There they stood, in their palace
so calm and serene; looming over us peasants who remained unseen. They laughed
and cheered for the gods we feared as the poor man lay dead in the streets;
little did they know our paths would soon meet.
The power was not theirs, it was his father whom we revered and as the
date grew near so did his fear. Though unknown was I, he heard my cry from afar,
though your face is a mystery I know who you are. You are the savior destined
to take my place, to cleanse the palace of its filth and waste. It is you who will
rise and attack and it is I who will fight back. Our destinies may have begun
quite estranged but in the end we are both the same. Warriors among rebels,
amidst a country that remains disheveled. Through the blade in your hands and
the blood that we shed,
The new era will arise.