![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Reneé H![]() The second installment of Jenna and Destin.![]() Suddenly, the bell rings and signals the end of chemistry, and the end of my time with Hunter for awhile. Hopefully, I will see him at lunch. Walking through the halls, I feel the familiar emptiness and isolation I have felt for years. A social misfit, I have never truly found my niche group of friends, and so most of my time in high school is spent alone. The only place I find solace is buried deep in the heart of the art studio. It is there where I make sense, where I'm happy. I head to art class now, ready for a break in the action for some comfort at the hands of a paintbrush. As I walk into the classroom, my teacher and biggest supporter, Ms. Scott, gives me a huge grin. “Good morning Jenna,” she says. “Are you excited for the art show tonight?” “Good morning, Ms. Scott. I'm excited, but mostly nervous. Do you think my work has a good shot of winning?” She grins. “You know I love your work Jenna. I think it is a prime candidate for 1st place. Now relax, take a seat, and continue working on your new piece. I'm excited to see what it becomes. So far , I love your use of color and shadow. Keep up the good work!” And with that she pats me on the shoulder and continues her rounds throughout the classroom, checking in with the rest of the art students and their works. I begin work on my piece, but distraction floods my hands as my mind wanders back to this past weekend, and Destin. I wish he could come to the art show, I know he would love my work. Instead, I'll be facing fellow classmates, and the judges, alone. There is no way my dad would ever support my art, and my mom follows his lead. And Cassie, well she would be bored to tears and complaining within five minutes of the start of the show, so I won't even bother asking if she would come. Alone it is. I know Hunter would come if he could, but between football practice and mandatory dinner with his family, I know there's no way he could make it. Finally, I am able to put paintbrush to paper, thoughts of Destin inspiring my work, and before I can blink the bell for the end of class rings and I am forced to relinquish my brush, grab my backpack, and head out the door. “Goodbye, Ms. Scott. See you tonight!” “See you tonight Jenna! Good luck!” She smiles and I head out the door, ready for the end of school and the start of the art show. Finally, after a seemingly never-ending period of history and then English, lunch arrives and I am able to see Hunter. Hunter is my happy. “I missed you Jenna!” He says with a smirk. It's only been a few hours since chemistry, but he's right, it feels like an eternity anytime I am away from my best friend. “I missed you too, Hunter! How were your classes?” “Blah, blah, blah. How was art? Did Ms. Scott say anything about the show tonight?” “She said my work definitely has a chance at winning. I don't think I've ever been this excited, or nervous, about anything before. Do you think I have a chance?” “Think? I know you do Jenna. In fact, I would give anything to be there to watch you cross that stage and accept your first place trophy, and scholarship.” I give him a hug. “Thanks Hunter. It means a lot.” Lunch passes much too quickly, Hunter and I discussing more of my artwork and how his little brothers are doing. Before I know it, it's time to say goodbye and head to class. Hunter gives me one more long hug and says, “Good luck Jenna. Call me as soon as it's over ok? You're going to do great.” I smile nervously, thank him, and head to class. The remainder of the day passes in restless anticipation for the art show later that night. The stakes are high- a $10,000 scholarship to the school of our choice for entrance into the art program. The show isn't just our school, instead schools across the state will be entering their most prestigious artwork by their students, and I am lucky to even be entered. My spirits are high though, and I really hope my love of art is seen and recognized tonight. A canvas is the one place where my heart and soul is seen by an audience, and I am hopeful my audience will be captive and see what I have to say. I head to the car after school, hoping Cassie is already there. I am not in the mood to wait for her and her ditzy cheerleader friends. Finally, I reach the car and to my relief Cassie is standing alone, a sour look plastering her face. Oh, great. “God Jenna, what took you so long? I've been waiting for like, a million years,” she huffs. Not wishing to engage in a stupid fight, I ignore her comment and unlock the doors. I climb into the drivers seat and after a few more moments of pouting, Cassie joins me on the passenger's side. We ride home in silence as usual, not that I could talk much anyways. My head is spinning with thoughts of the district art show tonight, and the scholarship that's at stake. I am so nervous my palms are sweating and slipping on the steering wheel. I'll be lucky to get us home alive. I wish I could just text Hunter to help calm my nerves like most normal kids would do, but my dad has never let me get a cell phone so I'm stuck being nervous on my own. Both of us take a deep breath before entering the house. Dad is probably still drunk and pissed off about losing his job, and neither of us is particularly excited to face him. But we can only wait so long and then it's time to go in. Cassie darts quickly to her room and is able to escape the wrath of our father. I, however, am just on my way to my room as he stumbles down the stairs. “Jenna, what the hell are you doing?” “Calm down, Dad.” I say. There is no way I am letting him ruin this day, and especially not tonight. “I'm just going to my room to work on some homework.” He grumbles, a little surprised by my direct response, I can tell. “Fine, just get out of my sight. Where's the vodka?” He yells, most likely directed at my mom. Knowing for sure now that I will be the only family member attending my art event tonight, I carry a sad disappointment to my room and set down my backpack. Before I can start my homework, heavy screaming and the banging of pots and pans echoes through my door and I am whisked away into a tornado of horror. Their fighting is worse than ever, and Dad being drunk certainly doesn't help much.The shouting escalates until I can't take it any longer. Not today, the day I have been waiting months for. So I close my eyes, praying to find the escape and control I am craving. “Destin! Destin, I'm back!” I cry, the world of my bedroom and screams that haunt it fading away as the cover of evergreen trees replaces it. “Destin!” Finally, as I run towards the opening, Destin appears, looking shinier than usual. “Jenna! It's so good to see you! I hear it's a big night for you, are you excited?” “How do you know about that?” I exclaim, amazed by the things Destin is privy too. He smirks. “Jenna, in case you haven't noticed, I know everything. But enough about that, tell me about the pieces you've entered in this art show. I'm sure they're going to win!” His enthusiasm is contagious, and I find myself smiling larger than I have in awhile as I explain my paintings to my eager audience. “Well the largest piece is a close up painting of a ladybug; it's actually inspired by a picture I captured at the park. The angle on the ladybug is really cool, it is as if she is about to take off in flight. Then my other piece is a landscape of the mountains at sunset, and I am actually really proud of myself for my execution. And lastly is a portrait of my dad, when he's sober, reading a book. It shows his best side, although lately I've been wondering if that side even exists anymore.” Destin smiles. “Those sound gorgeous Jenna, and really personal too. I'm sure the judges will fall in love with them. Don't be nervous, just enjoy the show. But first, do you want to see something really cool?” Eager to relieve some of the pressure the nerves have racked on my body, I accept Destin's offer for an adventure. It's just what I need. Destin kneels down in front of me, and at first I am clueless as to what I am supposed to do. “Jenna, hop on!” Destin says, and I find myself climbing on to this fairy's back with little hesitation. I smile- I never thought I would be taking a piggyback ride from a fairy, but I decide not to question it and just enjoy the ride. Destin takes me all over this magical land, showing me the most beautiful lands I have ever experienced. “Where are we?” I ask, curious about this enchanting place. “That's for me to know and you to find out,” Destin says with a wink, and we continue to soar over both forest and prairie in an effortless swoop of Destin's wings. Time fades away as the fresh air cools my cheeks and frosts my bare skin. Then, in what seems like moments, Destin lands back at the willow tree and I become instantly aware of the time. “Destin, I gotta go or I'm going to miss the art show!” I say breathlessly, and begin to sprint back towards the way I came. “See you later!” I say in parting, and before I know it the walls of my room are appearing before me, my magical world long gone. © 2013 Reneé H |
StatsAuthor![]() Reneé HMissoula, MTAboutMy name is Reneé, and I am a college student and aspiring writer. I hope that someday my writing will reach around the world. I definitely have lots to say and I can't wait for more people to r.. more..Writing