Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by abigail elizabeth

“Yes! They’re gone!” I said in excitement as I pumped my fists into the air. My parents were gone, gone to Los Angels for the weekend. I ran over to the big stereo system we had and turned it up as loud as I could. I smiled as I heard the song they were playing, “Cold, But I’m Still Here,” by Evan’s Blue I loved that song. I then ran quickly over to the phone sitting on the side table next to the couch to call my best friend Josie.

          “Hey Noreen what’s going on?” she said in her happy and very bubbly voice.

          “Nothing,” I said, “My parents just left for the weekend that’s all.”

          “So your home alone for the whole weekend?” she asked excitedly.

          “For the whole weekend, “I replied with an excited giggle.

          “Seriously?! Who should I call! It’s party time baby!”

          “Now Joss let’s not go to over board. Just call a few people. I don’t want this full blown, over the top party,” I responded.

          “All right girl. I’ll only call a few people; this is going to be so great. Anybody specific you want me to call oh and do you need me to get any thing as far as food, drinks and anything else we might need on my way there?” she asked. 

          “No I can’t think of any one specific that you wouldn’t think of yourself and I think that I have enough to eat, I can always call your cell phone if I think of any one and after I check the kitchen though,” I responded.

           “All right then I’ll see you later Nor,” she said and hung up.

           I had to get ready. First I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at my long brown hair and darker emerald green eyes wondering how to enhance them for this occasion. I put on my dark eye make up, foundation, light blush, light pink lip gloss, and then ran to my room.

          I started going through my closet and holding up different out fits to see in front of my full length mirror on the inside of my closet door. I was very happy with my body. I looked at my thin and very curvy figure in the mirror with pride. Finally after going through many outfits I chose a darker deep green spaghetti strapped tank, a black lacy looking see through three quarter length sleeved shirt to go over it and dark denim jeans with a black stud belt with the buckle off to the side. I also put on my black fish net gloves that stopped at my wrists. Then I went back down stairs to the kitchen to see what we had in the fridge and cupboards. Before I knew it people where arriving.

          “Hey Noreen, are you here?” a loud voice asked as the front door swung opened. I came out of the kitchen to see the hottest most popular guy in my school, Danny Johnson. He had average cut blond hair, brown eyes and a tall, long, and lean cut body. He was the star of the basketball team, got strait A’s, and was just an overall great guy. I didn’t know him very well at all but thought he was hot as the rest of the girls in my school did.

          “Hi Danny,” I said in the most calm voice I could muster as I smiled sweetly at him.  

          “Hi Noreen, so Josie called me and said your parents were gone this weekend and that you were having a party so I came right over,” he said, “Oh and I hope you don’t mind that I invited a few of my buddies to come on over too.”

          “Oh no, I don’t mind,” I smiled, but later in the evening I learned that it really wasn’t. See his friends also invited friends who invited friends as was true of most of the people that Josie invited. Very quickly my house was filled with people most of whom I didn’t even know.

          “Ding Dong!” the door bell went a few seconds later. I went over an answered it. People just started poring in. All of a sudden the music was on, drinks almost gone, and people were making out on the sofa. Right from the start the party was getting out of my control. I began to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing but I just pushed it out of my mind. In the beginning I just went with the flow danced and mingled with my guest like it was no big deal. I even talked to Danny for a while. I thought he might have asked me out but some one came and got me because some one had spilled some thing on the rug out in the hall. Shortly after that I got tired of being a good hostess. I wanted them all out.  

          “Josie!” I cried out through the crowd over the very loud blaring music a few hours and many more people later. There was no answer. I pushed through the people. “Have you seen Josie,” I said to some random guy I didn’t even know.

          “Who’s Josie?” he asked in a confuse tone with a look on his face to match.

          “Never mind,” I said with an annoyed tone and roll of my eyes, “She’s just my best friend.”

          “And who are you,” he asked looking me up and down.

          “I’m just the hostess,” I said rolling my eyes once again.

          “Oh,” he said and shrugged, “Do you want to dance?”

          “No, not now ‘thanks’ maybe later,” I said sarcastically and walked of furious and frustrated. Finally I saw Josie with her light red hair with light blue highlights, blue eyes, smiling face, and thin frame standing with a group of guys around her, typical. She and I had been friends for a long time and all that time she had always been known to attract people, guys or girls.

          “Josie!” I said to her as I took a hold of her arm and pulled her into the kitchen. “I knew this was going to happen. Where did all of these people come from?” I said in flustered frustration.

          “I don’t know,” she said innocently as she shrugged her shoulders,” I just invited fifteen or so people.”

          “C’mon, it’s almost eleven and I know that’s early for a party to be over but I’m tired, and I want them out, now,” I demanded.  

          “All right I’ll get Leon on it,” she said and the walked off to find her older brother. I sighed and leaned up against the wall almost sliding down it. I could hear Leon and Josie turn off the music and begin to clear everyone out.

          “That’s every one,” Leon said as he walked into the kitchen about thirty minutes later.

          “Thanks,” I said. He smiled at me. Leon might have looked like a hard core punk with his black hair, brown eyes, eyeliner and Billie Joe Armstrong get up but underneath all those layers he was a sweet heart and had been nice to me as long as I’ve known him.

          “How much of a mess is it out there,” I asked with a tired sigh as I straitened up and began to head for the swinging kitchen door.

          “A pretty good sized one, but we’ll head over here tomorrow morning and help you clean up,” Leon offered.

          “Sounds good to me,” I said.  

          “I guess we better go. We’ll see you later Noreen,” Josie said as they waved and quickly left.

          “I’m really tired,” I thought as I walked up the stairs to my room. I began to think of what my parents would do if they found out what had happened here. I shook my head hoping to shake the thought as I came up to my bed room. I opened the door to see two people vigorously making out on my bed, shirts off.

          “AH!” the girl cried in a high pitched screech as they both jumped as I entered the room.

          “What do you two think you are doing getting it on in my room! Get out! Party’s over!” I yelled angrily at them.

          “S, sorry,” the guy stuttered as he stood up. Then they both grabbed there stuff and quickly slinked off. I sighed and went into my bathroom to begin getting ready for bed. Soon after I was in bed and out like a light. All of a sudden something woke me up around two in the morning. It was the load bang of something braking. I heard the noses coming form down stairs. My heart started racing very fast. Was I being robbed?


© 2010 abigail elizabeth

Author's Note

abigail elizabeth
not proof read

My Review

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This is pretty good. It's a relief to read something that actually makes sense, and isn't just pointless jibberish. It's probably not a good idea for teenagers to be hosting unchaperoned parties at their parents' houses when their parents are out of town, but then, I guess you've sort of illustrated that with this chapter, haven't you. Also, I'm surprised that this chapter hasn't been proof read. I didn't notice any mistakes. You must be an awfully good writer.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Proof read aside, you have me hooked. A typical girlie narrative can quite often become annoying very quickly if not written well but that isn’t the case with this. I like your language, both capturing the youthful period and the girl’s wit. I’ve enjoyed this thus far, the ending of this chapter really standing out and begging me to read further, which I am now off to do.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 3, 2010
Last Updated on August 3, 2010


abigail elizabeth
abigail elizabeth

Hi I'm Abbie I'm 19 and I'm from Kansas I've doodled with writing since I was about 12 and really enjoy it. Hope you like what I've written =) more..
