![]() Chapter 54: Past The WallsA Chapter by Latifa Rahim![]() Banri and Jadel meets a small thief who is about to get captured. The worse comes after they got involved in that matter.![]() ![]() -------------------------------------------------- "So you won't let that kid go, no matter
what?" Banri sighs, placing back his money back. "That's a shame." "Shame for him, not us." the Seraphim
scoffs. "Your lightest punishment won't even cost you a head... It'll be just two fingers
The kid tugs his hand harder after hearing such ominous
predicament. He screamed on top of his lungs, trying to break free from
the soldier. "No! Let me go! Let me go!!" The soldier sneers, seeing his prey doesn't even
match his strength. He walk past Jadel and Banri, saying they can do
nothing about this child's fate. "Hold it, b*****d." Jadel holds his
fuming breath. "Where d'ya think
ya going?"
Before any of the soldiers react, he had Mörs
swung violently. The blunt end hits the soldier's helmet, sending his figure
off the street. A loud, crashing sound follows as his metal suit rammed the
stone pavilion. His friend who's holding the kid's hand dropped his jaw, speechless
as Banri also does.
"W- What...!" both of them gasps in
shock, "Are you crazy?!" Banri finally found back his voice. "I've always been, beardy!" Jadel flex
his shoulder, readying another attack. The soldier quickly released the kid and prepare
his sword. "Insolence! You’ve crossed the line, now! How dare you defy us, the Seraphim
army?!" "We're not defying anything, jerk; this is called common sense!" "What are you trying to say?" the
soldier grunts. "Peasants. Do you know nothing about obliging laws in foreign country?!" "Never been a fan of law!" Jadel let
out his signature smirk. "Sorry, mate!
Time out for you!" Another swing follows his words; Jadel aimed straight to the head like he did before. The soldier turns out able to dodge his attack, deflecting
Mörs with his own sword. Seeing the situation is now far from the word
'compromise', Banri pulled the kid to his safety. "Thanks, Uncle!" the kid grins
wide, showing a blank between his teeth rack. "Uncle? Hey now, I'm not that old! Anyway, don't
go off from me, okay?!"
Jadel roared as he swung Mörs in circular motion,
trying to sweep victory in one game. The Seraphim narrows his eyes, focusing
where he should strike to render off Jadel's attack. He took one step back,
then as Jadel storms closer, he bend rightward and strike. His sword, thin as fencing
rapier, nudge against Mörs' heavy blade. Jadel staggered behind as his attack
has been disrupted.
"Damn it!" he spat. "Heh. So vicious, brutal... like a wild
animal." the soldier smug-smirked himself. "You can't win against me, peasant." "Ha! That's my line, sucker!" Jadel
wipes off his sweat. "Damn, I had hoped won't have to use special means to finish you off. Guess you
didn't give me much choice!" he changes his stance. Legs stretched, Mörs lowered
to the ground. "What? Are you giving up already? So
boring... Huh?!" The soldier's eyes sparks worry as he saw Mörs began to envelope itself in guzzling
wind. "What the...?" he blinks. "Victory never feel so close!" Jadel
says before leapt off. "Eat this! Gyro
Splatter!!" he hurls Mörs, along with the gusts to his enemy.
The wind blows off the soldier's landing, rigging
his solid armor. "D****t!" the soldier grunts. "What... What's that just
now?!" his forceful grin tries to flush away the imminent fear rising from his heart. "Not done yet!" Jadel leapt again, this
time he sent off small hurricanes from his sword. "Feathergust!!"
he roars. Jadel's whirlwind are strong enough to blow even some plants around the street, breaking their bond
with the soil permanently. Banri and the kid have to cover their eyes from the dirt's
remnants. As Jadel lands, he is left in triumph as his
enemy now laid to waste on the ground. "Heh! Not hard at all, not at all!" he
bluffed. "Howzat, kid? Pretty
awesome, huh!" The kid couldn't even say a word, he's left in awe
seeing a fight so one-sided.
"Commoner, peasant; my a*s! This one have
bested you, oh-so-mighty
soldier!" Jadel smirks at the fallen soldier, now unconscious.
But their victory didn't last long, as the commotion now invites more crowd-- from the army. "Hey, what's going on there?!" shouts
one of the soldiers. "I think there are people fighting!"
one bystander reports. "What, fighting? Where is it?" "I heard some soldiers are trying to subdue some
brutes!" "Guards!! After them!!" It doesn't take long for the Seraphim to gather
around and run to Banri and Jadel's way. This turn of event has got uglier! So they
waste no time and dashed out. "Kid, with me!" Banri nods to the kid.
"Jadel, go the other way! We'll spread them out!" "Roger!!" Jadel gives him a thumb-up
then took another turn on the intersection.
Banri and the kid ran with all of their might,
past the intersection and into a complex of noble houses. The spiraling pillars
acted as their protectives, casting shades against their apparition. Banri took
the kid around one house, into its back walls. They stopped for a bit, catching
their roused breath after a long sprint. Banri slouched to the brick walls,
patting his weary shoulders.
"Geh... We're safe for now..." he
huffed. "Kid, you got some serious sprints on those feet!"
his smile invites one from the kid. "Flint. That's my name." "Ho! A sharp name for a daring one."
Banri let out a breather. "Mine’s Banri. Banri Yates. Still, theft is a dangerous stunt to pull;
you can get troubles from it. Make sure this is the last time, kid!" Flint pouts, he seem to not agree with the older man's advice. "What's that? You have something to
say?" Banri taunts. "You're not agree with me?" "Of course not!" Flint yells back.
"There’s no way I can afford this medicine! Not by stealing them! But I--
we need it, so I don’t have many
choices, right?”
Banri sighs, he can only respond with a clueless
scratch to his head. "Those soldiers... They are also residents
of Isfel! Why didn't they say anything to their boss? I'm sure their family or relatives are also
suffering down below... But why are they trying to punish me?!" "Calm down, kid." Banri ruffles Flint's
hair. "That’s what happened when you grow out from love.
None of those things matters but your personal gain." "Love,
huh… Yeah, I think that’s what everyone in Divum lacks. Did you see how they throw party every night, for talks about their money,
estate, possession?" Flint ask. "Yeah, they are lonely people..." Banri
nods. "Anyway!" he shifts the topic. "...Make sure you don't drop that medicine.
Get it back safe and sound to your folks." “Will do!" Flint nods eagerly.
Before the two can pursue further chat, some
noises in the background which was faded now comes alight. It was the
Seraphim's, shouting all over the place to surround Banri and Flint so they won't
have any opening to escape.
"Drat!" Banri curses. He peeks from the
back wall, then found out that he's surrounded. Seraphim soldiers have scattered all around the
house's perimeter, completely blocking him from any way out. "Uncle! Are we surrounded?" Flint ask. "Not 'uncle', kid! It's Banri." he
tries to sound calm, but the bullet of sweats says otherwise. "Calm down, they’re just small
fries! We’ll get past them without sweat!"
Banri looks potently at Flint. The boy has his
face still, though the situation have soured. His eyes are glued check to the
medicine jar, curled on his palm. This kid
is worried about his folks alright, Banri thought to himself. There's no way I will let his effort go to
waste! He rounded some ideas, potential for slipping
past the army. Truth be told, Banri has long thought of using his artillery
assist; but it would aggravate his pursuers further and put him at greater risk.
Banri scratches his head; knowing it’s the most viable way to open a breaking
"I can't think of other way. But where
should I aim?" As he kept thinking, suddenly a rare chance flashed upon his eyes.
A group of noblewomen is seen strolling towards his
direction! They seem to be flawlessly obnoxious, though there are technically
more than a dozen of soldiers surrounding the area. The noblewomen ignores
them; all for the sake of juicy talks they have to share right this moment with
their peers.
"A-ha!" a sly grin spun on Banri's
lips. "Banri? Do you have an idea?" Flint
ask. "Worry not, kid! Uncle Banri is here to save
the day!" he boasted. "Ain't
called ‘Robin from the South’ for
nothing!" he dig out his bow, Elanus
Axila and some wooden arrows. "Wait! Banri, don’t kill them! We’ll be
jailed if we do!" Flint sounds worried. "Listen, kid. I'm going to make an opening for
our escape." Banri explains. "Don't lose this chance. When you see an
opening, go run past this house and around the big building over there." he points
across. "Got it! But what about you?" "I'll be right behind you. Now, get
Narrowing one of his eyes, Banri aimed, adjusting
his arrow head to the target. His plan is to fly some arrows right before the
noblewomen's feet, surprising them and hopefully their ludicrous scream will
distract the Seraphim.
"Alright... Here we go!" he crossed
fingers, then stretched the bow line.
The noblewomen beams off past the soldiers, despite
their warning. Among those giggles, their steps have been marked by the Robin.
In precision, Banri release his grip from the arrow's tail. Three shots have
been fired from his direction; the arrows sped into the noblewomen's side.
Calculated less than two seconds, a panic scream hits the street as Banri's
arrows stubs few inches before the noblewomen group's shoes. Their pitched
voice sends alarm to all of the soldiers.
"Now! Run!!" Banri said to Flint. The
boy nods before quickly running off. Banri waited seconds longer, trying to make out
of the scene he caused. After ensuring all Seraphim’s attentions are to
the noblewomen, he sped off also, catching up to Flint. They sped off, past the street
where some soldiers started shouting, "Hey! There they are-- after
them!" "Whoa, Banri! That's clever!" Flint
laughs merrily as he ran. "I know, right?! This 'Uncle' has still some tricks on his sleeves!" Banri laughs
also. The two sprints like they weren't on chase; those
faces shows more of rushing excitement. "Around the building, lad!"
Banri shouts to Flint. "Gotcha!"
the kid sprints faster toward the large building; turns out to be the Palace.
As the two making their way, from the Palace's
outlook, a window blurts open. Whoever inside seems to be distraught by the
commotion he had to see for himself what has happening. Behind the door, there
is Blythe Neredzīe, distracted from his paperwork.
"What in blazes?!" he eyed pack of
soldiers storming the street, carrying weapon on their hands. "Hey! What's the meaning of
this?!" he yells on top of his lungs. One soldier running from afar caught his message,
stops a bit and saluted. "Sir Chancellor! We are deeply apologize for the
inconvenience, Sir! Currently, there's A thief on the run!" he implores. "Thief?! How can you overlook such puny
mistake?! Do you call yourself Seraphim soldiers in that way?!" Blythe sounds
furious. "Sir! We shall catch and punish him
soon!" "Good! Catch him soon, and let me work in
peace!" Blythe grunts deeply.
Before he slips back and close the window, he saw
Flint sped by. Blythe was so shocked he couldn't even inform those soldiers
that the person they were chasing have passed his very own eyes. Ultimately,
he's too shocked seeing Flint grins ear to ear and spout some mocking words
from his small mouth.
"Baldy old man! You’ll be punished by the
Gods for being mean to us!" He flashed his tongue, before disappearing into the
backway. "What the...? I- Is that... Is that
the...?!" Blythe was just about to reorganize his thought, when Banri slips by. "Good day to you, Sir!" the older man
greets him plain as day. "Don't let the soldiers know where we are, alright? See ya, then!" he waved, then
disappeared also. "What is... just happening..." Blythe
suddenly feels his feet dragging along the thick carpet.
"Are we safe here?" Flint crouches
behind the walls. "Not likely. We haven't lost them..."
Banri kept his eyes checked, eyeing the soldiers. "Flint, do you think you can run for a bit
more?" The kid wipes his sweat, stand back up and
nodded. "I can!" "Good. It seems we'll have to go
now..." Banri said, seeing the soldiers are heading towards them. "Go, go, go!" he gave
Flint's shoulder a push, and began running behind. Within his sprint, Banri suddenly felt a peculiar
stinging pain, thwarted inside his calf. He turned around and... there is an arrow lodged
inside. "D****t!! Aaargh!" he spat on his mind
as he stumbles down to the ground.
"Banri?!" Flint stopped, he looked
around in horror. "Don't stop! Go! Go!" Banri yells, one hand
grasping his bleeding leg. "F**k! Just how ugly my luck
recently..." he glares at the Seraphim, amongst there were some who carry crossbows. "They found
out the thief has an archer on his
side, huh..." he grit his teeth. "Flint! What
are you dallying about?! Run!!" he shouts again. "But, but... You're..." the kid's
resolve starts to falter. "Goddamnit, kid! Just run! Leave me
alone!!" "NO!!!" Flint rushes back to the older
man's side. He crouched, checking how bad his wound is. Flint bit his lips, then finally
realized he won't go anywhere if he keep this charade on.
"I surrender!!" he shouts at the
Seraphim, standing in front of Banri. "Don't hurt Banri! I'll surrender myself!" "Wait, no!" Banri hisses. "Flint,
don't!" "No! I can't let someone get hurt because of
me!" hand shifts into his pocket, Flint got the medicine out. "Here! I'm
giving this back." he put the ointment jar on the ground, slowly. Several steps back, the kid raise
his hands on the air. "Don't hurt Banri! I'll go with you to your barrack or whatever, but
don't hurt him!" "Bind."
Suddenly, a voice echoes. Seconds later, Flint felt his body got heavier from
an unseen restraint. The kid fell to the ground,
wondering why his legs aborted their duty. "Flint!!!" Banri tries to reach the
kid's body, but failed due to his limited movement.
"If I were you, I won't move too much."
the voice's owner shows his figure from the Group of soldiers. “Your limbs won’t be able to
move for a while. I suggest you cooperate to make this less painful.” "Iegor!!!" Banri barks angrily. "How ugly of you to taint this serene day
with your repugnant mischief."
this junior of Blautiel still plays his hair's side-fringe. He
crouches down, meeting Banri's alerting glare. "Acting like a stray dog to the very end, I see." he chuckles. "Careful to not bite your tongue while
mocking someone, boy!" Banri gets him back. "Men!" Iegor stand up, commanding his
platoon. "Leave the small fry to me. I'll deliver his punishment personally..." he smirks at
Flint. "Take this seedy guy to the jail!
A pair of soldier quickly drags Banri off. The
older man stumbled few times due to his injured calf, but they doesn’t seem to
care. He's forced to walk with one leg, while another gone limp from the
injury. From behind, Iegor smirks profoundly seeing the detained man walks
"Make sure he walk all~ the~ way~ to the
jail, got it?" Iegor tweaks his side fringe again. "Don't be lenient to him!!" "Roger, Sir!" the soldier salutes back. "Wait, Iegor! Let me... Let me..."
Banri’s eyes flutter open and shut; trying to not lose his consciousness over flesh wound he sustained.
He is worrying the kid's safety, being not any safer with sadistic Iegor on his side.
"Let Flint come with me!" he begged. "We'll go to jail anyway, right? So what's
the problem letting us walk together?!" "Shut your mouth, dog." Iegor's face twitched. "Be grateful Commander Blautiel isn't here--
you wouldn’t want to upset him." A sardonic smile whips his mouth. "Wait, Iegor! Wait... Hey, let me go!"
Banri's voice fades away, along with the garrisoned Seraphim.
Now, Flint is left alone with Iegor. The kid
trembles, seeing how unruly this soldier's expression is, as if he's designing
evil masterplan on his mind. In a moment, Iegor undid his binding spell with
finger’s weave. Flint could feel his limbs finally removed from restraint. He’s
able to stand up now, quivering in front of the ghastly image of his enemy.
"You." Iegor's sudden speech startled
Flint, his shoulder jumps off. "W- What…?" "How much did you stole?" Iegor scanned
Flint's body from head to toe; under his shabby shirt, under his sewn-patched shorts,
beneath his sloppy socks or ragged shoes... There was no sign of hidden item. Iegor
gave a long, regretful sigh. Hastily, Flint points at the ointment jar left on
its device on the ground. "Is that all?" Iegor asks. "Yes." Flint nods slowly. "Alright. Follow me." Iegor walks off,
leaving Flint speechless this time.
he going to deliver 'personal punishment' for my crime? Why he's trotting off
without doing anything to me? Flint's idyllic mind prevents him
from stepping forward. He waited for probable reaction before deciding to pick
up the ointment jar.
"Come now, lad, I'm not a man with loads of
spare time." Iegor calls him to go forth. "W- Where to...?" That was the best
Flint could make out of his curiosity. "To Isfel." Iegor replied shortly. "Isfel? B- But why? Aren't you about
to..." he paused. "...punish me for theft..." "There's no reason to, that’s why."
Iegor answered honestly. "Book of Zarmesiton, Devotion, verse 108: Would thee blindeth eye to thine brethren; they indeed suffer! Would
not thine hand extend with mercy?" he recites a passage
from religious text. "Y- You mean..." Flint holds his breath
in anticipation. Iegor shook his head. "Make no mistake. I’m
not doing this for you. I simply act out my faith to the Gods.” "A- Alright... Thank... you." Flint
whispers quietly.
Divum Stratum Palace, the workplace of Blythe
Neredzīe. The man draped in official white suit of Chancellor seems to be in a
distressed state. He had just witnessed commotion broke out on his work hour;
caused by mere thief lurking around his beloved city. Impudent,
he thought. How could the army failed to
see utmost important of security? The Malakim lives here! What if they filed
complaints to us Ophanim, then to Binah-- it would be disastrous. Blythe
realized that the biggest supporter of his and other Officials are the nobles
(Malakim). Their act of patrons greatly inquire the Ophanim to work ten times
harder to upright the city structure, also handling security and provide
luxuries for daily needs. This imminent request always kept the Ophanim at bay;
working their bones from daylight to another. Blythe has just received a report about another
malevolent uproar in the Sealed Chamber. It is again, about the emerald orb insistently
kept by Ölver as his prove of worthiness to his late parents. He was told by
the guards that Ölver demands his presence ASAP at the Sealed Chamber. Ölver
requested Blythe to personally see this issue resolved to its good end. Soon, Blythe arrived in front of the same door he
have been yesterday. It is choke full of talisman and magic wards, draped in
the whole steel door. He grips the rigged handle and knocks. Moments later, the
door creaks open.
"Chancellor, Sir." the same Seer he met
yesterday. "I apologize for this condition." She bowed. Under shaded veil, baggy eyes naught of
vitality tries best to stay open. "Why can't you do such simple job?"
Blythe lands his protest head-on. "You were recruited for this! You're trained for
this!" The Seer accepts his words without any disproval. "Do you know how much we have spent scouting
your group?" Blythe rise his brow, fingers slamming the door angrily. "I have no excuse." the Seer nods.
"But, if you would, you can see for yourself how dire the situation is." the Seer led Blythe
into the chamber. The moment he stepped inside, Blythe saw another fell down from their
post. Some quickly went to her aid, checking whether her life is still intact.
"How many of you left?" Blythe ask. "With me, there are still five left."
the Seer hangs her head low. "Only five? I thought there were hundreds of
you." Blythe has his tone scoffing a bit. "Pardon, Sir, but they have been out of commission
due to lethal fatigue." "Humph." Blythe grunts. "How hard
is that for you to..." his sentence paused mid-talk as he peers into the green orb. “…Guarding a mere artifact.”
Verdant fog encloses the seething sphere
endlessly; as if to boast its peculiar aesthetic. The more Blythe peers into
it, the more he thought he's seeing things. There is... a man, or figure, seems to be angry for no
apparent reason. This ‘figure’ has
face so perplexing; half-angry and half-anticipating. Beneath the figure, there
is a creature of twelve wings attached to its body, crowned atop its head are
majestic horn slanted upwards. Blythe blame this enthralling mysterie to his fatigue from non-stop
working for days straight.
"Sir, is there something wrong?" the
Seer's voice awaken him from his train of thought. "...Was there always that kind of projection inside the orb?" he asks. The Seer looks surprised at first, but then she
smiled in relief. "It seems the 'vision'
has finally came to you also, Sir Chancellor." "What are you implying?" "Shall we talk outside, Sir?" the Seer
led him outside. The two went quite ways from the chamber-- a couch
put in one corner near the rear garden. "Sir Chancellor." the Seer
began. "The vision you just saw... Is the true God of Myriad." "WHAT?!" Blythe's lungs almost jotted
out. "Preposterous! You dare deny our Gods, Lord Gilthar and Zarmesiton?!" his voice
reeks of vehement refusal. "Sir Chancellor." the Seer remains
calm. "What I meant by the true God
is the one our ancestors had revered, long before Lord
"I won't accept further desecrating of Lord
Gilthar and Zarmesiton! The Ophanim Committee shall hear of this-- " he was
about to walk away, but the Seer replied. "Do you wish to leave without knowing the
truth?" Blythe stopped. "There's no truth in those imbrue!" "But what then, of the vision you saw,
Milord?" she persuades. "Didn't you saw that ethereal figure also?" "That must've been because I'm tired for
working days straight!" Blythe denies again. Noticed her words only won't do, the Seer gave
Blythe a small paper note she kept on her pocket. "Here, Milord." she said. Blythe scraps open the note, and saw a peculiar
magic seal inscribed on it. "What is this?" "That is a seal I reckon can help to calm
the orb." "Where did you get this?" "From a friend in the Archive, Sir. I
apologize again if it's against your allowance."
Blythe stares deep into the magic seal... Didn't
he just saw this moment ago? Snap! His line of thought collides with
realization. The peculiar figure he just saw from within the orb has this mark
on its body! Blythe's eyes narrowed, he's now unsure what to believe.
"Milord." the Seer said. "This Old
God of Myriad is one who governs six directional winds across Gaia: Vayu." As the name spelled, Blythe feels his spine
shivers along with every strand of hair on his body. "Vayu...?" he recites the
name. "Yes, Milord. I was informed that he is once
breathe life into Gaia, from his lungs." "This changes nothing." Blythe's tongue
ticks. He crumpled the paper, and groaned. "Your order hasn't changed, Seer. You are to
calm that damned orb no matter what." "That is... unfortunately, impossible." "...You dare to defy my order, now?!"
Blythe frowns deeply.
"Milord. Please let me explain." the
Seer holds him off. "Lord Vayu only wished for one thing: for us
to not restrain him further." Blythe tilts his head, loss at speech. "Lord Vayu seems to have sensed his warrior near..." "To the point, Seer." Blythe demands. "Yes, Sir. From what I have researched, it
is conclusive that Lord Vayu wants to be freed and bestow this warrior with his power." "Power? What for?" "Because the time demands it, Sir. Destruction
is imminent for our planet."
"Are you speaking of the disturbance
happened across Gaia?" "Yes, Sir. That's why Lord Vayu wants his warrior to come forth, receive his
blessing and act upon this overt danger." "And... What design this warrior would
have?" "I apologize, Sir, my research have not yet
to that matter." "Such a waste of time." Blythe shook
his head, walking back towards the Sealed Chamber. "Your order stands still,
Seer." "...As you wish, Sir." the Seer looks
disappointed in Blythe's fallacy which she has to obey nonetheless.
As they walked back, they realized the door hangs
open on its side. The Seer shrugs it off, must've been one of her colleague
exiting the room and forgot to close it shut. But inside, there was somebody
else who shouldn't be there. The Seer's shriek almost echoed the whole room if
Blythe didn't drag her back.
"Be quiet." Blythe hissed, as he too, examining
this foreign intruder. "Dangit,
how did I end up here? What a creepy room..." the figure mumbles.
Unexpectedly, it was Jadel. He must've lost his
way during the chase. He grunts, head tilts around to see if there are people
here. Jadel only saw several Seer laying on the floor, unconscious and deprived
from their energy. Far as his eyes could see, only four remains conscious; yet
they are also in weakened state.
"Whoa, nuts... They're all
unconscious..." Jadel mumbles. "What happened here, anyway? What's that orb...?" his eyes
gallantly faces the sphere atop of pedestal. "He's trying to steal the orb!" the
Seer whispered. "No, he won't." Blythe scoffed.
"Just look at him, I bet he doesn't even know how to do simple
math." he chuckles quietly. "Don't make any unnecessary movement."
His warning is stern, so the Seer abode to it. "What's this orb? Really, it's
creepy..." Jadel walks around the pedestal. "I guess those people are guards who protect
this jewelry? Bah, I can't understand rich folk’s taste..." Curious, his hand stretches.
His fingertips touched the orb's surface; in one instant the orb begins to glow vigorously. Blythe
and the Seer are wide open, surprised as they may.
"Creep! It even glows in the dark. Erg, I
shouldn't be messing with it-- where can I hide? I’m done if those jerks found me…" his
head wanders off, but something from within the orb brought his attention back. "Weird. Why am I so fascinated by mere child
toy?" Jadel mumbles. "Lessee...
I touched it, it glows. Maybe if I put both hands on it..." his palms now cupped the orb. "WHOOOOAAA!!" Jadel
gasps, shocked to see the orb now shoots greenish light to his entire body. "The orb is reacting...!" the Seer
thought to herself. "Don't tell me... He's the warrior?" she looks to Blythe; to her surprise, the man
also nodded. Blythe slips few steps back, reaching for a large flower vase decked on a
cabinet just behind him. "Sir, what are you...?" the Seer feels
she should stop him, but he assured her. "Be grateful, I'm about to save you from
further loss of comrades." Blythe rushed inside, then banged Jadel's head
from behind-- with the vase. What comes next is huge crashing noise from broken
glass shards hitting inches-thick human head skull, and Jadel's body rammed the
floor, deflated from consciousness.
Nighttime came abruptly; the sun sets faster than
it usually did. Ophanim worshippers are seen walking down the street, back from
their afternoon service. They are heading towards the dormitory specifically
build to support their daily lives. Same goes with Ophanim officials, they also
heading home from duties and some heading towards their midnight shift. Among
the commuting lines, nobles have long sat down on their prized chair, inviting
guests for routine of evening party. Ölver Cahali-Zemin, the current acting Holiness,
have just finished signing documents stacked on his work desk. Tired from
sitting whole day worrying about political affairs, he plan to visit his friend--
a nobleman of high social strata-- for leisure chat. After making sure there
are no more paperwork left to be signed, Ölver tidies up his desk. As he took
his cane, though, he sensed an omen. Blast of gust stammered the windowsill,
breaching its lock. It rattles like meeting storm, a weather should not be
anticipated around this month. Ölver frowns, he wonder whether he needs to
change the lock again. Just few weeks ago, he called the repairman whom he thought
have done the maintenance.
"Stupid repairman." Ölver hissed. “I’ve
paid him quite a sum, this was all he did?! What a half-assed job!”
Against all odds, this man has more exciting
thing to await; a leisure talk with evening tea freshly brewed from
high-quality golden pot. How plentiful it would be! He quickly dissipates his
smoldering rage, taking his cane towards the door. But then, another gust hammered
the windowsill! This time it blares the lock fully with a roar. Ölver hurried
to close it, before the wind scatter his wholesome work. He flicks back the
lock, closing the panes tightly to prevent another hit from the wind. His early
grunt resides again. As he turns around, however, Ölver cried a tussis
shock. A figure of darkness stood across his room! Wearing bated chumps of
armor, the figure has their hair tied loosely, face down in balderdash cackle.
With jumbled breath affixed to fear and shock, Ölver yield his footing by
grasping the window panes. His eyes, flabbergasted, trying to comprehend the
figure's commemorative attire to his understanding.
Between his rattling teeth, Ölver found some viable
words to finally spoken out. "W- Who are you...?" he huffed.
"How... How did you get in here?!" Like a broken acoustic, the figure continues
cackling and replied. "Greetings to you... His Holiness of Myriad Capital City." his
words smells pungent. "Do you know me?" His quizzical
sentence corroborate Ölver's disagreeing nature. "D- Do I know you?! O- Of course not!!"
his voice gets smaller by minutes. "G- Guards! Help... Help! Somebody's here!!"
"Who are you calling to?" the figure
laughs. "I've sent them to permanent dreamland." The word enunciates Ölver’s fear further.
"Y- You did w- what...?" "I see that you don't know me." the figure ignores Ölver’s
question and went on. "I am… a HOUNDS. Skydas Lustro." as he
spelled the name, a flash bolt struck the ground, even though the sky is dulcetly clear. "I’m
here for the Green Sphaera." Ölver’s fettle has just gone from difficult to
degenerating. He starts sweating lots more than he already did, mind walking astray to
miserable thoughts about his own life. "G- G- G- Green S- S- Sphaera...? I, I don't
know what you're talking about..." he tries to avoid the topic.
Robustly, Skydas let out a wide laugh. He seems
pleased seeing the highest man of rank in Myriad now cowers before his presence.
"Oh, what a boring lie." he replied, "The Green Sphaera… It’s the one that
keeping this island float above ground, isn’t it? Moreover, you insisted
your father to keep it for yourself! How could you not know?" Ölver’s fear meter flew thither near its end
point. Now that Skydas has revealed the orb’s secret, he won't stand a chance doing
another bluff. "I- I won't give it to you!" his apparent malaise seems to please Skydas even
further. "It doesn’t matter whether you're willing or
not." Skydas steps closer, his Blacksteel- rigged boots chimes against the stone floor. "By
dawn," he said, "I'll wait outside the wall for the orb. If
not... Your city will be grey ash. Along with your people, of course."
Apoplectic jolt sends chill to Ölver’s spine.
Before he could say anything to rebuke, Skydas whisk himself away with a blow
of gust. His figure is no more on the room, leaving the scared man in attire
weak to his knees. The highest man of rank in Myriad now flaunts his
insecurity. Should he give the orb to him? But the island will collapse, then,
so does his reign. If he’s going to disobey Skydas, the whole city will be in
danger-- including himself! Neither of the choices seem to be pleasant; Ölver’s
mind went blank, and he rushed outside.
Around that time, on Seraphim army's underground
cellar, Banri was forced to spend a night on it. His charge was 'disrupting
order of peace', three days maximum on jail. The bearded man can do nothing
against it, since he's technically outside of his jurisdiction. Showing
official insignia of Southport Guild won't help; let alone pleading not guilty
or false charge. His arrow wound, fortunately, have been given first-aid
treatment by the medics. They said the wound is not too deep and clean, so it
will heal over days with proper rest. Banri’s eyes veer into the cell’s window--
more like small hole on the topmost
wall-- starry sky blends thoroughly under the lucent clouds.
"Damn, here I am again." Banri sighs as
he lay down on the straw bed. A tad bit damp, slimy and suggestive of manure's scent.
too shabby for a jail cell, he said. For he has been in much
worse place to sleep in. Once, he had to starve himself abstemiously due to
bodacious amount of smell spread around his cellar, located straight down below
pig's pen. With several holes attached to its roof, frequently the pigs excrete
their feces and regurgitations.
"I've been worse..." Banri nods to
himself. "But what is this feeling...? I feel so uneasy I can’t even close one eye shut." he shifts
one way another, trying to find a good position to sleep.
Tired from shifting too much, Banri decide it is unlikely
of him to just wait for freedom to come by itself. He need to get out from
here, quick! So he searched around, sweeping away the straws and check the
floor. Perspicacious skill he had hone throughout his early years grants Banri only
a moment to discover weak points scattered among the floorings. He knocked it
softly and occasionally put his ears on it-- trying to catch a glimpse what
lies below.
"Seems there are only animal voices... It
might be the stable." Banri nods to himself.
After he made sure there's no one keeping an eye
for him, the bearded man let loose his foot, stomping down the weakened floor.
Few tries and the stone unclogged itself, breaking down one level under. The
rubble made quite a sound, but seems no attentive response given except from himself.
The older man shoves down, jumping liberally to the keeping area. Landed safely one level below, Banri realized the
animal kept here is no mere beast-- it’s the Scud Falcon! The top-notch messenger of avian class, Scud Falcons
are said to be able delivering letters in time even if hailstorm hinders them.
Banri calmed his steps so he won't awaken this lavishly-feathered bird
sleeping. Then, as he about to reach the pen's knob, he heard some beguiling
noise from outside. Banri decides to stay low for moment, assessing the
situation fully. He heard three... four, actually-- yelling in bewildered
"Double it! Quick, to His Holiness'
room!" "What's happening? Is it the thieves we were
chasing earlier?" "No, I heard it's someone else. He
infiltrated His Holiness' room to threaten him!" "Threat? No way, really?!” “He killed the door guards in one swoop… It’s not
a mere thief! Be on your guard!” “Alright… But hey... How did you know all of
Banri slips a smirk; he's somehow excited to hear
a turmoil is brewing. This strike of opportunity could be as well his trump
card, getting out from here and back to his team! He pressed his ear closer to
the wall. More soldiers came rushing, spreading panics around their own kinds.
"His... His Holiness said so." "Yeah, everybody saw him freaking out from the
room! He ran around and tell everyone about what just happened-- " "The infidel wants His Holiness to surrender
his prized orb!" "What? That orb kept in the Sealed
Banri's mind lit. His gut instinct says it's not
a mere orb; let alone a puny possession. There is no way an assassin would work
his way up to the Holiness’ room if not for a hefty wealth. His brain's chord told
him the orb is related to the main reason of his incoming to Myriad.
"Yes, the Green Sphere-or-whatever! He said
he'll destroy this town by dawn if His Holiness doesn't surrender it!" “What about Isfel?! The lower town! Our families
are there-- I have to go back!” “Calm down! We have sent some of our comrades
there. You help me check around the Palace-- the infiltrator might be still
inside!” “I- I can’t! Sorry! I have to go to my family!!” “Hey, you! Wait! Hey! Where are you going?! Damn…
he’s gone!”
"The Green Sphaera?!" Banri cues his
gaping mouth. "It was here?! Why didn't Meyer told us anything about it?" His mind now
races. “Mere thief or assassin, even a top-class, won’t
possibly threaten to burn the whole city for that… Unless…” Banri’s eyes widen in
unappalled shock. “…The HOUNDS?!”
Banri’s mind went frantic, he needs to act
immediately upon this imminent danger. There is no telling what the vile
organization would do if their demand isn’t met… He need to get himself-- and
his team-- out of here! But in order to do so, he needs a backup plan. A plan
foolproof enough to guarantee not only his safety, but also Myriad’s-- now that
he knew his comrade has a family member resides here. Then his eyes backed to the Scud Falcons,
sleeping soundly on their perch. He got an idea. Banri dug his trouser pocket,
reaching for some scraps of paper. He wants to write short, yet informative
words on it. Realizing he's one short for writing tools, he found some possible
'ink' on the ground: the bird's drop. Colored slightly mud green to charred
brown, he decide to use it to scribe the paper. First, he divided the paper to the same amount of
the Scud Falcon-- three. Then, he draw a circular line, indicating the Sphaera.
Banri drew quite a sloppy circle… He hoped anyone who reads his letter would
fathom it clearly. Beside the circle, he wants to inform about the HOUNDS, but
if he write the bare word, it will be found should the falcon get caught. So he
took a daring approach, drawing diagonal lines connected to one another by
small dots: a constellation of Canis
Major, often dubbed as 'hound of night sky'. Finished, he rolled the paper
and folded it into the falcon's leg. Slight brush from Banri's fingertips
awakened them, knowing their duty has come to call. They flex a bit, stretching
their wings and checks on Banri.
"You two, go to Southport." he ordered.
"Make sure to not get lost, okay?" Then he went to the last one. "You'll go to
Donmarrow. It's near, so it shouldn't take long-- probably two or three hour’s flight." He
gave a final nod before opening the window, sending off the falcons to fly. Banri watched them as they soar the sky,
splitting ways after a while. "I hope they'll make it..." he mumbles
to himself.
Just before he close the window, a soldier passed
by. The armored man is just about to double himself to the Palace’s heart, when
he passed the cellar area. He saw right through the bare window, a suspect is
standing idly, not in his supposed place. Fortunately, the soldier seem to not
notice the falcon's flight. Alas for Banri, he is detained on his place and
forcefully brought back to his cell.
"Where is Mr. Banri?" Reita's face
looks brooding in worry. "Jadel, too..." She stood outside of the library, having finished the
reading session. Meyer is currently occupied with his nightshift
work, so he can't keep the team around for long. Everyone is about to return to Isfel,
but two persons are currently missing. "I'm worried..." she looks down. Hameda, leading the trio towards the sky lift,
affirms her with a trustful nod. "Don't worry, they'll be fine." "How can you be so sure? They haven't come
back for a while." "Maybe they have returned to the inn?"
he replied. "Jadel said something about having a drink..." Oh, yeah. You're right." Reita sighs in
relief, secretly hoping Hameda's predicament would contrive her doubt.
Arriving at the sky lift, the team is surprised
by Iegor's presence. The officer himself has just back from sending back Flint,
the tiny thief, to his home-- along with the ointment jar he took. Iegor’s face
soured as he saw the three headed towards him. He tried to play it cool, hiding
beneath his sarcastic masquerade.
"Mr. Iegor..." Reita greets him.
"Good evening." Iegor put up a spurious smile against his
afflicted thoughts. "Going down?" he stepped out from the sky lift. "Yeah." Hameda positioned himself
straight in front of Iegor, it is clear he meant to not implore the Seraphim's any more. "Excuse
us." "Please excuse us." Alma follows him. "Um, Mr. Iegor..." Reita stopped.
"Have you seen two of our friends?" "Friends?" Iegor pretended he's ignorant.
"Who are you speaking of?"
"One has this slicked back hair, red jacket,
carrying huge sword-- the other has stubbles around his chin, looks like an uncle and
wearing green attires." "Oh." Iegor curl his fringe with one
finger. "...Maybe. I don’t know." "What do you mean?" Hameda steps over. Standing
almost 190 cm high, Hameda's buffed body impends Iegor’s stature. "Can't say I have... I was busy tending important affairs all day." Iegor
slips a sneer. "But I heard,"
he said, "There was a commotion here. The suspects of the disturbance were one imbecile runt and one older man carrying
bow and arrow."
"Mr. Banri!" Reita hold her breath.
“Where is he now?” "He's serving his time now." Iegor
scoffs. "Three days. Be grateful he won't be there for long." "Where did you take him to?" Hameda
grunts. "Did he do something wrong?" "Disrupting order of peace." Iegor
replied shortly. “Also, assisting
theft.” "Please, Sir Iegor. Let us see Mr. Banri
even just for a moment." Alma also tries persuading him. "Oho." Iegor eyed Alma, ogling him head
to toe. "So you're the missing Archbishop candidate." Alma's gut knot is about to
abscond the moment he heard Iegor's mockery.
"Your mandate have expired years ago.
Ophanim-exclusive treatment isn’t for you. " "Hey!" Hameda scolds him. “Answer me.” "Ha, did I hit a nerve? Well, well!"
Iegor sighs exaggeratingly. "Anyway! I can't let you see him, folks! See ya, make sure you go back to where you're from!" "What happened to Mr. Banri?" Reita
mumbles. "Should we... go and see him nonetheless?" "No." Hameda shook his head.
"We'll cause trouble. Tomorrow," he said, "We'll go. We can ask Meyer for help, too." "That would be the best." Alma nods to
him. "Shall we go back, then?"
The three agreed then, to call it a day and
return to Isfel. Riding down the sky lift, they take a good gander of midnight
sky surrounding Myriad. Prismatic light of thousand stars color the darkness
like small bulbs, illuminating the entire city. But then, down below there
seems to be a commotion happening. They can see people running frantically,
carrying luggage and their kids towards the sky lift. At first they thought
these people are about to steal some free ride and hop into Divum; but Hameda
saw something huge-- like a crater, opens up beneath the floating island.
"It's... opening." He couldn't fathom
the awe. “…Something’s happening down below.” "What's that? It's huge." Reita
comments also. “Lots of people are running there.” "That is the underground shelter." Alma
explains, "People of Myriad built it specifically just below the man-made lake to host its citizens
inside." "Wonder what happened there. Everyone seems
to be in panic." Reita sounds worried. "Whatever it is, that may be not good. We'd
better hurry to find our friends." Alma suggests. The three waits patiently inside the
translucent tube, as the ride slowly descend into the sea of men escaping their house
in a gusto.
Soon as the sky lift arrives down, everyone
blares out from it. Their face flair an uttermost kitsch; reframing the hectic scene of
malignancy out here. "What the heck is going on...?” Reita's head
turns left and right, all she saw was people and more of them screaming in fear, tugging their
family towards the entrance of underground shelter. Some of them beams through
without second thought, almost knocking her off. "Whoa! Hey, be
careful!" she hisses. "Guys, we
need to find everybody else. ASAP!" she nods. The latter two agreed, they begin to work their way against the massive wave. In order to not get separated, Hameda led the front, opening a way for the rest to follow.
"Miss Reita, please be careful!" Alma,
who's on the rear side, shouts across. "I'm okay, man! You watch for yourself!" she replied. "D****t, the street is too crowded!"
Hameda grunts. "I can't see quite well." Then, a voice calls out. "Heeeyyy!!!" "That's... Thomas!" Hameda tilts
forward. "Where are you?!" he shouts with husky voice. "I'm here!" "...There!" Alma points at one side of
the mass with an arm stretched up. "It's near!"
Hameda said, "You two, stay here! I'll fetch
him." "Fetch, huh? Is Thomas a puppy, or
what?" Reita chuckles seeing Hameda braces his way. Moments later, Thomas is reunited with his
group. "Hey! Thanks a lot for saving me-- everything
is frenzy mad here!" he said. "What happened, Tom?" Hameda asks. "Super emergency!!" Thomas yells.
"They said the HOUNDS is going to raid the city by dawn!" "WHAT?!" the three responded in unison. "But, why?!" Reita frowns. "What
reason do they have against this city?" "I don't know!" Thomas shook his head.
"The rumor came from a soldier from Divum, saying this scary stuff then people got panic all
of sudden!"
"They might have traced us." Hameda
spat. "Are you with Jadel?" "Jadel? No, I haven't seen him! What's
wrong?" Hameda's face turned, looking at Reita and Alma
anxiously. "He's not here..." "Don't tell me... He's also jailed along
with Mr. Banri?!" Reita's presumption goes wild. "What?! Mr. Banri, jailed?! What's going on
here?!!" Thomas became even more panic. "Everybody, please calm down!" Alma
tries to suggest positivity, but gets shouted back. "How can we calm in this peril?!!" by
Reita and Thomas. "F**k it-- I’ll go." Reita turns around,
but Hameda catches her arm. "Where do you think you're going?" "To get Mr. Banri out of there, of course!
And probably, Jadel!" "You'll cause a scene." Hameda shook
his head. "And look at this crowd-- you’ll going to get lost even before reaching the sky
"No, wait, Hameda!" Thomas suddenly
step up. "I agree with Reita! If Mr. Banri is still up there, we have to get him! We'll escape from
here together, right?" he turns to Alma. "We won't leave anyone behind,
right?" "Are we really going to escape...?"
Alma rubs his forehead, sighing heavily. "Is that even possible...?" "Let's go!" Thomas nods, then boldly took
Reita's hand to sprint off. "Wait, hey! Darn..." Hameda let his
guard off, involuntarily loosen his grip. "Come on, what we are waiting for?!" Alma nods, then
the two follows. Arrived shortly at the sky lift, Reita and Thomas
saw Blautiel standing before his platoon, giving orders regarding the evacuation.
"Report!" he shouts. One after another
gave their reply, about the situation at hand. "Sir! 2nd District have been completely
evacuated!" one said. "1st, 4th and 5th also have completely
evacuated!" "What of 3rd and 6th?" Blautiel asks
again. "Current progress is 85%, Sir! There are
still few have not yet arrive at the entrance!" Blautiel peers into the man-made lake, now
impaled into two parts, stairs leading deep to the shelter. People queueing neatly, nobody
pushed another to get inside faster-- one thing he could, at least, be grateful of.
"Assist the rest of them! Make sure nobody is left behind!" Blautiel replied. "Yes, Sir!" the soldiers saluted,
before walking off.
"Tch... I should've been more aware."
Blautiel bit his lips. He stares at the crowd, then found a familiar group running towards the sky lift.
"You?!" he eked surprise. "Commander Blautiel." Alma nods,
catching his breath after a sudden sprint. "Why haven't you evacuate?! Didn't you hear
the news?" "We have." Hameda nods firmly.
"But we need to go up." "For what purpose?" Blautiel's voice
turns hostile. "Our friends are still there; we need to get
them." "And where might be this friend of
yours?" The team looks to one another, unsure of revealing
the news they got from Iegor. "Well, where is he?"
"They’re at..." as Thomas intend to
reply, Iegor showed up from the lift. He descended with several of his men, possibly per his commander
request to help with the evacuation. "At the jail." the wavy-haired man
said. "He's on serving time for disrupting order." "...Humph." Blautiel let out a sardonic
smile. "Then you might be as well forget about them and worry about your own safety."
Suddenly, Hameda charged towards Iegor. Everyone
is dumbstruck as he clashed his forehead to the Seraphim's, throwing him
off-balance. Though protected by sturdy band over his head, the officer-rank
still staggers receiving Hameda’s head-butt. He faltered, so does his men--
creating a small gap for Hameda to launch his next attack. Not even Blautiel was able to prevent Hameda. He
charged, knocking down several of his front men with Argent Jab, his titular move. Heat from his magic gauntlet
emanates; assisting his deadly blows doing more damage. Iegor’s men fell,
leaving him bared open. Hameda wasted no time to grab Iegor's hand swiftly,
pressing his palm into the sky lift's sensor. The panel lit up, opening the
"Hurry!" Hameda said, rushing inside.
The three follows without ado, leaving Iegor still dumbfounded with bruised forehead. "Urgh..." he groans. “Imbecile!
Wait!!" he tried to pursue the team, but the lift door has been closed. "Sorry! Thanks!" Reita bowed slightly
before the lift went up. "Hey, wait! Argh! My head..." Iegor
wiped his forehead and found traces of red smeared on his fingertips. "Blood..."
he smiled petulantly. “Commander Blautiel! Please let me go after those
mongrels! " Blautiel stayed, quietly admiring Hameda's quick
reflex. "...Evacuation of citizens shall be our priority." he said. “Let’s move out.”
The lift arrived soon at Divum Stratum. Everyone
rushed outside and began running towards Seraphim army's barrack. Their hopes
to release Banri from there soon vanishes, after meeting the least people they
would want to: Meyer, along with Blythe Neredzīe. Both of them has just went
outside of Ancient Library, heading back to the Palace.
"You guys!" Meyer gasp. "What are
you doing here?" "We're heading to find Mr. Banri and Jadel!
There’s a massive panic outbreak on Isfel!" Thomas replied. "Yes, son, we know. We are currently on our
way to discuss this matter." Meyer replied. "Where could they be?" Thomas looks around. "Mr. Banri is inside
the barrack. Jadel… We don’t know yet." "Heh, is it the thief I saw just
earlier?" Blythe roused a smirk. "If he is, then he won't see daylight until days later! Forget it."
he continued. "Let's go, we have agendas to meet."
"Wait." Alma spoke up.
"Blythe." the chancellor turns around, face twitched. "I'd appreciate if you don’t get too
friendly with me, using such term..." "No, please listen. The city is in peril-- they
said HOUNDS is going to attack the city. We need to get our friends back, and get out from
here." "It’s pointless." Blythe hasten his
steps. “There’s nothing you can do now.” Before Alma could persuade him again, the Seer
from before came running. "Milord!" she called from afar. Everyone waited. "The...
The orb!" she shouts again. "What happened?!" Blythe replied. "The orb, Sir..." the Seer arrived,
still reorganizing her breath. “It’s getting violent again!"
"How come? Didn't you said, with the sacrifice, it will calm down?!" "Y- Yes, Sir, actually... It's the man
himself. Seems he got a reaction with the
orb, now he’s
barely himself! The orb might trying to use his energy to break free!" "Sacrifice…?” Alma said. “Blythe, you surely
wouldn’t--“ "This is none of your concern, Cess."
Blythe says, eyes still glowering the Seer. “Do something about it. Render him unconscious
with the huge sword he carried, or…” "You just said ‘huge sword’.
Accidentally, we're also missing someone with that kind of weapon." Hameda smirks a little. "Jadel?! No way..." Thomas gasped.
"Uncle Meyer, where’s Jadel? Please tell us!"
Meyer grind his teeth, now the secret has leaked.
The scholar sighs heavily to Blythe. "Blythe." Alma grabs the chancellor's
shoulder. "Please tell me your sacrifice it's not the
man we’ve been looking for." Then, out of blue, a roar is heard. Echoing like
a fire bolt scarring heaven's cloud. Along with it, comes green luster enveloping the
Palace's innermost, seen from afar. "Jadel!!!" Reita panicked, she dashed
without second thought. "Rei! Wait!" Hameda follow suit.
Confused, everybody now involuntarily followed the girl inside. "Move it!!!" Reita yells to the
soldiers guarding Sealed Chamber's entryway. "Who are you? How come you got inside?" "Move it!!!" Reita shrieks,
unconsciously removing Varunastra from her belt.
As the oceanic blade glisten, a resonation
happened. It feels like sudden tremor in high-pitched noise. Just for a moment,
everyone in Divum Stratum are pulverized by minor shockwaves which sent the
floating island descend slightly. Even Blautiel and Iegor saw it happening from
below; the island shook, yammering and gravitate downwards.
Reita fell to her feet as she tried grasping a
handle; so does everybody else following her. "Urgh...! W- What is this?!" she
cursed inside.
Soon, the shockwave recedes but no one has yet to
stand back up. Even the Seraphim guards, they are still regaining their courage
to re-stance. Reita saw this an opening. She reformed Varunastra into watery whip,
lashing it forward. The guards are strewn back, landing on her back. She
sprinted, toward the door with jaunting talismans attached to it. When she put her hand on the knob, another
shockwave hits. This time, it was delivered only to herself-- oddly. Reita was
seconds too late from jumping back. The shockwave caught her and strewn her
off. She's coiled backwards and landed near the guards.
"W- What is just...?" she groaned, pain
from the impact sears around her spine. The Seer finally caught up, she shouts.
"Please wait! Don't touch the door!" "Rei! Are you alright?!" Hameda quickly
went to her aid, along with Thomas and Alma. "What happened? Just now there's a terrible
earthquake..." the younger man said. "It felt... repulsive." Alma nods along. “As if Gaia’s core itself
reverberates madly.” "I don't know, I was just..." Reita
forced herself to stand up. "You there." The Seer walk forward.
"Let me see your weapon."
Alarmed, Reita went back to fighting stance. She
positioned Varunastra chest-height, a pose she would use to perform skills.
"...I see." the Seer nods after she took gander of the gleaming blade. "Milord." she
went back to the Chancellor. "This one is also a warrior." Meyer, who stood behind Blythe, doesn't seem surprised.
The spectacled man nods calmly. "It seems she is." "Meyer." Blythe grunts. "You know
something about this, don't you?" his breath is on hold by boiling rage. "Chancellor. I think it is wise to explain
this matter to them also. Why, we've gone a bit selfish by detaining their friend, who's also
a potential warrior!" -------------------------------------------------- © 2016 Latifa RahimAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Latifa RahimBogor, Bogor, IndonesiaAboutNewcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..Writing