Chapter 53: The Archive

Chapter 53: The Archive

A Chapter by Latifa Rahim

Ancient Library, the famous place for all knowledge molded within Myriad City. Our group finally set their foot to it...




"Aah..." the man smiles.

“I know this embroidery well. Actually, this sword was one of my masterpieces. I was so smitten by the color of Zircon he brought that day. Rarer than it has been already... Gleaming color of the earth..." the man seems to be lost within his reminiscing.

"Mister! Mister, who did you smith this sword for?!" Thomas dredges him out.

"Ah, yes. Pardon my habit of reminiscing." the man smiles.

"Why, I made this sword for your father, of course."

Thomas blinks in disbelief. Did his ear works fine just now?

"This sword, that stance, have proven you're the son of my dear friend, Reuna Hábil".


Being helped by Commander Blautiel, the team finally able to reach Divum Stratum smoothly. As they went out from the sky lift, Jadel wastes no time to shout as far as he could.


"Midget runt! Where are you, d****t?!" his voice sparse like a rage of thunder upon

cloudy days.

"There's no need yelling like that." Hameda calms him down.

"Tom might have been gone to the Ancient Library."

"Woo! Nice guess, bro!" Banri mimics Jadel's tone.

"He might be looking for books about Holiner race for clues where his father's friend

could be."

"Then what the heck y'all waiting for?! Let's get moving!" Jadel sped himself towards

the library direction.

"Jadel, please wait... Ah, he's gone." Alma sighs, his headache seems to have not

recedes after his visit to Blythe's room. "Shall we go, everyone?"


Thomas feel his soul almost evaporates when he heard the man speak about the Zircon Edge being one of his masterpieces. The man eagerly introduces himself as Meyer Virdigjanti, a pure-blood Holiner who serves as Archivist in the Ancient Library for almost two hundred years. Meyer’s pale brass hair shimmers alongside his lucent complexion, two titular features excluded in Halflings. His lips curves into an amused smile seeing Thomas' face changes color hearing his self-introduction.


"Are you surprised? Is this the first time you met a Purebred?" he adjusted his reading

spectacles on his pointed ear.

"N- No, not really." Thomas exhales. "What I'm surprised with... That you're the person

I've been looking for."

Meyer nods quietly. "I am very sorry of what happened to your father..." he pause a

bit, waiting for Thomas to introduce himself.

“Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Thomas Kalewill." the young man spoke himself.

"Thomas. A name suitable of courage and valor." Meyer smiles heartily.

"I suppose I owe you some explanation. This might take a while, how about we sit on

the garden?" he propose. "It is located on the library's backyard."


Before Thomas nods to his offer, a peculiar noise was heard. The guard seems to raise

his voice over some disturbance.

"No entry! How many times I have to tell you? Only residents of Divum Stratum are

allowed here!"

"Shut up! Let us through or I'll...!"

"Jadel, wait!"


Thomas seems to recognize the voices. His frowns are quickly retrograde Meyer's question, so he asks Thomas whether the young man needs to see what happens. At the library's entryway, the guard is still being pushed by Jadel's towering menace. The scruffy man ignores his friend's advice to not do reckless approach, yet he already did with his insult and glares.


"Ya not gonna let us through, jerk wad? Fine! I'll just--“ a hard slap lands on his back

of head. "Ouch! It hurts! Who is it?!"

Behind him, Reita gave him a flat looks. "You'll just sending us back to Iegor's

interrogating room over again. Move."

Jadel frowns heavily, but her glare shoots him down. "...Alright." he moved aside.

"I'm sorry about him." Reita bows slightly.

"Heh!" the guard scoffs. "I guess you people really suitable to live below, huh? With

that stray dog's attitude and all...!" he gives a disgusted sneer.

Reita's face twitches as if about to blow up herself. ‘Stray dog’ is too far for an insult.

"Miss Reita, Jadel, please calm down." Alma calls from behind.

Reita backs off, giving a quiet hiss to Alma, showing her utter dismay. "Tch. Fine."


Seconds later, Thomas and Meyer came up running. Meyer spoke the guard, introducing Thomas as his adopted son. The Seraphim looked at Thomas, feeling unsure whether he’s to take Meyer’s words seriously or not-- seeing how the boy has no recognizable feature of a Halfling, let alone a Purebred. After lots of lobbying and praiseful words, the guard finally gave in; allowing the team to go with Meyer. They are now able to enter Ancient Library as authorized guests.


"Heh, so you are a purebred Holiner?" Banri start asking as he walks.

"Yes, I am. Have you met another like me?" Meyer’s eyes glints curiously.

"Oh, we have. That inventor..." Banri frowns a bit. "...Giovanna!"

Meyer's face seems surprised. "You met Giovanna? How is she?"

"Wait, you know her? Ah, I forgot. She said she ran away from Myriad..."

"Yes, she did. Giovanna was a talented inventor who works along with the Binah.

But she left shortly due to dissatisfaction of current political affairs."

“She’s just fine as always!” Banri nods eagerly. “Still inventing random bunch of gizmos,

but they are sure came in handy! She helped my guildsmen a lot.”

“Is that so?” Meyer chuckles. “I should pay her a visit sometime…”


After a while, they arrived at the garden Meyer had asked Thomas to go to. There are chairs provided for leisure, padded among tea tables made with beautiful details. Feels like a luxury, sitting on them, enjoying the calm breeze and wafting, tranquil scenery. Warm allure of noon sky yields its light to flowering plants. Their fragile crowns are guided by the wind, basked yellow-orange shades under the warmth of ray.


"Make yourself comfortable.” Meyer says. "Thomas, wasn't it? How much have you

known about your father, Reuna?"

Thomas nods and told Meyer what he have received from Ariad; about his stranded

mother and his father who met Ariad and gave him the sword.

"It's a pity you didn't get the chance to meet your father; but your half-brother did."

Meyer replies. “Reuna and I were scholars here in Myriad, before he set his mind on a

voyage around the world. On his way, he met your mother… Prisca. Their relationship

was vehemently denied by Reuna’s family, but his resolve marrying her was firm.”

Everyone listened to his story eagerly. Meyer continues, “His letter arrived one day;

saying he will come back here with Prisca, away from his family... That was the last

time I heard from him…” he sighs. “I am also sorry of what happened to Prisca. Never

been in my wildest imagination she would succumb to the plague.”


"Wait, I have a question." Reita raises her hand.

"Guys, can we ask about what happened to Ariad? It’s concerning the plague, too."

No one seems to object. Reita continues and told Meyer how bad Ariad's condition

was when the team encountered him firsthand. Then she told Meyer the odd miracle

happened when Thomas' blood is splattered to Ariad's eye, curing his vision.

"Your theory holds, High Priest." he smiles to Alma.


"Whoa, didja know him?!" Jadel shoots his curiosity.

"I remembered seeing him sometimes ago... How many years back was that..." Meyer

jogs his memory. "Although, I don't remember his name..."

"Sir Virdigjanti, I am but an adventurer right now. My rights as High Priest have been

revoked." Alma replies.

"Is that so? That’s a pity, but alright." Meyer nods.

"Anyway, you are a Halfling, son, your lifespan won't be as those from Purebred, but

Your friend’s theory is plausible-- your blood holds some healing property."

"Then, I can help curing those who have been plagued by the Holy Scab?" Thomas

sounds determined.

"I'm afraid it is not that easy." Meyer shook his head.

"Right now, medication for Holy Scab is strictly regulated by the Ophanim. Not even

we, Binah, or Malakim are allowed to interfere."


Jadel feels his temper quickly diffuse. "Cut that crap!!" he shouts.

"There are people suffering down there! You’re still stuck with bureaucracy?!"

Thomas also adds his opinion, "The medication... It's not really works, right?

Jeena says so... It only prevents the symptom from worsening..."

Meyer shook his head again. "We, the Binah, have long pressured the Ophanim to take

consideration of using Holiner blood as concoction. They still refused nonetheless."

"What the heck?! They plan to let those people die or what?!" Jadel yells straight to

Meyer, as if he's the one holding all responsibilities.

"Let’s not hope for the worst." Meyer answers. “My task as an Archivist within the

Ancient Library is more tedious than it already sounds. Unfortunately, I have to pass

the foreign affairs to Officials." his words sounds



"…Question." Suddenly, Hameda raises his hand, breaking the tense air.

"I realize there are more of the Halflings than the Purebred. What makes your clan

chose marriage with female humans?"

"I remembered that hag also said similar thing. What's with you elf and your human

fetish?" Jadel crossed his arm, sneering an offensive language.

"Jadel!" Alma and Reita scolds him altogether.

"What gives, man? That’s the truth, ain’t it? They are marrying humankinds despite

knowing they will outstand their spouse’s age! It gives me the creep! "

"Apologize to Sir Virdigjanti!" Reita shouts like a raging thunder.

"It's alright, son." Meyer smiles back. "…and you can call me ‘Meyer’."


Before the argument tear everyone's focus, Meyer moves to answer Hameda's

question. "There is a reason why we seek human partner." he begin.

"Our race has the lowest birth percentage from the other races."

"What? It's the first time I've heard of this!" Banri nods knowingly.

"When a Purebred child is born, his survival rate won't let him grow until maturity."

"Is it genetics?" Reita adds her comment. “Does it gives you inherited disease of sort?”

"Yes. You seem to know this." Meyer applauds her.

"Thorough study for many years have concluded that, although Holiner have nearly

impeccable physical finesse, our genes suffer from utter defect which persist even

after effort of improvement.”


"What about your ancestor? Legend said the entire race warred for eons, right?" Banri

asks. “How did you manage to go through the dark age without getting eradicated?”

"About that..." Meyer nods. "It seems, after all, will be better if you read for yourself--

from books in the library."

"Can we really...?" Thomas is a bit skeptical. “Don’t the guards prohibited us before?”

"That is no problem, son," Meyer affirms him. "I will inform my friends to help you."

"Why are you helping us?" Reita frowns; curious what made the stranger eagerly

letting everybody into the archive. "Is it because you know Thomas’ dad?"

"That's one reason..." Meyer admits. "Another reason is that you've met Giovanna.

Infamous for her deficit of trust, so if you are friends of her, I can rest assured

knowing you are good people."


Enter Ancient Library, the biggest archive there is in the whole Gaia. The entrance door leads to small probation where the clerks welcome their guests. Clerks has their job to scribe guest names and record anyone who borrow things from the library. Further inside, the team is welcomed by half-circle rooftop with archaic painting nested on it. Scaled along are towering bookshelves crafted from sturdiest woods, housing rims of paper containing eons-worth history. The circular setup of the shelves are made almost like Alice's maze; it serves dual purposes--  one for preventing book thief escaping and for slowing down fire if it should spreads. Indoor ventilations are maintained so that only fresh air can circulate among the book's page. Windows are set parallel to the rear garden, waft of flowery scent sometimes snuck inside.

Everybody is in awe seeing ginormous books of different bindings shelved across the room. Some Archivists are seen frequently rechecking every nook and cranny to stay alert if there's even one missing book. Meyer takes them to a stroll, occasionally pointing each section of the library.


Banri's face widens into a silly grin. "Heeeh... This is really something..." he ganders

around. "I have never seen... Collection of books this many..."

"Oi, watch it, beardy! Don't stop in front of people all of sudden!" Jadel grabs Banri's

collar before he carelessly bumps an Archivist who was passing through.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry!" he bows sheepishly.

"Man, ain't ya careless! Walk straight!" Jadel grunts.

"Like I said, I'm sorry!" The two's argument invites a menacing please-be-quiet-signal

from people who are immersed in reading.

"Urk! So, sorry..." Banri bows again. "This is not my kind of place..."

"But really, it's huge." Hameda give a side comment.

"Are we going to search around the entire shelves?"

"Of course not!" Thomas speaks from the front. "Mr. Meyer will guide us!"


Meyer nods along. Everyone can feel the teeming awkwardness coming from the back row, where Reita and Alma walks. The two doesn't seem to have interest joining the leisure chatter, yet they are not too eager to talk between themselves.


"Hey, bro!" Jadel whispers to Hameda. "Ya get back!"

"What do you mean?" Hameda's flat eyes doesn't seem to get the meaning.

"The air is too tense back there! Why dontcha go talk something to them?”

"Why?" Now the tall man frowns. “I don’t see any reason to.”

"Tch. Ey, beardy!" Jadel turns to Banri. "You go behind!"

Alas, the older man seem to have been lost on his daydream, mesmerized by the

grandiose painting casted along the arched roof.

"He's liking it." Hameda nods. “Watch your step, Banri--“


Before Hameda finished, someone exiting the book maze clashed with mindless Banri, throwing off the entire stack of book he’s holding. It was an archivist, returning from his duty to check books. The accident cost the older man not only an earful of complaints but also a punishment, helping the passerby return his book to their respective shelves.




Meyer has arranged so everyone can look up any books to their hearts content on his room. Basically everything is accessible but cannot be borrowed or taken outside, so Meyer suggests the team to bring the books and read them on his office room. He took everybody to a separated column on the rear, where most office rooms for archivist, scribe and scholars are located.

Meyer's room looks more like a reading lounge than office space. It has several bean bags cushion which proves useful seat for anyone to spend a long time reading. The windows are built in modest way they are directly showing the garden view. Fluttering curtains, colored translucent pink waves as the breeze knocks from outside.


"Make yourself at home." Meyer smiles to his guests. "I have arranged so you can

browse the books now."

"Hameda, do you still have the note?" Banri asks.

"Yeah." Hameda slips out a crumpled paper scribbled with his own handwriting.

"Books about races in Gaia and about HOUNDS first."

"HOUNDS? That abominable underground sect?" Meyer asks. “So you have met them

on your way, too?”

"Yes." Hameda replies shortly. “In fact, we’ve been encountering lots of them recently.”

“You’re not ordinary travelers, I see.” Meyer slips an amused smile. “Not many have

crossed path with them and returned alive.”

“That’s just how strong we are.” Hameda flat-out praised both himself and his team.

"If you give your note to librarians outside, they can provide assistance of which book

are recommended for the outlines." Meyer said.

"We'll do that." With that, Hameda and Banri takes off from their seats.

"Son, you're not coming with them?" Meyer smiles to Thomas, who, in turn nods

before leaving the room.


The rest stayed behind. Jadel seems bored, he yawns several times before finally starts

to doze off. His neatly combed hair fell into the fluffy bag effortlessly, head leans

deeper into the pillow’s nook.

"Jadel, please wake up... We're on someone else's room..." Alma tries to wake him up,

but scruffy has his eyelid's weight surpass its threshold. Not long after, a quiet snore

eludes the twinkling sound of wind chime hold outside the window.

"It's alright. Let him sleep." Meyer reassures. "Those are placed there meant for

Sleeping purpose also." He sat down to one across Reita and Alma.

"So, Sir Meyer." Reita opens a question.

"Back to earlier question from Mr. Banri; how did your ancestor managed to survive

until now, if the genes have serious defect on it?”


Before Meyer gave his reply, the door clicks open. Thomas, Banri and Hameda brought

along with them, stacks of heavy-lid books made from sturdy leather casing.

"Hey! We're back. Phooey, that was tiring!" Banri wipe his forehead on his shirt.

"Here, I'll help you." Reita took some of the books. “You’re fast!”

"Yep! The librarians took these fast as sound Wait, why is Jadel asleep?" The older

man was about to pinch Jadel’s nose.

"Let him be." Hameda nods. "He must've been tired."

Meyer took one first book from the stack Reita holds. It is a book with brown covering,

embedded up front its title, 'History of Gaia, Part IV'.

"Here." he hands the book to Alma. "Page 57--102. Holiner, the Race who governs

Skyline." Alma shifts his hand to open the said page.

"Hmm? What are those about?" Banri asks.

"About your question earlier, regarding Holiner race’s survival." Reita rubs her chin.


Alma's eyes twitch as he read the book's passage. "This is..." he gasps.

“What did you find?" Everybody else came down to see what's written on the book.

"During the Ancient War, many female kind from Human race were deprived from

their homeland. They were taken by Holiner and Doombender, serving as concubines

to produce offspring."

"Wow. Grotesque.” Reita ticks her tongue. “I’m kinda irked, but let’s continue


“That’s war for you, huh?” Banri let out a forced smirk. “Sir Meyer, never had I thought

your clan would do such maladroit acts.”

“At that time,” Meyer replies. “Two critical sources are a must: Foods and women.

Both provides morale to our soldiers. At that time, no one cared about humanity.”


"Alright..." Alma shifts another page. "It is known centuries later that Holiner and

Doombenders have long recognized their scarce chance to produce purebred.

Holiner race suffers from genetic malformation which bring pre and postnatal

Complications. Most children from purebred marriage fail to reach infant ages due to

low immunity against airborne disease. Even a common cold would kill them-- a

condition which forced the Holiner to not produce offspring among themselves.

Doombender race suffers from similar genetic failure. They are creature of deep-

dwelling; having dark complexion and black eyes. Staying below ground levels caused

an adaptive feature on their eyes, which turns them vulnerable against light. Purebred

children are mostly died right after birth due to seizure from contracting sudden light

outside the womb." he ends the reading.


"Shocking." Hameda said quietly. “The book is well-written for a mere historical type.”

"It’s unbelievable what everybody did along the warring era.” Thomas slumps down.

“I felt terrible just by imagining it.”

"War only gave every each of us pain of skin deep." Meyer said. "We can’t change

what happened in the past; every race has their own sin. But now, things have

changed. We ask our companion for their partnership through legal procedure.”

"You’re right. We Mankind are also responsible for inciting hatred between the races,

thus ignited the Ancient War." Reita mumbles. "Anyway, shall we begin the work? We

have tons to skim!"

"Urgh... I don't wanna read all these books..." Banri and Thomas sighs in unison.

"Don’t be so down!” Reita cheered them both. “We’ll work it out together. Just for

your information, me and Alma are quite profound of books, so you bet we’ll finish

this fast!” she nods to the man’s direction, still holding the book.


"Yes... I suppose." the man tries to not look flustered. "What shall we read first?"

"I'll have these." Hameda took his part to read books about HOUNDS.

"Okay, I'll take them, then." Reita points at stack of 'History of Gaia'.

"...Split with him. There's no way you're going to read them all." Hameda signs to Alma.

Hastily, he approaches Reita to ask which volumes he will read. To his surprise (again),

Reita doesn't show anymore of her dismaying glare or sarcastic words. Rather, she

replies eagerly. "I think it would be better if you continue where you've been.

The fourth, fifth and sixth. Here." she hands him the books.

"Thank you. Then, I'll read them..." Alma went to his chair, still mulling what blows off

Reita's gray clouds.

"Banri, Tom. You can skim some of the leftovers." Hameda points at several books on

the floor.

"M'kaaay... Reading isn't my forte..." Banri sighs. "Phil... If just you're here!"


Reita took her books and moves the bean bag close to the window. It is more comforting to read under afternoon sky, she said. Along the reading, occasionally her head would jots up, mulling the information she's processing with her brain. Her eyes rolls to sides, mouth gesticulates in odd movement before going back to the book.


"Alright, let's see here. History of Gaia, Part I..." she flips the book's cover.


The land of Gaia is divided into four main lands: Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern Region. Eastern Region houses a pleasant mild climate with average rainfall of 34 mm monthly. Vegetation and fauna are quite abundant, with various species of bird and wild cats. There are less mountain range here than the other three regions, causing most cities are built upon flat lands.

In this region, there are five main landmarks of Eastern Region. The capital city and kingdom of Vanadeus, Cobaltvine Town, Gingerbeet Village, Hidden Village of Fshehur and Domain of Skvêlý. Kingdom of Vanadeus serves as the capital city and main trading harbor. Ruled by royal bloodline, the kingdom prevailed many struggles and flourished as a country with advanced trading business. Their specialties are patterned clothes, seasonal fruits and also pottery. Aside of its vast trading business, Vanadeus is also famous for its scholars. Politic and trading are the most favored majors, but defensive magic department also produces many promising scholars. Vanadeus' banner has a depiction of three shields forming a triangle with wreaths of flower amidst.

Cobaltvine Town lies just ahead of Deuces Woods which expands almost to the continent's southwestern tip. A lively town of approximately 20.745 population, Cobaltvine citizen’s main tools of trade is mostly their mining business. Their yield of precious stone and minerals increased as year goes; with the highest recorded of 17.492 tons exported to neighboring countries.

Besides stone and minerals, Cobaltvine also has one point of interest which reels people from other regions. They have a walking apparatus which enables people to travel faster than using traditional cart or sea voyage. This peculiar machinery is the automobile; invented by an alumni of Vanadeus’ trading major named Kloy Dirkstein. Dirkstein first elected himself as one of proficient traders in Cobaltvine, specializing as stone-polishing firm. Days gone and he realized his business doesn’t sold much for living cost. Dirkstein then thought it will benefit him if his polishing stones could be shipped quickly, attracting more customers. This was his trigger to design, build and later, patented the automobiles. Now, every automobile used in Gaia has ‘D.K’ insignia on its tires, to honor Dirkstein’s pioneering invention.

Gingerbeet Village, on the other hand, is a small village just before Port Reis. Though there isn't much to offer, the village is applauded for its solidarity between their small circle and the notoriority of their porters. Merchants from the Southern Continent often takes this village as shortcut route to evade the congested main route.

Hidden Village of Fshehur and Domain of Skvêlý are the only known Elven domains in Eastern Region. They are well-kept within vast forest of Myndsal, one that sparse over the northern part of the region. Though there have been only few information regarding them, one can convince themselves to not take fool's path: Myndsal is spoken as deadly, maze-like forest with legendary beast said to devour almost anything, from small rodents to adult human.

Fshehur Village lies side-by-side with Domain of Skvêlý. The village acts as residential area for the elves; whom is said to wear clothing sewn from nature's breath.  Within the domain lies their Lord, governing this secluded tribe with a possibly archaic tradition. The forest elves are also capable of unique magic, tad bit differ from common wizardry. Theirs rely solely on nature's mercy; as in changes of weather, rain droplets and forest energy.


"Hmm. We haven't been to the last two main landmarks." Reita thought to herself.

While skimming the remaining pages, she came up with a question to Meyer.

"Sir Meyer, have you been to the outer world?" Meyer slowly shook his head.

"As an Archivist, I have a sole responsibility to remain here in the archive. But..." he

interjects. "I know a thing or two about the world, from many books I have read.

You can ask me anytime."

"Alright." Reita finish her note about important things she took out from the book.


Moments later, the team finished their skimming session. Each of them shares what they have read; about Gaia, HOUNDS, Sphaera, Signifer and also Rex Hortus. Meyer assists them as best as he can, dredging his latent knowledge of the outer world he hasn't been.


Hameda spoke his part first, regarding the HOUNDS. "They became independent from

Vanadeus approximately eighteen years ago." he says.

"That's just months after the Princess' first birthday..." Hameda veers to Jadel, still

laying on his sides, but he seems to have awaken.

"Mm." Jadel mumbles quietly.

Hameda pause a bit before continuing, "...then shortly after, this 'Oracle' figure

suddenly renowned himself within the high-ranks."

"That Oracle... The HOUNDS who came to Southport said similar words, I recall."

Banri nods few times. "He said... All Kronos must be exterminated... Because the

Oracle orders them so."


"Sir Meyer, do you happen to know why the HOUNDS are so bent exterminating the

Kronos?" Hameda asks. “Also, do you happen to know who this Oracle person is?”

Meyer, whom had his shares regarding the team's situation-- including Reita's

dormant power from Vanadia, seems to know not more than the team does.

"That is still a mystery even for me. We the Archivists agreed to one conclusion that

the Kronos have all perished after the Ancient War." he tries to explain.

"Then why Princess Vanadia has that power?" Thomas asks.

"Yes, that is mysterious indeed. Kronos pass down power of time-bending to their

children. Meaning... the Queen was likely a descendant to the race."


"We have considered that option, actually." Alma gave his voice.

"Is it possible for the power to be dormant on one's entire lifetime?"

"That's possible." Meyer nods. "After all, it is a power which should be reserved only

when Pyx demands it for turning back Gaia's balance."

"But Vanadia's power activates when she's in near-death condition..." Reita's thumb

rubs her brow line. "...and she involuntarily bestowed it to me."

The entire room turns silent, everyone seems to be thinking on their own.

“What about this Oracle figure?” Hameda repeats his question. “What purpose he

might have with presenting himself to the HOUNDS then taking their reel?”

“We’re currently investigating it, with the help of our Seraphim army.” Meyer replies.

“My own theory is that he’s a figure with power to see through time’s flow; enabling

both future prognosis and past time recognition. His aim might be overturning Gaia’s

balance and reshape it into his own ideals.”


“Does exterminating Kronos would likely to help him in one or other way?” Banri ask.

“Yes, of course.” Meyer nods eagerly. “Imagine if there is no intervention from those

able to steer back Gaia’s course into its wealth. Life on this planet would deteriorate

and eventually comes Doomsday.”

“He intends to destroy the world?!” Hameda’s voice sounds alarmed.

“Eh, we’re dealing with a classic evil scenario, then.” Banri let out a sneering breath.

“To be honest, I was kinda expecting his motive would be more… causative.”

“Something is off…” Thomas frowns a bit. “It’s as if things aren’t quite in their places.

This might be not as simple as we think.”

“True.” Reita agrees with him. “Thinking of it, the Oracle and HOUNDS’ motives are

too shallow. Are they going really just going to destroy everything?

“It doesn’t explain their incoherent actions such as hunting the Siren, spying on

Southport and get involved in Naino’s politics.” Hameda rise his argument.

“Alma, what do you think?”

The man spoken to seem to be thinking deeply, his forehead formed a unibrow.

“I... can’t say. Just as everyone said, it is too early for us to draw conclusion for the

HOUNDS’ motive, or the Oracle’s.”

“We’ll have to ask them directly, then!” Thomas idly propose. “No point worrying

over things you don’t have the answer!”


"Moving on, then." Banri tries to unmute his thought. "What about Little Miss' world?

Do we have some leads how to send her back ASAP?"

Meyer nods. "We have studied possibilities of another world outside Gaia, and our

conclusion is: there are many of them."

"Wow! Nuts!!" Thomas grins in awe. "I wonder if the humans there are similar to us!?"

"They are, really." Reita replies. "But my people isn't viable to magic."

"Yes. As Reita said, all those worlds has similar inhabitants like Gaia. The differences

Are not that vast; perhaps in term of diet, choice of occupation…”

"Have you found any passage which enable people to cross worlds?" Hameda asks.

"Unfortunately..." As Meyer shook his head, everyone let out a heavy sigh.

“We haven’t found it; and there have been no record of anyone manage to cross

world, except you.” He smiled apologetically to Reita.

“You have set world’s record, son.”

"Hey, thanks, and don't worry too much." Reita shrugs. "We have more important

things to do. Sending me back to my world can wait."


This time, Alma shares his part of Gaia's book. He speaks of Sphaera and Signifer; the book mostly explains what everybody already knew, so he gave only a grease of it. Comes after is topic about Guardian Deity and Rex Hortus; notably the latter, which the team had fought several times. Commenced in the book, Guardian Deities are ancient gods who have been bestowed by Pyx six elemental powers of nature.


"There are six main elements in Gaia: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark." Alma

recites the book's sentence.

"Each one is appointed to be held by Guardian Deity, or Old Gods as they phrased it."

"Old Gods?" Reita asks.

"It is because in present day people don't worship them anymore." Meyer explains.

"Either we devote ourselves to Pyx or... another." his smile looks tricky.

"Oh! Like the Ophanim in Myriad?" Thomas nods to Alma, which he replies.

"Correct. We worships Lord Gilthar and Zarmesiton as our Gods."

"I see. So, one of those Deities are Varuna, I bet." Reita nods excitedly.

"You truly gave me hard times, son, for believing that Varuna of the Seven Seas has

made you his warrior." Meyer's praise still has hints of disbelief.

"I was as surprised as you are." Reita gave her two-shoulders.

"Oh, yes... I shall read about the Old Gods, too." Alma continues his recite.


"Fiercest flame which tears down unjust and evil, a raging bolts from heaven;

She whose scarf is the fire of purgatory, Agni.

Seven seas are his blood. Returning soul, birthed ones emerges from his cradle;

He whose blessing pours down from heaven, Varuna.

Encased by featherlike wings which flaps gloriously under sun's ray, He gave

Gaia life from his breath; Vayu.

Precipitating seeds of life also burying its last remnant; She who bestows balance in

Gaia, Mother of nature and its denizens-- Prithvi.

Ancestral constellations blitz-rain down from the sky, commanded by He who accept

Sun as His adjutant; Surya.

Gatherer of lost souls wandering in deepest realm of the unborn, quelling great

changes happening in the Ruth Circle; Yama."


Everyone nods in unison as Alma finished his shares of explanation. "These Gods...

So they also endorse the Signifer to its coherent Wielder.” Reita’s eyes glints in

Interest while eyeing her weapon.

"That seems to be the case." Alma agrees with her.

"What about the Rex Hortus?" Hameda asks again. "...Is there anything we can learn

about how to fight them?"

"...or how to avoid them altogether?" Banri laughs sheepishly.

"True. The ones we have fought were deadly enough." Reita agrees. “One or pair of

info will surely help us face them in near future.”


Alma flips back several pages on his book before explaining. "According to what has

written here; one cannot simply dissipate the Rex Hortus without special armaments."

"Special armaments." Reita nods. "They must've meant the Signifer."

"I agree." Hameda joins her. "Normal attacks didn't work-- we know it too good."

"Rex Hortus shall descend once Gaia's turmoil nearing its end," Alma continues.

"Whilst souls are being gathered, Rex Hortus are also responsible for reshaping the

land, preparing it for new seeds of life to be planted."

"What?! So they are going to destroy Gaia entirely?!" Thomas' face turns blue.

"Plausible." Meyer opens his personal notebook. "Many cases we have investigated

has eyewitnesses often credit a nasty-looking monster as the responsible party."


"They would eradicate just anyone..." Reita narrows her eyes. “That’s not good.

Does it written in the book how can we prevent them from massacring people?

Like, maybe, stopping their multiplication..."

"That is impossible, son." Meyer replies. "Rex Hortus are like droplets of water from

Rainclouds or earthquake; they are natural phenomenon. Even if their number

diminishes, they will keep coming."

"Drat!" Banri spat. "Then what, we're helpless against them?!"

Everyone in the room fell silent. Suddenly, a loud yawn emerges from Jadel's mouth;

he seems to have been listening the conversation since long.


"Y'all being too scaredy-cat." he mocks. "We just hafta kick their a*s and be done with

it, right?!"

"What are you implying?" Alma spoke to him.

"I mean..." Jadel stretches himself, climbing down his place before snatching the book

from Alma's hands. After some pages flipped, his smile curved upwards.

"We see 'em, we crush 'em! Simple as that. Not that we’re setting off to this journey

to save the planet, anyway. We’re here to smash those Skydas b*****d and pay him

back for what he did to Vanadeus!"

"Heh. There he goes again; no point shoving logic to your medium-rare brain, huh?"

Banri broke into a laughter. “I’ll take his point, though! Our priority should be about

paying back some HOUNDS and look for a way to send Little Miss back home.”

"True. At least we have obtained critical knowledge about them. We’ll make do with

it." Hameda nods along.


"That aside, d'ya find any Kanjou-Link related stuffs?" Jadel asks.

"We have discussed those just moments ago." Alma replies.

"As Mr. Banri have previously told us, Kanjou Link skills are only viable to those who

have deep bonds with each other and holds prime elemental power in their hands.

The book implies that only those with potential are able to utilize the skills.

In our case, we have you, Miss Reita and Hameda who have awakened to Kanjou Link. "

"Huh... Well, nothing new, then." Jadel shrugs. "We’re superb! Not only we are branded as potential ones, we’ve got our Kanjou Link in just few months knowing each other! Man, that’s what I call bro! Homies!" he shuffles to Reita's side and knocks

her shoulder. "Right, pal?!"

"Yeeesh..." the girl seems to be disinterested in petty conversation.

“Moving on..." Hameda glances at Banri. "Tell us what you've read."


"Okay! Here comes old man's special program! This is what I've read so far.

My head feels like exploding to smithereens..." he shows everyone a scrap of paper

full of random scribbles in unsettling letters.

"Mr. Banri... I didn't know your handwriting looks that terrible." Thomas giggles.

"Mine looks better!"

"Doesn't matter, sadly! We're not competing for handwriting, but for the info on it!"

Banri sticks out his tongue.

"W- Well, Mr. Banri, if you please..." Alma tries to not aggravate the seed of argument



Time flies by; it is late afternoon now. The sun has slipped off from its post, walking way back home to retire from today's work. Everyone has finished sharing their reads, still lounging at Meyer's room. Banri explained how the HOUNDS are segregated into two opposition: Liberal and Radical. No doubt, it is written on the book that the Radical has Skydas Lustro and Mun-Khag as their commander. Not even Hameda could stay calm remembering those names; the condemned being who put his homeland ablaze without second thought.

Banri propose himself to go back to Southport, realizing his duty have been fulfilled-- guiding everyone to Myriad's Ancient Library. Another reason for him to go back is to seek assistance from Dryzan to locate Skydas and Mun-Khag, as well as the HOUNDS’ quarter. Thomas decides to stay for a while at Myriad, while the remaining four seems unsure of what to do. Their purpose are clear; yet no one seems to carry a clear picture where should they go after this.


"We still haven't found your way back home, Reita..." Thomas says.

"What about staying with me, Ariad and Jeena for a while? I'm sure she won't mind!"


Despite the young man's effort to cheer her, Reita couldn't dissipate a generous slab of worry lathered on her mind. Her gut instinct seem to tell her an upcoming omen, though Reita herself couldn't picture any abstract of it. She feels as if this journey won’t end soon; not this quick after they set foot to Myriad, reading the whole library, finding many facts which led to more questions.


"What's wrong, Reita?" Thomas asks.

"Eh? Uh, no..." she shook her head, realizing she's been gazing blank circles.

"Err, what were we talking about?"

"...Do you have something on your mind?" Hameda also questions her troubled

Expression; like someone who’s about to say something but opt it out.

"Err, no. Nothing..." she tries to put off the rising curiosity fueling her friends.

"Say, what about we take a little break? Everyone must've been tired, right?

Reading all those books..."


"Finally you said that!!" Jadel jumps to her shoulders. "C'mon, Rei! Let's have a drink!"

"You know I don't drink... Don’t cling too close, too, you reek of sweat…"

"Aw, whatever! Let's just go from this cooped hell!"

"Nice idea, Jadel! I'm joining you, then!" Banri butts his way in.

"Let me in, too!!" Thomas says. “How about we look for beef bowl shop? I’m hungry!”

"Hey, hey, don’t butt in! I'm going with Rei!"

“Tough luck! I want to go with Reita, too!" Thomas whines a bit.

"Not a chance!" Jadel glares into the young man menacingly.

"Not a chance~~” Banri gave a smug face, imitating Jadel’s expression.

"Don’t copy me! My face doesn’t look that horrible, beardy b*****d!"


Before the fight wreck Meyer's room, everyone agrees to split; those who head outside shall also look further help for Holy Scab's possible cure and those who stay will skim some more books. Certainly, the trio of Banri, Thomas and Jadel would prefer to go outside than spending any moment's speck inside the library. Thomas says he'll go back to see Ariad and Jeena, while Banri and Jadel would hit the pub to go info-hunting. Hameda agrees to Meyer's favor, helping him on his craftsman’s workshop. That leaves Alma and Reita, both awkward of the collision happened only days ago and still unresolved.


"Afternoon tea will be served soon." Meyer says before leaving the room. "I shall be

back soon after Hameda help me refining some unfinished works."

"Rei." Hameda's face looks stern. "...Be back soon. I can trust you to not mash him into

Ombre-let, right?”

"I'm not going to!!" Reita yells back, imagining how messed up an Ombre bird’s egg

looks like when made into omelet.

"Says the man-girl who beat him to bleed just days ago!" Jadel laughs merrily.

"See ya! Be nice to each other!"

"Shuddup! What are you trying to say!!?” Reita's face becomes redder.

"No domestic violence, okay? I won’t allow any excuse for it!" Banri jokes along.

"Geez, you two... Don't tease them like that!" Thomas tries to stop them.

"Reita and Alma are always in good terms, aren’t they?!" his final word, as the door

closes, marks the two's first second of incessant awkwardness.


Crisp sounds coming from a wind chime overlaps the gust breeze paying mandatory visit to the room. It is pleasantly cool, also mild to skin’s touch. People often said hours before dusk is the perfect time to talk about life, about deep things which will come to mind later when the moon is asleep.

Reita sits back at her spot, near the window. She sifts her fringe to the back of earlobe, preventing the wind to flap them back again. Taking few deep breaths, it feels comfortable indeed. Atop the cushioned seat, she gazes upon the back garden, letting her conscience sink in slowly. Her thoughts wander off to far plane, reminiscing many what-ifs. Her former world; she wonder if it still remember her? Will it still acknowledges her as one of the inhabitants-- won’t it reject her, one who have crossed dimension and technically transformed into alien? Or, what if she never made her way back? Such thought races back and forth, deafening her ears from an actual voice trying to resonate its own mind.


Moments later, Reita realizes she is being talked to. Her face wobbles from her palm,

catching second as the voice called her again. “Oh, sorry. You called?"


Alma's face soured, he realized his words just now fell uncomprehend. Are you okay? You seem to be off yourself for a while now. Do you want to talk about something? About that time-- back then, when I made such selfish request at Naino. I hope this misunderstanding can be cleared swiftly; it would be terrible if our friendship is ruined like this. He seals his lips.


Alma turns his head, "No, it was nothing. Please don't pay any mind..."

Reita frowns, tilting her head backwards. "My bad. Go on, say what’s on your mind."

No answers from the other party for a while. Hastily, Alma spoke a sentence.

"Um, it's about the other day..." he tries to not meet Reita's eyes-- which he

remember fierce as raging infernal of boiling blood. The girl took a deep breath,

slowly. Her chest falls quietly as she exhales.

Thoroughly, softly, expelling remnants of hateful tone in her mind.


"Alright." Reita shifts her position from facing the window, to the man sitting across

her. “Let’s talk about it, then. Sooner or later, this will come anyway. But before that…

I regret what I've done to you. That was not humane at all… I’m sorry."

"No... Please. It's alright..." Alma forces a smile. His gut knots as he inhale it for a

smile; A pain he won't forget the rest of his life.

"Miss Reita, I..." he gape.”...I'm sorry to have caused you and everyone else so much

pain. I was being selfish..."

She nods quietly. "You did nothing wrong… She deserves you.”

Alma gave her but a small, pained nod as his answer. Both of them didn't say any word,

when suddenly they tries to speak at the same time.


"What did you--" Alma says.

"Listen--" Reita begins also. "Ummm.... Sorry. You go first."

“No, please. Mine can wait later." the other hesitates too.

"Argh, we're not going anywhere!" Reita laughs a little. "It's okay, you go first."

Seeing her candid reaction, the man continues. "Alright, then. I wanted to ask, what

did you and everybody else feel when I... said I'd stay in Naino?"

"Hmm. Good question." Reita nods fervently. "They're all enraged, especially Jadel."

"True. I can still feel his demonic aura jabbing to me even now." Alma follows a chuckle.

"Hameda was the only one accepting things as they are; Mr. Banri and Thomas were

confused, they didn't believe it at all."


"How about you...?" Alma lowers his voice so, it got jumbled by another chime from

the hanging decoration.

"Me? I'm... devastated." Reita admits.

"You're afraid to lose a loser that much?" a hint of sarcasm lather Alma's words,

Catching her off-guard. Reita raise her brow, blinking few times to digress the jest.

"Ha! Spot on." she smiles cynically. "Yeah, I'm that type of person who will got

insecure if a friend became close to another person. I’m scared to death they would

chose the other party instead of me-- I’ll be alone again." she admits her flaw eagerly.

"It seems I'm the only one on the group who acts immature. What a drag…"

Alma shook his head, "That's not true. Everybody is always afraid losing something; be

it a person or an inanimate object. So do I."


"Ah..." Reita follows his sentence. "I see. You were bound to lose one or another,

despite your choice..."

"Yes. It was Kamilah or everyone on the team..."

"Sorry." Reita felt a slap of truth to her forehead. “I didn’t realized that until now.”

"Please don't be. I want to honor her last wish..."

"...She wants you to come back." Reita remembers clearly Kamilah's last letter.

"Yes, that's right. She will rest in peace knowing I'm back on the place I belong to...

This group. She wanted me to continue my quest with every of you."

"You're a tough nut, you know?" Reita smiled proudly. “Just now I’d swore that smile

is coming from someone whose resolved have beaten his sorrow flat-out.”

"I'm not as tough as you think." he replies with another smile, a bitter one.

"At any rate... This means the misunderstanding have been cleared, I believe."

"It has, certainly." Reita rubs her nape sheepishly. "Welcome back, friend." she stretch

her hand.

Alma returns her greeting, "I'm back. Thank you for having me."


Outside, Jadel walks way in front of Banri and Thomas, treading the smooth pavement with his jumpy steps. The three took a little stroll before heading to the sky lift to drop Thomas. On the way they met Iegor, Blautiel's junior. The officer-rank looks surprised seeing them walking freely around the Divum Stratum. With the help of Thomas' story and Banri's ace of winning people's trust, Iegor agreed to let them go unruffled. He even approved the use of sky lift to them, as long as it's not past midnight. Heading to the lift, the three continues their conversation.


"Hey Jadel, you're not mad with Alma anymore, right?" Thomas asks.

"Heck no. Why wastin' my energy for that sore loser?" the red-wearing man replies

while crossing his arms.

"You're mocking him just now!"

"He is a sore loser, midget!"

"I don't think he is!" Thomas starts to raise his voice.

"He is! He left us for that broad--" before he can finish, Banri lands a quick slap to his

head. "Ow!!" Jadel winces. "Old man!!"

"That's not a nice way to put it, brat." Banri grins devilishly. "Ya know for goodness

sake he loved Kamilah deeply. I'm sure he's feeling upset more than any of us."


"True... I didn't thought she would--" Thomas holds his breath, remembering the

bitter truth. “She doesn’t have to… die…”

"Still!" Jadel presses on. "I can't forgive him what he had done to Rei!!"

"Oho..." Banri curves his palm, covering his wicked smile. "Do I sense something here?

Is it just me??" he chuckles devilishly. "Jadel, you're not...?"

"Not what, beardy?! Your act looks like a drunk low-key comedian!"

"You're jealous?" Thomas bluntly states it.

"Jealous? Why would I?"

"Because you just said you're mad at Alma because he hurt Reita!"

"That's not it, midget." Jadel whack Thomas' head with a chop. "I care for her. But not

In that way to induce jealousy." he admits.


"If I remembered correctly..." Banri's face became more twisted.

"Both of you have been like oil and bonfire. Fueling each other's irritation endlessly.

Didn't you suspected her at first as HOUNDS' spy?"

"That's so way ago!!" Jadel argues. "Of course I was suspicious! She came from

nowhere..." he grit his teeth. " the wrong time, no less."

"Without doubt.” Banri agrees. “Then you challenged her to a duel… Made her cry by

saying offensive comments, not to mention your daily arguments which can deafen

people around!”

"Then, what makes you care so much about her?" Thomas looks confused.

"...That's not your business, midget!" Jadel tries to evade the question, but Banri leers

him with his evil smirk. "Don't try to run, Jadel~"

“I'm not! Why are you looking at me like that, b*****d?!"

"Eeh~ my eyes are as normal as they are~" Banri's smirks widen.


"Well? Hurry up, tell us! We're almost at the sky lift, Jadel!" Thomas nods eagerly.

"I'll be away for the time being, it won't be fun leaving a conversation with gap hole!"

"Argh, shuddap! You two are being noisy!" Just as Jadel tries to avoid further pressing,

his shoulders are caught by Banri's hands. His palms rest firmly on Jadel's plated

shoulder, forged from steel and light stone. "Tell us!" Banri flares his nostril.

"Why are you so persistent about this?! It's none of your business!" Jadel tries to

struggle, but suddenly Thomas caught his back too, holding his waist tightly.

"Oy, midget! What's the meaning of this?! Hey!!"

Some nobles who pass by thought they were newly recruited comedy trio, paid to

serve as street attraction. "People are watching! Oyyy!!" Jadel's face redden.

"Not before you tell us~" Banri whistles.

"Tell us~~" Thomas follows. “Tell~ us~~”


"Argh! Okay, fine! You win... I'll tell you!"

"Yay!!" Both Thomas and Banri squeals over their triumph.

"Release me first, dummy!"

"You'll just run away if we do!"

"What are you, snotty five year-old?! I won't!" Jadel sighs.

"Really?! You won't run? Pinky promise, okay?!"

"Shuddup! You're really a midget runt!!"

"Pinky promise, okay?!" Banri tries to impersonate Thomas' voice, causing great

disgust in Jadel’s already-frowning brow.

"...Joking. Alright, tell us now." he release his grip, finally.


"I... care about her, because..." Jadel tries to explain, but then he stutters.

"Because??" Banri's nostril flares.

"Urgh, as expected... I'm not darn good at it..." Jadel scratch his nape awkwardly.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Thomas starts to fuel his impatience with some eager stomp

and manly cheer.

"I got it! Fine, fine! Argh..." Jadel exhales abruptly. "Rei... She's a damn tough one.

Though she's been pitted into series of unfortunate events, never once I saw her spirit

give up. Sure, she's whiny at times and a closet crybaby..." his eyes veers into the

library's direction. "...She's showing her flaws not because she's weak. It's because

she's honest with herself; and there's nothing wrong of that."

"I agree." Banri smiles heartily. "Among us all, Little Miss is the one who showed her

emotions the most."


"Before even I realize it..." Jadel continues. "She have always trying to be there for

everyone. For me, too. Despite we always knocking down each other with kick and

punches. She kept me strong."

"That's... a wonderful way to admire someone." Thomas' words slips by.

"Admire..." Jadel repeats the word. "I guess that's one way to put it."

"So you admire her? Like, an idol?"

"Not that way, dummy. Her, an idol? Ha! Even an abstract painter won't hire her for

model..." Thomas' face looks puzzled; hearing another mockery after an honest praise.

"Arg, enough of this. I'm really not good at this..." Jadel shook his head.

"I care for her. That's all I need to know. The rest can go off the moon."

Banri and Thomas somewhat understand his converging words. The three bid farewell

as they send Thomas off into the sky lift.


"Don't go back too late, midget!" Jadel grins. "Those uncles in uniform will scold you!"

he tilts his face to some Seraphim soldiers walking off distance.

"I know! Don't treat me like a kid!" Thomas frowns. "I'll be back before dinner."

"Hey, Thomas." Banri calls out. "I might be assuming too much but... Don't do any risky

thing. That includes wringing your blood out to heal everyone at the Isfel."

"Yep! Dontcha dare do dangerous stunt like that, runt!" Jadel also warns him.

"I won't. Relax, guys." Thomas assures the two with a firm nod. "But I'm positive my

blood can help finding the cure, so I'll talk to Uncle Meyer later about this."

"Good. Have a safe trip, then." Banri waves as the lift door closes and slowly descends

the translucent rail.


With Thomas gone, Jadel and Banri are left by their own company. Before they about to enter the sky lift-- suddenly, a commotion blares from a distance. They heard one pained scream, high-pitched; possibly a child's. Then other two voices, raised in anger. Banri decides to halt their trip to see the voice's origin.


"Give that back, you brat!!" the voice rang.


Banri and Jadel hides on a wall's gap, trying to seize the situation first. A child! Banri's anxiety races. He's being cornered by two Seraphim... What happened? He narrowed his eyes, trying to get a clear grasp. Beside him, Jadel ticks his tongue loudly. Banri can feel he's getting impatient than he usually-- a friendly warning is needed. He raises a finger to his mouth, head shaking in disapproval.


"Let me go! No!! Let me go back to my home!!" the child shouts.

"I have to get this to my siblings! They need it!"

"That's a stolen good, you piece of s**t!!" one soldier grabs the child's arm so hard he

yelp in pain.

"D****t! We go now, beardy!" Jadel hisses.

"No, wait! There's something fishy-- The kid's stealing?" Banri halts his friend.

“If it's a thief then we'll..." Before he spares another word, Jadel has left his post,

leaping into the bare hallway.

"Ah, damn! Jadeeeelll!" he shouts, involuntarily alerting the soldiers.


Both Seraphim stands guard, alerted by Jadel's sudden presence. One has the skinny

child on his arm, another one locks his hand on the sword's hilt.

"Who are you? This area is off-limits for commoners!"

"Speak for yerself, dagnabbit! You're a commoner, for jeebus' sake!"

"Insolence! Don't you recognize us? We're the Seraphim soldier!"

"Dunno." Jadel's smirk turns malicious. He shrugs obnoxiously. "Scrap those armors

'round and you're basically same as me-- commoner." he press the last verb.

"You...! I'll show you the power of Seraphim soldier!"

"Bring it on!" Jadel was about to ready Mörs, when Banri jumps out.


"Wait! Wait... Jadel! Don't aggravate him."

"What are ya doing, beardy?! Imma about to drill some hole titled 'common sense to

not hurt children' to this a*****e!"

"No, wait. We can solve this without violence... Calm down." he grips Jadel's hand

which already on his sword. Jadel frowns a bit, then he gave in.

"Fine. Your turn, Old man."

"Right-o!" Banri gave him a thankful smile. "Then, soldier, I believe we're clear to not

use violence?" The Seraphim hesitates, but does what Banri suggested nonetheless.

"Alright. State your business now, before I send you back to Isfel along with this tiny

goblin." he spat to the skinny kid.


"What did he do?" Banri asks cautiously.

"He stole something of utmost importance, from Ophanim office, no less!" the kid's

arm is tugged forcefully, he winces again.

"And that something is...?"

"That's none of your business, commoner. Now get out of here."

The skinny kid may have his limb restrained, but he bravely ran his mouth.

"It's a medicine for Holy Scab! For my siblings! I did nothing wrong!!" his yell hits Banri

and Jadel like Warhammer falling from Thor’s hand.


"Medicine..." Banri sighs heavily. "How much did you stole?" he observed the kid

closer, then saw his curled fist. Under the bony fingers full of soot, he saw a tiny jar--

about a size of rouge balm commonly available on women's purse.

"That's the medicine...?" Banri feels his blood boils. "That much...? And you have to

use violence against him?"

"Back off, peasants." The Seraphim with the kid on his arm hissed.

"This affair is none of your concern." His friend continues, "Now, off you go. To the sky


"I refuse, dummy~" Jadel rasp his breath from behind, sticking out his tongue.

"Humph. Peasants are shown by his act, indeed." the Seraphim tries to keep his cool

while in fact he's also tempted to slit Jadel's tongue into raw gourmet.


"Jadel!" Banri yells. "Stop it, you brat! Listen... Soldier. At least tell me why it's so sinful

for one helpless child to obtain this amount of medicine." Banri tries to reason.

"It's for his siblings, goddammit! Don’t you have a heart?!"

"Heart? Hah!" the Seraphim sneers. "In here, we have law to uphold. One of it is to

not be lenient to thieves!"

The kid shouts back. " Those rationed salves… They’re not enough at all! My sister will

lose one of her feet if it’s not treated quickly!" his voice desperate. "Our parents are

dead because they sacrificed their shares of medicine for us! At least let me save

them-- my brother and sister!!" he bawls.

"And you, peasants. Go back to your place below... Be grateful I won't file this as

breach of law!"

"Wait." Banri spoke, as the soldiers leaving with the kid still shouting to free himself.

"How much... is the medicine?"

"Huh? What are you trying to say?" the soldier turns back.

"I said, how much is it? I'll pay for him." Banri flash his money sack; a rotund one, at

least around three hundred gold coins are there.

"W- What? A- Are you trying to b- bribe us?" golden sparks from the coins seem to

have caught the Seraphim's eyes.


"Not at all. You’re a dedicated soldier, aren’t you? Of course you won’t accept a bribe,

right?." Banri sneers, seeing the soldier's eyes follow as he wiggles the money sack.

"Forget it." the one holding the kid's arm grunts. "Law is law, we're not as low as you

thought to be bribed by money." His friend, despite doesn't look like it, forces a nod.

"T- That's right! You w- won't bribe us!"

"So you won't let that kid go, no matter what?" Banri sighs, placing back his money

back. "That's a shame."

"Shame for him, not us." the Seraphim scoffs.

"Listen, tiny thief… While your lightest punishment won't cost you a head... It'll cost

you a hand at best."


End of Chapter 53!

© 2016 Latifa Rahim

Author's Note

Latifa Rahim
Pardon for the late update! I'm getting busy with my work, with all those tiny punks having end semester exams and so :p

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Added on December 24, 2016
Last Updated on December 24, 2016
Tags: adventure, book, six, adv, chapter, 53


Latifa Rahim
Latifa Rahim

Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia

Newcomer in writing world! Loves sci-fi and adventure as genre. Does drawing, too. more..
