![]() 'AshuJaan & The Blueberry Fairy'A Story by Ramiz Ilham Khan![]() For all Delhi Lovers. A futuristic modern fairy tale.![]()
Once upon a time, in the city of Dilmiley, where ironically people were very dull, and sadness came out of vehicles instead of the black smoke. Where romance did not exist, where Sylvester was the 'Betaaj king', and he made sure no one dared to murmur the name 'tweety' even in sleep. The name was banned under section sylvester 223, all MNCs were informed that the name as well the photo of Tweety was to be deleted from the cyber world, the generation to come was to be born without the shadow of Tweety [Acc to Sylvester], grandson of Bill Gates was especially asked to design softwares that could block the IP addresses of those who tried to access to the word Tweety in cyberspace.
And in villages on the outskirts of dilmiley, villagers who were unaware of the "Sylvester and Tweety mysteries", which was once the reason for a good laughter, only believed Tweety to be the daughter of Satan himself. Old villagers who had seen the series on cartoon network in their childhood often tried to reason with others by saying, "But she warzzz shooo Cute", but sadly no-one believed them, and young ones often kept a finger on the lips of these old ones, just to make sure they don't utter the evil name. In the old part of the Dilmiley which was connected with the new part only through a huge round about renamed as "Conn-Sylvy-place" mostly referred as Sylvy Circus, lived a beautiful sweet girl named, Ashima, also known as Ashu. She had recently given up photography for writing, and she used to sit for hours and watch the kites and hear the pigeons sing to her, she rejuvenated with her philosophical side & made sure she squeezed out some form of realism for her new Ghazals. It was the month of Ram'zan that she noticed a familiar voice outside her house that came to wake the family up for Sehri, even though her family followed a different faith. The voice was of a young tall boy with Afghan blood running in his veins, his name was "Mizz" but people called him "Mizzy" Ashu knew a sweet little 11 year old girl named "Nausheen", who lived just a block away and asked her to enquire about the boys who wake up people in Sehri, to be specific Ashu wanted to know who that guy was. Nusheen went from one Pan-wala to another, every time buying a Pan-Toffee and popping it in her mouth, making it red with pan flavor, with the little money that Ashu offered her. After 4 hours when nausheen returned with good news, Ashu walked back home with his name on her lovely lips, [it went something like Mizz, Mizzy, Mizzy baby] Early morning around 3:00 AM, when Mizzy was about to bang on the door to wake up the family for Sehri, Ashu quietly Shhshhhhed him, Mizzy looked up in the window and what he saw was phenomenal, he saw Ashu with a "Dupatta" over her head, her face was wet, [in that moment he found a new meaning of sin] there was a smile on her face and as she leaned towards the edge to throw a piece of paper with her new Ghazal on it, towards Mizzy. A tiny drop hanging on her lips was pulled by the gravity of affection of Mizzy, it strategically placed itself on his lips, and for some reason he felt like a child. [This was the moment great lovers crave for he thought], he picked up the paper and left with a smile on his face. He turned back towards the window a couple of times as he walked towards Gali Qasim jaan, and could still see the shining face of his Ashu-jaan. Along with the Ghazal, Ashu instructed Mizzy to meet him beside the ruins of the Akbari masjid. They both had an uncomfortable air around them first, but Mizzy was a poet himself, and Ashu was a digital poet earlier, so both of them got along pretty well, Mizzy discussed Ashu's Ghazal at length, but there was something Mizzy wanted to show Ashu, but he wasn't sure of how she would react, so he told her that his takhallus was "Ilham", which was so not required at least in such a tizzy moment. But he explained the reason, he philosophized about how he has this magical power to sometimes know what is best for him and others, "sometimes" he repeated the word. Ashu was listening carefully and was wondering what was coming next, and than in this moment Mizzy uttered the word most deadly, most sinful most wicked, he said "Have you seen Tweety ?". Ashu in a jiff kept her palm on Mizzy's lips & stood there confused and still. [Mizzy was almost intoxicated with her touch], yet gently he took out his ipod Classic 160 GB 2008 design, which was like, ancient now, [The latest model was Sylvie 3.9 120 TB], and felt cushy as his lips moved against her palm as he murmured "Trust me Ashu- j...j..." And then Mizzy shared his grandfather's amazing collection of "Sylvester and Tweety mysteries" A warner brother production, with other Looney Tunes characters. Ashu learnt about Granny and Hector and how they solved mysteries while sylvie always wanted to eat tweety. Like a flash everything was clear, Ashu could feel the useless burden which people were carrying over their shoulders, along with the sheer fear of Sylvie. What she could not understand was, how come Sylvie managed to come out of an animated series and live like humans do ? to this Mizzy said, "For that you'll have to come with me to the Blueberry Minar" Surprised and intrigued she said, "And where is this in Dilmiley?" Mizzy gave her the ipod so that she could see the rest of the collection, but he promised her to keep this a secret, after all not all know about the reality of Tweety, about the Blueberry Minar he said, "Its a small Minar in a graveyard called "Big Chill" - Ashu chuckled at this. "I'm serious" he said It was evening and she had to leave now, she got up and said, "Shez sooo cute" Mizzy nodded, and as she walkd away, she said "I like you Mizzy baby." Mizzy stood in the middle of ruins of Akbari Masjid with sparkling starlight in his heart. In the unromantic city of Dilmiley, love was finally blooming quietly. Ashu spent the night watching the rest of the episodes. She wanted to do something to free the city from the evil clutches of Sylvester, she was making mock strategies just in case Mizzy does not come up with something creative. That night she slept with his name on her lips and Mizzy did not come to wake her family up, in Sehri. Next afternoon both of 'em sneaked from the old city towards the new, and both of 'em were sad because Sylvie had practically changed the face of the city, they managed to reach 'Big chill', and began looking for that small Bluberry Minar. Ashu was very excited and scared too, she was always this adventurous types, she loved reading about the mountains and beaches, she held Mizzy firmly & had faith in him, she liked him, he was her Mizzy baby. There was an old lady who resided in the Blueberry Minar, she gave Blueberry cheese cake to Ashu & Mizzy. Both of 'em looked at each other, smelled it and ate it together. Now the lady asked, "What bring you here kids? " Mizzy gulped the last piece in and wiping his lips he said, "How do we wake up Hector ?" old lady looked at him for a minute, than Mizzy looked at Ashu, she wiped a little piece of cake on the edge of his lips with her finger. The lady said, "Why would you want to wake up Hector? " Ashu licked that little piece of cake which she wiped from Mizzy's lips, she made sure Mizzy didn't see that. But the old lady did. Mizzy said, "Because we want the city to break away from the chains of Sylvester, and Hector always protected tweety in the series, if we wake him up, he'll do his duty" "Granny can do the same kid, why hector?" the old lady rebutted. "Because" Mizzy declared, "All this happened when Granny died, and if I'm not wrong it must be sylvester" Ashu who was still calculating how Sylvie could actually come to life, asked a weird question ,"I saw an old shop outside Big Chill, an old man sat there and sang an old song, why is there only one shop outside Big Chill?" Mizzy thought this to be so irrelevant and tried to snub the question, but found himself startled when the old lady said, "Oh he's Khan Chacha's grandson, of course you don't know him, his father also used to make delicious Chicken rolls when I was young, and let me tell you, its only by the smell of his father's magical recipe' 'Mughlai Chicken roll', can Hector wake up" Mizzy could feel that they were getting somewhere, and Ashu felt happy after her question contributed to the mystery. "So we can just ask him to make a Mughlai Chicken roll and that's it" Mizzy said. "Yeah pretty much" the old lady said in dull notes, "The only problem is he or his family hasn't made one in last 65 years, so good luck kids" Ashu & Mizzy, became very sad now. Ashu sat beside Khan Chacha's grandson and hummed the song he was humming, she didn't know the right words though, and she realized that this was the song that her grandmother still sings. Mizzy was sitting in a corner trying to be creative. Ashu told the old man, about how her grandmother still sings this song and cries like a child. After a while Ashu said, "I'm hungry old uncle, can you make me a Mughlai Chicken roll?" The old man still busy humming the song said, "Sorry my dear, I haven't cooked myself in 40 years and about Mughlai Chicken roll, I don't even remember how its cooked, my father was an expert in it though" Ashu cutely made a sad face and said, "But my grandmother told me, if I'm stuck near Big Chill ever in my life, I should ask the man at the shop outside Big Chill for Mughlai Chicken roll" The old man with a thud changed his position and said, "Your'e 40 years late sweetheart" Mizzy chuckled at a distance, he kind of liked Ashu's cute sad face. Now he decides to intervene "Ashu forget it, he's too old to make one for you, come lets go eat somewhere else, and tell Vishakha aunty that the old man didn't help you" The old man suddenly got up as if he was young once again, he actually shouted ,"Whhattt", Ashu and Mizzy were confused. Ashu whispered in Mizzy's ear, "How do you know my grandma's name" Mizzy just smiled. The old man took a deep breath and asked Ashu, "Is your grandma's name Vishakha ? " Ashu said," Yes' "Does she live in old city now, near the ruins of Akbari masjid?" "yes" "Does she sing this song everyday" - Now tears in his eyes. "yes" "OMG she was the love of my life" the old man now crushed Ashu n Mizzy in his huge arms, as if sharing the last doze of love that was left inside him. The old man said, "I'll make you a Mughlai Chicken Roll, I have the books that contain the old recipe, but you have to promise that you'll give my letter to your grandma" Nobody argued. While Ashu waited for the roll, Mizzy rushed to the old lady in the Bluberry Minar and informed her that the Mughlai Chicken roll was being prepared. The old lady asked him to keep the roll over Grave no. 999 and thae wait for 2 minutes. Hector would come out himself. Ashu took the letter and promised to deliver it safely. Now both of 'em waited for 2 minutes at the Grave no. 999. Instead of Hector they saw Tweety flying towards them, an actual tweety, a real yellow coloured tweety, it came towards 'em and said, "Putty tat ruined this city" Ashu just melted in tweety's presence, she held Tweety and kissed it firmly and felt for the first time that she did something purely out of love. "Who are you" Mizzy enquired. "I 'Mizzy baby' am the Blueberry fairy" Mizzy fell on his knees, because the words that fell off her mouth sounded so pure and clear. Both of 'em walked the Big Chill and Tweety flew along, and talked about plans of bringing the dull city back to life, when Mizzy asked why Hector wasn't awake yet, tweety told him that he has been sleeping since long now, it'll take a while for the smell to do its magic. Half an hour later, Hector joined them too. Later than night, hector was prepared for the battle which he was destined to fight, a real battle with sylvie who was much more powerful now. But the battle had to be fought for the freedom of people from the grip of fear, of monotony, of hatred, of un romanticism & of so much more. Finally with the creative help of Blueberry Fairy, in the middle of the night, mammoth screens were put up across the blue sky that covered the city, they were made of material which could not be seen on a cloudy night, this fooled the city administration completely and Mizzy's ipod was connected for a direct streaming of "Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries" , the plan was to show people the series so that they learn the reality of Tweety and the evil that Sylvie was. 2:30 am in the morning Ashu sneaked out of her house and along with Mizzy helped in wailing the siren across the city. She also placed the Old man's letter under her Grandma's pillow before leaving. When the whole city woke up and saw the animated series, they realized how foolish they had been, and how cute tweety actually was. Before the administration could do anything, a mob outside Sylvie's mansion created disturbia. When Sylvester himself saw the massive screens projecting the series that he thought were extinct now, broke him down completely, his Hysteria was unimaginable. Hector reached Sylvie's mansion by now, and all news channels covered it Live. Hector destroyed Sylvie just like he did in the series; he also made Sylvie apologize to the city of 'Dilmiley' Live on Tv. The next day was the most beautiful day for the people of Dilmiley in last 70 years. Eid was being celebrated too. Ashu & Mizzy became the heroes. 11 year old nausheen screamed her lungs out for her credit, after all she had helped them meet. Old city declared free sweets & chocolates for nausheen for the rest of her life. Like old times, vehicles began to produce black smoke. MNCs were informed about the new cyber rules, grandson of Bill Gates was sent new instructions. The old villagers who often spoke about how cute tweety was were respected even more, in some villages they became the new 'Pradhans' In the evening far away from the celebrations and the new colorful life of Dilmiley, Ashu & Mizzy sat in the ruins of Akbari Masjid, they felt as if they had lived an entire lifetime in a day. Blueberry fairy was with them too. Ashu still did not understand how Sylvie managed to live like humans, this time Bluberry fairy answered her in detail, she told Ashu how, after Granny's death Sylvie found a way out to silence Hector, than Tweety went missing, no one knew where she went, so to overcome his sadness of not been able to have tweety, Sylvie systematically started eradicating every sign of Tweety, from the human world, not realizing that he is making the city sad and dull. After all Tweety was a metaphor for happiness and innocense, during those days. And as for his human form, he probably found some way. "So why are you in Tweety's shape ?" Mizzy asked. Right then and there, Blueberry fairy magically transformed herself into that old lady they met in Blueberry Minar. "OMG" Ashu & Mizzy said. "Yeah Yeah, Dont be shocked Im actually Granny's sister" Ashu & Mizzy were still looking at her. [With their Jaws dropped] "And Tweety is safe now, she's in a city known as San francisco, I personally took care of the issue, she gave me the tonic to change shapes, and I could have done all this by myself, I needed no Mughal Chicken roll or Hector, all I needed was someone who still loved, still believed in love in this sad city of Dilmiley, someone who cared about Tweety and then you two came to me" Ashu & Mizzy were shy now. "What's with Blueberry?" both of 'em asked. "Ohh nothing I just like Blueberry Cheese cake, I could think of no other name :D:" The old lady walked towards Gali Qasim Jaan. "How did you know about Bluberry Minar in the first place" - Ashu wondered. "I read about it in my Grandfather's diary actually" Mizzy confirmed. Then suddenly, Nausheen ran into them panting heavily, "Ashu Didi Ashu Didi, Vishakha aunty is missing" Totally ignoring nausheen. "See I toldya sometimes I can, sometimes I can know whats best for me & others, thus 'Ilham" Mizzy proudly said. "I love you Mizzy baby" "I love you Ashu-jaan" "You rock mizzy baby" "So do you my Bluberry bite" - "Nobody wants to find Vishakha aunty" Nausheen began to sob calculatively in order to gain the attention of the two lovers. 'Hector - Tweety - Sylvester' - Are Characters owned by Looney Tunes. P.S. - Please ignore the mistakes. I did not edit this on my own. © 2010 Ramiz Ilham KhanFeatured Review
3 Reviews Added on August 24, 2010 Last Updated on August 24, 2010 Author![]() Ramiz Ilham KhanMumbai, Andheri, IndiaAboutI'm a writer and a Film-maker. A simple person with a smile & a good heart :-) I was here 3 years back. But now I decided to enter the Cafe again. Things have changed and so has the entire cafe's s.. more..Writing
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