![]() Chapter 55: OorlogA Chapter by Latifa Rahim![]() Gallant shout of battle has been commended, Myriad and its entirety plunges into more troublesome situation...![]() ![]() ----------------------------------------------------- "This one is also a warrior." Meyer, who stood behind Blythe, doesn't seem
surprised. The spectacled man nodded calmly. "It seems she is." "Meyer." Blythe grunts. "You know something about this, don't
you?" his breath is on hold by boiling rage. "Chancellor. I think it is wise to explain
this matter to them also. Why, we've gone a bit selfish by detaining their friend, who's also
a potential warrior!" Blythe lets out his angered breath, hissing.
"We've got no time for that! There's more urgent matter to attend!" then he turns into
the Seer, "You. Make sure to detain the sacrifice at
all cost. Stabilize the island, at all
"What the heck you're making Jadel to
do?!" Reita grunts heavily while trying to stabilize herself after the fall. Behind her,
Hameda waits for the slit opening he would use to open the chamber door. "I said, this is nothing you peasants should
be worrying about!" Blythe lashes back. "Now, be quiet and go back to Isfel,
or..." "Or what?" Reita steps forward,
practically shoving her face to the white-garbed chancellor. Her fuming breath, flares off from
enraged nostril only fuels her redness against the scheming man. "You dare to oppose me, the direct
right-hand of His Holiness?" "Because apparently you've done something
bad to our friend! So we're here to take him back!"
As the argument heated, suddenly there's another
roar heard from within the barred room. Jadel's voice. He's sounds pained
beyond belief, crying out his soul for mercy. The team gasps as they turned
"Jadel...!" By reflex, Alma took hold
of his pendant and began chanting holy rites. "Please... Be safe!" "There's no time." Hameda finally spoke.
"I'll bust this door open." "No, wait!" The Seer is about to stop
him, but Thomas quickly take her back. "Hameda!" he shouts while detaining both
her arms. "Quick! Take him out of there!" The tall man with silvery locks nodded, eyes firm
in determination. Fingers circling his magic gauntlet, Dahana, affixing both to his wrists. "Huh!!" he took one
breath out, shoving a right-hand jab to the door.
"NO!!!" the Seer shrieks, so does
Blythe. "Stop this at once, you moron!" But Alma now stood before him, refraining Blythe
from taking further steps. "Cestria! Move!!" Blythe grit his teeth
in frustration. "I won't. We are taking back our friend from
your mad experiment!" "Mad?! You're the one who's mad!! If he’s
not kept there, this island will collapse!" "Blythe, please don't take any more
step." Alma cautioned him with a defensive pose with his spear-wand. "I mean it."
"You don't understand!" Blythe shouts. "Are you trying to kill us all, along with
every citizen in lower city?!" Just as he spoken the last word of sentence, Hameda
lands his surging attack. "Heat Blow!!" he grunts, unleashing fiery
flames omitted from Dahana. The sturdy door has cracks now, which keeps
getting bigger and spread everywhere. Before long, it crumbles down, leaving the room
open. "Jadel!" Hameda wasted no time to go
inside. Reita followed suit; she charge straight inside,
but hurried to stop as she saw the bizarre scene before her vision. "What--
what is this?!"
Right before the pedestal, Jadel was tied by a
cross-shaped plank, effectively separating each of his limb. Tied skintight
with rusty chains around his veins, he shouldn't be able to struggle erratically
like this... IF this man flashed
before her is really Jadel, that is. Though visibly the man looks like Jadel,
the fact he's now attained a peculiar mark on his upper abdomen and those
foreign eyes; even Hameda was loss at words.
"Jadel, what happened?" he tried to
make converse with the erratic man. "Unngrrhh...! Hrrrgghhh...!” the reply is
only grunts of pain. "What is that on his chest...?" Reita shifts
behind Hameda, whispering. "I don't know." he replied. "I'll
just take off this chains..." he begun rattling the lock padded on sturdy nails on the plank, but then the
figure roared alarmingly. “HNGUUUOOAAARRGHHHH!!!" he blasts at
Hameda's face. The tall man was taken aback he had to step down
few inches. "Ja, Jadel!" Reita gasps. "What's
gotten into you? It's Hameda! We're going to get you outta here, okay?" she tried to calm him.
she thought, Blythe and the Seer gave him strange medication which got his
inner system revolting.
"Gaaarrghhh! Hgaaarghh! Aaaaarrkkk!!"
Jadel lets out some more excruciated growl. "Hameda, let's just take him away!" "I'm on it." Hameda nods, his hand
managed to uncuff one of Jadel's limb.
Suddenly, his free hand-- now able to act
independently-- curls up a fist and blasts Hameda away. The power he exerted
was ginormous it sent Hameda looping backwards until he collided with the wall,
a loud crash follows after. Everyone outside shrieks, seeing the event unfolds
not as planned.
"Cestria, move!" Blythe grunts, again.
"The sacrifice is not in a state to hear logics!" "Please don't take any more step!!"
Alma warns sternly. "I'm serious, Blythe..." "Please!" the Seer spoke. "I need
to calm him down... Your friends are in danger!" "No! You're the one who will make him more
dangerous!" Thomas shook his head. "Can't you see that Jadel is just
pained?!" "Pained? Ha! Are yours need visceral
implant, boy?!" Blythe's teeth rattles, cricketing against each clank. "That man... No, that thing... It has taken your friend's consciousness! Now he's just a monster who needs
chain, not logic!" "Jadel is not a monster!!!" Thomas
denies vehemently.
"Calm down, son." Meyer, at first being
so quiet, finally spoke a sentence. "...What Blythe said is true." he
responds calmly. "Take a look." Crumpled parchment is given to Thomas. "Can
you make out the drawing? It is the Seal of Vayu,
the ancient God of Wind who resides inside the orb." "What's a great spirit doing inside a mere
orb?" Thomas asks, which in turn lit something in Alma's mind. "Sir Virdigjanti! Surely you don't
mean...?" a pair of sweat came down from his forehead. "...I shouldn't have keep it quiet from you
people." Meyer smiles apologetically. "That orb... is the Green Sphaera." With one saying, the team's expression drop to
lower jaw. "T- The Green Sphaera..." Alma palms his sweaty forehead. "To think...
such artifact is kept here..."
Inside, Reita is frantic seeing Hameda got thrown
out by single punch. She is frozen in her place, eyes staring blank at the man
before her. Jadel. He kept murmuring the word 'pain', and constantly spoke an oppressed
"Jadel... I, It's you, right?" she felt
a knot corrodes her throat. "We're going to save you from here,
so..." as she leans closer, Jadel who practically hangs himself one hand tied, whispered. “Va... ru... na..." his closed lid slowly
flips open. The usual cerulean eyes are nowhere to seen; they
are hued lantern green, lustrous like street lights. "Jadel?" Reita flinches, involuntarily
taking few steps back. His free hand lazily leans to her side,
approaching her face in placid stroke. "Varuna..." he whispers again.
Upon closer hearing, his words sounds a bit acrid
of common liveliness he had normally. The voice sores, "...Varuna... It
is you..." Oddly enough, Reita felt something emerges from
her body, all against her consent. Rush of ethereal energy took her consciousness
over-- now her eyes gleams like him, But hers are of cyan shade: verdigris azure. "...Vayu." Reita spoke in a deep, embalming
voice of brine waves. “…We meet again. It seems that you have chosen your warrior." Everybody outside the room instantly forgot their
standings, they are witnessing something of utmost rarity. "The-- The Sea
God... Varuna..." the Seer slouched to her knees, hands folded together in a praying stance. She was caught by Meyer, who’s also gone woozy
too from seeing the scene. "Varuna... The one who gave Reita her
weapon, right?" Thomas said. "Indeed." Alma nods. "I still
remember how His blessings got us through the deadly battle at the sea..."
Jadel and Reita stood to each other, with another
entities inside, conversing. "A great change is near." Vayu said,
borrowing Jadel's vessel. "Varuna, how did your warrior fare? Worth to
be entrusted with your power?" Varuna, inside Reita's body, nods firmly.
"This human child is the fittest one I have found. She is no doubt, a worthy Wielder. Your
warrior seems to be that way, also." "Then it's decided." Vayu nods. "I shall bestow this man my power... The
rest will be up to him..." With that, the eerie glow dissipates and the mark
in Jadel's chest disappeared. The man came back, limping on one hand on the
erected plank.
Varuna, still inhabiting Reita's vessel, turned
to everybody outside the room. "Humans." he spoke in commandeering
tone. "It is your race who eradicates us from your
belief; it is also your race who bestow this danger upon your kinds." "What... What is that thing saying?" Blythe seem to lose it, denying he is spoken by
a God itself. "Cease this charade at
once!!!" "Milord, please calm down..." the Seer
stood up, approaching Reita's figure. “We offer you our praise, O, ancient God who
governs the sea..." she bowed deeply. "Lord Varuna... Please, enlighten us with
your guidance... A prominent danger is nearby... Please give us guidance."
A sly, yet refined smile curls at Reita's lips.
"Human child... You have long abandoned us for your man-made Gods. Now that the hour of
end starts to pulse. Gaia shall, like it has many times before, complete its cycle of
doom and rebirth…” The Seer’s body twisted in daunting realization that
Doomsday might be near. Varuna continued, “Unfortunately, we cannot
intervene directly; being a mere vessel of Pyx, guarding each funicular elemental which creates
Gaia. Human child… If you desire against Gaia’s destruction... Don’t lose
hope, and fight to the very end." With that, he too, left Reita's body. The
red-haired girl fumbles and dropped to her knee, not knowing what she might have been
rambling about.
"What... I'm... Where? Just now..." she
shook her head, then remembers. "Oh! Hameda, Jadel!" she went back to
where Jadel is held, beside him Hameda is already on guard. He seem to have been following
the lengthy conversations earlier. "I'm alright." the tall man assures
her. "Great, now let's go out from here and just--" "...We're staying." Hameda's words
spook Reita's eyes, her pupil dilates. "What are you saying?!" Hameda feigns
ignorance, idly walking towards Meyer and Blythe. "...I trust him to you. Make sure
he's safe here…" Blythe swallowed; never in his life had he seen
someone so intimidating, yet naught of evil intention. "Meyer." he turns to the scholar.
"...We'll participate in the war."
----------------------------------------------------- Past midnight, inside the Palace's meeting room.
Hameda's questionable decision of participating on the war casts shadow in
everyone's mind. None managed to get any explanation out of the tall man while
they proceed into the chamber. Their best guess was because Hameda heard Varuna
said the Gods won’t lend a direct help to end the conflict, he decided to
settle this with his own mettle. Everyone sat, rounded along the extravagant table
crafted from finest woods. Blythe and Meyer took their seats at the front's
end. No one said a thing. The room is a complete dry of ad lib, as if they were
audiences waiting patiently for orchestral prelude. For a while, that is, until
the door opened with a lazy 'click'. One Seraphim soldier enters, giving his
salute. Behind him there is another one alike, tugging a sturdy rope seemed to
be tied to something.
"Get in!" the harsh voice of his jots
everyone's nerves. "Hey, be gentle! Is this how you treat
elders?" Alma quickly stand up from his seat, hearing a
familiar voice behind the door. "Mr. Banri?!" he gasped. "Banri?! Hey..." Hameda quickly shifted
out, rushing to see his missing friend.
is unlikely for Hameda to be agitated and brash at deciding things,
Thomas thought to himself while looking at the tall man speeding out. He won't
point it out though, he knew there is more pressing matter to be solved. Banri
entered the room, his grin is infesting cheery aura broad ahead.
"Hey, guys! Missed me?" he joked. "We are relieved to see you back here, Mr.
Banri." Alma gave the older man a rub to his shoulder. "Sorry to make you worry! Little Miss, you
don't miss me?" "Save that for later, Mr. Banri." Reita
replied with a sour face. "We're in a pinch here." "Yes, yes. I've grasped the overall
situation at hand." he took the seat beside Hameda, "Can't believe your Lord has the Green
Sphaera with him." Banri's sly snickers shatter both Meyer and Blythe's facade instantly. "My bad. I knew straight away when meeting
Thomas, my fate is sealed to tell the truth about this orb anyway." Meyer wipes
his foreboding sweat. "The Green Sphaera must be kept as ultimate secret; it is the body
of Divum Stratum itself, after all."
"Who was the infiltrator?" Banri asks
sharply. "Wait, what infiltrator?" Thomas looks
around, then Hameda replied. "I think it is better if you start telling
us what happened, Meyer. From ground one." Suddenly, Blythe slammed his palm to the desk.
"How many times I've said it? This is not a concern to you outsiders!" "Sir Chancellor…" Meyer tries to
intervenes, but Blythe's rage overpass it. "Silence! You, scholar!" his face is
boiling red now, "Though technically you’re in a higher caste than me, you’ve made a terrible
mistake of letting these people know our utmost secret! I'll make sure the
committee know!"
"This is no time to be arguing,
really..." Banri shrugs. "SHUT UP!!" Blythe took his notebook
out and ram it into Banri, thankfully it missed. "Hey!" the archer yelps shocked. "Sir Neredzīe..." Meyer backs off,
knowing his words won't anymore reach his ears. Just when the situation gets worse, the door
slammed open. "Chancellor Neredzīe!!" a voice echoed.
"Chancellor! Are you here?!" Heard his name called, Blythe thwarted his seat.
"M- Milord!" he hurried into the figure. It was none other than Ölver
Cahali-Zemin, the acting Holiness of Myriad City. Still in his white cloak, the great man trembled
while assisting his stance with his lion cane. "C, Chancellor... W, what are we going
to do? Dawn is near..."
"Please, Milord. You have to rest, it is
already late at night--" Blythe tries to yank him. "How can I rest when the whole city is in
danger?!!" he yelled. "Everything will crumble if we don't do
something! I won't ever give the orb
to them! No!!" he rattles. "Do something, Blythe! Do something! You've sworn
allegiance over my father and me, right?!" At his seat, Banri smirks. "He’s trembling
like a stale clown." he whispered to Alma, who turned a death glare. "Urk, sorry... I
was just trying to lighten the situation!" "Please don't make a jest at time like this,
Mr. Banri. This is serious." "Blythe, I don't want to die!" Ölver whines.
"That Skydas man... He's threatening me! Like this!" he act suffocated as if someone
grabbed his neck.
"Wait just a moment!" Reita suddenly
flares. "Your Highness. Did you just say--" "Yes! Skydas!" Ölver nods proactively.
"He's the one who... Oh! How terrifying, those eyes! I'll get killed if I just..." "First thing we'll have to do is to secure
him to the safest chamber." Meyer tilts his head to the guards. "Escort the Holiness to
his room." "Wait, Blythe! Please, anything but the
orb!" Ölver still whines as the guard takes him away. "It is my only pride! The thing that
will proof I have succeeded Father! Please!" Blythe grunts, he felt another migraine struck
his spinal edge. "If it's a war they want, then so it
be!" Ölver's voice echoed from outside. "Kill them all, Blythe! Eradicate the HOUNDS! That's what
our Seraphim army it is, right?!!" Blythe close the door, sighing heavily. "My
head..." he mutters, going back to his seat.
“Skydas..." Reita veers over to Hameda and
Alma. Both men nods, stern. "Don't tell me, this was your reason saying
you'll participate in the war?!" Thomas said. "I have a feeling this matter leads to
our... old enemy." Hameda
pressed his lips. "We’ll make sure he pays for everything he
have done." "Yes." Suddenly, Alma's expression
turns concede to his idea. "We shall defeat him. Sir Virdigjanti, please count me in." "Hey, hey! Wait! Why are we agreeing on
this?!" Thomas lands a protest. "It is not like we have to! This is not our land, not our
problem!" "He's got a point." Banri agrees.
"Why don't we just get out of here? We can take Jadel away easily, that room isn't really
"Get out?" Blythe ticks a tongue.
"And where, pray tell?" "What do you mean? Of course to another
city! Or we can go back to Southport." "And get killed as soon as you stepped out
from our walls?" Blythe's voice reeks of cynics. "...You don't mean?!" Banri grit his
teeth. "We're surrounded?!" "Their army have circled every inch of our
corner, waiting patiently as the clock sped to sunrise." Meyer replied. "This is just crazy..." Reita’s head
pressing the opulent wood polish. "We're as good as dead, then!"
"I'd appreciate if you don't kill me that easily!" Banri gave some
encouraging taps to her back. "Come now, we haven't started
anything, the outcome is not yet settled!" "Then, we'll...?" Reita's acid stomach
rose to a new level. "No... I don't... want to..." she murmured. "What say you, Blythe?" Meyer asks.
"Won't you think having them as ally is reassuring? One proficient with a Signifer,
someone with good stature, our long-lost priest, Southport's guild master and the one who
inherited Reuna's swordsmanship..." Blythe grunts, not answering the question.
"Ask them, not me!" he said. "I saw one or two of you are soaking wet in the pants!"
"Hey, we're not wetting our pants!"
Thomas protested. "I'm in." Hameda nods firmly. "I
have a score to settle with Skydas..." "Me, too." Alma joined. "What he
has done to my homeland is unforgivable. He deserves justice." "I'm not thrilled with the idea of war," Thomas said, "But my
brother probably will be deployed, so I will lend him my strength!" Banri leans idly on one elbow, breathing lazily.
"It's not like we can get outta
here, right? Little Miss, what do you think?" The one he's spoken to only frowns, her face
slathered in fear and anxiety. "I..." she opens her mouth. “I’m sorry..." she stood
up, then ran outside the room. "H- Hey, Little Miss! Where are you
going?!" Banri called out.
"See? I've told you so!" Blythe cackles
ironically. "This
is a problem..." Meyer thought to himself. "She's the one holding a Signifer,
and Tremendous power of Kronos I haven't disclose to anyone. If she refuse our cause, then we won't gain the upper hand for this battle." the scholar then glances to Alma. "Can you go and talk to her, son?" "M- Me? Oh..." Alma stood up. “Yes,
sure…” "Do your best to bring her back." Meyer
slips a rather squinting smile which forces his words more so. "I'll be going, then. Excuse me." Alma
closed the door. "…Let her go." Banri comments just
before Alma left the room. "Little Miss has never been in this situation. Bringing her into the
battle will weaken our morale." he spoke cold, but there's a truth in it. "Agree." Hameda nods. "Is it
possible to put her inside the shelter, along with other citizens?" "...Yes, of course." Meyer replies,
there's a slight disappointment splayed on his face. “Though the fact of she owns Varunastra won’t
help if her spirit is damp even before the fight. Good grief… Son, take her to the
guards and send her to the shelter.”
Outside, on the veranda. Reita is gazing upon the
quiet night sky, which in few hours will turn glowering red. Her hair, sparkled
by moonlight night looks like a bold march of vigilant army. Her face, though,
doesn't look the same. It's clear as day she's scared to bone, afraid of what
might be robbed from her if she participate in the war. Her absent mind makes
her ignoring some calls to her name since minutes ago. She finally heard it,
then turned around.
"Huh? Eh... Alma." Reita smiled
sheepishly. "It seems you have unspoken things on your
mind." the man steps closer. "Soon, dawn comes.” His words breathe a
hidden fret. “Things will be different if all these mess didn’t happen in the first place.” She nods. Simply a movement from her head, not
any word. "Miss Reita.” Before she could react, Alma
raised his spear. “Actually, we have agreed to a conclusion that you should be staying inside
the underground shelter." "Huh? Wait, Alma?!" she was about to
jump away, but Alma has casted a sleep spell to doze her off. Reita is downed within minutes,
off to her dreamland. Alma stood before her, agonizing his hasty decision.
"Alma...!" a voice rang from behind. "Thomas." Alma turned to see the young
man came sprinting. "What happened to Reita?" "…Only a sleep spell." Alma smiles
apologetically. "I shall take her to the guardsmen." "I hope she will be okay inside the shelter."
Thomas replied. “She will. That’s why we’re agreeing." he
gently picked up Reita's body to his arms. Despite seemingly frail and naught of muscles,
he's strong enough to laid her up on his back. "Please tell everyone I shall come
back in a moment."
That night, Myriad Capital city turns dead silent.
Not even a speck of sound is heard; only howl of wind flares upon the gloomy
sky. Ölver Cahali-Zemin has given his authorities acceptance to deploy the
whole Seraphim army against Skydas and his troops who threaten to take the
Green Sphaera by force. Ölver’s commemorative speech includes reasons why
this battle is inevitable; why a war is needed. He spoke openly of the orb
which maintain Myriad's Divum Stratum as it is today. He rambles why on earth a
barbaric clan should be given privilege to keep it. Some coaxing talks were
also added onto; saying this fight will be the divine retribution for those who
oppose Gilthar and Zarmesiton's teaching-- such doctrine a fellow devotee won't
possibly rebuke. He declared war. His people returned with extreme
enthusiasm. Their clap and yells have broken the moon's landing on its
bedsheet, completely reawaken it from beneath the clouds: glowing meanly,
blurred around its side like a waning circles. This will be the biggest war in
Myriad's history, one that will leave indelible marks in everyone's mind. Upon the strategical meeting, the team as a whole
agreed to participate in the war. Hameda and Alma have scores to settle with
Skydas, Thomas has reason to help his long-lost brother and Banri wants revenge
for the HOUNDS who destroyed his city, eighteen years ago. Reita and Jadel were
the only ones getting involved in this beleaguering matter. After sending off
Reita to the shelter, Alma came back, joining his team. With Meyer as his
adjutant, Blythe led the discussion, planning how they should deploy their
troops. It is agreed then; Hameda, Alma and Banri would
assist the Divum soldiers to fight HOUNDS' air squadron which could be deployed
as surprise assault. Thomas should go with Blautiel and Iegor's group,
assisting Isfel soldiers which includes Ariad. Right off the bat, everyone is
dismissed from the meeting. Hameda spoke once more to Meyer, regarding his
'condition' cooperating with Myriad's Seraphim: Jadel's safety. The scholar
shook his hands as a form of respect.
"Don't worry, son. You have my words."
he assures Hameda. "Please do." the tall man bowed once
before leaving the room along with others.
Outside, four men of the team stood idly to each
one. Never once in their dreams have imagined the day where swords and soul
will worth nothing on a barren ground will come. Banri clasped his palms
together, stiff expression deprive his usually morose face.
"Everyone." Three sets of eyes are unto
him, waiting pertinently for his next words. "Never thought we'd be this kind of
situation." "At last." Hameda said, eyes glowering
in fiery spirit. "...We'll have our revenge." "We cannot possibly let a dangerous man like
Skydas roam free. I had enough seeing his obscure morale when he decimate
Vanadeus." "Alma." Thomas steps up, face uncrippled.
"...Are we really going to do this?" Hearing his doubt, Banri propose whether Thomas
would be better excluded from the troops. "No!! That's not what I meant."
legs trembling, Thomas replied. "I'm just worried... we won't make it through."
"Certainly, this war will be more perilous
than any fight we have been so far." Alma bent his body towards, "Let's hope for the
best, okay?" "...Let’s go." Hameda sweep off with
one last nod. "Then, we'll be off. Thomas..." Alma
spoke something only both himself and the one he's spoken to could hear. "Please live,
whatever might happen out there." "See ya,
kid! Trust me, we'll get through it!" the older man sifted his collar,
showing some of his war wounds fleshed unto years ago.
Flash of cold wind crawls skin deep. Intermission
of sounds have been completely blocked by whines of war mustang, grinding steel
chain and clattering of swords. Outside of Myriad's walls, estimated 2, 84 miles
away, stood the legion of HOUNDS. All sorts of squadron have taken their
standby pose, regularly appraised by their commanders. Front most row, there's
Skydas Lustro. The man ride a jet black mustang whose hair gleams under
pre-dawn sky. Fully armed in fulsome equipment, adorned on top
is a helmet ruffed with Glauca Bird's
feather. Pigmented in degree of difference colors, the feather decoration made
contrast to downcast of hue of the helm. Skydas has his prized dual curved
swords, rigged of victorious marks, both sheathed on his waist. Right beside,
another man sat atop his saddle of grey. This one doesn't wear any head
protective-- instead, he ardently wipes out his fringe, showing a gruesome
flesh wound. The man chuckled quietly, smearing his imagination of felling
thousand enemies. Between his thoughts, then, Skydas scatters a creaky voice of
"It is time. They want war, then."
tightening his blade's belt, "Commander Damhorn." "Milord." the chuckling man cease his
fondling dreams so, to answer his authority. "Don't be a hindrance." Chagrined, Damhorn's earlier praise of himself
came to halt. "Surely, Sir..." he gave a slight bow. Inside, his mind turned around into
another dreary imagination, sweeping heads off of his enemies' neck with blood
spraying like leaked pump.
Back inside, at Isfel Stratum. Thomas has made
his way to where the Eighth Sect stood by. He saw the acting commander,
Blautiel, has his hand full ensuing order to his subordinates. Thomas jogged,
hoping to not disturb the man.
"You!" a voice calls forth from beyond.
With reflex, Thomas pulled his salute. "H- Huh?! Y- Yes sir!!" A Seraphim
soldier stands in the way. "You were with the one who assaulted Captain
Munar!" "Huh?" Thomas doesn't recall the name
spoken. "I think you got the wrong person." "How could I? Your friend rammed the Captain's
forehead until he bleeds out!" "Sorry, I don't even know who 'Captain
Munar' is!" Another voice glossed over the Seraphim's.
"Wait." The soldier veered behind and found Iegor walks forward. "C- Captain
Munar! Sir! I've found the perpetrator who was responsible for your injury!"
"Let him be." Iegor twiddled still with
his fringe, curling it backwards. "He'll be dead in no times, anyway." "What?! No!!" Thomas denies with
bilious looks. "No? Then what are you doing here? A war soon
sets this ground red. Here is not the place for commoners, let alone a shabby kid like
you!" "I'm here to help!" Appealed, Iegor jeer openly. "Ha! You? Help?
Whatever can you do?" "I'm confident in my skills." the young
man nods, without any sign of following baseless anger. "Sir Meyer and Chancellor
Blythe have approved my team to do so." Iegor is secretly irked; why would an elite team
of his need assistance from some peasants. He played it tough, answering.
"Huh. Haven't heard."
"Nevertheless, I'm staying." Thomas
insist, "I will help." The young man knew, he needs more than few convincing words to make the
bloke accept his proposal. "What, then? Are you saying we're not strong
enough...” Iegor's voice crackled, "...that we have to get help from peasant
like you?" A pair of Brandeis blue orb twitched, derisive.
Thomas gave his reply in mature tone. "I shall act according to your
guidance." "Still insisting, huh? Fine." Iegor
took stance, grasping what was hidden under his waist cloak: a schiavona-type blade. "Come
on!" he throw a sneer. "Prove me wrong, and I'll let you in." Thomas let out a disappointed sigh, wondering why
it has to come to this. "Do we have to?" his sardonic smile
"That sword, you're not carrying it for
bluffing purpose, aren't you?" Surrendering to the balderdash mockery, Thomas finally unsheathed
his sword. "Only recently," his juncture, "I
found out this Zircon Edge was one of Sir Meyer's greatest creation." "Skills matter, boy." Iegor flips back
his fringe. "Come, then!" Both participant's breath rigged with excitement,
heart beats faster due to adrenaline rush. Iegor took the initiative, swishing his
blade forward. "Hyah!"
Thomas jumps back, deciding it was too early to
counter-attack. The young man evades Iegor's blade quite well, aptly using the
shield to push back his opponent. Iegor also pulls back, refining his stance.
"You're good for a peasant." he mocks
again. "I don't have any intention to fight
you." "Then get outta here! You're an eyesore."
Such vicious words have made Thomas' temper
slightly raise. He took a deep breath, then dashed. Without any war cry, the
young man extract his sword, turning it into one rotating slash which he banters
into Iegor continuously.
"Ha! Cheap trick." the Seraphim tries
to level while in reality he's astounded witnessing his opponent's witty tactic. He spun around,
away from Thomas' sword barrage. The comeback was quick; Iegor jumps high
in the air and evoked a debuff spell. "Bind!!" It worked, Thomas' body
twitched in shock. The young man seems to be unable to block the attack,
a sweet opening that makes Iegor's lips snicker. "You're
But then, Thomas thought of something clever.
Mustering his leftover strength, the young man managed to uplift his shield and
throw it diagonally. Of course, due to elusive restraint within his tendons,
Thomas wasn't able to aim right. His throw missed, but it successfully
distracted Iegor's attack by hair's breadth.
Having his angle disrupted, Iegor had no choice
but to cancel his attack and double- jump back to his place. "You dirty
rat!" he spat. His eyes are near to pop out from too much stress
of muscle.
Both took their steady stance once more. The
binding spell slowly recedes, enabling Thomas to free himself from inscrutable
limitation on his limbs. He took back his fallen shield, neatly decked on the
ground. Across, Iegor seems peeved. His breath hastened, stance changed into an
all-out-attack one. He was nanoseconds away from jotting forward, giving his
all to dice Thomas for playing underhanded game on this duel.
"That's far enough!" a sudden clap
pulled the two away. Iegor cursed under his breath for anyone dared to prevent him from landing an
opening attack. "Who is it?!" The clap goes on, as the figure possessing it
made his entrance. "Captain Munar." "C, Commander!" Iegor hurried to sheath
his blade out. "Forgive me! I was..." "No need to apologize, Captain." "Sir Blautiel..." Thomas' tense
expression is washed out like farrago mixture. "I have heard about your case,
adventurer." Did
he forget my name already? The young man reintroduces himself.
"It's Thomas. Thomas Kalewill." "I know that very well." Blautiel gave
his remarkable coy smile. "Well then, Thomas, you shall join our rank for this war."
Vehemently, Iegor rebuked. "What? But, Sir!
We can’t just let someone from outsi--" "Captain." Steady and firm, Blautiel
replied. "The Chancellor himself went out his way just to inform me this news. He shall be added to
our team." "But still, Sir!" "Can't you take orders?" For a while, Iegor is afflicted. Then he finally
concedes. "...Very well." "Good." Blautiel rejoices with his
subordinate's obedience. "Thomas, now I will brief you to our strategy. Come with me." he led Thomas
into 8th Sect's preparation tent. "You're coming too, Captain Munar." "Yes, Sir."
Inside the tent, Blautiel laid a strategy map
atop the table. "A quick glance from our surveillance team turns out as a big help."
he deploy a proud smile. "The HOUNDS has summoners, rune knights and
artillery squad equipped with stone- lodging catapult." Thomas gave a small nod,
acknowledging the danger as he heard there were stone-lodgers jarred outside. "Our main concern will not be the summoners
and their beasts." Iegor cringes, "Sir? I thought..."
it seems the strategy has just changed suddenly-- so thought
Thomas, on his mind. Judging from Iegor's reaction, it is clear this briefing
needs to be relayed once more to the whole army.
"Change of plan, Captain. We have yet to
include the possibility of aerial assault." "Aerial assault? They plan to use it against
our Divum?!" Iegor gasped. "Possibly, they will call forth the
dragons." Urge to be shocked bemock Thomas' composed
expression. "D- Dragons?!" "It's a possibility. We won't know, that is
exactly why high priest Ebraldi and the archer will be the main players." Blautiel goes on, "...We'll intercept their artillery
first by magic. Our casters have been trained to deploy durable barrier which can withstand
even the most formidable attacks... Are you with us so far?" Thomas feigns pause for a bit, then nodded.
"...I understand. What about your squad, then?"
"Our groundwork is to deplete their foot
soldiers and riders. There's a high chance they would put the rune knights beyond barrage of
common soldiers, so we have to take precautions of it." "I shall deploy my best men for it."
Iegor said, waiting for approval. "...I'll leave it to you, then, Captain
Munar." Blautiel nods. "Continuing... We'll work together to
prevent their rune knights from advancing into the inner wall." "The summoners, then..." Thomas looks
worried. "Yes, the summoner. We have to take care of
them quickly before they summon some beasts. It will be a disaster if our formation is
wrecked." "...If it comes to it, I shall be
responsible of slaying the beast." Iegor proposed.
"...Can you do that?" Seeing how
doubtful Blautiel's reaction is, Thomas stepped up. "I'll go with him!" "You?!" Iegor let out a bewildered
yell. "Not in a chance! You'll just hinder my--" "Captain Munar." A calm words, straight
from his authority, brought Iegor back to his sense. "M- My apologies, Commander! But I can't
trust him to work together as a team!" "Captain Munar, this child is Reuna Hábil's
only son." "Reuna... Hábil? Commander, by that, you
mean..." "Yes, that
Reuna Hábil who died in a vicious storm, forever listed as 'MIA' in our registry." The conversation became insoluble
to Thomas; it only adds confusion. "You know my father?" Blautiel smiled apologetically. "Pardon me,
I didn't mean to pry."
"Reuna Hábil... He's our celebrated scholar,
aside from Sir Virdigjanti himself. He was both skilled in swords and making it." "Thanks." Thomas couldn't help but to smile
widely from the emblazons. "...Very well." the prudent scoff on
Iegor's face turns languid. "Thomas, was it? ...Looking forward to work
with you." "Now that we have established a newfound
trust," Blautiel interjected, "I shall leave the rune knight and surviving summoners to both of
you. Make sure our formation intact." "Will do." Both replied in unison. "Leave the big fish to me." everyone in
the room knew he meant it, seeing the glower in Blautiel's eyes.
Cold and bold, the sun peeks from its bedlam.
Sound of war horn seared the calmness of dry mist teetering around. From afar,
loud thumps of heavy boots smearing ground solid led chorus of vigilant cries,
bellowing upon rattling jaws and bleary eyes. Attack! Skydas, commander of HOUNDS army shouted. His legion
sprinted towards Myriad's wall, its pearl magnificent still intact. Damhorn
followed after a group of rune knight, holding up his Bolt Trident as his
wrath. Incurred in his mind are none but victory; triumph. Amongst all, he wanted
to take revenge to a specific opponent who dared to best him with sheer luck.
This fight, he oathed himself shall win.
"Load them!" Damhorn screeches, commanding
the artillery squad.
Armored soldiers began fetching large boulders to
be built inside the catapult. Within minutes, ten catapults have been loaded,
ready to be launched. The soldiers went back to Damhorn, reporting.
"It's all set, Sir!" "Heh. Took you long enough!" Damhorn
sneers, tugging his horse's reins impatiently. "Fire!!" he authorized the shooters.
As the catapult fling backwards, stones lodged
inside vivaciously bend forward. The arch made from it was so painful to see,
especially under the shades of wall archers stationed just below where it will
soon land. Panic screeches began to bellow among Myriad's wall archer, who
never thought the starting attack could give apprehensive knot in their gut. But
then, fizzing array of vocal effects have made their wreck equivalent to none.
Behind, Iegor Munar himself jaunts chivalrous tone.
"Caster! Ready the barrier! We mustn't let the stones break the wall!"
With his words made, a group of warrior of long
robe, shaded face evoke thousands of rites, resulting in ginormous barrier casted
over the whole town. Slight protrusion of gravity happened when the gold circles
were erected, erring the artillery's vector. Seconds later, impacts were made.
Some stones managed to con the barrier, hitting the city's wall. Bricks and
stones crumbled, white ash and sand fumes fill the air.
"Don't panic! Stay in your position!"
Iegor beseech. Beside him, Thomas. The young man is holding his
blade's sheath anxiously, sweats started to hover around his thick brow. "Scared?" Iegor smirks. Thomas frowns,
but the Seraphim shook his head. "That's perfectly normal. We're about to
meet Death after this. Let's just hope for the best." he exhaled, trying to release
stiffness. "I'm scared as well." he admits,
"You know that even Holiner descendants can die from fatal wound, right?"
His effort to joke seems to bring reverse effect
to his audience who has just gone tighter. "Captain!!" a soldier calls.
"The gate is breached!" His messenger's words echoed bitterly in Iegor's ear canal. "What
on earth happened?! It's not even an hour!" he vexed. “We even got the barrier still fresh,
here!!” "No... Captain, please listen." the
soldier turns out have been trying hard to hold himself together. "They have a Horned Cyclops
with them..." "…So it’s started. They’re not fools, I
see." Iegor's face fell sour.
He took a moment of silence... Emptying his mind
while roar of bloodlust, shriek of terror and pained cry jumbled together in
this awry morning. Daybreak gusts never felt so foreign to his bare cheek.
Iegor let the wind caress his stranded fringe while his eyes creaks in absence
of fathom.
"Call back your squad." he issued. "Sir?! But, Sir! If we do that, our defense
will...!" Iegor shook his head slowly. "Horned Cyclops are immune to magic. No
matter what you throw, you can't defeat it. Thomas." he said to the boy beside him.
"Reuna Hábil was celebrated for being an adept in swordsmanship." he said. "If
you truly share his blood, then prove it... We'll defeat the Cyclops together." "Alright." Thomas answered, having his
doubt cleared at last. "Don't do reckless movement until we
dissipate it. Meanwhile, take caution of further stone catapult or possible stealth
soldiers." "R- Right, Sir!" "I'm counting on you." By light tap to
the soldier's back, Iegor set off with Thomas.
"So, this Horned Cyclops." Thomas asked
on the way. "Is it really immune to magic? All kind of magic?" "There's a good reason why it's called
Horned Cyclops." Iegor answered, but not turning his head around. The two exited a narrow
path, into the gate area.
Thomas witnessed dozens of Seraphim have been
flattened to ground level, freshly juiced blood did a splatter taint to their
broken bits. In front of the destroyed thick wooden paling, one monstrous
creature stand bewildered. It has horns crafted on the forehead, bent to a
curve like ibex's. The creature let out a cachinnating roar, almost as if he's taunting
for stronger opponent.
"Those horns." Iegor said, unsheathing
his airy blade. "They render all magic useless. Are you ready?" Thomas gave back a small
nod. "We're going to defeat it solely with
swordsmanship! Let's go!" he jumps out, facing the beast six times taller. "Ha!" Iegor
made an opening attack.
His light, curved sword shreds a lump of meat of
the beast's leg. It doesn't seem to recognize Iegor, let alone feeling his
attack. Thomas follow suit, he charges from the back using a spin attack.
Thought as bewitching as it looks; alas, his attack also doesn't seem to scar
the beast.
"Tch!" Iegor spat. "What a thick
skin! Bet it's the same as its skull, huh?" he smirks, beads of sweat fell upon his clamming jaw. "Got a plan?" Thomas asked, he seems
unsure too. "Not really! But we have to defeat it before
more ragtag follows!" As he spoke, Iegor noticed some rubbles from the gate's
remnant. The wooden paling fell atop of wall's rubbles, clasping each other in manic
angle. This might work! His mind lit. "Hey, think you can tackle one of his
horn?" Iegor asked Thomas. "Dunno!
But I trust Sir Meyer's-- my sword." "Try it. I'll distract him." With the
plan stabilized, Iegor changed his stance and began casting a fortification spell for his weapon.
"Come on!" he taunts. Iegor charged. He lunge forward, throwing a
straight slash to the beast. "Hah!!" he shouts.
The beast didn't even make an effort to evade, he
receive the strike willingly. The beast thought another puny man has come
prepared for his own grave, desperately attack in blind motion. What the beast
didn't see was Thomas sneaking behind his back, running towards the rubble and
onto it. He climbed fast, then jumps to its head.
With one powerful swing, Thomas shouts. "Heeeyaaah!!" his Zircon Edge collides
with the beast's horn. It came to realize something has bugged its head.
The beast began shaking his head, throwing Thomas off balance. "Whoaaa!" Thomas quickly took a grip to
the horn. Iegor continued his attack, averting the beast's attention from hurting Thomas.
"Don't mind me! Focus on the horn!" Thomas tried once more. "Huh!" he made
a straight cut to the horn's bottom. It's still intact. "Tch! It's not
working!" Iegor heard, with no objection said.
"Iegor! We'll have to think another
strategy... Whoaaa!" Just few meters above his head, Thomas saw another
large boulder dispatched from the catapult. It soon hit a roof of settlement,
completely destroying it down to the first floor. "You okay?!" Iegor asks. "I'm fine!" Thomas gave an affirming
grin. "Hey... Wait, do you think...?" he
looks to Iegor, who in turn seems to catch his drift.
At Divum Stratum, the air is yet to grow rancid.
Dozens of Seraphim have secured along the perimeter, ready with arms on hand.
Nobles have long abandoned their lofty settlement into a safe house built
beneath The Palace. Archivist and Scripts joined along, leaving the ancient
library. The only civilians who stayed behind on the surface are Meyer,
Blautiel and Ölver-- along with three men of the team. Being the most proficient spellcaster, Alma joined
the defense squad tasked to maintain the protective barrier. Stationed atop
highest chamber of the palace, they have been equipped with nearby devices
specifically build to converge energies. Banri joined the archer team, while
Hameda blends with the front line. Inside the topmost chamber, Seers have begun
to evoke protective barrier. Slightly different from one erected in the lower
ground, this barrier is hued green-ish; a color note for stronger spell. Alma stood in the apex, pulling out his magic spear
of light, Kongō. His other palm,
vacant from holding weaponry, flips open the sacred book plated inside a small
protrusion. He begin to read passages of it.
times thee shall be broken, twelfth rise. Imbue thine faith with your Lord, Gilthar's words.
For it shall be thine protection!"
Kongō glowed, before channeling a surge of magic
energy into the barrier's layer. Everyone put a wowed expression as they saw
the barrier started to multiply and the color hue turns fortified green. High Priest Ebraldi has come back, they praised, as Alma walks into the summoning
tower. A role model for every Ophanim who forgo holy magic as postgraduate
major, Alma's unpaired talent gets everyone in awe even after he disappeared
for nearly a decade. The man returned every greeting humbly, saying he's here
merely to assist.
"High Priest! Will this be sufficient to
repel the HOUNDS' attack?" asked one of the caster. "Rest assured." Alma nodded firmly.
"They shall not break our defense easily." as he veer into the distance, seeing no threat seems to
be found... Alma found one suspicious spot floating in the
sky. "What is that?" he hurried to the scope laid on the tower's edge. "High Priest! What is the matter?" No answer replied; for he is now curious what of
the unidentified thing. After a careful observation, Alma turned around. His alarmed
chestnut orb shows incoming of a powerful threat. "Everyone, please stand
ready!" he issued.
Each of the caster's eyes cringes in question.
"Whatever the happen, High Priest? Is an attack coming?" "Dragons." Alma replied shortly.
Spine-tingling shiver rolls down on everyone's back, vibrating against their heartbeat. "Dragons?! That is impossible! Didn't our
watchmen concluded their army only has land beasts?!" "They might have concealed the dragons using
a furtive spells. Get ready! They're almost here!" Concerned, Alma went back to
his post. Grabbing Kongō once more and flipping through the sacred text, he recites
another verse.
Down at the archery squad, Banri led the front.
His titular name as the Southern Robin gave him ease of trust from many
soldiers. As the bearded man busy preparing his arrow load, a soldier came
"Sir Yates!!" Eyes still etched to the
leather pot, Banri grunts jokingly. "Didn't I tell ya just now, 'Banri' is fine?" "Sir! There's a message from the
tower!" Surprised, Banri stood up in a rush, spilling the pot's content. Sound of wooden arrow streaking
the ground; clattering-- he paid no mind. "A message?!" his eyes scans
around, to a spot where a reflective light is sent by using aligned mirror.
Two flashes means there is no enemy sighted,
three means air force squad is found, four means... peril. There was four. As the light fades after the last
blink, Banri hurried to relay the message.
"On your position! Target spotted,
twenty-six point eleven degrees to the west!" The soldiers quickly took their crossbow, aiming
at the said angle. "Damn, the war is finally begin..."
Banri mumbles. "Reload as fast as you can!" he shouts,
giving encouragement. Seeing everyone's so edgy, one soldier asked again. "Sir Yates,
what's our target?" "You'll see soon. Now get ready!" Banri
replied, then took his stance.
Three seconds passed. Everyone has their arrow
aligned westward, the trigger is locked ready. Five seconds. Gust of morning
breeze feels like ersatz gimmick on a foul day. Ten seconds. No movement at
all; each soldier have benumbed their folded legs. Twelve seconds. Few silent
chatters were heard. "Hey, when is the target coming?" “I don't know!" "Did the tower really saw the right thing?
What if they mistook mere flock of birds as threat?" "Like that would happen!" Fifteen seconds. Banri felt a dollop of sweat
fell from his forehead. His heart races, anxiously waiting for the awaited
apparition. Twenty-one seconds. From afar, an echoed roar was heard. The soldiers
began to crow in panic.
"What... What was that?!" "Stay your ground!!" Banri halts them
from moving away even an inch.
Twenty-six seconds sharp, a giant shadow looms
over the sky. Everyone dropped their jaws as they saw monstrous wings sprawled,
hurling the wind up and down. An elongated, sharp-at-end tail follows after,
sweeping the clouds in litheness of motion. One soldier finally managed to gets
his words out.
"A... D- D- Dragon!!!" "Fire!!!" Banri commands; at once they
abode. Thousands of arrow launched above, aiming straight at the dragon's belly. The
ginormous beast seems to have cunning reflex. It rolls to one side, flying further from
the trajectory. "Reload!!!" Not giving up, Banri took
more arrows to hand. "Seven to eight point two degrees northward!
Fire!!!" another pack of arrows flew. This time though, he realized there were less from
earlier. "Don't run tails first, now! Shoot the
dragon down!!" But his order seems to have fallen deaf ears.
Even under his dewy eyes, Banri knew his soldiers faltered, afraid of the dragon. "Tch! This is what you get from building
half-assed army!" he spat to himself. "But not me!" grinned, he took three
arrows at once. "Take this, monster!!"
Fired at the dragon, his special move Tri-Shots.
Only one missed, two successfully lodged themselves on the dragon's belly. A
pained roar reverberates through the air. The dragon turns around to see its
potential opponent, then maneuvers down. Alma's barrier prevented it from going
down, but the dragon persist. It began throwing fireballs, hoping to tear the
barrier down.
The tower's peak, Alma casted even more verse to
strengthen the barrier. Though his sweat have drenched down to his outer coat, the
man stood still. "We must not let it pass through!" He
Easier said than done; his squad also suffers the
same morale deflation as Banri's. One by one began to lose their focus,
weakening the barrier which only adds more burden for Alma to bear.
"Everyone, please! We must not--" by
his eye's corner, Alma saw a fearful change in the air.
The dragon backed off, not spitting any more
fireballs. Instead, it went into a static curl, as if to evolve itself. Slowly,
its scales grew sturdier and the color turns black. A protective headgear forms
around its head, with horns jotting forward from both sides. The dragon uncurl
itself, boasting his newly-built armor which now glows in eerie purple. When
the dark aura froth from within the armor, Alma knew this dragon might, after
all, tear the barrier down.
"The dragon... It evolves into a Darkside?!"
Overwrought in panic, Alma swipes down more page.
As he about to recite it, though, the dragon rammed its horn to the barrier.
Effortlessly, the barrier groaned before it came off in foible view. Every
Ophanim on that chamber shrieks as the shards eructates easily, leaving them
bare open face-to-face with the giant.
"You shall not pass!" Alma advanced
towards the dragon, casting a quick spell. "Barrier!!" he put up every might of
him to enlarge a small barrier into one enveloping his troops. "Don't worry, we're safe
here!" he affirmed. The dragon noticed that this pack of weaklings
are none to next in his breakfast menu, so he sweep off again and flew off. "Oh,
no!" Alma realized he had make a false move. "The dragon... it's heading to the archer
Outside the tower, Banri somehow have predicted he
would be tasked to slay this Giant by himself. "Ha! Seems that my streak
of bad luck still going strong for years." Cynically, he laughs at himself. Looking around,
there were only few left of his troop who looks capable continuing the fight. "Back me up! I'll try to blind its eyes, at
the very least." he charged towards the flying Dragon, roaring maliciously under its hissing,
ramiformic tongue. -------------------------------------------------- End of
Chapter 55! © 2017 Latifa RahimAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Latifa RahimBogor, Bogor, IndonesiaAboutNewcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..Writing