Just a while ago, I found out that I made it. The teachers were impressed with my grades, or something, I suppose, and I'm going to be in a different school for my 11th grade.
Shouldn't I be in a state of elate-ness like my parents? This is allegedly the best school in the area. Allegedly good people, good teachers, good grades, good activities, good everything.
As I sit here in my room, with Adele singing away in iTunes, I notice the glare of nature outside the window. The sky's semi-dark, a few trees splashed in the picture, some roads twisted like noodles holding luxurious cars as they honk, thinking they're boss.
Slip down in retrospection.
My present school is simply mundane. Nothing special, a few kids, a few teachers, and a few kids who think they rule the world. The issue with me is that I don't have that power to withstand popularity. I never manage to be popular. In my present school, I have no recognition, just some, amongst my few friends. Have I been content? ...maybe. Have I been esoterically jubilant? ...Nope.
Besides, if I'd stay in this school, I may never actually open up to the world.
But...the new school? Am I ready to go through it again? At this point, my mind is quite panicked. I'll have that risk of having to fit in, and what if I don't? I have changed my school several times in the past...and well, they haven't always been good. I would do something entirely stupid on the first day, and watch all those who joined with me get popular, as I'd hide. Or try too hard. Well, I'm not saying I want to be popular. Just that, I don't manage to become friends with people who are truly like me. Or just, good friends in general.
Ahh, extroverts. I really am not one of those. Maybe with my friends, but in life, I'm an introvert, quite reticent all the time, and only I know my secret alleged talents. How will I open up here? What if something goes wrong? HOW should I open up? What if no one talks to me? What if they find me strange?
All my problems are parading en masse intending to destroy the cerebrum. People say "Just be yourself", well, uh, I'm always me, I'm a very bad imitator, but.... being 'me' doesn't always work.
The melancholy music is making me even more melancholy-cal. My hands are super cold, I have to keep rubbing them against the skin of my cheek to feel warm. And even that works temporarily.
All I want is a place where I belong. With friends who make me feel like I belong, who I can relate to. Till now, I have never actually been completely contented. I remember joining my present school, I was so excited, but turned out to be nothing. I don't know...all those school's I've changed, something just...goes wrong. Like involuntarily.
And I don't want the same to happen here. Really, I don't. At this point, I don't really know who I should be. What I should be. Should I be the super-crazy-friendly-loud newbie, or the quiet-and-shy-but-dreamy girl. Or a mix? I have mixed feelings. And also this feeling that something's gonna go wrong.
^sorry, couldn't find words for my angst.
Cumulonimbus clouds arrange themselves in concentrated proud lines, some up, some down, and I hear the distant rumbling. A few red leaves drizzle down from that anonymous tree, and wind picks up speed, as if coordinating with my heartbeats.
But...the moon seems encouraging, somehow.