The Broken Promise

The Broken Promise

A Chapter by Rhemaebel

Broken promise

          I curled myself to a ball knowing no one would see me the clouds started to get heavier and heavier I felt so cold. I was pathetic HE invited me to a movie and I had to let Emily reject his invitation because I couldn’t regain control of my muscles to speak.

          Would he talk to me? I mean he and his girlfriend just broke up �"making the girl the 17th ex-girlfriend- would he really take the rejection I �"er Emily- gave him?

          I just Sighed and then checked for the time my phone said it was 6:19.

           I didn’t mind waiting I knew the airport was far from our School but would they really be this late? Did something happen to them? I pulled my phone and started to text them.

          TO: MOM; DAD,

            Mom and Dad just checking.

            Where are you guys?

          I sent it no not twice but 45 times. But there was no reply I started to dial my mom’s number they must’ve turn their phones on silent mode. The other side of the phone rang once and the beep twice. I pulled my phone away to check what happened.

          THE BATTTERY DIED. Perfect just perfect first my Ipod now my phone. I left the benches and sat at the stairs. I curled myself to a ball holding my body nearer and I shivered. The rain dwindled but I ignored the droplets that fell I just didn’t want to move. Its freezing I tightened my embrace on my knees. Just then the wind blew right pass me I started to shiver and so I buried my face between my knees.

          The rain stopped falling but I could still hear it get louder and louder. A warm cover suddenly came to me; somebody covered me with a jacket. I looked up to see who it was but never in my life would I expect it was him. I glance at him and he had his lips curve up into a smirk his olive green eyes fathomable enraptured me he was holding up and umbrella. He seated himself next to me.

          “Your date stood you up Jane?” He said all casually

          “What? How’d you know my name?” He looked at me one eyebrow raised he just stared at me.

          “You don’t know me?”

          “Well your Rey, right? The child-prodigy, the greatest musician of his generation” I answered

          “Why, I’m flattered” his face was expressionless then he started to think.

          “You honestly don’t remember me” he laughed to himself

          “Remember?” I echoed

          “You are such a pinhead” he said teasingly

          “Excuse me?” I barked. He looked at me and cackled some more. I was getting frustrated what am I a clown!?

          “What’s so funny?”

          “You…” he snorted then shook his head. He took my hand and I could feel his gentle but firm fingers.

          “Take the umbrella I could run”

          “See ya” He lifted my chin so I could see his and the stroke my cheeks with his free hand. I felt my cheeks redden my eyes widened what was he doing?

          “You haven’t change at all.” He winked and ran towards the school’s carpark.

          Then a Gemballa Mirage Porsche honked at me I could see the silhouette image waving at me.

          The car already left but I still had a dumbfounded expression. As soon as his Porsche left, my car appeared �"yes my car a Jaguar xf sedan, purple in color Cloe helped me pick it she’s an expert in cars- and out came Mr. Haye our house butler.

          “Miss?” He called

           “Would you like to drive miss?” He took my bags and gave me the keys but I knew I was too cold to drive. I just shook my head and I followed him automatically.

          As soon as we were on a drive Mr. Haye was talking about something about my mom and dad but I couldn’t really make it out. What was wrong with me? I shook my head snapping out of my dumbfounded expression. I paid more attention to Mr. Haye but he had already finish what he was saying

          “By the way miss? Who’s jacket is that?”

          I looked down and I was still wearing HIS jacket. He left it? What? I started to take off the jacket but before that I smelled his sweet scent at the same moment I could feel his warm touch from my cheeks the way he stroked it was so familiar. My cheeks were burning and I jerked

          Pinhead… Miss clutsy… I remembered his voice. I groaned and completely took off the jacket.

          “From a jerk…” I mumbled

          “Was he a cute jerk?”

          “Yeah… he had nice olive green eyes, and nice crimson oaked hair and he’s a very talented violinist you should have seen him play you would’ve… ” I trailed off

          “Well by the sound of it he was cute and seeing as he offered his jacket when it was cold he does sound like a jerk” Mr. Haye replied and smiled to the back mirror.

          “Funny” I replied.

          “Your parents called me a few minutes ago said to pick you up. Your father’s car broke down. They tried to call you a few times”

          “My phone died” I answered expressionless then we drove silently.


          “Jane sweetie! Are you alright?” My nanny �"the one who gave me warm baths when I was still a baby and the one who helps me prepare a party at my house now that I’m a teenager- was the first one to greet me.

          “Dear you’re soaking wet… Your mom will be…”She trailed off

          “Mom? Where’s she?” My expression beamed

          “She’s in the kitchen” She smiled at me.

          I ran towards the kitchen.


          “Jane dear” she was still wearing her trench coat. She was holding two cups of hotchoco.

          “Mom…”I repeated it was a sweet tune to hear my very own voice calling my mom. My mom was an international musician she’s very well travelled and never stays at home for more than a 3 weeks. She placed her cups aside and opened her arms, I quickly embraced her. I never felt so protected and warm ever.

          “Jane you’re all wet” She broke our hug and appraised me a few moments

          “Go to your room and take a shower or you’ll catch a cold…” she smiled at me. I missed her smiles the way her eyes crinkled up and her cheeks redden.

          “ I promise then we’ll eat dinner together your dad’s got take out”

          “Okay mom…” I started towards my room but I turned around.

          “Hey mom we’re having a concert at my school and I’m adutioning for…” I trailed off then my mom was holding one finger at me a sign to be silent

          “Hello John? Yes I just arrived…” I headed back to my room knowing that Mr. John Cabot -Mom’s manager- was on the phone this would turn out to be long conversation. It can wait till dinner my mom will be happy if I told her about the concert my school’s holding and the star of the show was the child-prodigy Rey , who I bet she knows too-. I can’t wait to ask her what it was like to be in Itsly and I’d like to tell her about that new café that opened up in one of Mae’s Dad’s Mall she’ll love it there I just know it.

          I finished my shower.I was in my room when I notice there were new clothes placed on top of my bed, bags some shoes on the floor all internationally branded; a precious moments doll wearing Italian clothes. No wonder the car broke down, look at what my mom brought for me �"and this was just my share we still had a few maids, drivers, butlers, and I have a sister Jana she probably has as much as gifts as I had. I just shrugged.

          “ruff-ruff” Nessa was panting. I leaned down and took her in my arms. Nessa is Pappilon she’s a small toy spaniel with a silky coat and heavenly fringed tail and ears. She was gift from Almira, Mae, Emily and Chloe.

          “Nessa... I see you got your gift” I traced the pink-leathered collar around her neck and the golden heart at the center imprinted with the letters that spelled her name : Nessa. She licked my face and I placed her back on the floor she never did like heights.

          “Jane dinners ready” Nanny called from below

           Nessa raced down to the dinning room barking aloud. I followed her.

          As soon as I was in the dinning room my hands trembled my body couldn’t move, I could only hear the faint bark of my puppy, I saw Nanny trying to say something but I couldn’t make it out. The whole house was slowing down.

          “Jane sweetie are you alright?” I heard my nanny saying


          I sat at the round dinning table 12 EMPTY chairs and a single cover placed infront of me. And my parents no where to be found I seated alone I just gazed at the take-out my dad bought it was heated and placed on a silver platter. The clocked ticked but I didn’t move, I bet the food got colder I wasn’t really expecting that when you stare at something it magically goes into your mouth. But I just wanted to hold still. A drop of water fell to the soup and it made ripples. I was gasping and sniffing and the drop was my tear.

          “Where are they?” I unwillingly asked

          “Your dad had to go to work there was a surprise visit from the board of directors, your mom got a personal call from her manager John to play for an old classmate of hers at the last minute.” Nanny replied

          I was tearing up holding my breath so I could sob more deeply in my room later “PROMISE” she said, what was that about?” I mumbled to myself

          “Go on dear I’ll clean up” Nanny held my hands. She could feel my pain. But she couldn’t do anything to make it go away and she knew that. If she tried to say: “You have to understand them” or “Everything’s alright” I might throw something and start a tantrum just like when I was younger when my mom didn’t show up for some of school plays, or times where my mom never showed to my 10th birthday, or the time where me and my younger sister spent a Christmas with just being the two people alone in the house with Mr. Haye and Nanny, or the time when she was on the phone while I was practicing the violin with a hired music teacher. She just nodded not paying attention to what the teacher was appraising me for.

          I ran towards my room and buried my face in my pillow. I screamed with the safety of knowing no one would hear me. Being so lonely that’s such a familiar feeling it isn’t stranger anymore. As always she would come back home and end up working. I shouldn’t have expected so much from her. I knew I would end up getting my hopes high and I knew they would go crumbling down. My sister and I would end up seeing her pack to go to a different continent in a few days. The pain, I just knew how to handle this it’s just matter of tears.

          I placed the precious moments doll with the other ones all dressed up in every country she would have visited. I threw my new things in the laundry basket literary throwing them.

          “Good thing Jana’s at a music camp she’d be devastated with the promise my mom made… my mom broke that is.” I mumbled to myself

           I stared at the ceiling, the room was quite too quite I needed music that’s another remedy for this situation. I hurriedly opened my bag to get my Ipod and my phone and chargers. I turned my phone on 24 messages the first two was from my parents and the remaining was from my best friends they must’ve been worried sick. I read some of their text

From: Almira,

                Hey Jane! Too bad you missed out on the café trip after the auditions let’s stop by there tomorrow. :D

                Has your parents picked you up? It’s getting awfully dark. REPLY ASAP.

From: Mae,

                You’re so dead you never told me you met him. :)) The sky’s getting gloomier you brought an umbrella right?

                Almira’s been texting you why haven’t you replied.

From: Cloe,

                Hey! I saw your Jaguar speeding by did something happen?

                Emily’s been frantic about you not being online. Where are you?

From: Emily,

                Hey I talked to Mike everything’s alrigth, okay?

                Are you that upset? I know his your crush and everything but still lets talk about it.

                �"its really getting dark PLEASE REPLY to any of us!!!

          I reached for my study table and turned on my laptop I knew how Emily used all three exclamation points she must be worried sick. As soon as the internet got connected I entered the site that Mae’s brother made for the five of us to have forums “Please the phone, so last year…” she said about a year ago and she decided to ask her brother to make an online chat room exclusively for the five of us. Of course other people could see what’s in it like pictures of Christmas parties, funny music videos we made over the summer, drawings Almira , Mae, and Chloe would put, Music I composed with the violin, Mae’s band performances, Emily’s short stories and Videos but no one else could upload pictures and stuffs.

          As soon as the site loaded the first thing that flashed on the left side of the screen was a notification saying: Falloutgirl_cuddles has a new album VANITY by: THE HAPPY FRIEDNS.

            They were all online I read the early chats they made.

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Geez �"Ely relax will you, she’s not angry with you… And she’s fine

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: But you were the one who said her car was speeding in hurry, your fault :P

MixDownER_Handy: Drama much Ely. She’s fine and Chloe said it was her butler driving not her.

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: My point exactly, What if… What if…

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: RELAX, I told Jhake never to let you drink to much cola :D

MixDowER_Handy: Speaking of Jhake, did you do what I told you too…………….


                And I skipped the chat to the current one…

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: She’s still not here. Any Replies you guys? =.=

MixDownER_Handy: Nope.

FAlloutgirl_Cuddles: I got nothing I sent her a few more messages…

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: Now she’s making me worry. Where is she? I’ll kill her!

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: Just a sec Principal Applegate’s calling. Buzz me as soon as she’s online

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Ely if she asks about the wheels on her seat tell her I’m innocent…

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: :))) hahaha.

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: Seat? XD what did you do??

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Nothing I told you I’M INNOCENT. ^-^

            I started to type...

Aficionado_Toothy: Ohh…. You’re so Busted Cloe.

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: Finally where’d you been? >:(

Aficionado_Toothy: Nothing I’m fine J

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Emily’s been bugging us about how you froze in front of Mike. Please tell her you’re not upset about that.

Aficionado_Toothy: Buzz!!

Aficionado_Toothy: I’m fine Emily :))

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggels: Then why didn’t you reply to any of our message… its 9 pm what time did you’re folks picked you up?

Aficionado_Toothy: My battery died :) and the other one’s a different story…

MixDownER_Handy: Shoot!!! It’s 9 already? I have band Practice. T_T I’m late…

MixDownER_Handy: GTG guys, Jane 411 me tomorrow ‘kie?

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: Bye Mae :-*

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: See ‘ya

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: TC…

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles: back to you Jane what Exactly happened!?

Aficionado_Toothy: I was waiting for my parents at school but they never showed up and I got all soaked in the rain. Then they said we we’re going to have dinner together and they both disappeared for work as soon as I got out from the shower. And they all live Happily Ever After.

***THE END***

PinKNBlackLoverz_Giggles: Owh.. Jane you alright? :“(

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Well looks like you handled it alright…

Aficionado_Toothy: Yeah I kinda got use to it. And enough with the pity-party you guys know I hate that right?

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Got it. Don’t worry after auditions tomorrow we can go to the new café and I bet you’ll love it there.

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: I agree with Chloe it’ll be nice :D

Aficionado_Toothy: You’ll be at school tomorrow?

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Yeah, even if the School News Paper wasn’t required to cover the whole concert from auditions to final act

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: We’ll be there cheering for you, and throwing roses

PinkhairedSasuke_Ptunia: Roses that’ll cut you with its thorns BWHAHAHA XD

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: And will put a trap door at the stage filled with snake ^-^ I wonder if Pricncipal Applegate will allow it

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles:  Shoot! Mrs. Applegate I have her on hold, See you guys Tomorrow. Now where did I put my phone? :“))

Pinkhairedsasuke_Petunia: Cool! you get to put principals on hold when you’re a student body president?

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Your bedside table?  Your bag?  CR? Drawer? Second Shelf of Your walk-in-closet….

Don’t forget I’m INNOCENT. ^-^

PinkNBlackLoverz_Giggles:  Found it was in Natsume’s Bed…  

                        -Don’t ask why... @chloe got it... BYE guys…

Aficionado_Toothy: @Emily: See you J

                   @ Chloe && Almira: Stop bullying me… L

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: @ EM: How can you misplace your phone in your cat’s Bed?

                         @Jane: it’s our Job… SORRY <3

Pinkhairedsasuke_Petunie: Now that Emily’s gone it 2 vs. 1 bwhahaha. ;))

          The rest of the conversation was with the new café, tomorrows audition and a lot of “LETS PICK ON JANE” teasing. But they never returned the topic to my horrible evening they knew I didn’t want a pity party I needed my bestfriends to make me smile.

Falloutgirl_Cuddles: Leaving you guys… Im so sleepy, that stupid pictorial really got me tired.

Aficionado_Toothy: Now it’s 1 vs. 1 hahaha ;))

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: BYE Cloe ^.^ Sorry Jane you now you’re tired its 11 am. You know I can’t sleep until pass 12 so don’t bother stayin up ‘kie?

Aficionado_Toothy: FINE… But don’t forget tomorrow I’m taking Nessa for a walk let’s meet at the park about 6 am I’ll bring my violin Bring your Flute and your Brichon Frise-Jin okay?

PinkhairedSasuke_Petunia: Got it… :D don’t worry I’ll remember then we’ll go to your house and we should pick your dress for you performance.., OKEY?

Aficionado_Toothy: Night… ^-^

                I shut the laptop down. I lay down in my bed waiting to for my eyelids to shut down. Then something suddenly crawled from under the bed sheets

Rrrr-Ruff” Nessa was leaking me at the face.

“Hey Nessa, Were going for a walk tomorrow you an Jin can play around…” I pet her and she fell asleep next to me. I stroke her fur a few times she huddled herself next to me making her nose touch my cheeks then I fell asleep

© 2013 Rhemaebel

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Author's Note

I would like to receive reviews from it. It would really be a big help. Also I would like to thank you for taking your time in reading this chapter up to the end or even just half way through. I would like to receive reviews, feedback, comments, suggestions, and feedback... critics are also accepted for those who would like to give criticism I humbly beg that you give it in a polite and civilized way. Once again Thank You!

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This chapter is a bit short and I'm planning of lengthening it a bit add a few more descriptions here and there. (If ever I resume the continuation of the book). I didn't know what genre it is, so I just place "Novella". HAHA please forgive my amateurishness...
I was very particular about the font styles of this chapter on the group chat so I had it changed into different fonts per member. (I hope you can read it)
The names of the user names are related to the character's favorite character in the series "Happy Tree Friends"
This chapter showed how their friendship has somehow become Jane's shelter out of loneliness.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 4, 2013
Last Updated on January 4, 2013
Tags: Music, Love, Friendship, Mother-Daughter, Family




I'm an amateur writer who dreams to become a big shot novelist and get my works published. A dream I hope with much effort can come true. I mostly write short stories and currently working on 2 novels.. more..

Starry Sky Starry Sky

A Story by Rhemaebel