Jesus of South Beach or: The Tarkovsky Conspiracy of Elizabeth Isabella (Imaginary Walls)

Jesus of South Beach or: The Tarkovsky Conspiracy of Elizabeth Isabella (Imaginary Walls)

A Chapter by Cahjli Symes

Mr.Goldwasser has meeting with Jesus Cortez.


June, 2010:
     It's been a month and business is making a killing, globally and literally. Lee started distribution and selling the drug to the clan's rivals by out sourcing it to foreigner pushers; that way there's no traces to his clan. So far we have two-hundred eighty-six deaths within the past month and the demand keeps building since a lot of high-profile criminals have overdosed on it, with the exception of two people. One being an underboss for the Kurosawa Yakuza clan and an assassin for the Tarkovsky family known as Mondo Crane. Mondo Crane is a Half-Ukrainian/Russian killer known famously for literally lobotomizing his targets with his thumbs.
     Once you make a name of your product, it’s like having a period in shark infested waters; everyone wants a piece of you. And once you build the hype, parasites of all types come out the f*****g woodwork to be temporarily associated with you; to just later drop you like a baggie full of dog s**t. Like predicted, Jesus called my phone asking to meet up with me to talk about a business deal. I accepted his invitation to meet up with him at eleven A.M at his mansion up in Edgewater on Sunday the sixth

Sunday the Sixth (Coffee Shop Rhapsody):
    I'm rather tired from reading over Elizabeth's files as well as reviewing every single pint of information I have on Jesus. Me running on only an hour of sleep gives me a very short fuse, meaning I'm not in the mood for anybody's s**t. I got in my car at around 8:30 A.M and drove up towards Edgewater. Around 9:30 I stopped in a vintage record store and bought a few vinyls of "The Ronettes" and "Chaka Khan" since he has a love for soul music based on what I've observed in videos of his political rallies. Think of it as a "business gift" for the corrupt piece of s**t. Around 10:15 I decided to stop at Starbucks for some green tea.
    Once I got inside, I wait in line behind three people ordering coffee. I waited for at least two minutes before I actually got to the cashier. By the time I got there, I was greeted by Vivian’s best friend from high school name Vanessa; in which I haven’t seen since Vivian’s funeral. Turns out she works here unbeknownst to me.
    We had a brief chat about life and catching up from my years of exile. It’s a slow morning so there’s no customers behind me for the time being. She recently left her abusive boyfriend Jimmy, who happens to be a bank robber/heroin dealer. A true f*****g piece of s**t. Then we moved on to the topic of Vivian…and my grievance. I f*****g HATE when people ask about my feelings towards the matter, as if my mental state is just water cooler bullshit to everyone I encounter from my past! She then advises me to see a therapist. I was getting so turned off and disgusted by this conversation, I had to take a piss. Don’t ask me how the f**k I’m coping.
     Half way into urinating in the stall, I hear commotion outside due to someone entering the bathroom. From the sounds of it, it seems like a male is starting an altercation with Vanessa. As I finish urinating, I walk out the stall to wash my hands. Next to me is a Samoan male who looks like he’s in his early thirties, staring into the mirror with regret. He then looks at me and ask "Have you ever questioned how stupid the world is getting?" I look him in the eyes and respond "Fluoridated water calcifies the pineal gland. I blame tap water and the media." I then walk out the room without a care in the world for his response. I don’t have time for small talk. 
     I walk out the bathroom to Vanessa getting her hair pulled violently over the counter and her nose getting punched in by this Caucasian skater punk, who turns out to be her ex Jimmy. He’s butt hurt over the breakup and will not take no for an answer. I immediately walk over towards the altercation to get the b***h-boy’s attention. I can’t believe all these people in here are allowing her to just get assaulted like that, either recording on their cell phones or not saying a word. This society of goddamn complacent zombies make me sick. Yet they have the nerve to swear this is the home of the brave.
     "Yo n***a you better back the f**k up before I f**k you up!" Says Jimmy getting in a defensive stance while still holding on to Vanessa’s hair.
    "LET ME GO F*****G DICKHEAD!" Screamed Vanessa. She then punches Jimmy in the face; but he responds by punching her so hard in her right eye, she gets a nasty black eye.
    "SHUT UP B***H!" Screams Jimmy. "You think you gonna’ get away that f*****g easy- I DON’T THINK SO!"
    I walk closer to him to the point where I’m two feet away from the two. I begin to put my nose to the air and begin to sniff twice. "You guys smell that?" I announced to everyone in the store. I then look Jimmy in the eyes immediately "I smell a fuckboy." Jimmy then turns red and looks at me in ignorance and disgust."
    "You better mind your f****n’ business white-boy before I f**k YOU up next!" exclaims Jimmy.
    "You think I’m scared of a wigger skater punk like you? B***h you must be smoking crack." I say to him walking closer.        
    "Release her you candy-a*s b***h."
    He then chokes her with his right hand and pulls her hair harder. "Who's this f*g?! The n***a you left me for?! HA! OR ELSE WHAT?! THE F**K IS YOUR P***Y A*S FINNA’ DO B***H N***A?!" Yells Jimmy.
    "Only a b***h goes for the hair Jimmy boy. Let her go and let’s take this to the parking lot."
    "The f**k you say to me?!" He instantly lets go of her hair and charges over to me. He now proceeds to size me up like a f*****g Neanderthal. Bursting my personal bubble.
    "F**K OUTSIDE- YOU CAN GET IT RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW P***Y BOY! MIND YA F****N’-" He then aggressively pokes the left side of my forehead with his left index finger. "-BUSINESS BEFORE I GUN YOU DOWN F**K N***A!" In the middle of Jimmy about to poke me again, I grab that same finger with my left hand and proceed to break it, twisting his arm to the floor. Then I immediately uppercut him with my right elbow, dropping his b***h a*s to the floor. He calls me a punk and my reaction to his bullshit a "cheap shot". Yet the fool’s face is covered in tears and blood. He tries to get back up to punch me in the belly with his left; but I quickly move to his right and knee him in the face with my left knee, which instantly knocks him out cold. I then turn to Vanessa who’s frozen in shock and pain.
    "Thank you." Says Vanessa, cleaning the blood off her nose. I ignore her to grab my green tea and drive away from this freak show. On my way out the store, Jimmy regains consciousness and threatens to have my whole family murdered. I then stomp him in the chest and kick him in the balls.
    I tell him "I dare you. Jorge Goldwasser is the name. Come near her again and I’ll paint her room [I point to Vanessa] with your f****n’ brains!" I then pull out my wallet, force his mouth open and proceed to jam my I.D. in his mouth and punch him in the throat. "I’m waiting for you b***h." I told him coldly. I then walk over to my car like nothing happen, turned the car on and drove my way to the meeting.

The Meeting:
    Twenty minutes later I arrived at Cortez’s. His estate is crawling with armed security on every inch. A security guard guides me into Jesus’s house. He has very luxurious taste. A blend of contemporary and vintage 1950’s décor. I’m then met by his secretary who walks me into Jesus’s office. I meet up with Jesus sitting in his desk sipping on white wine.
    “Mr.Cortez, your eleven o’clock is here, sir.”
  “Ah splendid! Come on in Jorge!”  His secretary leaves and closes the office door as Jesus gets up to shake my hand. He gives me a firm handshake and a smile.
    “Please to finally meet you. Please have a seat.” Says Jesus in anticipation. I sit down in a chair in front of his desk while he returns to his chair. “Not to seem like a kiss a*s, but I got you some vinyls as a form of gratitude.” I then hand him the vinyls. He observes them with a huge smile on his face.
    “Wow, Chaka Khan and The Ronettes. Have you been to my rally’s you sly devil you?” Ask Jesus.
     “Just a few. I’m still an undecided voter.”
     “Well I’ll tell you this, you don’t see the other guy with music taste like this. Everyone f*****g gets tired of the other guy using the same ol’ Bruce Springsteen songs and country music.” Utter Jesus.
    “It shows you’re well rounded.”
    “Exactly! And that’s what the people want. Someone in office who can relate to the people and their struggles in society. I mean why vote for the same ol’ same ol’ when you have someone running for office, who happens to be a minority.  Dealt with racism and has a well know track record for cleaning out organized crime during his years as a D.A. Well, let me take that back. Statistically Hispanics are going to over populate Caucasians within the next five to twenty years in this country. But still, people want change Jorge. That’s why we have a president that’s the best of both worlds. White and black. It shows that America is a melting pot of other ethnicities and besides institutional racism, it proves that anyone can live the American dream.
    “…right.” I said using a slight hint of sarcasm.
    He then takes another sip from his white wine and cleans his mouth with his handkerchief.
    “Can I get you anything by the way? Stake? Liq? Smoke?”
    “No thank you sir.”
   Jesus then ask me “So question kid, you party?”
    “Excuse me?”
    “You know.” Jesus then rubs his nose and looks me in the eyes. “Do. You. Party?”
    No sir. I grew up with enough D.A.R.E. propaganda during my days in primary school.
     “Hey kid I don’t blame you. I tried it once back in the 80’s when the s**t was the craze and everyone plus their momma was sniffing sugar boogers. I didn’t like how it made my heart feel. Got me all anxious and s**t. I’m quite straight edge myself, but I don’t mind a glass of scotch every once and a blue moon.” Responds Jesus.
    “Everyone has their vices…my work happens to be the only one. I don’t judge.”
    “Ha. Aren’t you right about that! I’m addicted to the thrill of politics and you…well, I’m assuming you’re an underground chemist?” Jesus ask me out of fascination.
    I then reply “I have my masters in Chemistry and Anatomy. At the moment I do what I can to make ends meet. Cash flow isn’t fast enough if I do another four years just to get my doctorates.”
    “Off the record the economy is s**t. I’m not going to lie to you there Jorge. A matter a fact. Look, I want you to feel comfortable around me as I am with you. You seem like a smart young man with his head on his shoulders, so I’m going to tell you the truth about me and my operations. But let’s make it be clear that whatever me and you discuss stays in this office and this office only.” States Jesus.
    “I have nothing to gain if I were to go against your wishes.” I respond.
    “Well I’m glad you have that respect for me Jorge, cause I had to take out a lot of snitches and whistleblowers within the past four years of being mayor. A bit stressful, but that’s why I have the police and the love of my life take care of these issues for me. Do I lose sleep over getting a person’s family wacked? Not really. Death has always been a natural part of politics since its inception. That’s why we usually make it look like accidents or random acts of violence.”
   “To cover your a*s?” I ask.
    Jesus explains “No to prove a point. You see Jorge, in order to have power you have to gain control. And there’s no better way of getting control then the usual utilization of fear. But you have to mix it up every now and again. That’s why dictatorships never really work out. It’s too much fear. Obvious fear. Believe it or not these cattle are actually smart. But in order to get into the voters heads, you have to know how they think. Which brings in the beauty of social media. The next big thing in politics! What they like. The type of music they listen to, the food they eat, hell even the movies they watch. In order to have true power, you have to control the mind and manipulate emotions. Once you do that for a certain period of time you eventually have everyone pacified and have people like me make every waking decision of their lives.”
    I never had a meeting with a human being so disgusting in my life. But while he was talking I realized he doesn’t have a scar on his lip. I’m actually talking to the real Jesus.
     “Interesting. I never looked at politics in that way before.”
    Jesus chuckles “Don’t worry yourself. In the end, it’s all for the greater good of civilization. Well even though politics hasn’t been around for as long as most people think.”
   “I see.” I utter, trying to hide my discomfort.
    He then pulls out a folders with a bunch of files in it. He then proceeds to read through it.
    “Ahh, you’re last name is Goldwasser? I could've sworn you were a Cubano like myself.
    “Sorry to disappoint.”
    “Oh please! It’s nothing to be disappointed about, it’s not like your black and you had generations of culture stripped from you. But wow, Goldwasser. I didn’t know you were a Jew.”
    “I’m here for business sir, not a debate.” I told him immediately.
    “I apologize if I offended you there kid. I had to ask. The last name just caught me at left field.”
    “I was adopted by Jews. Hence the last name.”
    “Oh! OKAY! Cool!” He then laughs to break off the awkward tension he brought upon himself. "No issues there buddy, I love Jews. They know how to do business. I would know. My name IS Jesus.” Says Jesus giving me a cocky, yet sadistic wink.
    Lee was right. This racist piece of s**t is slime.
    Jesus then explains “You know Jorge.” Jesus gets up from out of his chair and proceeds to walk around the room casually. “A common misconception about my name is that I was named after Christ. Well, truth be told that isn’t the case. You see, my parents; god bless their souls were casino owners chased out of Cuba by that f**k-head Fidel. But the thing about my parents is they were both into history and were so rich they had an abundance of historical records at their disposal more than anyone else on the island, believe it or not. You see those two subjects, history and math. They f*****g loved that s**t. Hell they had to even beat it into me as a kid in order for me to gain a true understanding of the importance of both subjects. They f*****g loved that s**t because knowledge is power. And once you have a full understanding of numbers, you unlock the secrets of the universe. What many people don’t know is I was named after the first slave ship that came to the Americas. If it wasn’t for that ship, this beautiful country wouldn't be the way it is today. It would still be run by a bunch of f*****g savages unworthy of this land’s true glory. They believed I could one day grow up to surpass their accomplishments by leading a nation of workers to help reinforce the foundations of the status quo; in which this country; like other parts of the Americas, was founded on. It brings an abundance of wealth and happiness for great minds like myself and you of course. What doesn’t however, is a nation of thinkers. And boy if one thing my parents found more deadly than forty neutron bombs, is a whole nation of free thinking individuals with a mind of their own.”
    “And why is that?”
    “Because if you have a nation of thinkers, people like me wouldn’t have a job and people would revolt. People like me would be chased down the street and hung by our testicles. Of course not all politicians have the same morals and mind set as me. But that’s because their weak. Regardless, that’s everyone in my field of work’s biggest fear. A nation that thinks for themselves without a leader to guide them. Because at that point there wouldn’t be a need for people like me in this world if society got back into thinking for themselves. HOO BOY! The pandemonium I tell you! I’m talking a civil f****n’ break down in society.”
    Suddenly his speech is interrupted by someone cursing out his secretary.
    Wait a minute, is that who I think it is?!
    Suddenly Jimmy burst through the office door belligerently. “What in the f**k is going on?!” exclaims Jesus.
    “DAD I NEED YOU TO KILL A N***A FOR ME RIGHT NOW!” Yells Jimmy, barging into the office.
    “Jesus Jimmy- the f**k’s the matter with you?! Can’t you see I’m in a f*****g meeting?!” Jesus says to Jimmy pissed.
    “Can’t you see I got a broken f*****g finger?! I don’t give a f**k- I got humiliated in public and I need you to dead a n***a right now!” exclaims Jimmy before pausing to look at me. “What the f**k?”
    “JIMMY WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON?! DON’T YOU F*****G EMBARRASS ME YOU LITTLE S**T!” Say Jesus yelling in anger.
    “WHAT THE F**K-Wait-WHAT?!” Jesus then turns to me. “What the f**k is he talking about?”
    “Ask him. I’m not the one with a flair for the dramatic here.” I respond.
    “Dad that's the m**********r who fucked my girl and beat me up inside of Starbucks.” Say Jimmy.
    I turn to Jimmy snapping “I didn’t steal your girl you whiney f**k.”
    “What?! You assaulted my child?!” Exclaims Jesus.
    “SHUT THE F**K UP- I WASN’T TALKING TO YOU!” says Jesus, cutting off Jimmy in anger.
     “BUT DAD-“
    “JAMES GERONIMO BATISTA CORTEZ- DON’T F**K WITH ME RIGHT NOW! SHUT THE F**K UP! I’M LOSING MY F*****G PATIENCE WITH YOU!” Screamed Jesus to Jimmy, pointing at his face enraged. Jesus then loosens his tie, takes off his jacket and proceeds to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He takes a deep breath and pushes his hair back. “Jorge, did you put your hands on my child?”
    “I sure did sir.” I utter confidently.
    Jesus begins to rub his eyes. “Why did you lay your hands on my child?”
    “You’re gonna f****n’ get it now n***a-“
    Jesus then cuts off Jimmy “SHUT YOUR F*****G TRAP!”
    Jimmy immediately shuts up.
    “Now, I’m going to repeat my question for only JORGE to answer. Jorge, why did you lay your hands on my child?”
    “Well sir, I had stopped on the way over here for some green tea and I had to use the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom to your son about to rip the hair out of his ex-girlfriend’s scalp, choked her and gave her a bloody nose and a black eye. I didn’t steal her from him. She was simply a high school friend of my fiancé who passed away two years ago. All people were doing was watching this woman get beat down like a grown a*s man, doing nothing but recording the altercation with their cell phones. I had to do what I had to do out of respect for her and my fiancé. Do I regret it? No. Not even during a snow day in hell.” I respond to Jesus coldly.
    “And you said people did nothing but record? Ask Jesus.
    “I stand by my statement sir. Do what you must.”
    Jesus then stressfully walks over to his television on the right side of his office. He proceeds to pull out an HDMI cord from behind his television and heads over toward his desk. Jesus then pulls out another HDMI cord from out of his desk drawer. He walks over to me and stares me down in anger.
    “Dad you gonna’ take care of him or what?”
    Jesus ferociously grabs Jimmy by the back collar of his shirt and starts furiously beating Jimmy’s a*s with two HDMI cords in his left hand. “YOU SON OF A B***H HOW DARE YOU F*****G EMBARRASS ME YOU F*****G PIECE OF S**T!” Screamed Jesus in Spanish. He then throws Jimmy to the floor and rips Jimmy’s shirt off in the process and starts beating him more. Jimmy is now crying trying to cover his face. However, Jesus kicks Jimmy’s hands away from his face and starts hitting Jimmy in the face harder with the two HDMI cords. “YOU WANNA' ACT LIKE A F*****G N****R I’LL BEAT YOU LIKE A F*****G N****R! I SHOULD HAVE GOT YOU ABORTED YOU F*****G PIECE OF S**T!” Jesus then kicks Jimmy in the stomach twice with full force and kicks him in the face. “You wanna' f*****g embarrass me huh?!
    “NO PAPI!” Screamed Jimmy in pain.
     You wanna' f*****g hang with n*****s and then have the nerve to F**K MY S**T UP IN THE STREETS JUST BECAUSE YOU WANNA' ACT LIKE N*****S HUH?! Yells Jesus, turning red in anger.
    “NO PAPI!” Screamed Jimmy again even louder in pain.
     “THEN THE F***S [Jesus kicks him in the belly again] THEN THE F***S THE MATTER WITH YOU HUH?! HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME OVER SOME F*****G P***Y! GET A F*****G GRIP KID! YOU EMBARRASS ME I EMBARRASS YOU! YOU GOT THAT YOU F*****G F****T!  Screamed the enraged Jesus in Spanish. “GET THE F**K UP! RIGHT NOW!”
    Jimmy tries to get back on his feet but he’s clearly in a lot of pain with welts all over his face, back, chest and arms.
    “Now I want you to apologize for your actions!”
    Jimmy is now sobbing, trying to inhale back the snot running down his nose.
    Jesus then strikes Jimmy in the back so hard, some blood actually got on Jesus. “I SAID APOLOGIZE BEFORE I MAKE YOU LAY IN A TUB OF RICE!”
    “I’M SORRY!” screamed the sobbing Jimmy.
    “NOW APOLOGIZE TO ME YOU F*****G S**T!” Yelled Jesus in furious anger.
    “Now get back on the f*****g floor.”
    “wh-what?!” shirked Jimmy in fear.
    “GET ON THE F*****G GROUND!”
   Jimmy out of humiliation drops to the floor.
    “Lick his shoe!”
    I give Jesus a look as if he’s lost his goddamn mind.
    I then look down at Jimmy, “Lick me and I’ll kick you in your f****n’ mouth.”
    Jesus then says to Jimmy “Turn to me.”
    Jimmy on all fours turns to Jesus. Jesus then kicks Jimmy in the nose, knocking him out instantly. Jesus heads over towards his television and puts the HDMI cord back. He then calls his secretary in the room to take Jimmy out of his office. Jesus begins to tighten his ties, roll down and button his sleeves, and put his jacket back on. He gets back to his desk to take a seat, putting the second HDMI cord back in his drawer.
    “I’m sorry you had to see that Jorge. I’m the type of guy where you embarrass me, I embarrass you.”
    “Hey man you got to do what you got to do.” I respond unenthusiastically.
    “And of course I have to play my role as a disciplinarian. I apologize for my son’s actions. He keeps hanging around those f*****g n*****s down in Dade-county. But anyway that’s not why you were called here and I know I made you feel a bit uncomfortable-”
    “Sir I really don’t care.”
    “And I f*****g respect that about you. You didn’t hesitate to tell me what’s up. It made my blood boil a bit, but it shows you’re honest and fearless. Now business. Now I’ve heard about your product. And I got to tell you, I love what I’m hearing and seeing about it. I love it so much, I’m gonna' hook you up with my Mistress in terms of protection and distribution.”
     “Meaning?” I inquire.
    “Meaning as long as I’m in power and you follow directions, you’ll be a wealthy man. I’ll have her distribute your stuff to my list of interested consumers and you’ll be paid under the table, that way you remain anonymous in our operations. I’m literally giving you the best protection in town kiddo. All you got to do is meet up with her later tonight and you’ll be on your way to prosperity. Give or take at this rate you’ll make $500,000 a year/annual income. After all our objectives are complete, you’ll be able to retire and live a quiet life. How does that sound?
    “Sounds good to me.”




© 2016 Cahjli Symes

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Last Chapter Review
This was an interesting Read for me. It read a bit static at first just telling me what happened rather than a story and while that usually gets on my nerves you had enough happening to hold my interest. The meeting with Jesus read a little better though. I noticed a lot of times when words were not properly finished or missing words even during civilised conversation. Jesus even says "Please to finally meet you" rather than "Pleased to finally meet you" Give this a good read through and you should be able to find and fix most, if not all places where this occurs.
I have to admit I would have liked a little warning about the Swearing and Violence. In my opinion this chapter warrants a mature rating. I'm saying this only because I'm unwell and for me that made it hard to read.
overall though nice write

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Last Chapter Review
This was an interesting Read for me. It read a bit static at first just telling me what happened rather than a story and while that usually gets on my nerves you had enough happening to hold my interest. The meeting with Jesus read a little better though. I noticed a lot of times when words were not properly finished or missing words even during civilised conversation. Jesus even says "Please to finally meet you" rather than "Pleased to finally meet you" Give this a good read through and you should be able to find and fix most, if not all places where this occurs.
I have to admit I would have liked a little warning about the Swearing and Violence. In my opinion this chapter warrants a mature rating. I'm saying this only because I'm unwell and for me that made it hard to read.
overall though nice write

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on August 11, 2016
Last Updated on October 26, 2016
Tags: tragedy, horror, crime, science fiction, psychological, gothic, gothic fiction, suspense, noir, death, grievance, trauma, mourning, dark


Cahjli Symes
Cahjli Symes

Cloud City, FL

Hi my name is Cahjli and I write poems,screenplays and lyrics. Hope you enjoy :D more..
