Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by remembertoforget

Was it really just a dream?


 Alena shot up from her bed, accidently rolling onto the floor, covers tangled in her feet. Her hair clung to her sweaty forehead, and her breathing was irregular.


What the heck was that? She thought, examining every part of her body to make sure it was still there, still intact. She absentmindedly rubbed her jade necklace, a habbit she had picked up when she got nervous. The necklace had been given to her by her mother on her 9th birthday, and she had refused to take it off, except to shower. When she wore it, a sense of security came over her, like it was protecting her somehow.


It glinted in the slowly rising sun's rays, throwing light onto her covers.


It was a dream..She felt a relieved smile cross her face, before being replaced by a frown. It was all just a dream. But the felt so real..I thought I was going to die..


She heaved a sigh and checked the clock on her nightstand. 7:21. "No more scary movies before bed." Alena giggled nervously to herself, getting up from the floor. She threw her covers back on her bed, threw her arms over her head, and stretched like a cat, yawning.


"Well, might as well get up for the day." She padded over to her bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror, and studdied her reflection warily. Something looked..different. The same betraying aqua eyes stared back at her, the ones that let anyone know what she was feeling with a glance. The same button nose, and pink lips, slightly parted. The same freckles dotting here cheeks exactly five on each side, and the same curly dirty-blonde hair that flowed down to stop precicely at her shoulders. So what was different?


Alena shrugged to herself and turned the water, splashing some on her face. Get a grip Alena, it was just the dream freaking you out. You're the same girl you've been the last 16 years. She told herself, sticking her tounge out at the mirror. She did a little twirl and turned to go back into her room. Then stopped, frozen, staring into the mirror.


There was a guy standing two feet behind her, watching her with narrowed jade eyes, the exact same color of the necklace she was unconciously reaching for now. She let out a frightened squeak. Alena willed her limbs to move, and slowly, cautiously turned around. She let out a sigh of relief when all she saw was her shower. She smoothed a shaky hand over her necklace.


"Oh my gosh, I'm going crazy", She mumbled to herself, rubbing her eyes. "Get it together girl!" She banged a fist against her head.


Alena sighed dejectedly. The dream, the weird feeling, the guy. They're all in my head. She told herself.


She jumped two feet in the air when a loud peircing noise broke the silence, putting a hand to her chest. "My alarm clock." She breathed. "Oh" She groaned, walking into her room to shut her alarm off.




Dark jade eyes stared at Alena from the shadows. Yes, I think this is the one. She matches perfectly. He thought. Now just how am I going to get close enough to see...



© 2009 remembertoforget

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Added on August 23, 2009
Last Updated on August 23, 2009