily opened the window.
“Grab your camera and let’s go” he said 
“Wait what?” She was confused. 
“Just come on and follow me"
“I’ll take you to them, the Bleeding Heart Dove”

Could this be her chance to finally get the bleeding heart pigeon camera. 
Jacob lead Emily to where his motorbike was parked. 

"Where are we going?" Emily asked still unsure of what she was doing.
"Relax. Trust me" Jacob handed Emily the helmet and he'd seen the doubtful look she had on her face. 
"Alright" she sighed

It didn't take them long until they arrived at an old campsite. Jacob didn't know what he was doing but he'd thought of it over and over again last night. That this girl in front of her was the same girl who helped him be the person who he is today. Even if it was a simple encouragement and smile, thanks to her he didn’t give up on soccer.

Soccer had changed his life. He met great friends, made memories and loved the game. He had received a scholarship in his school because of the game that helped his family get by when they were in a great debt. This girl was the little girl who helped him in the past if it wasn’t for her he wouldn’t have moved on and he knew he wanted to help her move on to her own future.

“Here” Jacob handed the binoculars to her. “I know if Uncle Ule might kill me for this but I knew it wouldn’t be the same for you without these.” Emily was silent as she took the binoculars.

“Right then we should look for them then.”

“Yeah” Emily simply replied and they went on to look for the Bleeding heart pigeon.

It was so early in the morning and Emily didn’t have any sleep but she endured her dizziness. She was determined to find them. They walked for deep into the forest straying from the campsite. Where were they she began to wonder. She’d seen an Olive-capped Flower pecker, Mugimaki Flycatcher, Mountain white eye and different other birds but not the bleeding heart pigeon. Maybe they were looking at the wrong place she thought. If Kyle was with them he’d known where to find them.

But he’s not. Emily sat down in exasperation, she couldn’t move a single stepped and she felt a little bit guilty and couldn’t whine bacuase Jacob had voluntarily bring her to them. But where were they? Where were the Bleeding Heart Pigeon.

“You okay?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah I’m fine” she manage to reply.

“I’m sorry, I know the Bleeding Heart Dove”

Emily scanned the sky once more with Kyle’s binoculars no luck. Luck! It hit her, she pulled out her charm and said

“Lend me some of your luck.” She pleaded and waited. Nothing

“Please lend me some of your luck. Just one last time” she cried, looked through the binoculars and searched the sky the trees anywhere.

“Lend me some of your luck” she kept on repeating and repeating.

 Jacob was looking at her wanting so badly to help her but he doesn’t have any knowledge with birds. He deeply sighed and then…

“Emily” he whispered. There it was approaching him a dove that had a scarlet splash of color in its breast. Emily didn’t hear him afraid that the bird in front of him would fly away at the slightest noise or movement he called once more to Emily.

Emily was still repeating the line. She thought of Kyle all her memories came flashing once more to her mind, she’d seen the vivid blue sky and was wondering if Kyle was up there. And whether or not if she’d been able to take a picture of the bleeding heart dove would she be at peace? Would she forget? Would she be able to move on?

All these questions came to her mind, and deprived of sleep, hungry, stressed she was beginning to lose hope. She stopped saying a word and simply called Kyle’s name.

‘Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Kyle please show me a sign of what to do! What do I do?’  

“I’m sorry Jacob” Emily simply said still looking through the binoculars. She didn’t hear him. Then another one once again came flying and perched itself in low branch just near Emily. Two, three, dozens of them came flying.

“Emily.” Jacob tried once more

“What is it Jacob?” she looked at him. He was frozen, trying hard not to scare the dove in front of him. They were so many of them. In her perception they were all looking at Jacob. Was a sign from Kyle.


‘Stop looking through the binoculars Emily’

‘What? But I haven’t found them yet’

‘Well that’s because the Bleeding heart dove don’t really fly that high, they rarely leave the ground. So stop looking and see what’s in front of you’ Emily saw a Bleeding Heart Dove approaching them both. She came closer to it ready to take a picture but it was too fast and had flew away.

‘Kyle!’ she cried out ‘It flew away! It flew away!’ she started crying.

‘Not again. Don’t’ cry Emily’ he tried hard to make her stop crying

          ‘But I wanted to take a picture.’

‘Then next time stop looking at the wrong places’


          Emily had that memory flash before her eyes. She stared at Jacob and she could swear she’d heard Kyle’s voice ‘Stop looking at the wrong places’. Was this his sign that she’d stop searching for him? Did he want Emily to let go?

‘If you love it so much set if free’. His voiced echoed in her head. She was so selfish enough to hold Kyle dearly in her heart; so obsessed of wanting to wake up in the morning from the horrible nightmare of Kyle’s death that she hadn’t taken into consideration what was Kyle’s feelings was he unable to rest because of her late night cries. Tears were falling down her eyes and she didn’t try to hold it in.

 “Emily don’t cry” Jacob said and Emily couldn’t believe it probably it was a trick of the light but she saw Kyle for a split second. Jacob stood up fast and went to her side to try and comfort her. It was too fast that all the doves flew away at once.

“Shoot I’m sorry Emily” he apologized

“It’s all right Jacob” she brushed away the tears in her eyes “It's better to look with your eyes and treasure that moment deep in your heart”

“What?” Jacob was confused

“I think it’s something he would want me to see with my heart and not through the lens of my camera.” She rested her head on Jacob’s shoulder she was really tired that. For two long years, she’d been through in an emotional turmoil.

“I’m sorry.” Emily lifted her head remembering Jacob was merely her acquaintance and wasn’t that close to her.

“It’s okay, just take a rest” Jacob gently pulled her head to rest on his shoulders. “You know what Emily, you’re like that dove” Jacob started

“You may seem wounded and people might see you so shattered but deep inside I know you’re strong you’re very strong. Remember that time when you said: ‘Not all marks left last forever’ ” and that was the last word Emily heard as she dozed off.

          “I wanted you to know that your mark is still here” Jacob gently took her hand and placed it near his heart.


“Emily!” Kyle called out.

 “I’m right here” she shouted back. “I hope you feel better” she said underneath the slides

“Who were you talking to?” Kyle asked

“Just a little kid who was crying” Emily answered and grabbed Kyle’s hand

“What are you doing?”

“Holding your hand, Mommy said I’d hold your hand when I walk on the streets.”

“Alright” he answered.

She must be dreaming. But it felt so real Kyle’s warm hands in hers. They were walking hand in hand towards a bright light. In her small body she saw herself growing from a little girl, to the time when she was ten she even had her two ponytails, to what she looked right now. It was the same for Kyle, from his cute adorable 10-year old self to the time he was fifteen and then he was the mature Kyle the 21 year-old Kyle.

“I’m sorry I can’t hold your hand anymore” he kissed her hand gently and Emily looked at him as he went on into the light. She didn’t cry. She didn’t plead for him to go back. She was just happy to see Kyle go.

Emily opened her eyes to see Jacob was holding her hand. He too fell asleep. She stared long into his sleeping face.


          Jacob woke up to see that Emily had gone. He found in place of her hand which he was holding was the Bleeding Heart Dove charm and a piece of note


Dear Jacob,

          Thank You…

          I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m sorry but I’m leaving today, I’m going home. I took the binoculars with me and don’t worry I won’t bring it with I’m returning it to where it belongs. I was thinking of what you said to me. About how I was like the Bleeding Heart Dove, I seemed wounded but deep inside strong.

To be honest Jacob I’m not strong. I was broken when Kyle had left me and I’ve been so selfish because I always thought of myself and never about him. Just like a dove I want to spread my wings and fly freely and for me to do that I need to start again.

          This charm has always been lucky but it’s also what binds me to him. So I’m leaving it to you also as a thank you for everything.

          I hope it’s lucky for you as it is for me.



          “Lucky.” Jacob gulped and stood where he was sitting.

“Let see how lucky you are then, Lend me some of your luck because I’m going to need it” He sighed and started to run. 

© 2013 Rhemaebel

Author's Note

May contain grammatical errors. I'm very sorry will upload an edited version soon. Epilogue will follow. :) SUSPENSE.

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I really really liked it. And the length only leaves one begging for more. And you're right, there are some grammatical errors. But they hardly pose as a hindrance while reading this awesome piece. You have written it quite well. All the relationships have been described beautifully and my heart goes out to the main characters. Thank you very much for writing this. I'm looking forward to more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked :) ill have the ending soon . But I'm sick right now I caught a cold so sorry if .. read more


I really really liked it. And the length only leaves one begging for more. And you're right, there are some grammatical errors. But they hardly pose as a hindrance while reading this awesome piece. You have written it quite well. All the relationships have been described beautifully and my heart goes out to the main characters. Thank you very much for writing this. I'm looking forward to more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked :) ill have the ending soon . But I'm sick right now I caught a cold so sorry if .. read more
I will have this in a Novel Version with chapters in a few days. :( So sorry for the very long Story. Hope you like it and rate it.. I'm open for constructive criticism. Just give it in a civilized manner. THANK YOU! ENJOY

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 14, 2013
Last Updated on May 14, 2013




I'm an amateur writer who dreams to become a big shot novelist and get my works published. A dream I hope with much effort can come true. I mostly write short stories and currently working on 2 novels.. more..

Starry Sky Starry Sky

A Story by Rhemaebel