Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by abigail elizabeth

“Who is he? I mean what does he do and why is he here?” I asked as I went back over to the couch and sat down next to Twitch who had Patrick back on his lap.

          “I’ I’ve only m, met him a, a f, few times,” Twitch paused and thought for a second. “From wh, what I re, remember he, he’s a knife sales, salesman; illegally sell, selling them of, of course. G, guns some t, times too.”

          “Wow,” I said turning my head and looked back up the stairs. Almost right after I looked they all came back down the stairs including Kenny this time. Jonah went outside to his car and came back in the building with a steel looking brief case. He went over to the table and set it down. All the guys gathered around the table to have a look. Jonah opened the case, inside was an assortment of many different looking and types of knives. There were also a couple of guns thrown in there.

          Tyler and Adam said nothing but pointed at the ones they wanted and Jonah gave them what they wanted. Kenny mainly just sat there only getting a thing or two also saying nothing. No money was exchanged which very much surprised me. After they were done Jonah shut the case and they all shook hands. Adam, Tyler, and Kenny took their new “toys” up stairs leaving Jonah down stairs with us. Twitch looked over at me.

          “I’m s, sorry Nor, Noreen to, to leave you, you a, alone with hi, him but I, I’ve got to, to um ‘g, get out’,” he told with me with his sad pitiful drug needing eyes.

          “It’s all right, “I smiled weakly at him. I hated his drug cravings. They made me feel so sad and helpless because I couldn’t help him.  

          Then Twitch got up and walked up stairs. Jonah’s eyes watched him like a hawk watching its’ prey the entire way. After Twitch was out of sight his eyes shot right to me. My eyes jolted quickly away from his. I grabbed the remote and began channel surfing as calm and coolly as I could. Then I began to hear the moving of his chains and the clicking of his boots walking over to the very couch I was sitting on. My heart began to pound fast. I felt his eyes boring holes into the back of my head. Before I knew it he stood above me just starring down at me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath hoping he would leave. Then reluctantly I looked up at him. His fierce eyes pierced through me like a knife.

           A freaked out feeling clinched my stomach. I gulped but yet I found myself saying, “Would you like to sit down?” He sat down still not taking his eyes off of me. Patrick seeing that there was a new lap to explore jumped off of mine and found his way over to his. He looked down at the kitten one eye brow raised as it jumped up on his upper leg. With a finger he pushed Pat off and continued to stare at him wondering what the cat would do next. Once again the kitten jumped up on his leg and once again he pushed it off. Patrick looked at his obstacle once again almost in frustration and stubbornly jumped back up on his leg but this time when Jonah went to push him off Pat reached up and bit his finger. Jonah pulled his finger away with not a look of pain on his face but an evil like smile, almost a look of pride of the cat’s cleverness. He let the cat curl up on his leg and go to sleep as if he had then earned the rights to do so. Then his eyes shot right back to me. I was also smiling with pride at my cat’s smartness, but it left once he looked back at me.

          “I’ve never seen you before?” he said in a very deep raspy voice, “Who are you?”

          “Noreen,” I answered softly and nervously hoping he would stop staring me strait in the eyes.

          “They kidnapped you, Adam and Tyler didn’t’ they?” he said calmly and still starring. I nodded my head in disbelief that he would know that. The only way he could have is if they had told him and I doubted that.  

          “The eyes are the window into the soul,” he said the cliché effortlessly as if it was the truth and leaned back on the couch putting one arm on the back still not taking his eyes of off me, but now he wasn’t just looking at my eyes he seemed to be not just checking me out but studying me. I began to feel like a caged animal being studied by a deranged scientist. I looked back towards the TV now feeling extremely creeped out by this guy. We sat there in silence for about five minutes. Every second of his silent stare was killing me. I had to say something and say it fast.

          “Will you be staying with us?” I asked to break the silence still not looking back at him.

          “Yes,” he said nothing else. Not exactly what I was looking for.

          “Will it be long,” I said trying to further the conversation.

          “Not sure,” was all he said. He was beginning to frustrate me. Then I heard some one coming down the stairs.

          What a relief,” I thought. It was Adam.

          “Jonah if you’ll come up stairs I’ll show you where your room is,” Adam offered. Jonah said nothing but got up and followed Adam up stairs. I sighed in relief that he was gone and picked up Pat who had fallen off of Jonah’s lap when he stood up. Then Tyler came down shaking his head and laughing slightly.

          “Did you meet him?” he asked.

          “Yes,” I replied.

          Tyler shook his head, “By the way Layla is done with the bathroom so you can take a shower,” he said.

          “Thanks,” then I went upstairs and headed for the bathroom. When I was about halfway threw with my shower the door opened. I jumped and turned around not wanting to completely expose myself through the see threw shower curtain. It was Jonah. He didn’t even look at me, undid his pants, whipped it out, and went right there in front of me.  

          Apparently,” I thought, “the guy has no sense of privacy.” After I was done I went to my room and crashed on my bed not knowing what to think of this new person that had entered my life I fell asleep.        

© 2010 abigail elizabeth

Author's Note

abigail elizabeth
not proof read

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What a creep! I’m just reading this and the guys freaking me out. Also seems like he could be a bit of a tough guy. Would hate to see it all go down if he, Adam and Tyler went for it. It would be a blood bath.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 3, 2010
Last Updated on August 3, 2010


abigail elizabeth
abigail elizabeth

Hi I'm Abbie I'm 19 and I'm from Kansas I've doodled with writing since I was about 12 and really enjoy it. Hope you like what I've written =) more..
