Chapter 59: Tempus Nox

Chapter 59: Tempus Nox

A Chapter by Latifa Rahim

Darkness have once again takes conquer of heart of the men...




hile heading to the sky lift, Reita and Lemington encountered a safe area where injured soldiers are being treated. Though granted permission to enter the place, they were interrupted by Damhorn who have been promoted to Commander Rank corresponding to this siege. Reita faced him straight-on but was outmatched due to her elemental affinity. Assisted then, by Thomas, she awakened a new Kanjou Link which turned the tide for a while. Damhorn, having his strength enhanced, toppled their combination attack easily. Then, suddenly, a familiar figure which wields the same attribute to Damhorn entered the battle ground, saying he comes for aide.


His voice has semblance to angry buzz of bees. "XISEL! How dare you!!"

The man with tight clad as full body covering replies calmly, intended to Reita and

Thomas. "Back off. I'll take care of him."


Thomas, seeing another HOUNDS disrupts his fight, turns ireful. "Another HOUNDS?!"

He takes an alarmed pose. "YOU back off!"

"Wait, Thomas." Reita says. "Are you... in our side?" Her question receives a bland nod.

Not any single words came from Xisel, explaining what he is doing here.

"What's the meaning of this?" Damhorn grunts furiously. His elevated heart rate

induces more vengeful breathing. "Traitor!!" he yells.


Across him, Xisel said nothing more but a battle stance.

"Ha! You think you can win against me?! My rank is now higher than you, punk!"

"Irrelevant." Xisel replies shortly.


Brisk wind blows gently in the air, gliding across the stench of death sparse in the ground. Sailing smoothly, the wind forces it to wear off slowly. Xisel and Damhorn faces each other, standing idly while eyeing each other's composure with keenly sight.


Damhorn takes his first chance of opening attack with his signature move.

"Bolt Charge!"


Battering sounds of lightning scrams from mid-air, looping eloquently to Xisel's side. The armored HOUNDS holds his ground, carefully studying the bolt's movement. Of course, with his secured helmet, we are not able to figure his expression out. Does his eyes glimmers in excitement, as his opponent like? Or does they trembles upon the menace of rumbling thunder?


Xisel answers our curiosity by merely pointing his weapon, bolted tight around his

lower-right arm. "Sur Energia." he murmurs.


Abundant surge of energy sparks luminous shine around his body. This is Soma; pure, raw energy originated from one's hardened physique and willpower. Xisel's Soma floods his weapon, causing a booting process with connective red dots as its marker.

First dots lit up around the same time as one string of bolt struck nearly his shoulder. Xisel stayed calm. Second dot is lit. Damhorn laughs like a lunatic losing its temper, voice so deafening it starts to hurt our ears. Finally, third dot is lit. There's an apparent 'click' sound emerges from his weapon. Rain of pale white bullets storms out, barraging Damhorn's boltcraft then renders them off.


"What?! Im- Impossible!"

Fierce as they are, Xisel's bullets keep flying to their target. Now the bolts have gone,

their course is no more hindered.

"S**t! Arrgh!" Desperately, Damhorn tries to fend those bullets by rapid-swinging his



Even so, Xisel has make sure the bullets won't stray far from their target, thus leaving his target no choice but to take the attack. Painful cries echoed aloud as Damhorn's body armor is pierced by the bullet rain. He fell to the ground, bellowing in awful cry.


"Aaarghh! Xiseeeell! You... How dare YOU!" rolling side to side, Damhorn didn't seem

to make effort to stand up.


Xisel thought his job has finished, now that the enemy is flat-back on the ground. He turns to charge more Soma to land a finishing blow, when suddenly a gigantic flash was cast upon his very stature. Xisel didn't have the time to evade, thus he took the shocking attack.


"Heehehehehe!" Damhorn cackles under the shades.

“You fell for it! You fell for it, punk!"


The loud crash even leaves sizzling mark on the ground, ashen like burnt charcoal. Xisel managed to evoke a protective shield in last seconds, but that costs him a lot for the spell. Kneeling on the ground, Xisel's helmet gave in to the cracks and crumbles. Some of his body armor did too, leaving his bare skin visible.


"Those ears... Could it be?" Thomas' eyes widens in surprise.

"...Holiner?" Reita voices her surprise too. "But, that skin color is..."


Emerging from within the full mask is raw umber skin tone merging with light azure hair. This uncanny appearance strikes bold in oddity as the colors overlaps each other in defined contrast. Even more, a decor tattoo is seen on his left eye, crossing from lower eyelid to lower jaw. Seeing his peculiarity, Damhorn stands up from his laughter with deadpan face.


"Hey." he calls, "Care to explain how you transformed into a fey?"

Xisel paid ignorance to his question. Instead, he turns to Reita and Thomas.

"Get inside the barrier." Says he, "This is going to be dangerous."

"We'll help too." Both insists.

"...No. I'll take care of him."


His decisive mark irrevocably sends Reita and Thomas to where Lemington has gone

moments earlier. Inside, Thomas says to Reita. "He doesn't look like a bad guy.

At least, not like the other HOUNDS we've encountered previously."

"Yeah." The red-haired girl replies. "I feel the same with that buff old man we faced in



Outside the barrier, Damhorn still insist to know what of Xisel's appearance. Never once he saw this man out from his helmet, now there are two pointy ears in tanned skin raising a stance in his sight.


"Answer me, traitor!" he demands. "What is a fey doing in our ranks?!"

Xisel merely states, "I’m merely following Lord Macbeth's order."

"Huh? Macbeth? A-ha, I see!" Damhorn says while jeering. "That old squawk told you

to interfere in our plan, so that he can take credits of getting the Green Sphaera?"

"...You're noisy as always. Let's get this over with."


Xisel changes his stance. With some of his protective plates have gone to shreds, he brace himself into a short-range fight. Such gallantry evokes a mocking laugh from his opponent.


"Ha! Trying to fight me with empty fist? You sure are dumb, for a fey! The last one

I smashed was cleverer."

"Don't waste your breath." Xisel close his eyes, hands curled into a firm fist.

Rather than drop to lower levels, his Soma frequency rises above threshold.

He says, to his opponent, "This is something I learned from my Master."

Xisel's fist suddenly became enveloped in a dark aura.


"...This is the Fosc-Luso. Dark arts which was bestowed upon the Doombender."

From his standpoint, Xisel abruptly unleash an obscure ripple formed from his fist.

The wave soon becomes a fang-like projection speeding towards Damhorn.

"I dunno what are you talking about..." he grins, "But if this is your power-up, then

Buh-bye! Bolt Charge, round the veins!!"

His enhanced version of boltcraft now has web-like veins which spit thunder as they

are commanded. "Roast him to death!"


Xisel suddenly jumps sharply then lands while hammering his fist to the ground. From soil's aridness, comes Shadowbeast-like creature who devours all of Damhorn's electrical veins. They pop out one after another, numbers greatly outmatching the vastness of Damhorn's spell viability.


"Damn it! How did he...?" his jaw drops open seeing Xisel have sped off, now standing

right before him.

"Got you!"


Unstoppable, Xisel hammers his opponent with dozens of punch and kick. His elusive movement is so fluid, like vapor dancing in pitch-black stillness. His aim is to befall the opponent with this relentless strike, hoping he won't have any to pursue the fight afterwards.


Witnessing Xisel's prowess from beyond the barrier, Lemington comments.

"He's strong, that mysterious guy."

"We've fought against him before." Reita replies. "He's way stronger than Damhorn.

Even Hameda and Alma had difficult times fending his attack."

"Why is he suddenly turns friendly to us? Wasn't he also a part of HOUNDS squad?"

"That's what confuses me. Thomas, do you have any idea?"

The blond young man shakes his head. "But one thing I know," he says.

"...His timing couldn't be more helpful. We can't beat the thunder-guy by ourselves."


Screeching noise fills the air as Xisel's elbow plate collides with Damhorn's trident. They both engages in short-range fight now, relying on mettle and vigor. Damhorn twists his trident to side, trying to grapple Xisel's unprotected shoulder. His opponent counters using another hurl of shadow projection. The attack successfully disrupts Damhorn's attack and he staggered behind.


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn iiitt!" he spat.

"You... How dare you block my attack like that?"

Xisel stays calm like usual.

"Humph, fine! This is the time, then! Come forth, Thunder!!"


Mass of grey clouds gathered upon his call, granting shriek of judgment raining from

above. The bolts hit Damhorn as he were, to everyone's surprise.

"What is he trying to do?!" Thomas asks, cringing to protect his pupil from the

immense light. "He's... transforming into something?!"


At last, the lightning recedes, leaving clusters of smoke sizzling from the ground. Damhorn's germane laughs showers the battlefield as his form changes into a totally different figure. Even Xisel fails to contain his shock, seeing Damhorn now has legs of tentacles.


"Damhorn... What are you..." he quivers seeing Damhorn, now stands above three

meters with transmuted body of a humanoid chimera.

Though his head remains in the center, the entire body has become something else:

Rotund bulge with fish scales with giant tentacles protruding from many sides.

"M- Monster? What in blazes?!" Lemington shrieks inside the barrier.


"That must've been a gift from his superior..." Reita mutters to herself.

"Hahahahahaha! See, Xisel? This is the discrepancy between you and me!

I'm stronger than you now! You're dead!!" He says while launching his tentacles.

As the slimy legs hits the ground, Xisel noticed something-- a speck of electric spark

was seen around the cracked ground.

"One slight touch from my tentacle and you'll be roasted jerky, heehehehehehe!!"


Damhorn's face twists into a beckoning laugh. Xisel hurries, he need to end this fight before Damhorn evolves into something else. He send waves of shadow punches, all of them are deflected neatly by the mobility of Damhorn's tentacle. In return, Damhorn countered with menacing whiplashes using his thunder-crafted legs. Xisel manages to evade some, but failed at most. He took severe damage and rendered to the losing side in no time.


"Oh, no! He's gonna die!" Thomas braces himself to go outside.

"Wait. We shouldn't interfere." Reita holds his arm. "We'll wait 'til one of them lost.

It'll be our advantage either way."


Outside, Damhorn and Xisel still engages in cat-and-mouse game, except now Xisel being the mouse. He has lost chances of doing counterattacks by letting Damhorn barrage himself with his tentacles. The tanned Holiner lost his balance this time, then forced to kneel down.


"XISEL, YOU'VE LOST!" Damhorn speaks menacingly.

As usual, Xisel heed no mind to the senseless rambling.

"You must've regretted going against me, yeah?" says Damhorn, "Shouldn't have done

that in the first place! Hahahahahaha!"

"Spare me the obituary." Xisel smirks. "If you're going to kill me, then make it fast.

I hate dawdling."


Eyes twitched, Damhorn fell victim to the taunt. His delighted groan says he's about

to land merciless attack to Xisel's defenseless figure.

"Well then, without further ado...!" he giggled, "Bye, Xisel! I am, indeed...

Stronger than you!!"


Rain of jabbing tentacle as sharp as polished spear flounces to Xisel. The tanned man doesn't even move from his place, head hangs low while kneeling. Everyone behind the barrier already think he must've already accept the loss, letting the enemy to deliver his early mortem.


But what actually Xisel does is focusing his mind to find out where is the core which

motors Damhorn's movement. At one point, he finally found it, then yells his last spell.

"Bianca Forza!!"


The entire battlefield is engulfed in dazzling white; so gaudy it makes everyone unable to see any else than endless field of overly-pushed brightness. Sometimes later, the vanity slowly fades, allowing us to witness what has happened within that gap of time when our sights weren't allowed to work theirs optical function.

There was Xisel, standing firmly in front of Damhorn's leftover-- fresh carcass consisted of fish scales, rotten mound of flesh and severed tentacles. Not even his head is seen. Meaning, Xisel's spell has successfully eradicates his bothersome existence for good this time.




The war has been going on for almost an entire day now. It is way past afternoon, past dusk-- Evening. The streets used to be fractured by people's vivacious laughter, exciting banter and jolly footsteps. Now it has turned into unwieldy load of silence, creeping stealthily from its slumber to open air. Not even one speck of voice was heard-- at least, not of the living.

Capped in wholesome undertone, chilling breeze brought along stifled, strangled cry of those whose lives has been robbed. Perhaps, in more familiar term, we can call it 'cry of the dead', like paranormal occurrence often seen on media. However, this here in Myriad there is no ghost or spooky apparition. These cries, high-pitched and in doomed wail we've been hearing since then was from the wounded, near-death soldiers whom we saw fighting tirelessly despite their severe injuries.

They fought not for solemn pride, neither promised ransom. These men fought because they have nowhere to go; within their mind a dangerous seed has been planted. This seed is one responsible for mindset I shall lay my life for this cause-- the seed of falsified gratification. Planted by theirs truly, whom they label as 'ruler'. For the Seraphim's case, it's Ölver, holding highest position as 'His Holiness of Myriad'. For the HOUNDS, obviously it's Skydas Lustro.

Before we continue to sight-see from outwardly angle, what happen of remnants of the HOUNDS army, along with their commander-- we shall take detour. Into a vertical road, jotting up way above clouds-- where Divum Stratum lies, still floating due to Jadel's proximate location with the Green Sphaera.


Hours before darkness falls from the sky, three men of the team-- Banri, Alma and Hameda-- were fighting against a flame dragon which transformed into a Darkside form. With an exceptional tactic, they managed to drain the darkness out of it, thus defeated the dragon. From this simple explanation we would've reminisced it as easy battle; though it's the other way around.

With Divum barrier was torn apart by both attacks from Kybrastan army and the dragon itself, this floating island has literally nil to protect the entire land. Inside the biggest building-- The Palace-- every Ophanim, Binah and Malakim have abandoned their homes to take refuge from the war. The Ancient Library, though being a chock-full knowledge storage-house for the entire continent, has been abandoned. Quite a shame, knowing the books' fates are to be scalded by wrath of men soon or later.


Inside the palace, 1F. Emblazoned by impressive architecture, this entire building was crafted out of the best granite with emboss of gold and elusive painting. Its floor, tiled with shiny marble stone reflects seven spectrums as light cross by. Those alluring visions came to halt as we witness the depraving scene splayed across the room. People fills the area, with commoner's blanket on shoulders. Everyone's expression has gone beyond glum, as if their very soul have been surrendered for Satan to buy. Here, statuses matters no more-- everybody mingles with one another under the attendance of fear. While no one has been hurt, there are some soldiers who have been. Medic team attends to their peer, helped by other residents.

At the room's corner, we see an injured soldier who has lost an arm. It is almost impossible to stop his bleeding due to his erratic mind. Healing magic has been evoked, but he needs another medication to help subdue the red flood. Then, a nobleman came to ask what had happened. Though seemingly the type to sneer upon people from lower caste, he gave the medics all his antique herb collection for use. Nearby, there are also several noblewomen who helped nursing children who lost their parents in early attacks. Despite their looks and daily habit of boasting riches, deep inside they indeed, crave this kind of connection-- times when they can help other in need; and in turn, feel good from it.


"How is it going, High Priest?" A devotee asks Alma, who sits beside him with his hand

full of injured people.

"This one is alright." Alma says, droplet of sweat drips down his arduous brow.

"How many left?"


His question refers to many soldiers injured during the fight with fire dragon. Since there are numerous victims of this fight, they have been provided one secluded room, separated from many others. It is located far on the hallway's end, usually vacant for senate meeting.


"High Priest, shall I take it over for now?" the devotee asks, his face shows worry.

"You have exhausted yourself for long hours now, won't it be wise to--" his insistence

was cut short by Alma, saying

"Please get the Band-Aid for him."

"Oh, yes! Of course." the devotee went to a cabinet.


After grabbing loads of bandage, he turns around and almost jumped in shock.

Alma's body slumps to the floor, surprising everyone out of their shirts.

"Hey, he's fainted!" one soldier yells.

"High Priest! Oh, my God, are you alright?" the devotee tries to make out of his

agonizing face.

"I'm... alright. Please, the next soldier..."


"Stop it, stop it." Suddenly, Banri enters the room with loud slam on the door.

He hurried to take Alma's body to the sofa, nagging while at it.

"I swear, you, of all people-- stop being a blockhead, won't you?!"

With his leftover strength, Alma tries to shove Banri off. "I need to go back...

There are still many... Injured..."

"I got it, okay! When enough is enough, you gotta stop, man!" Banri shoves him back

to the sofa. "Listen, I just got words from Meyer that his special medic team is coming.

You can rest easy now."


"But, I can't just leave everyone like this."

"Persistent, aren't you? Well, fine by me..." Banri flashes his jester grin.

"You can go back there... if you can push me away."

Feeling belittled, Alma puts his palms on Banri's shoulder and tries to shove him with

every might. His strength however, is just enough to flip a thin pancake from cooled

pan. "See? That's why I said, stop being a blockhead! Now, you're resting.

No protesting!"


With a long, depressed sigh, Alma concedes to Banri's demand. "Alright, fine.

I'll rest..." Laying his head on the sofa's bunk, Alma mutters almost to himself.

"...This is all my fault. I shouldn't let Hameda..."

"Don't blame yourself." Banri comments. "Hameda proposed himself to maintain the

barrier, not because of you. It's because he wants to protect everyone in this city."

"But still..." Alma grit his teeth. "I should have been the one yielding to that task,

Not anybody else... Not Hameda!"


"In such state? You're pushing your luck." Banri sneers. "Naw, it's not like he would

resort to precarious means. He'll do his job just fine."

"Mr. Banri... Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure. Ya want me to check him?" The old man stands up, seemingly able to read his

fellow's mind.

"...I'm sorry."

"There you go, apologizing again. Fine by me, but I'll just take a peek from outside,


"...Thank you very much."


Banri closes the door. He paused a bit before starts walking through the crowded room, jammed with people. His mind reconcile a bit to one decisive moment back then, just after he had his triumph over the fire dragon.


At that time, we know Alma had spent almost all of his strength to drain the dragon's Darkside. Using his most dangerous spell Soul Rend, his energy has been exhausted while maintaining its efficacy. Shortly after, the three realized that the Barrier Tower is only quipped with few devotees to reboot the protective shield. Should there be another dragon, they will be annihilated the moment of first strike.

Alma then hurried to the tower to assist his fellows. Unfortunately, he couldn't even take one step straight; right after trying to run, he fainted. Of course, Banri and Hameda went panic, afraid their comrade might gone to his life's brink. Thankfully, he regained consciousness afterwards, but his mind was still set to going back to Barrier Tower. Both friends were against it, saying it's too risky for him to evoke any more major spell.


Just then, Meyer showed himself from inside the safe house. He agreed for

Alma to stay behind and just leave the tower to other devotees.

"Please, Sir Virdigjanti, you know I can't do that!" he argues. "If there are more dragons

like this one, they are in risk of getting massacred!"

"Son, you are pushing yourself." Meyer shook his head. "Have faith on them a little bit.

It's not like they hadn't been trained properly."


Among the argument, Hameda suddenly intervenes. "But, he has a point."

His golden orbs arched to Alma's. "There is a good chance they won't be able to fend

themselves from upcoming enemy while maintaining the barrier."

"That's why I'm saying I'll go...!" Alma firms himself, but got rejected by the tall man.

"You stay here." he replies shortly. "I'll go."

"Whaaaat? YOU?!" Banri's stupefied face looks oddly amusing. "No, no, no.

You must be joking, man! You can't even read those runic, right?"

"You're right, I can't." Hameda nods. "But, at least I can offer them my energy."


"By that, you mean... “Alma’s face widens in utter dismay. “Hameda, don't do this."

Meyer adds his opinion also. "Technically..." he says, " is possible for someone to

Offer their energy in barrier-casting ritual. The evocation will be placed on the person's

body, instead on the altar. The barrier then, will work according to the person's life

(Soma) energy. The more he has it, the barrier will be stronger-- Vice Versa."

"Sir Virdigjanti, don't be ridiculous. The method is way too risky!" Alma points his

problem. "Undoubtly, the person's life could be in danger!"


"No, it won't." Meyer nods firmly. "I shall go with Hameda to the tower-- I'll cast the

spell myself, and put a limiter to it so it won't drain his life below danger threshold."

"If you're up to it, I have no choice but to trust you, mate." Banri gave his lanky friend

a gentle fist.

"...Right. Let's go." Hameda says to Meyer.


Having heard his firm resolve, Alma had no choice but to comply with this decision. Though he's uncertain this method will succeed, he know deep inside that if he go instead of Hameda, and he’ll only hamper everyone's progress. Banri then brought him into the palace, where he treat wounded Seraphim instead.


Back outside, Banri took a stroll towards the Barrier Tower. From down here, the building looks soaring more than ever. Though seems coveted, with those spiraling ladders, people can actually make out of the summit. It was specifically built for sight-see, so the walls are kept open to clean air around.

Banri saw Hameda firmly standing on the altar, where Book of Zarmesiton used as barrier's evocation is placed. His golden orbs stare across the sky, scanning for potential enemy. Around him, devotees encircled neatly, casting spell to reinforce the barrier.


"Ah, he's just fine." Says Banri to himself. "That monk is being too worry-wart as


"Hello there." From behind, Meyer tapped his shoulder.

"Ah, Scholar-guy Meyer."

"What a curious nickname you gave me." the spectacled man smiles an honest one.

"He seems to be just fine." Meyer, having just came back from the tower, refers to


"Yep, he's fine as al--"


Just before Banri finishes his sentence, his hawk-keen eyes saw something terrible on the sky. There's a roof-sized dark hole pops out of nowhere, sending down a skeletal figure enrobed in numinous clothing.


"HAMEDA! ABOVE!!" His shout, coincidentally reached his friend up above at the

tower's summit. Quickly, Hameda and the devotee gets the barrier threefold.

"What the hell is that?!"


Behind, Meyer sounds terribly shocked seeing similar holes starts opening from the sky straight above his head. This skeletal figure cackles as their body was transported out of the mysterious hole. They holds magic wand typical of Necromancer's; that's when Banri realizes they have been caught in another pinch.


"It's the Khär-zèn!" his lips clenched stiff.

"The Khär-zèn... How in seventh hell..." Meyer seems to be spacing out, seeing how

One easy swing from those wands able to reject the barrier.

"Scholar-guy." Banri says. "Get inside. Bolt the whole place. Tell no one to come out.

No one."

"Yes, of course. Banri, you too--"


"I'm staying here." Banri gave a forced grin.

"It's the Robin's job to ensure civilian's safety."

"You can't! They are dark creature of most terrifying magic power! Your arrows won't

pierce even the slightest of their skull!"

"If that guy stays, me too." Banri points at Hameda, now bracing for battle, with the

devotees hiding in safety shield.

"...I understand." Meyer nods, backing off several steps. "Don't die.

We'll need your guild's help to rebuild Myriad."

Again, another forced response from Banri. "Oh, don't worry. This old fart still has

many on his sleeve! By the way, don't let that block-headed monk come out, too."

He says, referring to Alma.


With Meyer have gone inside, Banri is left alone, in the vast field of green. Above, dozens of Khär-zèn descends smoothly with simple glide of their dark magic, expelling the barrier entirely. One lands right before his eyes. The Khär-zèn, though only comprised of human outer skeletal, wear an exceptional armor which seems to be able to ward any magic.


This one's teeth clattering in delight upon seeing tiny human of waist-height.

Surprisingly, it is able to speak, too. Using his hollow mouth, devoid of tongue, it says,

"Greetings, fellow prey."

Banri took a defensive stance. "Whoa, it can talk. Creepy."

"We have been ordered by Lord Skydas to demolish you all. I hope you have finished

all earthly duties before we reap your souls."

"Do I look like someone who would just piss my pants while having my head severed?"


The Khär-zèn gave a shocked reaction. It puts away the magic wand, then bent slightly

to meet Banri's eyes with two emptied sockets. "Dear me... I wouldn't do that if

I were you. Lord Skydas have descended into the lower city, you see.

He'll end this war soon, with victory in our hands."




Down at Isfel, Xisel has just finished his duel with Damhorn. Victory is his, and yet all the vigor he had exerted during battle draws fatigue with bold 'f'. Soon as he ascertain his opponent bites the dust, Xisel slumps to the dry ground.


Shocked, Reita and Thomas quickly scrambled out of the barrier. Thomas dashed first,

catching Xisel's body before it fell. "Hey, you okay?" the young man asks.

"Wait, I'll heal you." Reita prepares to evoke a healing spell.

"No need... I'm fine." Xisel grunts, a slight embarrassment of getting help from

opposite party shames him.

"Better not move too much." Thomas gave him a relaxed smile, telling it is okay to

accept the help. "Why are you on our sides?" he ask.


Xisel felt it is rude to hide his intention after received a helping hand, so he finally

answers. "Lord Macbeth sent me."

"Macbeth? Is that your commander?" Whilst hands on his torso, Reita asks.

"Yes. I was tasked to assist the Red One's group by him."

"Red One... He must've meant me." She thought to herself. "But, why help us?

Shouldn't you do otherwise? That Omus of yours was bent to kill me, you know!"

"...Only doing my job."

Thomas whispers to Reita, "Same like Hameda, huh? Not the type to talk."

She replies, "Indeed. But this 'Macbeth' fellow intrigues me."


Split second after Reita said her words, she felt an eerie stir from within. Her insides are swelling with rickety unpleasantness, circulating 'round all blood vessels. The memory central soon recalls this familiar feeling. She only had felt this twice before: One, when Vanadia's power was passed to her; two, when she awakens her first Kronos ability in a duel against Damhorn. This tackiness is an allusion to the third time when she's about to enter perilous situation.

The odd is against her; what she feared came true. Above, dark clouds suddenly grouped, forming a mass of somber nimbus ensconcing any light left in this evening sky. Distant rumble of lightning, as well as foggy drizzle starts to accompany the whole bleakness.


Thomas and Xisel knew all along, this couldn't be right. "Reita...

Something's happening." Says the young man, unaware of the changes.

"Reita? What's wrong?"

Devoid of answer, Reita only clench her chest which is about to burst open. Her tiny

scream, muffled by the light rain sounds like a distant echo of help.

"...He's coming." Xisel stands ready. "Young man, take her inside."


"Eh? Y- You don't mean...!" Thomas came to dawning realization.

"Skydas has come."

Those three words are enough to make Thomas move post-haste, carrying Reita in her

shoulders. Inside, he's greeted back by Lemington, also worried seeing Reita's

crumpling like a fold calendar.

"Reita, speak to me. What's the matter? Do you feel sick?"

"No... Not that..." Between abated breaths, she speaks. "The darkness... Darkness is...


"She meant Skydas." Thomas translates her symptom with flat serious face.

"Skydas? The one who annihilated Vanadeus Kingdom?!"


The fog thickens. Seems like the drizzle got noisier with numerous thunderclap as background effect. A foreboding aura billows laterally to tug-yank of footsteps drenched in... Sticky substance. The adhesive noise seemingly to have come from human fluid, most probably blood. Steamy reek of it have fumed the air before long, leaving utter unpleasantness in one's nose.

From bird’s eye viewpoint, we see that Xisel has lost some optical advantage due to his Holiner eyes. Though previously he's known to have trained under Doombender's environs, his visual receptors works best in clear view, well-lit area. His stance falter at times, waiting prickly for the unseen enemy to show its face.


Before long, a humongous echo comes from afar. Contained within breath of decay,

this putrid words calls for prey. "Such a shame." The voice speaks. "No one's here.

Is there no one to welcome my arrival? How mean."


Here he comes, Xisel thought. Never once, even in his wildest thought he would face an enemy as risky as this. Xisel is known as the best fighter in Macbeth's troop, yet he know that Skydas is in entirely different level even from his Lord.


"Hey, hey, is anybody there? Hello?" The rancid voice calls again.


Xisel's mind races. What should I do to turn the tide quickly, at the opening, if better? His fighting style mostly involves projectile-- meaning, long-range attacks. Skydas uses a sword. There's no way he can outmatch this alarming enemy with just bullet and energy beams. The footsteps are getting closer, pulling all the estranged voice of malaise and death.

A man in jet-black clad appears from the fogged alley, carrying one huge sword which he carries on his back. Curvy, ragged like mouth of ancient shark, its entire blade is colored deep crimson-- Reeks of blood, too.


"Skydas..." Xisel murmurs.

"What do we have here? Oh, a pawn of Reo Macbeth, the left-wing mad scientist."

"My order is to assist the Red One as much as possible. If it includes defeating you,

Skydas..." Xisel took his stance. "...I'll gladly do it!" He dashed, weapon in hand.


Xisel made an opening attack consists of Soma bullets. Hid riled up voice sounds as if he's driven to defeat Skydas with his own hands. As the washed-hue bullets were shot, Skydas prepares no more than an open palm across his face. Within a slice of moment, a rigid yet translucent barrier holds position before him. Xisel's bullets collides with it, then disappears into vain.


"What?! My Soma bullets...?" His eyes twitched seeing such strength disparity.

"Tsk, tsk." Skydas ticks his tongue. "Such impatient young man. Didn't your

Master told you to study your opponent first before attacking?"

Xisel paid no heed to such mockery, and got back to his stance.

Soon enough, he shot another serving of Soma bullets

 "Again? Heh, boring..."


Skydas' sly smirk widens as he erects his barrier. Seconds before the bullet collides,

Xisel did an unexpected twist to his move. "Spin!"

Taking control of their movement, Xisel made them dodge off the course, evading the

collision with Skydas' barrier. The bullets took a horizontal break before speeding right

to their target.

"You think these are enough to hurt me? Pfeh... Hehehehehehe!" Skydas bursts into

manic laugh seeing how Xisel's bullets have collided again by his innate barrier.

"Tch." Xisel merely cuss to himself.


Not giving up, Xisel tried another barrage of Soma bullets. This time, though, he made three courses for them. One to left-side, one to middle and last to right-side. They spread like wings of hunter bird taking maneuver from sky to its prey-- eloquent yet fast and deadly. The middle group soon hits Skydas' barrier, completely vanished upon first contact. The two parts have been equipped with slinking course so they able to enter the slimmest crevice between his rectangular-shaped shield.


Seeing his enemy gears up a new drift, Skydas commends with a bogus handclap.

"Congratulations, soldier." he says, while drawing his sword.

"...You succeeded making me use my sword."


With a single swing, Skydas creates a wind slash. Slicing through open air, creating a compressed space of vacuum. His attack not only dispelled the Soma bullets, it also cracks through Xisel's ragged body armor. Pained grunt is heard as Xisel roll backwards, trying to evade further impact from the gust.


"Smart move." Skydas fakes another clap while doing his sinister laugh.

"I should've known better... Since you're not ordinary human." His eyes traverse to

Xisel's ear and pastel-colored hair.

"This is new." He says, "...a wretched fey has entered our ranks without getting found

out. I must say, superb."

"Save your phony talk." Xisel stood back, wiping traces of blood from his side jaw.

"Skydas... You have troubled not only innocent people, but also Lord Macbeth's

faction. Justice must be served upon your errors."

"Oho, did I? I'm honored to receive such praise!"

"Save the phony talk, I said!"


Teeth clenched stiff, dampened rage swelling within. Xisel changes his stance to one suited for close-range. He used this move previously against Damhorn, the likelihood of succeeding becomes mediocre, now that he's facing a stronger opponent.


"You're not done yet? Alright... Time for a lean cut of meat!"

The surrounding aura piles up, stacking into one formidable impression of himself.


Xisel dashed first, ignoring his lack of defense completely. Clout and thrust-kick blastoff were discharged from his confident run. With a long jump, Xisel knocks his foot to expel Skydas' sword. The man in black clad managed to avoid getting hit; he summoned his barrier at rightmost second.

Astonished, Xisel pulls away in mid-air, then shot few leftover bullets as counter-hit. Knowing this part would come, Skydas ravished it with single stroke of spell, bringing Xisel back to flat ground.


"Antares Needle!" Rain of needle storms from open air, forcing Xisel to retreat.


Alas, even when Xisel has landed on the ground, the needle rain won't stop. Unable to avoid the collision, his impeding loss of luck cost him a severe injury. Piercing sound of needle stabbing human flesh echoed far back to beyond the barrier, terrorizing everyone's face in utter horror.


"Oh, no! Helmet guy!" Lemington says. "Y- You think it is okay to leave him be...?"


Not far ahead, suddenly Xisel's figure disappeared right after he took the ninety-ninth

needle. Skydas halts his attack, then burst into amused laughter. "Hyahahahahahaha!

So, the rat has ran away?! This is hilarious!"


Both Reita and Thomas' faces went horribly pale. Struck speechless to no response,

they can only look to each other, ruminating the worst situation presented at hand.

"Hey... He ran away?" Thomas says. "No way... What should we do?"

"Hey-ho, you people back there~~" Skydas' voice calls out.

It echoes on the thickening fog into a damp accent of demise.

"W- We have to do something!" Lemington says, panicky.


But then, he looked around and saw nothing but injured, incapacitated soldiers with few medics and Ophanim devotee able to cast mere barrier. Asking them to go together and act against Skydas is like hoping the moon would shower gold from its crater.


Within Reita's gut, the familiar sensation came back.

It feels more disturbing than before, intensifying along with Skydas' nearing footsteps.

"Ugh... This is bad!" she says.

Her strenuous expression only unease her friends, Thomas especially.

The young man contemplates his thought a bit before speaking. "...Take care of

Reita here. I'll go try what I can do."

"You’re insane if you think you can get him alone." Lemington refuses to agree.

"She is in no condition to fight!"


Involuntarily, his raised voice induces another unforeseen reaction from Reita. A greenish glow starts to emanate from within-- the same eerie glow when her Kronos power is activated. It shines vividly, light dispersing from the barrier.


"A-ha!" Skydas' acclaim shot two nerves with one stone. "There she is."


Our three heroes felt their circuit just gone amok within split seconds. With Skydas have found out his target by the green light, it is only a matter of time before they have to face him.


"Hey, what we do now?! He's found us out!" Lemington says to Thomas.

"You stay here with Reita, I'll--"

"Wait." Reita grasp Thomas' arm. Her strenuous face is decorated with puffed breath

and deep frown, yet she says "...I'll go too."

"That's out of the question--" Before Thomas can stop her, she leapt across him and

out from the barrier. "Crap! Reita, hey!!" Thomas chased her outside.


A formidable smile casted in Skydas' face. "There you are, my dear."

"Skydas... You... B*****d..." Reita stands before him, hands still clenched to her

burning chest. "You killed... everyone..."

"That was because you, and that wretched power of yours. Ehehe!" he responds.

"Sadly, you’ve activated your power back then, no? When you fought Mathius

Damhorn. So then, Lord Mun-Khag ordered me to eradicate your entire existence!"


Another familiar name which won't disappear so soon. Mun-Khag, the mysterious figure who murdered the entire throne room without speck of effort. He was also the one acclaiming Vanadia and her mysterious power as his Messiah whom he will obtain in any possible way.


"Eehehehehee! No hard feelings, dear. I will kill you and destroy this entire city!"

By that words, Reita swore to herself to stand straight and muster again her lost

strength. "No you won’t." she taunts.

"This is it, Skydas. I'm sending you to repent for your sins!"


Both fighters now facing each other. Skydas has his eyes scrutinizing Reita, who isn't standing straight. Seemingly to have mistuned her equilibroreceptor, she staggers a bit after taking few steps to the left. Behind the barrier, Thomas gnaw on his inability to stop her. Now that she's outside, he giving contribution to the fight would only hamper her success rate felling the enemy. He and Lemington agreed, then, to stay behind and watch intently the battle progress. Besides, they need to help these wounded soldiers too, if it comes to worst.


Reita throw her cloaked leather envelop of her weapon, revealing an ultramarine flicker from Varunastra's glistening blade. Her face, scrunched in difficult-to-digest expression shows more apprehensive emotion than anger. Slowly, she drew the sword from her belt. In the agony of seconds, Varunastra makes a hissing whisper as it was removed from its place. Her trepidation makes Skydas latched his murky orb even more; trying to compass her movement.

Skydas bent down, picking up his sword hilt which has kept it grounded after the devastating attack. His neck turns from left to right, bones cracking as he loose his nerve, preparing for opening attack.

Abruptly, he rushed at Reita. His precise weave of sword caused an open gap mid-air where he makes bold slashes arching downwards. Startled, Reita jumps back to parry the attack. Her quick evasion, though done post-haste in great reflex, was disquiet in its process that it gave hint to her enemy that she is afraid. Skydas dashed again, this time he made another wind slash like he did before to Xisel. The gust clashes against Varunastra's blade with a hissing sound of metallic collision. Reita made another blunder while parrying this one, she lost few steps and staggered.

Seeing this as one huge advantage, Skydas sent himself into an uppercut slash right away before the wind elopes. The impact caught Reita on her feet and she was thrown aside. Jangling noise of bone assuaged into rocky surface, her scream, cackle-rattle from Skydas and her friends' shocked faces.


Everything molds into tasteless blur as she cried in pain, having her face lands

flat-down. Not yet pleased, Skydas evokes a magic spell.

"Antares Needle!" he shouts, mouth wide grinning in excitement.


Had enough, Thomas finally lost it and ran outside as he sees Reita laid defenseless on the ground, about to get mauled by another attack. His jump has been timed correctly that he's able to fend off almost all of the needles with his reliable defensive panel belted on his hand.


"Reita, you okay?!" he says.

"I'm fine... But..." she gasped. "My chest... feels burning..."

"Stand back. I'll take care of him." Thomas says, extracting his Zircon Edge.


The ground rippled as Thomas threw himself straight towards Skydas, aiming at his opulent head covering. The young squire was quick; rendering couple of successive strikes with his Sword Dance move. He obviously attempts to scratch his opponent all the way possible, giving him chances to turn the battle's tide.

Skydas is in awe seeing how this petite opponent could pose a risky threat if he was taller and more precise in timing his attack. Quickly, he side-stepped just enough before the blade strum inches of his oscillating fringe.


"I'm not done yet!" Thomas shouts, bending his stance to deliver more attacks.


This time, he tries to disrupt Skydas' visceral movement and land him off his feet. The Zircon Edge glide mid-air like tune of platonic rhythm. Skydas evaded the attack easily, turning around in elegant spin before he punched Thomas hard in the solar plexus, knocking him far back to where he started. The young squire howls blood from his throat, having the wind blasted off from his side.


"Thomas!!" Reita ran to him. "Oh my God, you're bleeding!"

"This is nothing!" he shoves her out. "Don't worry, I can win."

Reita took a deep, long breath. Things wouldn't turn woeful like this if she helped

Thomas in the first place.  "Alright..." she says, helping her friend to stand back.

“I’ll assist you this time, Thomas. Let's go-- we can win this."

"Reita, no! I can handle this by myself..."

"No, I am okay." she assures him, "...Let's go!"


Surge of aura brims from their selves. Roaring boldly against the incoming darkness, both shouts their combination attack. With the Kanjou Link activated once more, Thomas has the responsibility to act as the main striker while Reita casts his sword with water-elemental magic.


"Bubble Drop!" Shouts the squire while panning his Zircon Edge, now encased in

blue-ish radiance.

"Oho, combination attack." Skydas shrugs idly. "Easy!"


With one swing, he released another big gust-- this one is deadlier than before. It stuns Thomas mid-air, disabling him from mauling Skydas with the sea-indulged slash. In split second, Skydas steers his sword off to reach the young squire's torso. His vengeful strike sent Thomas out of his sight, slamming the rock wall with immensely flesh wound along his chest line.


"THOMAS!!" Reita shrieks seeing her friend was deported from battle this quick.

"Hyahahahaha! One midget down! Haaahh!"


Skydas blow off some more gusts, swinging Thomas like broken feather-- this time, to the ground. Abated from his breath and draped in shock, Thomas felt his cognizance starts to sway in and out.


"Reita..." he calls, fresh blood pulsing intensely from his wound.”...Run... We can't...

Defeat him..."


Fast as speed of sound, Skydas suddenly appears in front of Reita, even before she's

able to say a word to Thomas. He grabbed her neck and took her feet off the landing.

"Reita...! No...!" Thomas coughs blood, with hands stretched up trying to grasp

Reita's ankle.


Behind the barrier, Lemington rammed the protective wall like crazy, cursing Skydas and his demonic attitude. The man in black clad doesn't seem to take interest in tiny rats-- He focused a menacing glance to Reita's eyes. The red-haired girl begin to lost one-two of her breath as the metal-adorned palm chokes her tightly. Reita managed to speak few writhing cry while Skydas grins in delight seeing his prey struggling like toasted worm.


"Don't... Skydas! Please...!" Thomas begs.

"Blame that hag Princess for cursing you with this power!!" Skydas clench his grip.


Skydas laughs delightfully while tightening the choke to Reita's neck. Then, he saw a slight change to Reita's figure. Black vapor seething into her body, causing slight visual dissonance of imagery. Deep inside, Reita feel her goodwill have grown into a murky sea, filled with hatred-anger-pain-agony-revenge.


Just about she's undergo the change, an arrow flew straight to Skydas' back.

Much to his surprise, it lodges between the armor's joint.

"Release her at once!" the voice commands.




Divum Stratum, at the palace once more. Meyer sprints inside as soon as he was instructed to. Inside the crowded place, he summoned every capable soldier to line up. Of course, this scene creates more panic to everyone's heart. Some have speculated they are about to reach the losing end, some says the final judgment has come.


"Everyone, please, at ease." Meyer says. "I ask you to not surrender to panic.

We need to hold ourselves together, for our own sakes too."

Then, he turned to the soldiers.

"Bolt every entrance shut. Make sure to double-check it."

"Sir, what has become of us now?" one Seraphim asked.


Meyer had wanted to tell the soldier flat-out there's army of Khär-zèn marching here,

but he doesn't have the courage to do so. "...It's for the best." he replies shortly,

"...Make it quick."


After giving collective salute, the soldiers plod in secure line to their respective posts. Meyer returns to the room where Alma and the wounded soldier were. Carefully, he clicks the door open so he won't disturb those who are resting.


"Sir Virdigjanti." Alma greets him, still half-lying on the couch. "...How is everything?"

Meyer couldn't hide his discontent any longer. "Terrible, son. Terribly wrong."

"What happened?"

"...I'd rather not tell you." Meyer refuses to explain a thing. "But I have instructed

every capable Seraphim to shut tight every entrance available in this building.

Those soldiers shall see their job done in perfection."

"...Is something... coming?" His warm chestnut orb glances to Meyer sharply.


The spectacled man offer nothing as an answer. Instead, he tries to excuse himself.

"If you'll excuse me... I need to see the chancellor now."

"Wait." Alma rise from his sleep. "I'll go with you.

There is something I need to ask Blythe as well."


While everyone have shut themselves inside the massive building; outside, Banri and Hameda suffers great loss from their fights. Around the vast green, blood splatters colored muddy purple bathed every inch of grass. Banri kneels on the ground, holding his slightly cracked bow. On his back, Hameda grunts heavily while readjusting his chaotic breath.


"Damn it..." Banri spat. "We've... won... finally."

"Hm." Hameda replies with another padded grunt.

"Those... Khär-zèn jerks... Better watch... out."

With a loud ‘thump’, Banri fell to the ground. His eyes are still open, though,

But he's clearly fatigued. "Hameda..." he says. “Can...We… Win this?"

"How can I answer that?"


Along his sentence, Hameda saw a protrusion of dark fog emanates from the ground. His optical sensor begins to hold scourging lambaste against the information central. With only few energy left, Hameda failed to see that the fog was actually, a Khär-zèn survivor. And it is headed towards the palace, swaying in the wind like hazy miasma.


At the palace's uppermost floor, Alma and Meyer arrives to gain audience with Chancellor Blythe. Upon treading the last few steps, however, they were flabbergasted by pitching scream inside the room. Hurriedly, they crept closer to see what's going on inside.

There's Blythe, standing like a paralyzed gargoyle, hands squeezing bulk load of paper. Across, Ölver-- sealed flat-back to his desk-- standing in front is a Khär-zèn on its last leg. The skeletal magus threatens him with a nib of his magic wand, while cackling like crazy.


"Stop! Stop!!" Ölver begs for his life.

"Tell me where the Sphaera is, will you?" the Khär-zèn's voice sounds like a ragamuffin

wind on decades-vacant house.

"I- I don't know! I don't know!" Ölver shook his head, tears and sweat already mixed

into bursts of fear.


Alma’s eyes widens in horror. Seeing the only son of the progenitor who raised him stepping on the brink of death, his breath starts to cower in horror. His heart beat, the thump-thump-thump has gotten extreme to his own hearing. Sweat rolls between his elongated brow, drenching his face gruesomely under this suspenseful scene. He has to do something, quick.


“We have to help!!” Alma hissed involuntarily. “His Highness is…!” Says he to Meyer,

but he was stopped. "Don't! That’s the Khär-zèn, most notorious summon creature of

darkness. We can’t act recklessly-- His Highness’ life is at stake."


Feeling he’s about to piss his pants, Ölver starts screaming hysterically. His rambunctious yelling depletes all his captor’s patience. The Khär-zèn is about to knock him off, but Ölver got his hand first on his lion cane. This cane, surprisingly, is a sword hidden under the curve. The shrill sound of metal was tad bit too loud, and he was found out.

Without giving a chance, the Khär-zèn changes his stance. He brought the pointy end of his wand and shove it deep into Ölver’s chest, before casting a horrible spell of detonation. In mere seconds, the whole room burst into fearful silence as Ölver’s body popped with a big BLOP, like a bubblegum.

Outside, Alma broke into panic shouts. He called to Blythe, whom he tried to stop from doing any reckless move. The man, however, have dashed forward. Picking up the deserted sword-cane, he spins it with vicious roar of reprise. Nerve-racking noise of dissipated Khär-zèn reverberates in medley for the passing, along with the black fog which soon joins the loopy nimbus on its venture.



End of Chapter 59!

© 2017 Latifa Rahim

Author's Note

Latifa Rahim
H-1 end book!

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Added on February 22, 2017
Last Updated on February 22, 2017
Tags: adventure, book, six, adv, chapter, 59


Latifa Rahim
Latifa Rahim

Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia

Newcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..
