Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Reneé H

A rough first chapter of my untitled work.


 “Jenna, breakfast!”

My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs, and taking one final look in the mirror, I sigh.

“Guess this is as good as it's going to get,” I mutter to myself and climb down the stairs. Curly locks of brown hair spring free from my ever-present ponytail, and pimples dot my face as though they plan on taking up permanent residence there. But seeing as there isn't much I can do, I eat my breakfast in silence.

My younger sister, Cassie, joins us at the table and even this early in the morning, she is already the dominator of all table conversation. That girl could have a conversation with a rock and wouldn't even care, I'm sure. So we sit, Cassie talks about some cheerleader gossip and what their routine for the Homecoming game is like and as usual, I fade into the background. It's ok though, I like it this way.

The rest of the family- my mom, dad, and Cassie, seem to thrive on conversations such as the one they are having, but my mind is elsewhere. Instead, I am dreaming of the art show at school tonight, where 3 of my paintings will be featured. I dream that I win first prize, and even a scholarship to go to college and get my art degree like I've always dreamed, instead of the practical business degree my father is pushing me to go for. Lost in my musings, I barely notice when everyone begins to clear the table and head in their separate directions.

Finally, Cassie knocks me back into reality.

“Jenna, let's go. I need a ride,” she says insistingly, and I put my cereal bowl in the sink, grab my backpack from it's faithful place by the door, and head outside. Cassie follows behind and we get into my sad excuse of an automobile. The little junker barely crawls its way to the parking lot of our shared high school, Adams High School, and we ride in silence, with Cassie gazing out the window, barely acknowledging my presence. Finally, I put the car in park, and Cassie rushes off to meet her other cheerleader friends, not wanting to be seen with such an uncool car, and sister.

I grab my backpack and walk towards the front doors, anxious to meet my best friend, Hunter, at my locker. Shoving past jocks, stoners, loners, and everything in between, I finally see his face as a light in this darkness.

“Hunter!” I say excitedly, and he walks over and wraps me in one of his world-famous hugs. I love the way his arms wrap so completely around me, making me feel safe.

“Jenna,” he says with a smile. “I missed you this weekend!”

I wrap my arms around his waist and we walk off to class together, my world finally complete.

I have known Hunter since I was 7, when he was my next door neighbor and we had mud fights and drank chocolate milk and lived in an imaginary world with swords, dragons, and castles. His mom, Cathy, would always let me eat dinner with their family, and always welcomed me with open arms in a way I was never received at my own home. I became an adopted member of the Stevens clan, and contrary to the order and silence of my own home, their chaos and laughter was a preferred escape. I loved the rowdy dinners with Hunter and his 4 little brothers, and I never went home without a stomach full of good food and laughter pangs.

Anyways, in 7th grade when Hunter moved 20 minutes away, to a new neighborhood and a whole new atmosphere, we were both crushed. But the school district was the same, and we found comfort in the fact that we could still see each other every day in class. Life became different though and somehow, in the midst of this change I was also supposed to hit puberty and wear bras and like boys. I wasn't sure if I could do all of that with Hunter by my side. Turns out, I never had to find out what it would be like to lose my best friend. Not yet at least.

Hunter and I were placed in the same classroom that 7th grade year, which meant that after empty nights at home, I could come to school and be fulfilled. Sure, we switched classes throughout the day and I didn't always see him, but he was always there, especially when I needed him. Whether it was giving me shelter when my family was the storm, or fending off vicious attacks from girls too insecure to take a real look in the mirror, or helping me shop for my first bra, he was there. Yes, he did buy my first 28A with me, because that's Hunter.

So here we are, the beginning of junior year and Hunter is still by my side. Still the one I laugh with, joke with, eat dinner with, and face the perils of high school with. So as Hunter and I start our journey to Chemistry with Dr. Baitman, life is good again.

“How was camping with the boys, Hunter?” I ask, eager to hear about his assuredly eventful weekend in the woods with his fellow male bandmates.

“Oh Jenna, we looked like a bunch of fools trying to pitch those tents! And the rain completely doused our fire so instead of s'mores we got some soggy firewood and James attempting to tell ghost stories. Lots of good laughs though.” He giggles and it's so good for me to see his face light up like that. It's been a while since I've seen a genuine Hunter smile.

“Sounds like a blast,” I chuckle. “Did it at least help take your mind off Katie?”

“You know, it actually did.” He says, and I drop the subject. We don't talk about Katie, as per Hunter's request. “Just a footnote in my story,” he always says and brushes it off, but I can tell their breakup has really torn him up. His eyes don't dance like they used to, which is understandable -Katie was his first love. They dated for awhile, over a year, and just recently broke up over the summer. I knew Hunter needed me, and I did the best I could, but without many words from him it's been hard to be of any real help. I'm glad this weekend provided even a slight reprieve from his pain.

“What about you, how was your weekend Jenna? Do anything fun?”

I sigh. “My dad lost his job on Friday and is taking it pretty hard. He locked himself in his office all weekend and the only think we heard from him was slamming doors and swear words. Which of course put my mom on edge and my sister and I were forced on lockdown. I started working on a new piece though, so that was good.”

“Oh Jenna, I'm sorry about your dad. I know you don't need any more tension in that house, so this must be hard. Do you think he will find another job soon?”

But before I can answer, the bell for class rings and we rush to Dr. Baitman's classroom, where chemistry labs and a lecture prevent any continuation of our earlier conversation, which is probably best because It would be too hard to explain to Hunter exactly what happened this weekend. All I know is that if my dad doesn't find a job soon, my life will become a living hell.

In fact, thinking about how this past weekend went, I know that if something doesn't change soon, the Evans family will be in serious trouble. I got home from school on Friday afternoon, a snotty Cassie in tow, and as soon as we walked into the house, it was as if the temperature dropped 20 degrees. The front door closed behind us and the echo of a thousand men filled the house. My mom, standing in the kitchen, just shook her head as his footsteps slammed down the stairs.

“How dare you girls be so noisy!” He screamed, and Cassie and I exchanged looks of confusion and a touch of terror.

“Don't plan on spending a penny of my money any time soon. I lost my job and it's because of brats like you that we're in so much trouble!”

He's done this before, the last time he lost his job. Cassie and I were only little girls, and we didn't understand why our dad was so angry. We have always feared it though, the anger resurfacing and here it was. His screaming continued, but all of a sudden, I escaped to another world. A world where his voice was silent.

I am surrounded by a forest of evergreen trees, their rich scent emanating peace and protection. With trepidation, I begin to walk further into the trees, wondering what lays beneath them. I keep walking, and am soon engaged in a dance of my five senses, all intertwining in the luscious taste, touch, feel of this seemingly magical place. It is almost as if the forest in dancing too, and I am completely swept away.

“Why am I here?” I think to myself, but before I have enough time to contemplate, an elf-like figure appears before me, a goofy grin lighting up his face. I jump backwards, a slight shriek escaping my lips, and take the time to examine him. Other than his elf-like appearance, he is wearing what seem to be either really tight pants or tights, and his ears stretch out to what seems to be forever. And then I see them- glittering, nearly invisible wings fluttering behind him.

I gasp. “Who are you?” I say. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” he says, his voice gritty and almost charming. He plants a stern look and crosses his arms, staring me down.

I begin to move backwards, unsettled by this strange encounter. I don't even know what I'm doing here, and I'm in no place to judge. For all I know this is just one long, strange dream.

“I'm just kidding,” he chuckles. “I'm Destin, and I live here in the forest. You must be Jenna.”

“How do you know my name?” I exclaim, more alarmed than ever.

“We've been waiting for you. Come on, let me show you around.”

I begin my backwards journey again. “No, this isn't right. None of this is real!” With that, I take off running back the way I came, the steps seeming like miles until finally I reach the edge and can open my eyes.

“Jenna! Jenna! Jenna, I am speaking to you! You stupid b***h listen to me!”

“What, Dad?” I say softly, already wishing I was back in the forest with Destin. The silence there certainly beats the madness here.

“Clean your room, now. Both of you. I don't want to see you until it's perfect. Now go, get out of my face.”

Cassie and I exchange worried glances, fearing the evil we once saw when we were younger, and headed off to our bedrooms. I could tell Cassie was scared, so I gave her hand a little squeeze on the way there. That was my job, I was the older sister.

Knowing that my dad would check our rooms soon, I did my best to make it immaculate. I hoped Cassie was doing the same, instead of texting her friends or updating her Facebook or some such nonsense. I wished more than anything that I could call Hunter, but he was in the woods with his friends and I knew he needed the time away. I could use some time away too, but my dad would never allow it, especially now. So I cleaned and dreamed and waited for the fateful moment he would come back down the stairs. Maybe when he saw what a good job I had done, I would have some freedom to do what I wanted. Moments stretched out into eternity, until finally his heavy footsteps came down the stairs, headed first to Cassie's room. I could hear his screaming voice from down the hall.

“Cassie, what the hell is this? You call this CLEAN?!”

Her whimpers surprised even me.

“Get your little a*s off the floor and clean this place. I mean it, NOW!”

I could tell she scrambled to get off the floor, afraid of what he might do if she didn't, and then he trampled towards my door. I made sure to be standing as he entered, ready for my inspection. I could tell by the fire burning in his eyes that he had been drinking, probably all day.

“You worthless piece of s**t,” he sneered. I was not prepared for this.

“How dare you leave this bedroom such a goddamn mess. I can't even stand you right now. Make this s**t disappear or I swear I will kick you out on your a*s in a matter of seconds. What a f*****g joke, Jenna.”

I mustered what little bravo I had and kept a straight face and nodded my head until finally he left, and I crumpled up in a silent ball of broken sadness. I tried to tell myself he was drunk, that he didn't mean it, but a part of me was devastated by his words. We had never been that close, but silence was so much better than this. Anything was better than this. So I closed my eyes and prayed that I could find that forest in the trees, and the little fairy who may be able to help me after all.

I'm running, and soon I am engulfed by the now familiar evergreen trees, their rustic scent a welcoming embrace as I scan the horizon for Destin.

“Destin!” I yell, suddenly desperate to find him. “Destin, it's me, Jenna. I'm back!”

Then, a slight rustling ahead of me and there, in front of me, is my mysterious friend.

“Jenna, you came back!” He exclaims, surprised. “I'm so glad to see you!”

He grabs my hand and begins to lead me into the forest. “Let me show you around.”

Still unsure about this whole place, I hold back. “Earlier, you said you've been waiting for me. What did you mean?” I say, anxious for his reply.

“You'll see, Jenna. You'll see.” And with that, he pulls me further into the woods, explaining this tree, that butterfly, all these silly things that I can't imagine I'll ever remember. But then, we reach a clearing in the woods and a beautiful field emerges before my eyes. A single tree is an island in the middle, and beneath it lies a beautiful girl, and she looks to be around my age. She is reading a book and does not stop as we approach. In fact, it is Destin who must clear his throat in order for her to lift her eyes from what must be a captivating story. I can see right away she is not pleased by my presence. She rolls her eyes, looks up at Destin, and says, “What do you want?”

“Eliza, this is my new friend, Jenna. Jenna, this is Eliza.”

Her glowing green green eyes stare straight into my soul as she slowly tilts her head towards me, sighs deeply, and sets down her book. Her seemingly endless locks of blonde hair glisten in the sun and I can see a hint of a sparkle from the wings behind her.

“Look, Destin may be all enthused about your presence here, but to me you're just an intruder invading my peace and quiet. It would be in your best interest to stay the hell away from me.”

I gulp.

“Understood? She sneers at me.

A slight shudder runs through my body at her eery cold. “I'm sorry. Yes I understand,” I mumble, my shoulders slumped at her less than warm welcome. Maybe I shouldn't be here after all.

But before I can get too discouraged, Destin wraps an arm around my shoulder and turns me away, towards the breathtaking forest. “Don't worry Jenna, Eliza has never been too warm towards visitors. Here, take my hand. Let me show you some more of the forest!” I am beginning to be swept up in his enthusiasm, but something pulls me back.

“Destin, I should be heading back. Maybe next time?” I ask hopefully.

“Of course Jenna, we'll be here waiting.”

And with that, I head back the way I came and in mere moments, I open my eyes and am back in my spotless bedroom, praying that the next time my dad comes his words will be kinder. Except he doesn't come. I can hear cursing and slamming doors upstairs, and I even hear him attack my mom about the state of the kitchen, but he never returns to my bedroom that night. In the midst of my waiting, I begin painting a piece to pass the time. At first, I'm not sure what it is, but then I see it is the evergreen forest that frame the place where I found Destin, where I found peace.  

© 2013 Reneé H

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Added on January 7, 2013
Last Updated on January 7, 2013
Tags: high school, art, friendship, acceptance, siblings


Reneé H
Reneé H

Missoula, MT

My name is Reneé, and I am a college student and aspiring writer. I hope that someday my writing will reach around the world. I definitely have lots to say and I can't wait for more people to r.. more..

I Am. I Am.

A Story by Reneé H

Rhythm Rhythm

A Poem by Reneé H