3:00 AM Shadow Club (Disassembly)

3:00 AM Shadow Club (Disassembly)

A Chapter by Cahjli Symes

Mr.Goldwasser receives information on Ethan's wife and meets up with Lee Yamiboro.


The following week:
    Thankfully Ethan’s three million paid off. I acquired all the supplies needed to produce about five tons of this stuff. What was surprising is, I even had enough left over to buy a new house and to move all my things from storage back in. I had to fly up to Brooklyn to meet up with Ethan’s family to go over everything. Our encounter and the test trials. They told me they have a job for me to do in terms of producing this stuff, but I have to deal with the Yamiboro yakuza clan in terms of overseas distribution.

    They asked if I had any issues with the occupational opportunity. I know they’re only using me to kill off their rivals; however, these men laid generations worth of bodies on the foundation of my adopted family’s name. I felt disgusted to say the least, but I had second thoughts about some of the family’s moral ethics. They’re the only syndicate I know of who don’t f**k with people’s family’s no matter how personal it gets. They rather watch you go insane by hiring hackers to freeze bank accounts and hire people to ruin your reputation to later turn everyone you love against you. These m***********s use straight up psychological warfare. But when they want you dead… like what Ethan’s brother told me the night before; "either quick and painful or slow and painful. They want to see their enemies' emotions before they die. They want to feel the pain in their eyes for the satisfaction of killing a rat or a snake. I rather be on this family's good side. Yes, my stubborn a*s finally came to my senses.

    I’ve discussed my rules and I was rather surprised by their reaction. They’re rather decent people besides Ethan’s father. Ethan left behind three brothers and four sisters. Our morals are similar and honestly, Ethan’s brother wants out of the business due to his daughter but Ethan's wife (who I found out by the way is named Elizabeth.) brought him back in. I understand him. I want to find the son of a b***h who drugged Vivian. I want to watch him under 1101 milligrams of my product, have him hogtied and just take notes of him reacting to the product.

    I was informed to meet my distributor in a South Korean supermarket. I usually buy DVD’s and ice-pops there, but hey I guess money laundering isn’t so bad after all in terms of giving back to the community. I found it f*****g weird to meet in such a public place but anyway, I met up with him in the parking lot. He's 5’10, knocking on 60 but in good health; wearing a grey V-neck t-shirt and green leather pants but somehow gives me a vibe of a South Korean Robert De’ Nero. Like, I met up with him and he gave me a fist bump and a high five. We walked into his supermarket and went to the employees’ only section, then into his "surveillance room" which turned out to be a game room with arcade stations of Mortal Kombat, Sonic the Hedgehog and Resident Evil 2; four couches, and two sixty inch high definition televisions (the actual surveillance is ten secret shoppers every four hours on every inch of this b***h.) Impressive.
    As the song "Good Friend" by Kikuchi Momoko played off the store's intercom, we both sat down on couches opposite of each other.
    "So your name is Jorge right?" 
    "Mind if I call you Mr.Goldwasser?" He inquired, playing with a box of Marlboro black cigarettes.
    "God no. I f*****g hate that name." I exclaimed in disgust.
    "I don’t understand. It’s not like your black, isn’t that your surname?"
    "No. it’s my adopted parents."
    "Oh, okay. Gotchu’. Alright so I made you feel awkward right?"
    "Slightly but I honestly don’t really care."
    "I’m busting your balls kid, I haven’t gotten into an altercation in a month. I sometimes get bored because American’s usually try me. But so far, things have been quiet since we shot a few kid’s trying to rob the place." He then stared at me rather coldly. "You seem cool though. Smart too. Didn’t give me your government name." He then lit a cigarette and puffed away. "Down to business. I hear a lot of good things about you kid. A lot. Like s**t, you ready to make some money or what?!" he said cheerfully.
    "Sure." I said unenthusiastically.
    "I need to know if you want to do this s**t or not kid? Come on, don’t be all down in the dumps it’s not that harsh of a situation."
    "I’m fine. Sir."
    "No-no-no. Stop that sir s**t! Call me Lee. I probably forgot to give you my name earlier and I’m probably known around as that South Korean connect. Some may find it racist but it’s cool though, I don’t want my name out there."
    "Understandable. Lee."
    "Now!" He clapped his hands like a bear in excitement. "Business! We have two objectives but one goal"
    "Which is?"
    "To avenge your fiancée and Ethan."
    "EXCUSE ME?!"
    "Relax. I’m what you Americans call a f****n’ Don. I know s**t, I get s**t. And kid you better feel blessed you're not on my s**t list."
    "Mainly yes. I’m the boss in Korea but an underboss in Japan. I am of the Yamiboro yakuza clan."
    "Right. What do you mean by avenge their deaths? I thought I’m doing production not a thug?" I asked rather intensely.
    "RELAX! You need to f*****g relax okay. Getting all anxious and s**t-f*****g getting me anxious! Anyway, Ethan gave me word on your product with the footage and everything. Gave both your product and work ethic rave reviews. Cold and calculative, just the man I want to work with."
    "I don’t allow any bullshit to compromise my job." I said to him coldly.
    Lee immediately responded, "And that’s good! You don’t let things get to you. You’re cold. You seem like the type with nothing to lose. And I know you’re like that because I see it in your eyes. The trauma-"
    "Get to the f*****g point, I'm not here for your pity."
    "My point, a*****e. You’re perfect for this job."  
    "What is the job?" 
    "Okay…now your product is perfect for taking people out. Autopsy just shows aneurysm from your German boy up in Bavaria. Now I don’t usually meet up with people like you for an operation like this. I have others meet with you. But what I’m about to tell you is top secret s**t that if we find out you told anyone about this operation, we’ll put you under your own drug and skin you alive. Understood?" 
    "Now, Elizabeth. Or E-liz-a-b***h! You heard of her?" 
     "Ethan’s wife?" 
    "Yes. What you know about her??" 
    "She’s a heartless c**t. That’s all I know." 
    He laughed. "She’s not just heartless. I’m heartless. This b***h doesn’t have a soul."

    "What do you mean?"
    Lee glared to the floor rather stressed, yet disgusted. He scratched his hair out of discomfort and stared at me. "I’m going to give you the 411 on this witch. Her full name is Elizabeth Mary Suspiria Isabella. Fifty years of age, father was a cop, mother was a lawyer. Had 5 children. Three of those children are biological with the mayor of your county and one is Algerian adopted from France. Two out of the five children changed their surnames out of shame and disgust, as a result of cutting their parents off for life. Did I lose you yet?"

    "No. Nothing but adultery and horrible parenting. Continue."
    "Alright so you got Henry Garzon. Okay so Henry Garzon is a contract killer from Rhode Island known for working with both the Cubans and Colombians in terms of protection for traffickers through the underwater railroad. His main contractors are the Leon and Vasquez cartel. Now I know this isn't going to make much sense so the next part is going to require your patience, critical thinking and open mind because this is a bit of a shock to some. Jorge you see, Garzon is actually the twin of Jesus Cortez." 
    "Get the f**k out of here! You mean to tell me our mayor is the twin to a contract killer?" I asked out of shock.
    "Not just any contract killer. His brother is the reason for funding his political campaign from working with the Colombian and Cuban cocaine trade. You know the cocaine cowboys?"

    "I'd have to be an idiot to live in Florida all this time and not know how it was funded."

    "Well smartass during the cocaine cowboys saga, Garzon was motherfucking Jesse James. Between the 1980’s and now. A lot of stockbrokers and real estate tycoons invested a foundation from the blood of the men, women and children Garzon has killed. Tens of thousands with nothing but a suppressed Beretta and a switchblade. Thanks to Jesus's term as district attorney, he helped moved the focus towards the Russian criminals since they’re new on the scene but more dangerous than any Italian syndicate the law will ever try to f**k with. I’m talking subs, nukes, subs with f*****g nukes, MRAP’s on speed dial, the whole f*****g nine. Now Jesus was shot up outside of a strip joint owned by an ex-KGB O.G. known as Ivan Tarkovsky a few nights ago. They got into an argument about territory, but Jesus was drunk as s**t. Just being a complete f*****g dick in Ivan's office. Jesus thinks he runs s**t because he owns the police."


   "However, knowing Ivan from experience. He doesn't give a f**k about literally anything or anyone. F**k around with him on some slick s**t to Tarkovsky and you'll wake up the next morning in a warehouse covered in your own intestines. Now if you pop STUPID s**t off at Tarkovsky, he'll have his squad pop so many caps in your a*s soda companies would pimp you out. Okay now check this s**t out. The son of a b***h comes back to the office the next day bald with glasses. A week after that, we have tensions with Russian citizens and the police. Connected the dots yet?" 

    "Okay, your point?"
    "That ain’t Jesus, that’s Henry! And he's finding a legal way to kick the Russians off their turf. And by their, I mean everyone who funded and is currently funding his political campaign. The Russian's are f*****g up Cortez's natural order of corruption since Ivan's crew is twenty times smarter." 
    "Wait just a f*****g minute-STOP it right now! You mean to tell me our mayor got shot up a few days ago and in place right now is his contract killing, psychopath brother?" 
    "The ears don’t f****n' lie my friend. Jesus has his mom’s ears while Henry has his dad’s. Although the brothers are very similar they're very different. Henry dropped out of school at the age of sixteen to later move to Rhode Island to be a petty criminal, while Jesus is a Harvard graduate who majored in law and psychology. Henry has a slight scar on his lip while Jesus doesn’t. It’s a very faint scar but-"

    "Get the f**k out of here, are you f*****g serious right now?! This smells like bullshit." I said sarcastically.
    "Now Jorge- why in the f**k! Would I bring you into my laundering headquarters over bullshit gossip Jorge?!"

    "Then where the f**k is Jesus-f*****g Mary?!" I said out of frustrated annoyance.
    Lee responding to my frustration, "He's in Mount Vernon, New York laying low until he heals. If he were to be caught at that f*****g club-IT'S F*****G DONE! Everybody in his crew and payroll gets fucked and sent to federal prison on conspiracy and corruption charges. One can't just be a f*****g mayor and walk into work the next morning and be like
"You know, I stepped out of f*****g line with those Russian's cause I'm a xenophobic-racist dick and I got shot the f**k up. RE-ELECT ME CAUSE I'M G AS F**K!" That's not how the game works Jorge, this isn't a f*****g rap video! In that world you have to sell the illusion of being perfect and intellectual. Not by being a manipulative arrogant."
    "Wow. I can't even. I'm f*****g done. Just f*****g done!" I stated out of extreme disbelief and shock.
    "It's some crazy s**t and it's not believable first because who would go through all the trouble right? Money gets you far and wide my boy. I know what’s up because not only your Italian’s had to contact me but the Lugosi’s had to f*****g contact me cause they don't trust Jesus nor Elizabeth flirting with the governor, the Brits had to contact me and even the f*****g Mexican’s had to f*****g contact me to inform that this b***h is a rat! NOW TO THE POINT- the Lugosi’s has ties to the police and the governor. They needed Jesus in power to continue getting in more shipment from Cuba, Colombia and Peru into the country with ease of access; from both the Leon and Vasquez cartel's, respectively. Jesus’s republican rival Leopold Savage doesn’t f*****g want that s**t in the state, nor does the other democrats. Jesus is a very smooth but dirty politician and one soulless m**********r. Don't let his kindness and that f*****g smile fool you. That racist f**k is nothing but a culture vulture zealot in a suit and tie. To keep the s**t going and avoid ruining his name, they pulled a "Kagemusha" and used his contract killing brother as a double; until fuckboy Jesus is fully healed."

He then handed me photographs of the two men in 1996 at a Planet Hollywood restaurant in Orlando. And this was during his term as district attorney… Lee was right. "Son of a b***h." I said to myself.

"Elizabeth is now working with the feds in order to f**k everyone Ethan was associated with over, as well as the Russian’s in exchange for her own territory here down in Wynwood; and word on the street is this baby killing b***h is now working undercover as a drug baroness." 
    "Then why don’t you tell everyone and just kill her? The f**k you need me for?"
    "The feds wants us to make a move because at this very moment they got everyone by the c**k and balls because of that f*****g vampire. They know everything except about you, but their main goal is using her to get the Russian’s due to her "sacred facelifts". Theirs rumors of this b***h having an underground organ trafficking network. Pure organs. Did Ethan go into why he got arrested that night?"
    "From what I remember he was disgusted and ashamed."
    "And he had a damn good f*****g reason to be! As a father if I found out my wife was into that s**t I'd rip her f*****g heart out with my bare hands." Snapped Lee, turning red.
   "What she slept with the whole down?"
    "Well you do know of Elizabeth’s insecurity with her aging right?" 
    "I was told." 
     Lee sighed stressfully. "Elizabeth is a part of a club. A special type of club. This club consist of the following, in which I shall reveal names and occupations. Informant/Drug lord Elizabeth Isabella "Milano", Contract killer Henry Garzon, Broward County mayor Jesus Cortez, Irish-Italian don Mort Lugosi, Sheriff Melvin Mendoza, yakuza boss Rinki Kurosawa, Triad Crime Lord Fing Moto, and Russian Crime Lord Ivan Tarkovsky. My brother Akira was a part in the late 90's, but found it morally deprived and a waste of time and resources. And this is coming from two brothers with the nicknames of     "Jointobureka" and "Sukina"."

    "So who's "Joint breaker" and which one is "Skinner"?" 

    "Akira is skinner and I'll bust a fuckers kneecaps inward if I'm tested."

    "God damn."

    "What's funny about the whole situation is although my brother is the more calm one out of the two, he pretty much told everyone to f**k off. When something isn't right with Akira it's either her aborts the situation to relax or turn into a straight up f*****g wild slave. So he left before he fully turned rouge on the club. The man couldn't handle anymore demons that he already has til' this very day. But anyhow, I was invited; but I turned them down because the ideology is medically inaccurate and just fucked in the head. So pretty much every night at 3:00 AM, they meet to drain the blood out of runway teens they pick up by train stations or walking out late at night. Sometimes they either drink their blood or apply it to their faces like a facial mask for "anti-aging" purposes. Its a part of some Luciferian philosophy these guys got into due to all eight of them having a secret fetish for the occult. Akira wanted to learn alchemy and was interested in doing research into the occult, out of a morbid curiosity if you will. But turns out that was never the f*****g case. They never even dabbled in black magic which is weird because that's why Akira joined in the first place. He wanted to learn both light and dark forms of magic because he says a balance of the two helps with economic and spiritual success."

    "What the fu-okay. So then why did he quit if he was into the dark stuff?"

    "Like science Jorge, Magic is very complex. It's not just smoke and mirrors, wands, and spells.”

    “Just to be clear, when I hear the word magic it automatically triggers “Harry Potter”.

    “Have you ever witnessed a paranormal experience before?”

    “Nope. And don't plan too.”

    “I was like you when I was like, ten. Then I moved into a haunted house couple of times. You're skeptical until it happens to you. But it's cool. Now me and Akira found out after years of experiences and experimentation, it's one in the same. It's just that nothing about magic was ever mentioned in any of the meetings! It was just a murder club for insecure criminals, based on what Akira told me. Look my brother's a f*****g weirdo okay! But he certainly doesn't like senseless murder. He finds it highly unnecessary and deep down inside, he's a battered teddy bear who's in a constant battle with himself. He just couldn't handle all that crazy s**t- especially if it's not for the reason he joined in the first place. He saw and possibly did some sick s**t. Blood baths and cannibalism. He didn't really go too much into detail about the cannibalism because that's the only thing he still suffers harsh PTSD episodes from."

    "Jesus f*****g Christ! So like...did he ever learn alchemy?"

    "He did. but from this shaman chick I was dating."

    "I hope you're aware that I'm absolutely baffled by what I'm hearing and seeing right now. You do realize these people are psychologically FUCKED in the head right?!"

    "BUT WAIT KID?! THERE'S MORE! So Ethan found her diaries and read through them all. Suddenly, Ethan had a magic school bus light-bulb moment and realized this b***h is pure f*****g evil. After they drain their blood, they sell off the remains to the black market. Ethan hired a private investigator to follow her the night of. The next day he "shot himself"; even though he was found on the floor , flat on his belly, with his hands behind his back, and rope burns on his wrist."

I was f*****g horrified by everything Lee told me. These people actually murder children.
    "If we make a move, our s**t gets fucked and our organizations crumble. We need you to f**k her up from within. An outside source. I'll distribute it as a drug overseas but according to your rules of course. Rumors will spread about your product and you'll be getting a phone call from our objective." 
    "Jesus or Henry?" 
    Lee shouted, "F*****g both! Remember their lips and ears."
    "Mind if I take notes?" 
    "Go for it." I took out my notepad and proceeded to write down everything about my job and the operation.
    "Now they're going to use you for the Russian's since that's who they're trying to kick out of the competition."
    "Fools.", I said out of disappointment.
    "I know kid. Trust me, I know. Me and Akira had to deal with them back in the 1990's. Smart, crafty, tough m***********s. I admire them for that s**t. But remember Jesus has the Lugosi's and the law on his side. As well as the governor. Who knows with this slimy f**k? All I know is you need to eliminate everyone you meet with your drug as possible. "
    "Then what?" 
    "You find closure." He stated seriously. I had to laugh. At first I thought this plan was outright insane.
   "I'm not killing any civilians. Remember my policy." 
    "Of course not! I'm not a chain-snatching punk! Me and everyone in my camp all know what we're doing here."
"The f**k is we?!"
   "Me, Ethan's family and every criminal organization not associated with the Lugosi's, Jesus or the Russian's. We're strictly professionals."
I gave it another thought. Maybe I'll find closure. It's like my gut instinct is telling me to take this operation regardless if I have a choice or not. Which I kinda' don't at this point. I have nothing else to live for anyway. Might as well.
    "I'll change some of the chemical compounds to make it slightly addictive but fatal after a few uses."
    "Yes! Then we hype it up. Like take this s**t and you smell colors and taste numbers." said Lee out of excitement.
    "I'll give you enough to start making statistics. Hype it up as a drug most haven't survived from." I stated, molding out a strategy.
    "But if they survive..." Lee wondered in suspense.
    "Then they have consciously evolved past humanity's current mental consciousness. Mental and metaphysical superiority. LSD makes you see things. This makes you BE. How believable is that load of yogi bullshit?" I asked out of sarcasm.
     "Perfection, upon perfection, upon perfection. How many tons can you get me in a month?"
    "Four. Retail is one-hundred a gram." I stated confirming our agreement.
    "Retail price sounds good to me since I'll now be taking half of Ethan's fifteen percent, while the other half goes towards his family. But can you seriously do four tons in a month by yourself? Don't you need any help?" asked Lee out of sincerity.
    "No. I don't f**k around with my life's work." I responded coldly.
    "Understood.", Lee said with a slight smirk. "Don't worry my boy, you'll be protected by both me and Ethan's family."
I later left to get straight to business on those four tons. Day and night, I studied everything about the two psychopaths. Jesus doesn't do any drugs at all, while Henry is a coke head alcoholic who chain smokes. Jesus however is a violent and nasty when he's drunk. Henry has a Rhode Island accent while Jesus sounds like the basic Floridian. And I finally found out Elizabeth's new alias from my private investigator connect. Goes by a drug baroness known as Mistress Milano. And the only thing she wears is black. No red. No gray. No white. No blue. No gold. Black. The objective is to merger my drug into her distribution and become her producer. Whether or not I stop her intended targets, I could care less. If they're meant to die, they're meant to die. As long as that doesn't violate my rules, everything will go according to plan.

© 2017 Cahjli Symes

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Added on August 8, 2016
Last Updated on January 4, 2017
Tags: tragedy, horror, crime, science fiction, psychological, gothic, gothic fiction, suspense, noir, death, grievance, trauma, mourning, dark


Cahjli Symes
Cahjli Symes

Cloud City, FL

Hi my name is Cahjli and I write poems,screenplays and lyrics. Hope you enjoy :D more..
