When I Think Of You

When I Think Of You

A Poem by Rebecca Pall

For my grandpa

I get to see you, but only when I become an angel
Memories are stuck to my mind
If only I could hug you one more time
Staring out the window, hoping that one day you will appear in the driveway
Sitting in an empty room, all thoughts go to you
You, are always with me, like an imaginary friend or a ghost
Often wondering what I did to have you be gone from my life, thinking that somehow the blame is on me
Under your overlooking is where I live my life
Grief hurts me like an eternal burn
Remembering the warmth of your hugs
Any way I could have you back, I would take it in a heartbeat
Not being able to get out of bed some days when the pain of your absence is stronger than gravity
Don't ever go astray
Please don't let me face this scary world alone
Always in my heart
Dedicated to Sheldon Pall- Gone since July 2007

© 2015 Rebecca Pall

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Beautiful heartfelt words. The pain of loss lingers on. W e can only hope that they are still with us in spirit, looking out for us and guiding us until we see them again. A wonderful tribute.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Rebecca Pall

8 Years Ago

Thank you very much, I have really been missing him lately so I thought this would be a good way to .. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 29, 2015
Last Updated on October 29, 2015
Tags: sad, grief


Rebecca Pall
Rebecca Pall


I have a lot to say...this is where I share it more..
