August 17

August 17

A Chapter by oOrechOo

August 17 2013 1:52 AM

I know keeping a journal at home is a 'not-so-good' idea so I will write  here instead. There's so much that I want to share, but now is not a good time since I will have to work around 4 AM (and of course I am running out of money to pay this internet cafe, salary day's few days ahead anyway). So what am I doing here?

I just want to say 'I LOVE YOU'

I wanted to tell you this everyday, always. But I know you will feel obsolete if I do so. Perhaps action will speak it for me (though I am not sure if you feel it 'cos sometimes I think you're annoyed). And..I....also..want to hear it from you. Everyday. Every minute.

But yeah, you're not romantic as what you had said. It's okay, I love you the way you are. 

I won't make this long, but in the future I wish to write our story here. I love you.


© 2013 oOrechOo

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Added on August 16, 2013
Last Updated on August 16, 2013



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