Chapter 56: Tempus Ignis

Chapter 56: Tempus Ignis

A Chapter by Latifa Rahim

Dawn of flames rise high as the sun brought its scorching judgment to those who appease chaos...



"Back me up! I'll try to blind its eyes, at the very least."


He charged towards the flying Dragon, roaring maliciously under its hissing, ramiformic tongue. Banri readied his arrows; eyes locked tightly to his target. As the dragon-- now in Darkside form-- tipped slightly under, the chance shows. Banri let one stone arrow flew dead straight. It thrashes off the thick, stale air. Whilst rotating, it sped and landed; slightly err from its original junction.


"F**k!" Banri curses.

His attack only grazed the dragon's eyelid, even barely damaging its vision.


The man got another piece of arrow ready, lodged between his ring and small fingers holding Elanus Axila. He elevates the angle a bit, onto northeastern degree towards the barrier tower. His estimation: the dragon will make a swirling maneuver before popping another fireball from its mouth.

His predicament came true: the dragon starts bending its body clockwise. As its scaly tail went past the tower's shade, Banri let go of his grip. Whoosh! Fast as lightning his second stone arrow go. The dragon finished its half circle right before his arrow snuck its way in. A thunderous roar was heard barely minutes later as Banri's lips curved in a halted triumphant fit. His arrow now stilled inside the dragon, preventing it from using one eye.


"Sir Yates! You made it!" said one of the soldier who stayed.

"Attack!!" he commanded to his friends, commending Banri's successful effort.


Tons of arrows follow suit, into the dragon who now has tumbled down to the ground. Feeling insulted, the four-legged beast stands two and roared vehemently. As if declaring its madness, it actually sends a violent soundwave to halts enemy's movement. Seraphim's artillery squad screeches, every one of them, in response to the auditory disturbance. Even Banri, he couldn't help but to look away and wince in pain, covering both of his ears.


The dragon is actually a clever fellow; after the soundwave it quickly bash its tail

towards the artillery squad.

"Uargh!!" everyone screams as they flew off from the ground, effortlessly like group

of budding cotton.


Banri tries to avoid the attack, but his equilibroreception still recuperating from the

damage taken.

"Argh!" the man grunts in pain as his lower rib was hit by an elastic band of muscle.

He limps off and fell down.

"Damn it!" Banri grits his teeth, he could swore if the stomach band wasn't there--he

would kiss his innards good-bye.


"Oh... Crap. My bow..." then he realized another thing: after the impact,

He accidentally let go of his bow and arrow bag (now sprawled on the ground several

feet away). Banri could feel his worst of luck darkening, as the dragon screeching evil

snort follows its nearing step.

"Darn... I really hate this kind of situation."


Suddenly the dragon sped up, almost sprinting. It opens the mouth wide, brim topaz orange light emanates from within. As its head tilts backward, Banri get back up to his feet momentarily and snuck a small throwing knife from his waist bag. He flung it towards, hitting the dragon's scales randomly. Nonetheless, the disruption cancelled its fireball attack.

The man used this opening to get some distance away while checking his surroundings. Upon his weary brow, he noticed the entire squad has been disabled. Most soldiers are writhing on the ground, cracking bones and spewing blood. Some others, although safe, now cowering between their legs.


Banri sighed, "That's what you get from building half-assed army..." he repeat.

Judging from his evenly keen eyes, the man still has some plans to go with.

"You may not know this, beast, but this Hero of Southern City is also known for his

dagger-duel skills!" he flashed, upon his concealed pocket, two combat daggers.


Taking his stance, Banri now faced the dragon head-to-head. The dragon growls menacingly, obviously pained by its bleeding eyes. Banri took its wavering stance to land an opening attack. Lunging forward carelessly, he landed an upright slash aimed to throat-- though it's barely scratching the sturdy armor.


"No matter, it’s just a warm-up!" he convince himself.


To his surprise, the dragon suddenly roared again, letting out another disrupting attack to his vestibular nerve. Now oppressed to cover his ears again, Banri is barely guarding his nooks as the dragon charge, still echoing its voice. The man gasped as he felt his beat stopped in an instant.


"Argent Jab!!" a sudden flash of voice went against the horrible roar.


Banri widens his vision to see Hameda and several Seraphim soldiers with him,

charging the dragon relentlessly.

"Banri!" Hameda's voice echoed from across. "Back us up!"


He needn't twice mentions to get his feet back; the Southern Robin grinned and

readied his arrow quickly.


Luck-wise, the situation at barrier tower is akin to the lower ground: not much better, if any worse. With the barrier-casting ritual has been halted by dragon attacks, there is barely a thin layer encircling Myriad's outer sphere. Alma was only catching his breath few moments before he is alarmed by another thing.


"By God's wrath... Is that?" He's staggering, perhaps depleted of strength after holding

off the dragon's attack. His complexion now looks paler than he is already.


Alma trots to the binocular viewing point, then crouched. He veers into the distance, seeing those peculiar swarms of blue dots appearing in the sky. Bizarre as it is, the dots looks like a flock of birds according to its flying gesture.

But then; Qin Alve, first year-season of autumn has animals either resting in their pre-winter nest or loafing the forest floor quietly. It is unlikely for the birds to migrate, even more incomprehensible by such large numbers. Upon closer inspection, Alma is convinced that it is not a bird-- not even close. The blue dots were swarm of Kybrastan, a type of flying demon resembling Imp with wings.


Fear, anxiety grows in Alma's eyes.

He took few steps back, turning around to meet many gazes of frightened devotees.

"Everyone, please, to your post." his voice studded as calm as it could, so he won't

spook them allot.

"What is happening again, High Priest Ebraldi...?" said one with fearful look on his eyes.

This Ophanim devotee, similar to his kind, brims with thoughts of absconding the



"We have to recast the barrier, at once." Alma nods.

"Is it another dragon?" one devotee ask.

"D- Dragon? There's no way right... High Priest?" another one responded to the fear


"Dragon? Oh, no... Lord Gilthar, Lord Zarmesiton, please protect us..." another said.

"I, I don't want to die! Please... Save us!"


More trembling voices goes against each one, causing tad bit hectic scene around the

small lounge. Seeing his troop's morale became stale, Alma is flustered.

"Everyone, please..." he tried. “Please, don't panic. Calm down, we have to--" then he

was cut short.


"Run away!!!" one devotee, whose morale have free-fallen below ground zero suddenly torched the panic. After his shout, everyone engulfs themselves inside the same frantic mess and starts running away. Shuffling their bodies forcefully into the teleporting device which carries maximum of two into ground floor.


"No! Everyone, please stay!" Alma tries to reach his hand, when suddenly a familiar

screech of the damned brought him back. The ‘Skyaaaark’ he heard was from the

Kybrastan swarm, hovering close, ready to storm.

"This is bad...!" Hustling, Alma went back to the pedestal.

He ignored his shameless people who has turned their back away, and start the chant.


"O, light! Ye whose profile engulfs all unjust in to breach of Godly presence! Hear us call; us whose faith has been always by your side. I beseech! Carry over our bravery; transform our hopes into ray of protection which shall cast, seal out the demons..."


Not yet he finish his reading; one Kybrastan, seems to hasten its flight than others, rammed the pre-formed shielding. The thin layer sinks a bit, forming a circling tension before fading a little bit. Alma knew he has to hurry; but at the same time he cannot. One who read the Book of Zarmesiton-- Book of Order and Protection-- has to spell the words calmly, with devoted mind.


"This won't work!" Alma panicking inside his own mind.

Letting the pessimism took over, the man starts sweating worse. "By the time

I finished reciting, we'll be annihilated by them! I have to improvise."


With that, he close the book and step down from the altar. Carrying his magic spear Kongō, Alma prepares for a solo fight. He close his eyes. Magic circle appears as he starts focusing.


"Haa...." he took a deep breath, "...Lex Lucre!"

Pointing Kongō, he shot a sharp missile of white light into the Kybrastan invader.

The demon receive straight shot to its head, exploded into fine mess before squeaking

painfully on the floor.


Not even batting an eyelash, Alma continued his spell rampage. "Aura Bless!"

This time, his improved Barrier spell surrounds the whole lounge (including those

frightened devotees!) with invigorating light.

One devotee meekly asked, "High Priest Ebraldi, don't tell me you're trying to take

them all by yourself!"


Without turning his head back, Alma nodded. "Don't worry, my 'Aura Bless' spell will

absorb the damage should those demons came to you. I'll try to reduce their numbers

while it lasts."

The devotee, shaking in his boots, replied. "No! It's impossible! You'll die..."

"Then." Alma's voice stiffed. "...Will you stand there only, watching me-- an exile--

struggling to death, for your own country? For your beloved city?"

No answer heed.

Laughing his useless persuasion, Alma shook his head. "...No, please forget it. You are

free to choose, whether to stand there or join the fight."


He continued, "...My barrier will keep you safe as long as I'm alive. If you join me on

this fight, there's a chance you'll lose your life. But..." pausing, long and bland.

".......This is Myriad, the city that has brought us together."

With that, he trots forward, continuing his spell craft. After a long thought, some

devotees finally came to their senses and went behind Alma.

"High Priest Ebraldi... We'll fight with you."

With only a slight peek from his position, Alma let out a thankful smile.

"...Then, let us begin."




At Donmarrow, morning came unexpectedly bleak. There's not a hint of blue sky, warm sunlight as usual. Instead, gray clouds, foggy air which tastes bland with dubious rumbling heard from afar. Citizens are quite edgy about this uncanny situation. Some says a huge storm is about to hit Southern Continent, some says this is an omen of world's end. Both way, there is no rest for the wicked-- and it includes guarding city's entrance and Regent's work.


Isiah Kurtis is just about to start his morning routine: coffee, unsalted bread and fruit platter, then work. His paperwork is surprisingly piling up even though he had make sure to left no work unattended by the end of day. After checking his well-groomed beard on the window, he goes to open it. Instead of getting a crisp early breeze, he saw a figure flying through the bleary fog.


What it might be? He thought.

As the flying object nearing, the Regent knew right away it's no ordinary folk whose

routine is pecking leftover bread crumbs.

A Scud Falcon, he nods deeply. Must've be from Southport, or so he guessed.


Moments later, the fella drenched in sweat and huffing breath perched itself in Isiah's arm. Using his index finger, he caresses the bird's leg feather slowly, a gesture of 'good work'. Isiah then notices a roll of paper is inserted on the bird's leg band. He let the bird rest atop his cupboard and went to read the paper's content.

A kind of ball, badly drawn. Isiah cringes upon first impression. He found another drawing below: dots connected oddly in string of lines. Not knowing what it means only deepens his suspect of this paper as an urgent message. Just then, some knocks to his office door.


"Yes, what is it?"

Door opens, showing the ditzy maid who almost poured hot water to Hameda's

clothes. "Um, excuse me, Sir Regent. I'm here to carry your plates, if you have finished


"Yes, go on. I have finished." Isiah replied, his eyes glued still to the foreign drawing.


Obviously, the maid is curious-- she's our kind of woman whose curiosity peaks at the start of day and even more before snooze time. But she dare not impose this trait to her master. She tries to take a sneaky peek while retrieving the plates, wondering what puzzled her master so in early time of the day.


"Say." the Regent's sudden words almost scare her to a flip jump.

"Do you happen to know about constellation? ...Stars?"

The maid answered straight away, "Yes, Sir! Of course! I'm so into star fortune-telling!

I believe every detail of them-- Oops."

The Regent let out an amused chuckle. "Then, you might know about this drawing.

Can you translate it to me?"


The paper is handed over to the maid. She glance upon it carefully, treading the odd

drawing that gives an unpleasant smell.

"Sir, if I'm not mistaken... This is indeed, a drawing of star's constellation."

"Go on." Isiah puts down his face into both knuckles, rested atop elbows.

"It's a constellation of Canis Major, Sir..."

Isiah's brow curved into a displeased twist. He sensed danger.

"...also dubbed as the Hounds of Night Sky."


HOUNDS. My guess was right. His relentless thought proved to be true.

The Regent stood up, grabbing his mantle and sifts out from his desk so quickly that

the maid almost get thrown off balance.

"Sorry. Please take care of everything for me today."

"Where might you go, Sir Regent?"

"Urgent matter. I trust you with today’s agenda." With that, the door slams shut.


Earlier it was said that the air was fogged eerily. Now, fizzle rain starts pouring over. The tss-pssh-wssh-tss sounds become creepy as we look there is no one on the street. Not even a street peddler or busy housewives. Not even a stray rat. Donmarrow's festivity has dropped to haunting silence only decorated by steel clanks of guard's boots.


Covering his head with mantle's cape, Isiah hurried over.

He is greeted by one concerned guard at one point. "Sir Regent! Good morning, Sir!"

he spells his usual official tone.

"Are you in need of any assistance, Sir? You're not going with your adjutant today--"

"No need to act fidgety, soldier." Isiah replied in a hurry.

"I have urgent business with the Two Magpies.

“Oh... Ohh... Pardon me, Sir! Have a good day, Sir!" the guard's salute was overlooked

by worries, clouding over Isiah's brain.


Eventually he arrived at the Two Magpies-- the name of Candyce and Rojas' shop. Without even knocking, the Regent came bustling in. Inside, Rojas is seen. Still on her pajama, hair left uncombed (it looks more like an overspun cotton candy now!). She's sweeping the floor clean, making sure not even an inch is missed-- a trait seems to be inherited to her younger sibling also.


"Sorry, fella! We're still preparing... Uhm? Sir Regent?" Surprised, she dropped her


Isiah let off his cape and flashed the paper-note. "Rojas, sorry to drop so early in the

morning. We have a problem."

Swiftly, Rojas took the paper from his hand. Her marble eyes grows bigger as she

examines the drawing. "This is the constellation of Canis Major. It could mean the


Isiah nods.


"This drawing gives off a funky smile." Rojas commented, grinning. "...Manure."

gallantly, she sniffs the paper. Slow, and long. Then she exhales the pungent fragrance.


"You're an exceptional person." Isiah commends.

"What bird delivered this?"

"Scud Falcon."

Rojas' eyes widens. "Southport, then?"

"No, I doubt that." Isiah shook his head. "When I opened my window, the bird was

flying dead straight. That means, it came South-Eastward..."


Rojas swallows big. "...Myriad."

"The only possibility." Isiah nods along.

"Judging by how this emergency note was written, the writer is in a pinch and needs

to be extra secretive."

"It's Robin." Rojas gave an unwavering statement. "I can recognize his sloppy circle.

He's the only baldy I know can't even draw fully round circle forever."

"Hey, that's harsh." Isiah comments. “But that means his group is in trouble.”


"I'll go get Lemington right away. Sir Regent, I need your permission to use that."

"Wait, Rojas. Let's not be hasty, that device is--"

Rojas jumps in with a loud, forceful argument. "There is no time! They will be dead

if we sent reinforcement by land!"

Without waiting for response, Rojas sprints to the second floor and let out a

thunderous yell. "CANDYCE! WAKE UP! SUPER EMERGENCY!!!" then she sped off again

outside, leaving the Regent in state of no words.


Moments later, Farad Lemington the guard, also Candyce are standing together with the impatient Rojas and the Regent. Both have been briefed about the situation by Isiah himself. Swearing by numbers of her curly strands, Rojas strongly think Robin (Banri) is caught by the HOUNDS, along with his group member. She commends Banri’s clever idea sending a Scud Falcon with paper note.


"We have to get there ASAP!" Lemington argued. “I’m not letting any HOUNDS wreck

havoc anywhere they please!”

"Yes, but how? Even our fastest horse won’t be able to arrive in time!" Candyce bend

aside, leaning to the wall.

"Sir Regent. We have no time. Please let us use the teleportation device." Rojas finally

spells it out.

"Absolutely no, what if--" Isiah was about to protest; he was cut short.


"We're going to Southport first. Candyce, go get ready." the playful, jolly tone in Rojas'

usual voice changes firm serious.

"Lemington, you go to Southport with Candyce. Equip yourself first. Get my grumpy

brother and Candyce's also. She will send you three to Myriad thereafter."

Isiah glances skeptically as Candyce ran to the back room and back carrying a secured

small chest. "...You're really doing this?" he ask.

"The danger is imminent. You know you're not at that age anymore when your power

is still potent." his expression darkens.


"We know." Candyce smiles meekly. "But this is for the best. Robin needs our help.

Since last night I too, have sensed a big war is brewing far away... It might be where

Robin and his friends are."

Rojas added, with confident tone, "We're not going down easily. Don't be so glum,

Sir Regent."

"...If that’s your decision, fine by me. Let's go."


The group then went off to an isolated building, located further back from Two Magpies, at the most beyond alley. From the front, it looks like an unused storage house. Isiah slips out a chained key from his trouser pocket. Click, the door open lazily. He opens the door, unraveling a wholly empty room with only bookcases surrounding it. Webs spun by spider and holes are dent to the wooden case, an obvious sign no one has entered this place in a long time.

Isiah proceeds to one bookcase located in the rightmost-middle. He stops for a bit, carefully examining the dusty books. Then, his hand reached one thin book in dull leather covering. After he took out the book, the whole container began to rumble, then sliding off its place, showing an underground staircase hidden cleverly behind the dusty stacks.


"Over here." Isiah said to the group.

"What place is this? Kind of shortcut?" Lemington ask.

"Yes, you might call it so. Well, let's go down first-- I'll tell you the whole story in the



As the group goes down, Isiah told Lemington the origin of this place. Dating back when King of Vanadeus, Gharfien, still alive. As the kingdom's sister city, Donmarrow prosper the most in the whole continent. Around that time, Southport has just liberated itself from the mangy dogs ruling the city with law of jungle, and Dryzan Yates has just begun his era of reformation.

King Gharfien then feel the need to extend his support to Southport people, by making it the main harbor for import and exporting goods. Thus, he asked Donmarrow representative (at that time, Isiah's father, Carl Kurtis) to build an efficient transportation to help himself and other eligible figures walk from Vanadeus to Donmarrow and Southport. A pair of engineering scholars, along with two apprentice sorceress were sent from Vanadeus to oversee this procedure. The engineering scholars were Candyce and Rojas' fathers, while the sorceress were their mothers.


The four then came up with the idea of teleportation device set up strategically in Donmarrow, Southport and Vanadeus. It is operated solely relying on magic power-- the sorceress'. The idea was brilliantly applauded; yet only the engineers received shower of gratitude and award. The two sorceress were regarded only as 'power supplier', and alleged to perform gruesome work day and night. Of course, the engineers-husbands realized this all came out wrongly and suggest another opt for power source.

Along their research, Candyce and Rojas were born, later came Phil and Brad. The four were close as blood siblings would, with their parents are drowned in time-consuming work. Sadly, their almost fruitful research was halted due to an unforgettable incident on this very warehouse.

Two engineers tested unknown materials as the alternative power for the teleport device. They proposed the sorceress as test subject, to be transported. A short circuit happened, zapping off both pods along with their residents. The engineers tried, but were too late as the zap creates explosion which charred their bodies black. Knowing this was a regretful failure, Carl Kurtis, by the order of King Gharfien shuts off the facility for indefinite time and public are banned from going inside it.


"Wow, I didn't know it's a bleak story." Lemington commented. "Sorry, ladies."

"No problem, it's in the past." the sisters answered synchronically.

"We have arrived." Isiah lit up the room with his hand torch.

"Wait, wait. You said in your story, the whole room exploded? Then how are we going

to use this device?" Lemington said.


"Truth is..." Isiah threw an almost-glare to Rojas.

"...This lady here, with her unstoppable curiosity for odd devices, has resuscitated--

and tested, these device. It works, as we have been using it for a while now."

Lemington replied with a hilarious shocked face. "Wait, what? Really? How come

I didn't know this?!"


"Of course you don't. This is a secret only I and Two Magpies know... along with their

brothers and Dryzan of Southport."

"Don't tell me... This is what you meant when you're 'going out for a while' then didn't

appear to public for days?" Lemington let out his confusion pour.

"So this is why I would randomly see you already inside, although I don't remember

seeing your horse entering the town's gate?!"

"Sorry, Lemington. I didn't mean to fool our people." Isiah let out an apologetic smile.

"No, no, by all means, Sir Regent! This is indeed, a secret you shouldn't let anyone

know! Judging from the story, it is indeed a dangerous device, so--"


Lemington's words were cut short by the impatient Rojas. "Alright, shut it. You two,

get in." she shoved Candyce and him into the pod.

"Be still, you'll want this to be quick."

"Why, though? I- Is it painful, or...?" a shrub of panic tints Lemington's eyes.

"Shush, be still! Didn't you hear?" Candyce took few breath to release her worry.

"Ready, guys?" With one hand, Rojas grabs what's stored inside the carried chest--

A concoction of some sort. Gulping down straight two bottle, she began to chant

unknown spells.

"Rojas, don't force yourself!" Isiah shouts from his place, spaces away from the device.


"Worry about them instead, will you?!" Hands trembling, Rojas' palms began to

emanate strong light which she channel to the pod.

"Best of luck, both of you...!" she said. "Candyce... I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Leave it to me, sweetie."

"HAAAA-!!" with one breath, Rojas' glow yields a surge of energy.


Later, it engulfs both Lemington and Candyce's bodies until they are dispersed into tiny speck of leftover bits. Isiah uncovered his eyes to see the pod is emptied now; it was a success. Lump of worry which haunted him since the first time arriving at this storehouse, vanish into nothingness. His gaze, however, alerted as he saw Rojas' body slumps lifelessly to the ground.




At Myriad's entrance, there were still Thomas and Iegor. Both have been struggling against the Horned Cyclops for quite a while now. Iegor's plan to cut off its horn proved to be wasteful, as neither his blade nor Thomas' Zircon Edge are sturdy enough to pluck it off. Thereafter, they thought of one brilliant strategy: luring the cyclops to the stone catapult's trajectory. Thomas sends himself as the bait while Iegor made sure the beast stands at the right point.


"Boy! Stone incoming!" Iegor shouts to Thomas, running in psychedelic movements

around the cyclops.

"Got it!" With that, the young squire leaps back.


Confused as it may be, the cyclops stand still, dumbfounded by the workmanship of Thomas' mind game. Trying to make use of its senseless logic, the cyclops didn't realize a huge boulder looms behind its back.


"Back off!" Iegor sends signal.

"Got it!"


Both fighters sprints away as the huge crash sends the whole gate into mere rubbles now. The cyclops is nowhere to be seen within the thick dust... Is it dead already? Not more than a minute, the fog dissipates and a grumbling heard from inside. It's still alive, and we know it will strike back with double power if no one dares to stop its beat right ahead.


"I won't let you!" Iegor flashed his palm quickly; yellow runes circling above it.

"Bind!!" he shouts. "More power!!"

"Mr. Iegor, be careful!" Thomas gasp worrisomely.

"Now, Thomas! Finish it!"

No complaint given as Thomas ran straight to his target.

Swinging his Zircon Edge hard, Thomas let out a finishing blow.

"Take this!!" he thrusted his sword right to the beast's forehead.


After it's lodged properly, he twisted it, creating a huge rip, tearing its skull. Such fatal blow sends the Horned Cyclops off its way. Thomas stands horrified, stinky pool of monster blood drench his clothes. He felled a fearsome beast by his swordsmanship skill only. Such a feat he won’t forget for a long time.


"Mr. Iegor..." he turns around. “We... won..." He staggered, kneeling down.

Supported by his sword, he let out a weary laugh. "Heh heh. It seems we're a good

team, huh?"

"Don't get cocky, you brat!" A mild slap lands; Iegor is trying hard to hide his proud

smile. "Come on, we still have jobs to do." Iegor extends his hand, pulling Thomas up.



Unfortunately, the situation deems both men aren't eligible yet for some rest. Suddenly, from behind, ominous chants are heard. Echoing like a biting dust, the chant sends Myriad sky even gloomier. Dark clouds absorbs the last ounce of azure strewn up ahead, changing the scenery to a teeming darkness.


"Wha- What happened?!" Thomas jerks surprised.

"Confound it, the Sorcerers!" Iegor points at one concentrated spot, up the walls

where stone rubbles are still intact.

HOUNDS soldiers dressed in long robe, forming a group of choir who sang tunes of

wreck. Their spellcasting caused this weather, which will decrease enemy morale as

well as fighting spirit.


"Let me at 'em!" Iegor frowns upon his lips. "Bind!!"

As he is about to cast spell, a sudden struck of cancellation hits his palm.

"Augh!" the man cries, feeling his veins almost stricken off.

"Blast! They cancelled my magic so sudden?!"

"Mr. Iegor! Can't we do something about them?"


Thomas starts to look around for stepping stones he'd use to climb and defeat those mages. There's none to be seen. Most of them has already blown to smithereens due to the Cyclops' fall. Hums became yell, voice races upon another-- the mages got serious and chanted a whole different spell. This time, black fumes start oozing from their ground. Slithering like arboreal snakes, the black fumes descended the walls and ran blindly towards Iegor and Thomas.


"Shadow Beast?! Mr. Iegor!" Thomas calls out.

"It's sad but we can't do anything until they manifest!" Iegor looked behind; he saw

his troops fighting HOUNDS soldier further ahead. "Damn, don't tell me...?"


His anxiety is gutted short as the Shadow Beasts passed him, sprinting. In a flash, they jots out from the ground, fully formed with sharp jaw and meticulous canines. Unable to dodge the attack, no man is seen escaped from the beast's crunch. Loud scream and pained cry are heard from both party-- it seems the Shadow Beast do not possess any intelligence to differ fellow or foe (Not that the sorcerers care!). Their insatiable drift for fleshy soul carved deep in malicious bite, tearing open human head and chewing their innards alive.


"Everyone...!" Iegor stunned, seeing the horrible scene upon.

"Damn it, damn it! Damn it!!!" without giving any more care, he dashed forward and

began hacking wildly.


Though it looks as if he was losing control, as the troops' Captain, Iegor is sane enough

to not waste his life for madness' sake. Thomas followed along, helping the man

slashing away the Shadow Beasts which seem to regenerate after death.

"There's no end to them!" Thomas protested.

"Indeed! We have to behead the caster, then they will disappear by their own!"


"But, we can't reach them!" Iegor shook his head, sardonic smile on his blazing eyes.

"Then we'll just kill these illusory demons by ourselves!"


Sword swung, breath races. More slashes delivered fatally, enemy dies writhing on the ground. Yet, the more they fight, the more Shadow Beasts appear. Endless pawns of darkness growl menacingly to the already-exhausted Thomas and Iegor. They are out of sync, staggering to sides. Iegor kept the younger man's spirit aflame by shouting war cries and yells, although he himself only depletes more energy by doing so.


"Mr. Iegor, we can't do this forever!"

"We're the last line of defense." Iegor firms on his word. "You've seen how they

massacred our men in no time. We can't let them go further inside!"

"But!" Thomas shook his head, anxiety takes over his brightness. "We've been doing

this for an hour, or more. They won't go down no matter what we do! See? They keep



He has his point, Iegor admits. These Shadow Beast are not only revived right after death; every parts hacked off grew into one whole being. We can't keep this forever indeed. He has to go warn the Commander. One look of his eyes receive vehement refusal right away from Thomas.


"Don't even think of doing this alone!"

"This is an order. Go to the Commander and warn him about this!"

Before Thomas could respond, a pair of Shadow Beast leapt across with jaws greedily

wide. "Ugh!" Thomas quickly dissipates one, but the other caught him off-guard.

The young man clashes to the ground, spine-first.


On top of his guarding shield is the beast, trying to break it open.

"Ngh! No-- Get away!"

Iegor turns quickly, ensnaring the beast off from him. "Go!" he commanded.

Still laying on the ground, Thomas shook his head again. "No! And leave you die


"Says who I'm gonna die, brat? I'm a Halfling, for your information!"


"Same here! But you were the one saying even a Holiner Purebred can still die from

fatal wound!"

His words got Iegor's tongue.

"...I won't die. Not before saving my beloved hometown from these b******s."

"I still think-- NO!!" Thomas shrieks as he faintly saw Iegor got struck from behind by

a spear-headed Shadow Beast.

The pointy tip struck his unguarded side like a skewer meat. His body falls to the

ground slowly, with grumbling breath from the owner.


"Mr. Iegor!!!" Thomas jumps back up swiftly. By strong grip on his sword hilt, he

delivered a deadly blow to the illusory demon. He went straight away to check the

crouching man trying to sit himself.

"No, stay put! Mr. Iegor... Oh no..."

"This is what you get from disobeying my order! Urk..." Iegor coughed.

"Go... The Commander..."


Thomas' eyes betray his nod, from his teary reflection Iegor saw two pairs of Shadow Beast leaps forward, inches away from gnawing their flesh. Only that moment we saw Iegor's cocky face turns purple, fearing for the worst. Doom's door of failure is about to be opened for him. Everything he tried to protect all these times will be gone the next time he opens his eyes...


"Lex Lucre!"


Both eyes widens in surprise as four torches of light beamed through the beast's body, eradicating it into thin air. The familiar voice owner approaches, extending his hand to Thomas. Even with his domineering tone, we can still grasp handful of concerns he would have kick into both men if the situation favors.


"It seems you are fine."

"Commander..." Iegor's cough worsen between his sentences. "...I am... very sorry..."

With a slight touch, white surge emanating from Blautiel's palm seeps into Iegor's

wound. "Do not talk while I am performing a healing ritual. Don't you remember,

Captain Munar?"

"Yes... Sir. Thank you..." he nods weakly.


Thomas watched from behind as the wound quickly close into a sturdy flesh it was

once more. "Amazing. Your magic is just like Alma's." he comments.

"I graduated from the very academy he’s gone to." Blautiel replies proudly.

"This power of mine are nothing compared to him. Now, Captain Munar. Can you

stand up?"

Iegor bashfully refuse his helping hand. His usual cocky grin came back as he twiddles

with his fringe. "Hmph. I am ashamed to be helped by my superior."


"Then do not lag behind, Captain. Look, those mere soldiers have acted more

efficiently than you and your companion."

Thomas' eyes follows-- he glance to the upper wall, there isn't any sorcerer to be seen.

Every last of them have tumbled down, barrage of arrows stormed their flesh.

"Show them what we're made of!" Thomas heard another familiar voice.

"We can win this!!"


The same voice which brought him up every time he was feeling down.

The same voice which taught him how to fight with a sword.

The same voice he had recently missed.


"Brother!!" he dashed forward, to Ariad who currently commands over a half pack of

artillery team.

"Thomas! You're safe!" Ariad hugged him without second thought.

"Brother! Ow, you're safe too! But, why are you deployed? I thought you still need to


"No, I am fine." Ariad reassures his kid sibling. "Right now, I'm feeling prime. I want to

protect this town, too."


"Soldiers! Don't let your guards down-- the enemy is sending another team!"

Iegor shouts as he saw another pack heading towards the gate.

"Time to prove how much you've gotten stronger, eh, Tom?" Ariad grins.

"This time, I'll protect you!"


Behind, Blautiel’s tongue ticks irritatingly. "Those are the Rune Knights. Captain Munar,

go assist the foot soldiers. I shall exterminate their leader first."

He nods, then jumps into his white mustang. With a slight kick, the horse sped forward

to where the pack of enemy is.



Receiving supports from his fellow brethren enforces Alma on his struggle against swarms of Kybrastan demon. He now stands as the group's leader, wielding his magic spear Kongō. Behind him, three Ophanim devotees stands ready with their spells. Alma instructed them to not take the role of main attacker, as they would be likely defeated in single hit. They have been assigned instead to evoke the barrier.

Being a reader not as avid as him, the devotees will need more time to develop the shield layer-- that is where Alma's role came to light. He's to stall for times as his companions casting spells.


"I might look weak, but myself alone is enough for you demons!"

Alma frowns, focusing an attack to his spear's orb. "Lex Lucre!" he shot two pairs of

dazzling light, effectively dissipating the Kybrastan. "I missed one..." he sighs.

Lex Lucre!" he cast again.


This time, he shot dispersed, spherical bullets instead. They are not as strong as before, but insured with higher accuracy. Skuaaaark! The Kybrastan gawked as their friends are downed by the attacks. Their wing flaps became rapid, fidgeting up and down madly.


"They are shaken. How is it going, everyone?"

"We're halfway through, High Priest!"

"Good. Please keep it up. I shall buy you some more times." With that, Alma continues

his fight. "Lex Lucre!" he shouts again.


More bullets were shot, more Kybrastan downed. This time, the enemy turns its way of thinking. Won't they be swept out if they use the same tactic? Their opponent excels at long-range and proficient in both healing and protective magic. The Kybrastan needs to lure him out so they can surround him with misery. Buzz-whirr-buzz! Skreeak-Skee-Swrrk. The Kybrastan suddenly round up and made a wholesome circle.


"What are they doing?" Curious, Alma halts his attack too.

"They're planning something... Everyone, please, be quick! It seems our enemy has

change of tactic."

"We're at it, High Priest!"


Seeing how he can't possibly push beyond the devotees' capability, Alma decide to end the fight with one last strike. He put down Kongō, head bent downward to a focus. Chanting several spells, Alma has to cut off his vision while at it.

Across, the Kybrastan army has finished their rambling. They came to a consensus that the opponent has to be lured. Changing how their wings buzz, these critters overlap each other with fluid-like movement. The buzz got stronger and louder, causing disturbance to their opponent. Mingled together, the swarm became a fearsome hive which disperse an opponent's focus by swirling together in concrete motion.


Just in time, Alma finished his spell. "Soul Rend!!" he shouts boldly.


A blinding flash came off Kongō, shooting across the Kybrastan swarm. The light converges into solid bright beam which later engulfs the whole colony. Despite looks promising, the attack failed. As if effortlessly, the Kybrastan evaded the attack with their gesticulations, thawing off Alma's last strike to waste.


"Impossible..." Alma backs off a bit. "That was my--"


Before he could act, the swarm suddenly jotted in and attacks him. Alma knew, if he stay at his place he will endanger everybody. He took initiative dodge towards the lounge's veranda, chased by the swarm. Quickly he became surrounded, unable to escape.

Just one of Kybrastan is proved harmless-- their teeth are small, blunt and arranged messily. Their claws hurts like a needle pin scratch. But in thousands like this, they are major pain to deal with. Alma tried his best to maintain his barrier from within, while trying to dust them off with Lex Lucre.


"Argh! This movement... They are causing havoc to my vision." he cringes, watching

the painful dance of the imps. As he is about to jump away, the swarm suddenly shifts

their focus.

"No!!" Alma dashed without thinking, using his last of shield layer to protect everyone.

He cried in pain as the swarm bit his skin apart, tearing blood out of his flesh. Still, he

won't budge. If he does, it's the end for everyone-- he don't want to risk that.


"High Priest!" the devotees distraught by the scene.

"Continue with your evocation!" Alma heeds. "I will... Cast them off!"

The rest of Ophanim devotees whose bravery hasn't yet recovered only writhe in pain

seeing their comrades wagering lives for them.

"Cast the... Shield..." Alma's voice sunk by the heavy buzz.


"...It's done!" They cheered, as magenta light starts to emanate from the altar.

It pushes the swarm back, off to their grave. One by one Kybrastan vanish as they

collides with the sacred incantation, freeing Alma from his misery.

"High Priest!!" One devotee left his post to check on him.

"High Priest, are you alright?"


With tattered skin, blood cuts everywhere, Alma nods firmly. "I am alright."

"No, you're not! You're hurt, please let me--" his gesture is halted.

"Please don't. You are responsible now for maintaining our defense line. Do not waste

your power on me. I am alright, my fellow brother. I will be okay."

The rest could only hold their breath, seeing Alma staggered towards the exit pod

where the cowards have been stuffing themselves.


"High Priest!" the same devotee calls again. "Where might you be going? It's

dangerous down below!"

"I need to... go... help my... friend... Agh!" He stumbled and fell to his knees.

Luckily, the devotee manages to catch him. "High Priest, please don't be reckless!"

Feeling the irony, Alma gnash a sour chuckle. "Please. You know by now I am not the

'High Priest' anymore. Right now... I'm only a stranger..."


"No, you're not!" a sudden yell was heard from the pod's direction. A female devotee

finally let out her opinion. "No matter how long you've gone, you're still our senior--

High Priest Ebraldi!" she ran straight ahead, bending down then cast a major healing

spell. Alma's wound slowly heals, closing back to former state.

"High Priest, I will always remember the Chancellor's words." she said.

"There is no single time-- when he was still our teacher-- he didn’t speak about your


"Blythe... Did?" Alma sighs wearily.


"Yes-- He was our senior, mentor and now Chancellor. He's the one who trained us

all." the female devotee nods back at her group at the pod.

"He reminds us that you would always help people in need, no matter what race,

status, good or bad they are. You just help. Because that's what God wishes us to do,

Giving compassion and kindness."

By her speech, another devotee spoke also. "Book of Zarmesiton, Devotion, verse

108." he nods. "High Priest Ebraldi, leave this tower to us. We will make sure nothing

slips by. Please, you have to help your friends and everybody else that might in need

of assistance."


The other kept quiet, still ruminating how they don't want to lay their life.

"Everyone, you're with me, right?" the male devotee insists.

"Let us end this dispute together, then go back to our former peace..." the female one

nods deeply.

Seeing them, no one has their blockheads clogged anymore. They nod in unison,

before came running to Alma's aid.

"High Priest, please stay put. I will cast a complete set of healing spells now."


"Everyone, it's not necessary--" Not yet finishing his sentence, another devotee spoke.

"High Priest, I'll power up the exit pod so you'll be transported right to the tower's


Alma stands still, unsure what to give as rebuke.

"High Priest Ebraldi, please help everyone else. We will stay here." one said.

"We're together, so you needn't worry about us."

"...You are an interesting bunch." This time, Alma let out his free thought flow along

with a compensating laughter. "Alright, I'll be going now."

Seeing him off the pod, the Ophanim devotees glances to each other.

"What does he mean by a bunch? Isn't it a bad word??"


Back at Divum grounds; Banri, along with Hameda and Seraphim fighter squad faces the Darkside-enforced flame dragon. Its armor proves harder than expected to be torn off, even with Hameda's brute strength. He charged head-on several times, yet the only damage he inflicts wasn't significant.


"Damn!" Banri cursed, his breath shortens.

"Everything we do seems useless. It won't go down."

Hameda stands before him, readjusting his fiery gauntlet, Dahana.

"Not yet." he responded with a sly grin. "…You tired?"


"Of course I am!!" Banri hissed. "You're the only one still fired up about this, Hameda!

We've tried for hours!"

"I know." Hameda said. "This battle, is a test of endurance. The winner is he who


"You're kidding me, man. I'm out of ammo." Banri tries to joke his way out.

"...Then go retrieve some you mistakenly throw to the ground. I'll distract him." He

glances at the dragon.

"...Right. Like it will be an easy job!"


"You have no choice." Hameda grunts, his eyes signaled Banri to look around.

There are only several others left still capable of pressing on. Most of them have been

either dead, or badly wounded that they cannot go on.

"Damn. Should I say it the third time?" Banri chuckles awkwardly. "At any rate, we

need a plan to make it remove its Darkside."

"I'll try." Hameda assures him, then charges forward.


"Hey, Hameda! Wait, what are you doing, charging mindlessly like that!"

Banri panicked, he's still not yet picking up leftover arrows. "You! Get on his back while

I'm reloading!" he told the Seraphim off.

As quick as he could, Banri retrieved enough arrows for ten shots. He went back to his

post, arranging a careful stance. "Take this!" he blow a shot.

The arrow pierces through the Dragon's wound, inflicted earlier by Hameda. It roared

violently, then starts rampaging wild, that Hameda has to jump back and cancel his

next attack.


"Banri! Be serious!!" he yelled.


This kind of man would only shout if he's: 1) In a pinch to save someone important; or 2) In a situation where his chance of winning is slim. Banri decides to abscond his negativity despite the strong urge to choose second. He swallow the critique raw and aim more carefully.


"Try to waver his focus on us!" one Seraphim suggests.

"I'm trying!" Another shot fired, this time it hits right. The Dragon turns his gaze

around, giving Hameda a sweet opportunity.

"Haaaa....!" Charging his move with strong chakra, Hameda unleash an attack.

"Heat Blow!!" his husky voice vibrates like a trembling earth.

"HUH!" Hameda unleashed one after another blow in short period of time, not giving

the enemy any chance to counter.


"Sir Yates! Now's the time!" a Seraphim calls out.

"Right! Go to the underworld already, you beast..." Banri took three arrows at once.

"Tri-Shot! Fly high, my Robin!!"

Released from his strong grip were three stone arrows, spinning mutually to each

other. They form a large drill which soon lands on a weak spot on the Dragon's armor.

It develops a crack which Hameda notice.

"...There!!" he shifts, then let out another barrage of punch. "Argent Jab!!"


Crrk-Krick! The crack slowly enlarges, then before we know it, the armor shatters.

"Ooogh!" Banri let out an inner shout.

Much to his dismay, though, the armor pieces starts to float back from the ground,

about to reattach themselves.

"I won't let you!!" Hameda shouts, releasing a powerful punch.

Wham!! The armor broke down again. Yet, the same event occurred.

"Oh, no! It's about to go back again!!"


Knowing his opponent is nearby to disrupt its recovery, the Dragon suddenly took off with a powerful wing flap. Hameda manages to get away just in time, but not the soldiers. By the groaning gust, they fell back leaving bellies bared open. The dragon straight away let out several fire balls from its mouth, spewed to the defenseless soldiers.


"Watch out!" Hameda panicked.

"Don't! Hameda!!" Banri held him back. “You’ll get sizzled as well!”

"B*****d...!" Gritting his teeth, the long-haired man tenses up.

"Hameda! Don't be reckless, man!!" Banri's words fell to deaf ears.


Hameda brush him off without another warning, then goes to charge the still-floating

dragon. "Come down, you beast!" he provokes.

Of course, the dragon has been trained enough to not eat its opponent word. It stays

mid-air, brewing another torching breath with grunts of dismay.

"...You won't come down. I'll make you!" Hameda shoved his fist to the ground. His

gauntlet glows eerily red, a fierce aura bulges out.

"Heat Blow!!" he growls.


The ground suddenly torn open in fearful red, as if the core is erupting. Spike of stones and burning sand jots up to the dragon's direction. The dragon quickly moves away before the attack to its tail. As if mocking Hameda, it let out a stuttering breath from its flaring nostrils.


"Hameda!!" Banri shouts again, to call back his friend.

"Damn it, it's the end if he get hit, too!"

"Barrier!" A sudden yell refresh Banri's corrupt mind from growing anxious.

"Alma?!" he gasped. "Why the heck are you here? Weren't you supposed to be up


"Please save the explanation for later, Mr. Banri!" The spear-wielding man trots to the

battlefield gallantly. "Hameda, don't give in to the temptation of defeating it with raw

forces." he calmly scolds the taller man. "I will draw out his dark power."


"How?!" Banri frowns.

"Using my Holy Magic, Soul Rend. But in order to do that, I need some space and time

for the spell to complete."

"You hear that, big man!" Banri calls to Hameda. "No need to get riled up!"

"...Indeed." Hameda nods.

"Good. Then." Alma moves aside, behind Banri. He puts Kongō on the ground, eyes

focused shut. "Mr. Banri, Hameda. I might need extra times to completely draw out

its entire Darkside... For that, I humbly request your assistance."

"We've got your back, man!" Banri slid more arrows. "Go, Hameda!"


Having his focus reasserted, Hameda positioned himself to new stance. This time, he won't be attacking rapidly like before-- he'll just need to wear off the Dragon's stamina while Banri distract him. Few calm breaths after, Hameda is ready to attack.


"Right. Come!" he sprint forward, hurling a weak punch to the Dragon's throat.

The beast yelped, then turns its premature breath to Hameda. A brewing hot flame

brims out from the nose.

"Don't get cocky!" Banri's yell follows his arrow which snaps right at the cheek.


The dragon became confused, he turns around to look for Banri. By the time its one eye focused, Hameda lands another blow. It became disoriented again, chasing Hameda's shadow as the man dodge aptly to sides.


Strangely enough, five minutes came earlier with all the hustling.

Alma finalizes his spell with a deep inhale before spear's rise. "Soul Rend!!" he shouts.

Having his vitality recovered and empowered, this time his spells brims stronger with

white light. The dollop of ray engulf the dragon, hauling its body to Kongō's side.

"What an enormous amount of darkness!" Alma comments.

"Go, Alma!" Banri cheers along.


To everyone's surprise, the Dragon know its source of strength is being drained. It turns head to Alma, caster of this painful light. Letting out a vicious growl, the dragon took off and quickly spew a random fire ball. Banri panicked as he and Alma are barely protected with anything, yet the flare is about to hit them any second.


By hair's breadth, Hameda came just in time, cancelling the fire with his own affinity

to the elemental. "Back off, Banri!" he commands.

"Alma, can you move?" Banri let out an oppressed grin.

"Yes, I think so... Let us go backwards slowly..." Alma cautiously step back, assuring his

magic is still intact to the enemy.


The dragon, now furious more than it already is, began to attack blindly. It spew more random fireballs, which Hameda quickly dissipates. Some claw attacks also proven to be miscalculated and rushed, as Hameda can easily counter it with his tackle.


"We're almost there! Hang on, everyone!" Alma shouts.

Even without seeing, Banri can feel his state is weakening due to extremity of his spell.

It is the first time his Soul Rend has been going on for twelve minutes plus.

"Alma, if you're not--"

"I am fine! Please just focus on the dragon!"


With that said, Banri and Hameda agreed to not let this golden chance to waste. Soon enough, the dragon's Darkside waned, then disappears completely. Hameda took this slight opportunity to deal a final blow to its heart. His jab thawed the dragon's thick skin, thrashing its beating heart to a clumped mess. With a surrendering roar, the dragon fell to its demise.


"We won..." Banri covers his mouth in disbelief. "Hameda, man... We won!"

"Yeah..." Hameda manages to give him a friendly fist before wavering to his shoulder.

Banri caught his weight just in time, but then he heard another stumbling sound from


"I am fine... I just... Need some... rest.” Alma said, leg crossed on the ground.

"Great, we're all out of commission..." Banri himself can only barely hold his stance.


Out of blue, another dubious roar echoed. The three didn't even have time to shriek in fear as they saw a ginormous dragon, twice as big as earlier, flew straight down to Isfel Stratum. Different from the defeated one, this dragon has gleaming celadon blue scales. From afar, its nostrils breathe dew of blizzard with hints of icicle shards. It is heading towards the underground shelter.


End of Chapter 56!

© 2017 Latifa Rahim

Author's Note

Latifa Rahim
Eyyyy yeah, new chapter!

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Added on January 14, 2017
Last Updated on January 14, 2017
Tags: adventure, book, six, adv, chapter, 56


Latifa Rahim
Latifa Rahim

Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia

Newcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..
