![]() Chapter 11A Chapter by thunderdiamondShe searched both my eyes as I searched both of hers. ‘Korea?’ she spoke uncertain. My heart dropped a little. I grabbed her hands. ‘Ok. I know it’s scary. It’s really scary. But you said you want to see the world. You work online so you can work from Korea right? And you said you loved me too, so come and be with me’ I pleaded. ‘Taemin, I want nothing more than to be with you. This is like some crazy dream right now, and I love dreams but I’m a realist. I have questions, things I need to arrange.’ ‘Ok, ask me. Let me help you’ I said. She eyed me uncertainly, finally smiling and saying slowly, ‘ok, so Korea, how does this work? Where do I live? How long will I stay?’ ‘easy,’ I answered ‘I have a house, stay with me. I have pretty fast wifi, so you can work there too, or anywhere you want. For how long to stay that’s up to you, let’s go with let’s just see what happens’ ‘Let’s see what happens,’ She repeated staring blankly at me. ‘Yeah, if you hate it I promise you we can go somewhere else. I travel a lot, so you can come with me’ ‘that’s another thing, you work so much, I don’t want to be a burden to you’ ‘Ok. So it’s true I work a lot. But I don’t work 24/7. I do have time, you want to see the world right? Come with me and see it. Please’ ‘Taemin I’m not worried about spending time alone, I can understand about your work. But I will be in a whole other country I have never been to before, don’t know the language and don’t know anyone. I like being independent but I might need help . . . ‘ she mumbled the last part almost as if she was ashamed to admit it. ‘I will look after you’ I stated. I would do everything I could to look after her. I needed her now. ‘Will you come please?’ She looked into my eyes for the longest time. I knew she was conflicted at wanting to come and the practicalities of coming. Eventually, her heart won out. ‘I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to’ she grinned. I screamed, making her jump. I was beyond happy. I wrapped my arms around her and wrestled her over making her scream and giggle too. I kissed her several times before pulling away and looking down into her eyes. ‘it’ll be great. I’ll arrange it all’ ‘you will?’ she questioned smirking and cocking her eye. ‘ok well I will get people to arrange it all’ I laughed. © 2017 thunderdiamond |