![]() Chapter 57: Tempus FrigusA Chapter by Latifa Rahim![]() Upon the descending of Frost Dragon, Reita has to defend herself alone; with almost all refugees have been annihilated...![]() ![]() --------------------------------------------------
inth of Qin Alve, first month
of autumn in Gaia. Southport City starts its morning as usual; early and
bustling. Although the congealed wind brought dry breeze firsthand, Southport
still retains its iconic warmth. Twice the cuckoo calls proved useless as most
people has already been out of their beds. In the first day of the week,
transit of cargo is made to Southport's harbor. With the news of the fallen Vanadian
kingdom has now spread worldwide, faraway town and cities starts giving more
concern to their safety. Refinery supply, food and livestock are the main
trades, although others like fabric and antiques still holds valuable
objective. Since Dryzan's implementation of new law
regarding seaway trade, Southport has once again receive its liberal rights to
act as intermediate shipping post. After our main characters cleared most of
HOUNDS agents, Gingerbeet and Southport regain their market propulsion to the
world. Also, the group’s help of reclaiming West Tunnel give chances to
Giovanna the inventor to apply her talents, helping business down at the town.
Helped by the fearsome bandit trio, she did more good than harm contrary to the
popular belief off their appearances.
Dryzan Yates yawns wide, stretching his sore
muscles. He has just pulled another all-nighter for the paperwork. Now with his
younger sibling gone, his work multiplied significantly. Not only has he had to
take his usual portion of signing documents, he also the Mercenary Group to
manage, as temporary Guild master. There are also 'scouting team' which his
brother usually command as preventive measure of early crime-- now he has to
meddle himself onto it. The Mayor feels his wrinkle just go up in numbers as
day goes. His grayish eyebrow frowns as he veer to his desk afore.
"Just how many more I have to sign..."
he moans, scratching his jaw, full of overgrown stubbles. “I thought last night I have signed
more than two days’ worth of work. This is getting too much."
His bleary eyes, tired, glances at an empty
coffee cup left with sugar brittles underneath. Those are way too much leftovers
for a small dose of espresso, and he knew it too. Being a sweet tooth is never
an excuse to overindulge oneself exceeding daily allowance of sugar.
"If he sees me like this, he'll flip for
sure. That brat is more annoying than Mum was." his stern jaw forms a relieved chuckle.
Dryzan missed his brother, that's one thing he
will not deny. For his entire life, they have been together-- growing up,
swimming in the river, competing for girls, then running knighthood which
drifts them ashore to this city. Resting his back momentarily, Dryzan let his
mind wanders. To the time of fate, seventeen years ago: when Banri told him of
his most serious-ever love. Walking straight to when he was occupied with
strategy to subdue the savages, Banri said, he had a confession to make. The
older sibling, seems to think this was merely another jest from the Robin,
shrugs idly. Tomorrow, I will marry her.
Those five words knocks out Dryzan's gut to his throat. Shocked, he dropped the
ink bottle without thinking.
"If this is a joke, it's not funny at
all!" he warned. "No, I'm serious, Dryzan." Spelling his
brother’s name was the only thing second to stay quiet, which Banri only do once in a blue
"Tracy Milligan..." Dryzan rocks his
chair, reminiscing the old name he hasn't heard in a while. "Your husband has never spent one
minute of his life without doing reckless act that only shrinks his age span even more.
But, he’s a hero our city could ever
wish. I wish you lived enough to see how Southport have
changed into a warm place..."
All of sudden, the melancholy sinks in. We can
see a droplet of crystal tear starts forming out of his eye's corner, which he
abruptly sweep with his back of hand. Dryzan has a stern and serious
personality. And yet, times like these, where no one is around and he suffers
from lack of sleep, has made him recount past memories with earnest upbringing.
"This is bad." he smiles bitterly.
"...Maybe I should pay her a visit."
Nodding to himself, Dryzan then set his desk
aside for a morning stroll. After making sure to lock his office door tightly,
he went downstairs. A firm, quick morning greet was shout straight from the
manor's guard. He replied with a hand wave, telling the all-nighter soldier to
be at ease.
"Relax, buddy.
I'm just going for a walk." he smiles then trots off.
Dryzan opens the rigid door, stream of cold
breeze accentuate the loud creaking noise. Ah, what a fresh air. He inhales
deeply, arm widens in great anticipation for the day. From his mouth, Dryzan
exhales a dollop of air, sporting pleasant smile afterwards. He made a comment
to himself that he should have done
this more. Walking straight out the manor, Dryzan sees his
city for the first time today. Another day, another change. Today there is
different air surmising-- full of sweat and spirit. The main street is already engaged
with crowds, people walk without paying attention to their sides. Hollering
voices from street merchants are in vie with ones coming from inside the stores.
They tried to be distinctive as possible, to gain the most proliferation of
their goods.
"Sure is busy today." Dryzan decides to
pause a bit before ramming his huge built into seas of human. Before a step was made, a friendly
wave of hand greets him. "Morning, Sir Yates!" Dryzan looks up to see an owner of a rice bowl
restaurant he frequents on his day off. "Hey there!" he waved back.
"Already busy in this time?" The shop owner wipes his sweat with a kerchief of
his own. "Not yet, just taking a leisure walk. You know, men at our age needs to
maintain his health more so!" "I agree." Dryzan let out a formality
laugh. "Where are you heading, Sir Mayor?” the
store owner asks. “But, yeah, this city is safe now, and in a good shape today, thanks to Sir
Yates Jr. and his group. Can’t ask more."
Dryzan replies with a gratified nod. The fight
back then must've left an unforgettable impression in citizen's mind. Not only
Banri and his group fend off the city from fearsome HOUNDS duo Mathius Damhorn
and Omus Tertio; they also gave numerous contribution to the city’s recovery. Truly,
it was a day to memorize.
"If they weren't here, I bet the city would
be a bleak camp of theirs now!"
the shop owner says. "So, how's Sir Yates Jr. faring?
He's not returned yet?" "Oh, no." Dryzan smiles. "Knowing
him, he'll be away longer than the amount of time he had promised me. He's a nature-born
adventurer." "I see! I have a younger brother too, who
live far in the Eastern. Oh, how you must've missed him so!" the harmless joke
unexpectedly puts Dryzan's face to embarrassment. "He- Hey!!" he hushed the giggling shop
owner. “Mind your own business!” "It is rare seeing you like this, Sir Mayor.
My apologies, it was only a blunt joke." "I know. Well then, I should be off."
Dryzan scurries along before more question strikes.
The West Cape,
known as a barren cliff stretching out of Southport's western outfield. This is
where Dryzan is heading"where Tracy Milligan and her infant son were buried,
along with several kinds of flower planted on the field. Though it is legally
open to public, no one has ever taken interest to this place. The only people
who frequents the cape are Dryzan himself, along with his younger brother.
-------------------------------------------------- Reita feels her head spinning, reaching an
interdimensional space way beyond her cognizance. Her eyes have been fading
into the dark for long hours; now it starts to walk back into the light. As her
brain starts firing new electric signals down to optical muscles, her lashes
begins to flutter open. The deepest eyelid starts to open, showing grainy film
of grey often seen in broken TV or after-course before closing time. Slowly, then, the graininess starts to cloy out
when a lighter shade of black emits. It is now her outer eyelid showing the
very movement of her eyeball. She moves them left and right, trying to sneak
out of the empty vein. The movements eventually sends back signal to her brain
that the pupils are ready to receive light, so her outer lid now really opens.
Refraction of newly addressed visual scenery disperses into her lens, through
the pupil. Her optical nerve sends back and forth this rapid stream of visual
information, bringing Reita back to her consciousness. Her first word is of a similar pattern we often
see in popular movie: Where am I. She closes shut both eyes, pressing
them deep back to their crevices. Her words were just an inner yell, it seems.
Her mouth is not yet to open. Now her eyes are wide open, scanning her
surrounding vicinity. It is dark. Lots of
people. The air smells like damp mold.
"Where am I?" this time, her lips moved
according to what her brain says. "My head."
She comments the first-hand sensation felt as she
gently sits herself up. A tingling pain along her spine, centralized to the
back of head. It is really hurtful, as if she had a whole-night migraine
accompanied by bad fever.
"Ouch..." she rubs her nape.
Why indeed, there seem to be a mass of crowds in
front of her. Still grappling for steady ground, Reita scans again. There seems
to be no one concerned enough about her vague state. Judging by how these
crowds mold their faces, she might be in an unfavorable situation. Hanging
head, sour smile, pout, cries and wails. All these noisy disturbance leads
Reita to rest her back on nearest wall, closing her eyes again.
"I must be dreaming..." she murmurs. But her guess was proven wrong as someone calls
to her aide. "Reita!" "I know this voice..." Reita frowns
deeply with eyes shut. "...Jeena." she jogged her memories right. "Are you alright? Oh, God, I was worried sick
when you're not waking up!" "Jeena..." Reita looks up to see a
woman with troubled face, almost crying, if anything more. "...What happens to me...? Where is
everybody...?" "Drink this." Jeena hands a water
bottle. "Refresh yourself first, then I can tell you."
Devoid of any complaint, the red-haired girl took
the bottle and drank its content quickly. She feels refreshed, quite! What a
mysterious water; she never tasted any plain water this good. Beside her, Jeena
sits herself. Watching her gulping a whole bottle seems a funny thing, a
chuckle can be heard escapes her mouth.
"...That's the Sacred Water from Lord
Gilthar's spring." "...Oh?" Reita makes an insipid smile.
"Does the water here always tastes this good?" "...It would be great if so." Jeena replies
with an apologetic one. "Say, where is this? What happened with
everyone around?" "Reita, you don't remember?" Jeena
asks. "This is the underground shelter, way below
the city central."
Reita nods idly, slowly trying to do another
memory jog. She remember coming to Myriad after clearing a dispute with certain someone, with certain drastic measure. There's this
elf-like troop commandant named Blautiel,
who’s actually close to a true Holiner. Reita remembers his sharp gaze. Then a miracle happened upon their visit to
Thomas' long-lost brother. After, she went to the Ancient Library along with
everyone else... From there, her memories became a bit fuzzy. Ancient Library? Wait, wasn't there something serious
happened then?
Reita's eyes widen in horror. "...Jadel! He's--
He's still in...?" she gasps. "Crap, I was knocked out by Alma's spell! He
sent me to this place??" her loud thoughts beams nonsensically.
After a brief recess, Reita sorts back her memory
into more reconstructed story. Now she know the very reason she's here:
refusing to take part on the war due to impending fear of losing her life.
Worried, Jeena Fallow leans closer to check on her.
"Reita, are you okay?" "No." Reita answers bluntly. "…Tell
me, so we're way below ground, protected under this tough shell while everyone outside is
bleeding for us?" Jeena looks speechless for a bit. "...Yes,
although it's a bit cruel to put it that way." "Damn. I really hate myself like this."
Reita slams her fist. "I hate sitting around while there is a cause to solve; but in the other hand I'm
too afraid to do anything."
Jeena nods gently. "We're safe here, Reita.
Don't worry. Ariad has promised me he will save us all." "Ariad is outside? Is he already fit for
battle?" "More than ever. Thanks to Thomas."
Jeena smiles wide. As the two converse, small voice sharp-cut their merry words. "Humph! Adults are, really, troublesome!" Reita and Jeena turns around to see a kid,
wearing fiascos, folding his arms up. "They’re the ones who cause this war! And
now we have to suffer from it!" his voice sounds irked.
"Flint, sit down!" another voice, this
time from a familiar voice. We know her back then as the gossipy auntie who gave the team Holy
Scab prevention medicine. "Don't say such harsh words to strangers.
Oh, you..." she seems to remember Reita also. "Hello." she greets. "Why are you here, Miss? Weren't you with
your group?" her question stuck like a rusty knife inside Reita's gut. "Um, Auntie. Reita is sent here for her own
safety." Jeena answers instead. "Oh, I see. Well, just stay put and relax,
then. This shelter is indestructible." the woman says, "...Though we're just basically
spreading more plague to one another."
Her statement puts the 'D' in 'dire'. She's
right-- most of the residents are the Scabbers. With their cough, sneeze and
merely open mouth, they are spreading the plague to healthy others. Not that
they have a choice... Unless the vision of getting diced by enemy's sword feels
like better choice!
"You're strong, right?" Flint walks
beside Reita. "Ain't that weapon in your belt?" She replies, "Yes, but..." "...You're afraid." Flint answers his
own question. "That's why you were sent here, like the others. They’re too afraid to do
something." "Flint!!!" Auntie suddenly charges and
pull him back. The boy fell to his back, shocked by the impact. "Rude kid! How many times I
tell you to not speak like that?!" Her face is red with anger. "Look to your
siblings, do you intend to contaminate them with your impudent behavior?!"
"Well, I’m not afraid! I’m ready to kick
those bad guys on their arse, but you stopped me!" The boy acts tough. “I can take them
all by myself!!” "It's alright." Reita smiles
apologetically. "Flint, was it? You have quite some siblings." She waves at three smaller children sitting
behind Auntie, apparently too scared to wave back. "We're orphans." Flint speaks with
straight face. "Our parents died from the plague." "There are many more like him." Jeena
says. "It's an unfortunate fate, too cruel for young children." "I don’t need pity from others." Flint
scolds her. "I can live by just fine."
Auntie is about to throw another fit, when one of
Flint's sibling starts wailing. Holding his tummy, the boy says he's hungry.
Hearing his plea, the oldest brother came running to comfort him. Flint coaxes
the young boy to be patient, and wait until things calmed down. He even asks
what he wants to eat later on, when the city is safe again. Bluffing to have significant amount of stash,
Flint asks his siblings one by one of their most wanted meal. His little sister
speaks of local sweets and ice cream. Flint nods with high spirit. The younger
brother says he want sandwich and whole roasted chicken. The smallest one, in
Flint's arm speaks softly of his choice. Anything would be okay for him, it
seems, as long as he can enjoy it with the other sibling.
"This is madness." Slapping her fist
together, Reita spoke regarding this mindless war. "I can't believe this is really
happening." "What do you mean, Reita?" Jeena asks.
Before Reita goes on explaining her thoughts, she
realized a bountiful change in temperature. It feels colder than before, as if
someone holds air conditioning machine up to her nape. A slight touch with her
bare hands confirms the temperature drop. It is freezing now all of sudden.
"Hey, don't you feel a bit cold?" she
asks back to Jeena. "Now that you say it, yes, but overall I'm
still fine." Auntie realizes this too as she get up.
"Hey, it's somehow cold. Must've be the morning wind. Come on girls, help me distribute some blankets
around." Both nodded, then followed Auntie to the cabinet where
thick clothes are stored. "They have thought it thoroughly... There
are tons of blankets here." Reita comments. "You two, stop chattering and get on with
the work!"
With that, both departs to distribute the
blankets. Starting from Flint and his siblings, Reita and Jeena went along to
the elders, housewives and the sick. As they walks on though, there is a slight
dispute. It happens when Reita is about to hand one to a Scabber with both
optics not working anymore. The sick man sits patiently with his withering
body; beside him there is an elderly woman, prime in her age, just about
several years older than Auntie. The elderly woman complaints straight away why
she isn't the one prioritized to get the blanket.
"Hey, young lad. I assume you can see well
that I'm cold under this crumpling body?" she says with deriding look to Reita's direction. "Um, yes, Ma'am. I'll go get another blanket
straight away." she responds idly while giving the Scabber his blanket. "You're giving it to him?! How come? Can't
you see he's just well-- and a young man, to boot?!" The old woman says, half-yelling. "I'll go get it straight away."
As Reita walks away, she saw from eye's corner
the old woman snatched the blanket. From beyond his blinded eyes, the Scabber
man of course can't see where his blanket has gone. His hands gape mid-air,
trying to relocate the lost possession. This agonizing scene seems to not
bother the healthy grandma at all. Her parched grunts blows his plea away in
denigrating manner.
"Ma'am." Reita turns around. "I
said that I'll give you one, right? That's for him. Please be patient-- you're not injured anywhere." The old woman feels requisite to reprimand those rude
words. She sit up, zoom to Reita head-on and points her wrinkly index finger
to her face. "Now you listen!!" she yells. "How
dare you contradict me?! Don’t you learn how to behave in front of elders?!" "Eat s**t." Reita says inside her heart. "Goodness, I hate this type of old kooks. Just die quickly, please...?”
Her excessive yelling turns out induced some
angry responses from others, telling her to shut up. Hearing more people
contradicts her belief only makes the old woman shout even more, causing a heap
of commotion inside the rotund shelter. Babies then starts to bawl, fished by loudness
and people's angry faces. Fussing around the small children becomes apparent;
they nag their Mums to get them out of this dark, noisy place. More and more
people shout, telling each other to shut the hell up while they themselves let
out the highest volume. The underground shelter now is a mess, not even
Jeena and Auntie can calm it down. Mass paranoia has grown ripe from panic,
fear and agony. It spreads root fast to people heart whose eyes nor ear knows
the temperature has taken another huge step down off the ladder.
"That was an easy catch!" Phil, sitting
atop of his horse's saddle, smiles triumphantly. Resting below at the ground is a group of
criminals trying to envoy mass prison escape. "You think we'll just sit back and
watch?" his bluff goes as if he's one man taking them all down. "Mr. Phil, please don't forget about
us!" the shout from his men gets him back to Gaia. "Ah, sorry, sorry! I was only trying to
imitate Banri's victory cry." "Mr. Banri would've been jumping off a tree
while saying it!" his group laughs. "Hey, don't laugh! Are you suggesting I
should imitate his reckless attitude too?! Sorry but no thanks, I don't want to get early
wheelchair for daily use!"
With the bandits were taken back by some guards,
Phil finishes his job by signing his group as the one who did it. "Thank you, Phil. You saved us again this
time." The ward gave a humble salute. "It's our job, don't mind it." Phil
returns the salute with his comical gesture. "This is the least I can do in his absence." "Oh yeah, Sir Yates has been away from the
city for quite a while, no?" "Almost three months now." Phil mimics
a sad sniff. "How dare he left us behind with his own responsibilities!" "Hahaha, but he was on an important mission
too, right? Don't be too sour about it, Mr. Phil. Alright, I'll be off!" the ward
nods away.
Phil and his group is about to tidy up and return
to the town, when a loud, drum tearing yelling is heard. "Heeeeyyyy!!" The entire group covers their ears almost in
reflex as a shade of figure came running. "Ugh, it's her!" one member said. "Mr. Phil, do something about her!"
another one complies. "My ears! My ears is going deaf!!" Phil cringes, despite his disapproving smile.
"Hey...! Yzma!" The woman robed in camo-print cape let out
another yelling. "HELLO, MR. PHIL! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!!"
"Sis, stop, please. My ears hurts."
Another figure came down jumping from nearby tree. The man wearing similar costume has
significantly taller build, adorned in firm muscles despite the lacks of buff. "Good
morning, Mr. Phil." "Huh, hey, Poncho." Phil grins while
tapping his left ear. "You're by yourselves?" "NO, OF COURSE NOT! WE'RE ALWAYS TOGETHER IN
TRIO!!" Yzma replies with bundles of enthusiasm. "Sis, please! Your voice is going to make
the entire forest dries up!" "HUH, REALLY?!" "Yes, really!" Even Poncho can't seem
to stand the exceeding volume from his capacity. "Anyway, Big Bro is coming."
Just then, a sound of horse trampling the ground
gallantly echoes from the forest's shrub. The bold voice shouts gallantly, an
ode to his grand entrance. Before long, the horse jumps out from bushes,
revealing its gleaming light mocha fur with black ends. The man saddled atop
jumps down without waiting for the horse to land. His safe land gets him a
right to brag.
"Another perfect land! Howdy, Phil! Pouty as
ever, eh!" "There you are, Bohm. You sure loves to make
extravagant entry." Phil comments. "Hey, a man has to maintain his appeal,
isn't that right? By the way, here." Bohm's laughing face fades, then turns serious. He put
two fingers on mouth before letting out a sharp whistle, cutting the forest's silence
in half. "What, What are you doing, Bohm?" Phil
blinks surprised. "Big Bro found a peculiar bird stranded on
the woods near our camp earlier today." "We were sleeping soundly, when this cute chick
cries out!" Yzma comments, seemingly has amended her volume diarrhea.
Bohm's whistle gets a reply of chilling, sharp
tune of squawk from behind the trees. Above heads, Phil then witness the most
benumbing sight of a majestic avian fauna take flight. With pride on his wings,
the bird pliantly stuns the breeze by one strong flap. It let out few chirps
before landing contently on Bohm's wrist, enrobed inside a thick leather glove.
"Here, birdie.
Over here." Bohm gave a proud smile to the bird, now idly grooming his inner feather. "The bird was stuck between tree
branches..." Poncho explains. "...It seemed to be in a hurry. This kind isn't the type to be stuck between
trees." "You know what this bird is, right?"
Bohm glued his eyes to Phil. "...The Scud Falcon." Phil nods firmly.
"Where is it form?" "We're not sure." Yzma shook her head.
"But I'd say we need to go back to report this to Mayor Yates." "What are you waiting for, then, lad?"
Bohm hushes Phil to get ready. "Hop on!"
Riding on Bohm's horse, Phil and the rest of the
gang hurried back to Southport. The Scud Falcon has been instructed to follow
his meal's scent-- stashed on Poncho's belt-- flying eagerly beside him. Along
Southport entrance, they race gallantly to the Mayor's Manor. The busy street
and its crowds are quickly torn into half of masses as the gang sped through
it. Dryzan heard the crowds gave amused claps from
the streets as he goes back to the manor. At first he thought it is because of
some street attractions or performance of wandering musicians. But then
trampling noise from horseshoe is nearby, galloping the ground with blinding
speed. As the group races towards the town square, the mayor soon finds out the
commotion's source.
Dryzan shouts angrily to the gang, "Did you forget
to not ride horses into town?! Phil!!" But the said man is nowhere to found. Instead, Bohm
jumps off the horse, giving explanations. "Greetings, Dryzan, Sir." "Bohm. Subtle as usual with your
entry." Dryzan shakes hands, though his smile indicates a dwelling annoyance. "Sorry fer
the noise. We got an emergency." Phil's group who had been following from behind,
said that their leader has gone to get Brad from the guild. "What's going
on?" Dryzan raises an eyebrow.
Poncho says, showing the Scud Falcon. "Here,
Sir. This bird was stranded near our campsite last night." "A Scud Falcon!" Dryzan comments
eagerly. "How rare to see one flying not from, but into our city. Where is it from?" "Unfortunately, we don't know, Sir. We found
it crying for help, already tree-bound." Poncho nudges the bird's chest softly. "Sorry we're late!!" Phil shouts from
afar; behind him Brad follows with adjourned vex. As they arrived, Brad asks straight away what
kind of emergency requires him sprinting from the guild while he's doing paperwork.
"Let us speak in my office." Dryzan suggest, "We'll catch too much attention
Back at his office, Dryzan rushes straight off to
clean his desktop mess. Scraping away unimportant papers into the dustbin, afterwards
he dashes to stash the important ones inside the cabinet. Seats for his guests
also prepared in abrupt manner that he almost crack a hip bone in the process.
"Easy, old-timer!" Bohm can't help but
to laugh. "We're okay with sitting anywhere!" "Yes, well... It won't be comfortable since
the cleaning lady was told to not come until my paperwork finished, so..." Dryzan hustles
along the room. "...There. Please have a seat,
everybody." Phil, Bohm and Poncho sit on the provided chair while
Brad and Yzma took Banri's prized sofa in the back. The group is now ready
for discussion.
Dryzan brew a new batch of coffee while asking,
"About the Scud Falcon... I noticed it is holding a round of paper on its leg." "Yours are keen for the age, Dryzan,
Sir!" Bohm nods eagerly. "Indeed, it is holding a paper which not even myself or my siblings dared
to unfold." "Well, let's unfold it together then."
Dryzan suggest.
Poncho slides his finger to retrieve the paper
roll, then opens it. When he does, however, the room which smelled like fresh coffee
suddenly turns horrible muck. "EWWWWW!!! STINKS! IT STINKS!" Yzma's loudness almost put Brad's beat to rest. "Pipe
down, lass!" he frowns angrily. "Ha! So what's about a bit of dung stinks?"
Bohm laughs nonetheless. "Hey, the writer used dung as writing
ink." Poncho nods firmly, "Whoever he is, must've been in a hurry... or tight
Everyone in the room hurries to see what's
written inside. A sketchy drawing of uneven circle above; random dots connected
in lines below. None make sense to them. Dryzan thinks hard what this message
could mean, when Poncho said.
"These dots... I've seen it somewhere..."
he mulls his lips. "Really, Poncho?! Where??" Bohm sounds
impatient. "Wait... I'm trying to remember..." he
stand up, then paces the room backs and forth. "Hmmm..."
Every single person inside is anxious seeing
Poncho steps around the office, hands massaging his banded forehead while muttering
small voices. "Hurry up, dummy! We're not waiting
forever!" Bohm says. "I know!" Poncho clicks his finger.
"I saw it few yester nights ago. A constellation."
He sits down again. "...If I'm not mistaken,
this drawing resembles the constellation Canis Major." Then Brad comments from behind, "...Labeled
as Hounds of the Night Sky." "Brad, please, if you know anything, do tell
us beforehand!" Phil's dejected expression says it all. "...It wasn't my turn of speech, Mr.
Zokmer." Brad replies with an intended cynics.
"Alright, alright. Calm down, both of
you." Dryzan stops the argument from brewing any further. "Brad, sorry for calling you in
so early." he got an idle nod from across. "...Hounds of Night Sky, eh? I wonder what
that means. Phil, do you have any idea?" Phil gave an innocent shoulder-up.
"...Bohm?" "We're as clueless as daylight ghost,
old-timer!" the scruffy man laughs wide. "Well, if ya guys have any opinion, don't be shy, spit it out!" The whole room shakes head to the unfathomable
As they sink in each thought, a rumble suddenly crash
the Mayor's Manor. Dryzan quickly kneels down, shouting to his
guests. "Earthquake! Get down!"
But then a heap of strong light emanates from his
rightmost bookshelf which stay closest to the far wall. Everyone's jaws drop
open, unable to deliver any bombshell speech as the shelf leniently slips out
of its post before crashed to the floor. The books came gushing out from their
beds, pages fluttering up and dust of sturdy wooden racks squished onto marble
rocks fills the air. Coughs and hand-waves are seen inside, with everybody
trying to grasp fresh air and see what has the earthquake deliver to them.
"What happened?!" Bohm is the first one
to say. "Say something! Poncho! Yzma!" "We're fine!" both siblings replied
gleefully. "Everyone okay?" Brad's deep, husky
voice tries to relocate the others. "Philip Zokmer is steady as ever! Sir
Yates...?" There is no answer from the Mayor. Phil tries again. "Sir Yates!" Still no
As the dust clears off, everyone's jaws drop
again as they witness two figures, hugging each other, sparks of light crumbles off their
bodies. "Who- Who are you?!" Bohm sounds alarmed. But Phil can recognize this face straight away,
before he shrieks in biased tune of his. "BIG SIS?!"
Finally, the situation calms down a bit. Dryzan
shows himself from under his work desk, admitting it has been some times since his
last experience of earthquakes, so he was a bit tacky. The figures showing out
of nowhere enlist themselves as Candyce Zokmer, Phil's older sister and Farad
Lemington-- both came from Donmarrow, a town of approximately 422,59 miles
away. Of course, none understands why they came out of
nowhere-- after an earthquake happened, no less. Candyce then have no reason to
dodge this any longer, more so after Dryzan gave his permission. She then told
everyone about the teleportation device built by her and Rojas' parents, which
later became a top-secret method of transport used by high-ups of Southport and
Donmarrow for political reasons. The device works by Candyce and Rojas' powers,
both gifted with tremendous amount of Mana energy inside. The nature of that mysterious note became clear,
as well as origin of the Scud Falcon-- Myriad. Everyone is left in shock as
Candyce continues her explanation, saying that Banri's group might have been
entangled in a massive war funneled by the HOUNDS.
"Big Sis! You serious?!" Phil's comical
shocked expression left intact. "Of course, you stupid brother! Why are you
always taking your sister's news without a pint of seriousness?!" "Candyce, then Rojas is..." Brad's face
turns pale. "...Do not worry about her, Braddy. She's a tough one, you know her
so." The tall man in clad armor looks down, unable to think
clearly. "Then, what are we waiting for?! Stupid brother and Braddy, go equip yourselves! Lemington, you too!"
"Wait, what??" Phil sounds confused. "Where are we going? Big Sis, surely you
don't..." Candyce slips few bottles-- the same which Rojas
drank-- from her pouch. "We have no time. Hurry, boys." Despite her saying, no one moves an inch.
Frustrated, she raise a nerve and yells. "What, didn't you hear me clear? I said,
move it!!" "Don't do this, Candyce." Brad grunts
with an oppressed voice. "Big Sis, as he said, this is too dangerous,
even for you..."
The angered Candyce, in panic, slams her fist on
the desk. Her power despite of her thin built shocks everyone in the room--
including Dryzan. "PHILIP!!!" she yells. Phil jumps two feet straight, surprised to see
his sister got mad the angriest she could. After staying silent for a while, Dryzan finally
get his opinion out. "Go, Phil, and you too, Brad." "Sir Yates...!" Brad shows his utter
dismay of the approval. "Banri-- No, Myriad, the entire city needs
you. Go." he nods. "Bohm, Poncho and Yzma." the said three
nods firmly, their face are dead serious. "I want you to rally to Giovanna's place.
Starts collecting what you can bring to Myriad."
"As in...?" Poncho says. "...Anything,
as long as helpful, will do. Please head there as soon as possible. If, on your way, you meet some allies, rally them there
too." Yzma nods silently. "Bohm, I trust this to you. I will be
staying here for Southport." "Sir Yates... No, Sir Mayor..." Phil
tries one last time to argue. "This is an order, Phil. Brad, Mr. Lemington,
I trust him with you." "Will do." Lemington replies.
At the underground shelter, the commotion which
is about to break hell loose have calmed down. Thanks to everyone's cooperation
and Auntie's constant yelling, each person finally realized it is no use to
raise their voices, as they are all in the same boat. But then, everyone feels
another huge drop of temperature. It has become so cold that even a pair of
blanket sewn from thick wool doesn't give significant warmth. Flint and his siblings bolsters inside one huge
blanket, hugging each other to maintain body warmth. Worried these fragile
children might pass out, Jeena goes to retrieve any more available layer.
"Flint, you okay?" Jeena says. "I'm okay! I'm not a weakling." he
replies with a buff of chest. Jeena gave a long sigh, then smiles. "It's
okay to admit if you're cold, you know. I'll go find another blanket for you, okay?" "No, I'm fine! Argh!" the boy groans.
"Why is everyone treating me like a kid? I'm not a kid!"
"Yes you are, midget." Reita appears
from Jeena's back, holding out her tongue. "Just do what Big Sis said and be a good
boy?" "You...! Take back what you just said!"
Before Flint jumps out of the blanket hug, his smallest sibling tugs his arm. "Brother...
It's cold... It's cold..." he whines. "Damn, what's going on, really?! Why the temperature
keeps on dropping?!!" Flint throws a random fit. "What the heck
are those soldiers doing up there?! I thought they're invincible and able to defeat
even the sturdiest Stone Golem?!!"
Jeena feels the same concern as Flint. "His
Holiness always gave relentless praise of Seraphim army on every speech." "Really?" Reita replies with an uninterested
tilt. "Let's hope for the best... Huh?"
Her eyes caught something. Something moves. Not
too apparent, quite slow for mere eyes to notice. Almost as silent as dry
leaves rustling on the ground. Concealed amongst the mad crowds of scared
herds, it seethes below men's decibel as it goes. Reita cringes for a bit,
thinking it might be her overactive imagination.
"...Huh." she shrugs. "Reita, what's wrong?" Jeena asks. "Nope, nothing. Maybe a roach." "Wow, yeah. There must be a lot of them
here." Jeena answers with, surprisingly, enthusiast nod. "I've squashed many of their
squads back in the house."
The silent movement again. Reita caught it this time by her eyes' corner. She
follows her intuition to look upwards. As she tilts her head, Reita saw seeds
of icicle began forming from the shelter's door. The huge door is made circular
with a horizontal opening. Built specifically to holds not only the lake's
water debit but also enemy attacks, there is no way the lake water can seep
"What the hell..." Reita took few steps
back, then round and round. Her heads hangs still, glued to the icicle which grows more in
short time. "Jeena... There's that weird icicle up there."
she says, fingers pointed. Jeena nods slowly, brain already processing the
worst outcome can be. "...Take the children further back."
Reita tries to keep her voice calm, despite her racing heart.
Suddenly, some loud thud is heard from the
entryway. It is so loud that the entire shelter starts to shake, ceiling
dropping crumbles and pebbles. Everyone shouts in unified panic, unable to
reckon what had caused the scene. Then there's another thud. The ground shakes
again. People starts screaming, wailing why their lives have took the worst
turn. Prayers and curses lands to both Gilthar and Zarmesiton whom the people
loved much-- in good times. The third thud. This time it's the loudest. Flint
swore he saw the sturdy block of stones crafted at the entry door starts
shrilling weak. Then everything crumbles, shatters into the ground below. Rocks
fell, pebbles hit the ground like rain drops-- along with zillions of icicle
which had permeated before by the lakewaters atop. Everyone's screams becomes
more audible, screeching voices of women are mixed with prayer chants and
shrieks from babies. Reita and Jeena went with Flint and his siblings to the back,
deeper part of the shelter. Even so, they witnesses from afar that one
ginormous figure have descended along with the monstrosity he had brought. The roar confirms it. A skin-crawling, breathtaking
roar which comes only from the most acidic belly containing rotten flesh of
digested corpse. The roar of a thing
which eats flesh.
"Holy crap..." Reita pulls all of her
hair upwards, seeing the thing starts
glowing shivery blue from its shiny scales. "It's a dragon..."
Upon the winged beast's entrance, another massive
panic roars in the air. Everyone runs for their lives as the dragon started
huffing breath of ice from its silvery jaw line. Jeena, along with Flint
quickly backs away, further inside into the shelter's crevice.
Pitted, Reita had no choice but to brace herself
and try to fend off the beast. "D****t! Why now all of sudden...!" she
grits her teeth, fear looms over hear trembling hands. The sheathed Varunastra became dull
of its glows as their owner doubts herself. The ice dragon gave a menacing smirk
as it starts to hover up. "Stop!" Reita yells with raspy voice.
"Go away, beast!"
Undoubtedly, her fear shows more than her courage
to actualize those words. A heavy groan, mimicking condensed laugh is heard
from the hovering dragon. Ridiculing our heroine's limping tongue, it hums a demonic
brew inside its throat.
"Reita!!" Jeena's shouts rang from
behind. "Come here! It's futile to take the dragon by yourself!" The red-haired girl heard her calls right; but
she's sure as hell everyone will be massacred in an instant if she backs away.
"I'm... I'm fine!" she replies, trying to toughen up. "Don't get out until it is
safe!!" Jeena's breath hangs mid-air as she witnessed Reita
charges straight away to the dragon, neglecting her defense. "No!!!"
Jeena shouts hysterically.
"Heaaaaaaaahh!!" Reita's war cry echoed
as she sprints. Her move is too predictable for the dragon, unfortunately.
The huge beast snorts before curving its tail into a deadly whip which
then rammed Reita's body easily like paper fluttering in the air. "Urrghhhh!!!" she groaned in pain as
her body hits rubbles of wall far back. Seeming to have hit some bones, Reita struggles
to stand back up. "Not yet... Not yet...!" she mutters
repeatedly, trying to regain her courage.
But then, the merciless beast shows no sign of
pausing as it lands another devastating attack. Not to herself, but to her surroundings.
Blowing enormous breath containing zillions of spearheaded icicle, the dragon
aimed for all of the shelter's residents hiding deep in the dark.
"NO!!!" Reita's shriek of devastation
accompany many others whose flesh suffers from being pierced by needle-thin ice spears that steams
out fresh of freshest blood. "STOP!!!" Wobbling, Reita pulls herself
together for a head strike. "Varunastra!" she shouts, "Vortex Blow!"
From the melted icicle, hurls of water forms into
tiny spins charging at their target. Obviously, being an Ice-affinity beast,
the dragon has strong Water-elemental resistant. Reita's attack do more of
tickles than any harm. Again, the dragon easily dispatched her with a whiplash
of tail. This time, luckily, she managed to avoid breaking further of her
marrow collectives by rolling forward just in time before she hits the wall.
"Grrrnnnn...." the dragon rasp again,
then let out another surge of freezing bullets.”Grrrooaaarrrrr!!!" the icicle storm
it spews goes in circular motion, aiming at every each of person seen from its eyes.
Another massive hysteria breaks the silence with
highest decibel available of human hearing. People screams, children wails and
every each of their devastation molds into one terrific chaos. Suddenly, Reita
realizes that some of her acquaintances are hiding there, counting on the
darkness and gloomy pit for protection.
"Jeena! Flint! Auntie!!" without second
thought, she dashed straight to where the dragon aims its frozen breath. "Activate the
water barrier, Varunastra!" she yells while flashing the seafaring dagger. A dollop of translucent blue then circles her
entire form while running, blocking away the icicle hurls. "Jeena!" Reita calls.
"Flint, Auntie!!"
Her urge of stopping the dragon from massacring
any more human led to a newfound will. Varunastra glows significantly brighter
than before, then starts resonating with all the icicles. Slowly, the frozen
blocks returns to its original form: flowing water, before joining Varunastra
as its ally, for Reita to command.
Now standing with compelling advantage, she calls
out a counterattack spell. "Dragonbender!!!"
she raises one dagger above, calling forth an ethereal form of dragon inside vortex of water.
Her summon rams the icicle storm, gaining
momentum as it collects more power from melting ice. Eventually, her summoned
dragon thrusts into the beast's throat, sending awful damage to its breathing
compartment. The dragon backs off in pain, giving Reita chances to drag anyone
saved from its malicious attack.
With her trembling hands, Reita prowls under the
rubble, trying to make out what's look like a dump of pebbles and sand mixed with
red stench of blood, and salt tears. "Jeena! Flint!" Reita keeps on, moving
away rubbles as fast as her bleeding hands could.
Then her fingertips hit something... red, and
warm, upon a rounded surface of human skin. It was Jeena and Auntie's bodies,
hugging together to protect what lies under: Flint's small figure. Reita's eyes
bulges, terror fills her mind. Quickly, she pulled both women out from the
rubbles and check for their breaths. Despite constantly having their names
called, there are no apparent reply from their lifeless lips. Upon checking their beats, Reita’s alleviating
hands got her to a conclusion that neither hearts are beating anymore. With all
those holes from the icicle hurl, blood spills exceed their capacity. They're
gone. So soon. Reita's mind went frantic. How could this happen? She only knew
them for brief moments of meeting, and now they are limping lifeless because of
her inability to fend off an enemy attack.
"I'm sorry, you two..." she puts both
bodies to rest on the ground. Underneath, a sign of life twinkles from Flint's
gesticulating body. "Pulse
of Life!" One arm casting a recovery spell, another trying to make out
of Flint's limping arm. "Flint! Hey, kid! Wake
up!" she calls. There's a slight movement from his closed lid, a
good sign of life. "You're alright!" Reita wipes her
welling tears. "Where are your siblings?!" As far as her eyes could scan, there are no signs
of Flint's brother and sister around. She fears they might be separated when the panic
broke, and now they are trapped somewhere under the rubbles.
"Where is everyone?! What happened...? Why
is...?" Flint jots straight up, terrified as he sees the horrendous scene. "Stay back." Reita warns him. "The
dragon is still alive." "Dragon?! What, what are you talking about?!
Why is everyone dead?!" Flint keeps on asking. "Oh, no! My siblings--"
before he could ran off, Reita held her arm strictly. "I said, stay back. Don't move
recklessly." "What do you mean?! I have to look for my
siblings!!" "And get yourself killed on the
process?!" Reita storms back with sharp glance.
Flint is speechless, unable to retaliate in any
word. "...Try to find a good hiding spot, for
now." she advise. "I'll protect you." "You won't make it!!" Flint now sounds
even more desperate than she already is. "Oh, yeah? We'll see." "You'll die!!" "We’re all as good as dead if I don't do
something, kid! Now, shut up and just go somewhere safe!!" "Wait, hey!!" Flint's words were too
late; Reita has gone from her place to face the dragon again.
Another round begin. The fight between
ice-breathing dragon and girl with red hair starts with brimming tension. Reita
charges, casting Varunastra into a watery whip. She yells, aiming to the
dragon's neck vein. The beast effortlessly evaded her attack, made a lazy stir
of body before raising a huge roar.
"Ack!" Reita feels her body weak as the
large sound hits her like a major wave. "I can't stand...!" "Don't lose!!" Flint's voice from afar
somehow brings her courage in. "Like hell I will!" she grunts loud, then
stood up again.
The winged beast now charges, letting out an impetus
ice breath. Being an avid water- elemental user also, Reita has little to worry of
this attack. "Ha!!" she focused her mind, creating a
solid barrier from hardened turquoise shell around her perimeter. The ice breath strikes her
barrier, trying to stab it off to no avail. "Tch, we both have the similar affinity...!"
she said in her mind. "This will be a test of endurance...!"
Soon as the ice breath attack stopped, Reita
tries another approach. She pulls back the watery whip, reforming it into a
throwing knife-like artillery. This is due to her mind's creation-- a process
where she imagines Varunastra reshape itself into another type of weapon, then
actualizes it by molding the translucent edge. From here, we know Reita is about to switch her
attack into long-range one. Such tactic might be the best, knowing the dragon
has acute perception of angle and directions, not to forget the deadly breath.
"Come on!!" Reita taunts the dragon, to
come closer within her firing range.
Thankfully, despite having good sense of
direction, the beast doesn't have the same for sarcasm. It flies straight away
towards Reita, gleams of floe blue under its throat. As it draws right at the
firing range, Reita began her assail, firing the reshaped knife dead straight.
The dragon countered with another chunky breath, storming Reita's knives with
barrage of icicle.
"Pff... You fool." a sly smirk forms on
her mug, a sign she has secrets to the attack just now. Taking single deep breath, Reita then visualizes
her knives would arch out from the dragon's icicle shot, like a drive shot. "Circle!!" she shouts, actualizing her
mind prowess. The knives ran off their tracks, before back towards the unguarded dragon's mouth. "Sharpen!!" she commands again, thus
her bullets narrowed, almost into a form of spearhead.
Shocked, the dragon has no time to evade nor
close its bare mouth. Reita's knives rain lodges straight to its mouth ceiling,
stench of monster blood fills the air along with the dragon's pained cry.
"Ooosshhh!!" she congratulate herself
upon the successive assault.
It is not over yet, though. The only way to
defeat enormous beast this size is to inflict brain death; in other word,
decapitate it. Reita steps few back while thinking of a good way to do this.
Suddenly, the dragon makes a bold move of flushing the air with another one of
its signature breath attack. Despite of its wound, the dragon persevere to
storm few more chunks of ice.
"Not going to happen!" Reita quickly
put up her barrier. Surprisingly, the dragon's attack is more vicious
this time that her barrier is pushed back by
it. "D****t! What happened?! Why I'm getting forced out...?" The dragon bellows, letting out dozens more of
icicle which then, a pair of them slips through the barrier's weakest spot. They lodges
right to Reita's calf and upper arm, waning her barrier even more. "S**t... Argh!" she curses, falling
down to one knee. This can't be the end, she nods to herself.
"Pulse of Life!"
Casting a recovery spell to herself, Reita tries
to close her wounds quickly before another surge of icicle comes. It took the
dragon approximately a minute to reload, before it roars again to Reita, who's
still focusing on her calf. The red-haired girl has no choice but to cease the
spell and put another protective barrier.
"Damn, how can I make a move if this keeps on?!"
Reita thought to herself. "I have to make an opening... But what can I
do to reach its neck..."
More time has passed, but Reita is still yet to
come up with good ideas. Suddenly, Flint calls out, ignoring his own
safety. "Hey, Sis!" he shouts. Reita abruptly shut her auditory canal, just so
the dragon won't shift its attention to the boy. "Make the dragon lay down!" he
God, Flint, please just shut up! If you keep
shouting like that, you'll be found, then the dragon will slay you into ground
meat! Reita feels her beat races faster as the dragon seem to notice where the
kid's voice came from.
"Make the dragon lay down! I don’t know how
to, but that's the perfect situation to chop its head!" Flint says. "Don't
lose! I won't forgive you if you do!!"
Sounds easy, according to what he said. But the
actualization might be harder... Unless, there is indeed, a cunning way to
trick the dragon so it will lay its head down. Reita's mind suddenly lit. An
idea pops to her mind, which might just work. She figured one of her moves can
trick the dragon to slam its head to the ground; but it is very risky. In order to perform this task, Reita will have to
encapsulate herself in sturdiest barrier she can evoke, while running towards
the dragon. Her running figure, obviously, will provoke it to gnash another
icicle breath. With the right timing, Reita would swipe her barrier, baring her
body open, into the dragon's head. As the head is capsuled inside and the
dragon release its breath, the water barrier will froze in an instant, creating
a vacuum case. Under this circumstance the dragon will be forced to free itself
in order to breath, but using claws is not an option since they aren't in
suitable length. The only option left is to ram its head to the ground, which
will break the ice box but also giving Reita a slight chance to do a finishing
"Let's go!!" Reita made a tiptoe jump
before sprinting. "Activate barrier!"
Within seconds, her barrier doubled by durability
as she ran. Straight towards the dragon, she has to do a precise calculation
before shifting the barrier. Taunted, the dragon raise its head and prepare
another attack.
"This is it! I'll swipe the barrier the moment
it began brewing its breath!"
Her timing is proven correct; Reita swiped her
barrier seconds before the dragon release its breath. The shock led to immature
gnash of the breath, which just moments after released it quickly froze the
entire bubble capsule. Entrapped, the dragon panics then began to shake its
head left and right. Eventually, the dragon thinks it is best to ram
its head into the ground. Rumbling noise of shaken earth drums the entire
underground shelter as the dragon's head hits rock bottom, freeing itself from
the ice cube.
"This is the moment...!" Reita nods to
herself, then charges. Seeing how now the dragon stretch its neck
voluntarily, there is no better chance than this. As she tries to deliver the finishing blow,
though, the unhealed pain in her calf starts to pulsate. "Urgh...!" Reita collapsed to the ground,
gripping her pained leg. "D****t! Why now?!" Across, she can see
the dragon begins to lift its head.
But Fate of Gaia seems to be in her favor;
another miracle happened. From above, joined voices from male humans roar as
their figure descend with a daring jump. The three mysterious figures hacked
the dragon's head easily with their battle swords. Passing along a leftover of
its inside grunt, the dragon gave its last breath.
"What the?!" Reita backs off in alarmed
face. "Who... Who are you?!" She looked upwards, to find out the not-so-unfamiliar
faces stands before her. "Still a greenhorn, I see. Useless
kid." Reita's eyes blinks rapidly, following the harsh
voice owner. "M- Mr. B- Brad...?" Another voice follows, "Heya, Reita! I come
to save you! You're not with that old coot, Banri?!" "Mr. Phil?!!" Reita became even more
confused. Her mind almost goes lights out when a guy helped
her to stand up by offering his hand. "Good to see you still alive, Reita.
If you were dead, what about our next dates?" "Farad?!!" Reita's jaw dropped.
-------------------------------------------------- End of
Chapter 57! © 2017 Latifa RahimAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Latifa RahimBogor, Bogor, IndonesiaAboutNewcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..Writing