

A Poem by Rebecca Pall

I am myself
But what does that mean?
Perhaps brand-new flower 
Waiting to be seen

I am limited
But what does that show?
A small little bulb
That's struggling to grow

I am unique
But what does that say?
That I can be myself
Without anyone getting in my way

I am deathly afraid of judgement
But how is that perceived?
That I am afraid of what is said
And how my own actions get received

If I'm myself
That's a good thing
But the judgement can hurt
And leave an eternal sting

© 2015 Rebecca Pall

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We all struggle sometimes to find ourselves and sometimes we end up hurting in the process or even not finding anything at all. Then we just decide to live a life that everyone else approves of. We listen to the judgment and end up not being the person we were meant to be but the person society wants us to be.
Safe to say your beautiful poetry got me thinking about a lot of things going on around me and also personally.
You spoke to me through your poem and for that I'm truly grateful.
Being able to connect with your readers/audience is very important and it is a skill you should be proud of!

Again, well done hey


Posted 8 Years Ago

Rebecca Pall

8 Years Ago

Wow, I feel honored that you were touched by my writing in this way. I really appreciate your words .. read more

8 Years Ago

I should be the one thanking you though
Rebecca Pall

8 Years Ago

I appreciate that :)
Wonderfully written. The struggle to understand one's self is ongoing and changes in many ways throughout life. Firstly we long to find where we fit into and what we are comfortable with, then when we find that, we feel conflicted that maybe we are not on the right path and struggle inwardly to comprehend where we should be. Then career, family, home choices appear and in amongst all these major changes, we still have to fit in all the numerous day to day thoughts that invade our minds with doubt.
But apart from the constant upheaval and change, it can be interesting too. I don't think we ever get a definitive answer, but as we go along, we adapt and we understand that each day, we live and learn, hopefully getting better at it along the way.
Great, thought provoking words. I hope you find your answers soon.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Rebecca Pall

8 Years Ago

Thank you for your words :)

8 Years Ago

You're welcome :)

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2 Reviews
Added on October 28, 2015
Last Updated on October 28, 2015


Rebecca Pall
Rebecca Pall


I have a lot to say...this is where I share it more..
