The Fall

The Fall

A Story by CrumbsInMyBed

Tumbling through the air, the world flashed by in a whirlwind of color. Reaching out into the howling wind, he hoped to grip onto something, anything to slow him down. His hands flailing frantically with nothing more than air catching between his fingertips. His body gained speed as he plummeted further and further until he was plunged beneath the crashing waves of the ocean.

He broke through the surface; gasping; choking. Arms beating fiercely against the water as he tried to stay afloat. Fear engulfed him as he looked around at the endless stretch of the sea. He desperately needed to get to land. Kicking, he pushed his exhausted body to shore. Pulling himself onto the sandy earth, he laid back allowing the waves brush over the tops of his bare feet.

The night sky smiled down at him. He tilted his head as he studied the star. He'd never seen them look so small and the moon; he'd never seen Earth's look so large. The black canvas spread above him was mesmerizing. He suppose he had never truly known it's beauty because he'd always been a part of it.

Slowly rising to his feet, he wiped at the granules sand clinging to his wet skin. The specks were relentless, sticking to his hands then back to his bare thighs are he tried to escape it's adhesive texture. Frustration began to build into a ball of fire in his gut and he had a unexpected desire to scream and kick out his legs. Holding back against the urge, he continued to swipe at his body.

"Step into the sea, brother," a gentle lilt rose from behind him, "Rinse in it's water and be free of the sands grip."

A unfamiliar pounding echoed through his chest and he turned. Joy and sorrow filled him as he quickly approached the woman standing there and pulled her into an embrace, "Cadessa, I thought your soul had been lost but you've been casted out."

She pulled back and laid a soft hand on his cheek. A smile touched her lips but sadness danced in her sapphire eyes as the wind blew a strand of black hair across her face. She didn't reply. She simply slipped her hand into his and led him back into the ocean. Cupping water into her palms, she began to wash off his skin. He studied her hands work; brushing over the plains of his body. Her fingertips lingered on the golden script branded into his skin, marking him the storm.

"Who will bring the rains," Cadessa whispered as she traced the swirling designs.

He looked away from her, to the sky.

"Ranburne," his name fell from her lips like a song, "Who will bring the rains?"

© 2017 CrumbsInMyBed

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Author's Note

Just testing the waters. I may add to it or may leave it alone. Someone mentioned Ranburne would make an interesting name and this is what came of it.

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I love reading about the Fall and the angels, I definitely think that you expressed this very well ;) I would love to see more pieces like this; if you add to this, or make more like it! Awesome work .

Posted 6 Years Ago

This was great to read! And a very cool concept, you should build this world more :)

Posted 6 Years Ago

I enjoyed this read. You've left us all wanting to learn more about these beings that were cast out of the heavens. I look forward to reading more, so hopefully you end up continuing along this strain even if it turns into an episodic you release a little at a time

Posted 7 Years Ago

Very mysterious! I guess there is a lot more to learn and I hope you continue with it. It reads like a greek myth rather than anything in real life. You've left it a bit enigmatic - for example who is Ranburne. I'm not sure that the name fits in with the mythic story.
There are a number of typos which you can pick up with careful reading. eg granules 'of' sand.
Well done for this,

Posted 7 Years Ago

Initially, for me, this is a mythical mystery. But, it quite quickly builds up pace, soon to dive into a frenzy. The goings-on your 'hero' experiences are very aptly put, maybe sentences could be shorter to increase the panic. Then, yet again, comes the old world touch.. the sound, the sight, of another being.. another from the past!

Don't doubt you know there's some editing to do. Forgive if that reads rudely, please.

You'v e laid your intentions very carefully.. opened the door to quite a story. Ask me back when more's been added, PLEASE.

Posted 7 Years Ago

No doubt about it. You need to take the ball and run with this one. This is unique and interesting, as well as beautifully written. Go for it! This is a good start.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Awe inspiring
Jaw dropping
Madly love this

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Aw, thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words. I've written some more to it but haven't decided.. read more
This work of yours inspired me a lot...Love reading it again n again. A pithy write-up :)
Thanks for sharing it !

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you! I've written a little more to it but still undecided how far I want to take it.

7 Years Ago

Pleasure !
I'd love to read more. Do share when you upload it :)

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8 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2017
Last Updated on June 15, 2017

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