![]() Chapter 6 "Candor"A Chapter by Aubrey Harrell![]() The plan works out in the end banishing Aphrodite. A fight breaks out and Sage comes out from hiding and takes care of Hope.![]() Candor Sage was happy with the plan and the little pup Sol agreed to be quiet. He was just the cutest little pup ever. It was noon now. The hot sun was concealed by a thick layer of clouds that coated the sky fluffy. Aphrodite was getting anxious now. She kept jumping a little here and there over anxiety. Hope was too, walking back and forth between two trees. I had told Xavier everything that had happened before. He knew the plan and where he was suppose to go. I started to get nervous. If Aphrodite found out our plan than we would be done for. She would kick us from the pack for sure. The plan was to set in action once the sun was to hit the mountain peaks. The mountain peaks are covered. Sage will not know when to go. I thought. This was bad, very bad. If she didn’t go at the exact right time then she may go to late. That would set the plan back tremendously. I didn’t know what to do so I walked over to Xavier. His head jerked to attention at the sound of my paw steps. I lay next to him to try and hide our conversation. “Xavier can you hear me?” I whisper quietly to him. “Yes I can because you whisper as quietly as a boomstick.” He hissed back at me. “Oh sorry.” I apologized even quieter than before. My tail flicked back and forth in the air and my paws were crossed so my head could sit comfortably on them. “Are you ready?” I ask him. “Yes, but extremely nervous. What is Hope finds out I didn’t tell her and she gets mad at me. I really love her Candor.” He spilled to me quickly, but quietly. I lifted my head from my paws stunned from his words. This was the first time he had opened to me like this. I sat them back down on my paws once more. “I didn’t realize you felt that way about Hope.” I mummered. “I really do and I think she feels the same way, but I have a question for you.” He began and my ears lifted to make sure I hear him clearly. “Why did you meet with Sage in the first place? You could have told us and we could have all killed her there.” I just look at him for a moment not really sure of what to say. Sage on that first night had just been interesting to me. I really don’t have an answer to that question. “Xavier, I..” I began, but was cut off. Aphrodite was on her toes now. “Candor, Xavier, Hope get ready. I can see Nightshadow headed to the tree. He is very early, but he shouldn't wait. I am going to go now.” Her orders hung in the air for a moment before everyone started to get ready. She ran down the hill in a blur of flesh and fur. Hope was getting ready in the direction of Bison. I walked beside her and Xavier a little behind. We began our way down the hill running at half-speed. We all knew Aphrodite could keep Nightshadow busy for as long as she thought we needed. Our paws splashed in the river as we crossed a shallow spot. Fish darted this way and that trying to get away from us. I saw the Bison den. I also didn’t see Sage. Perfect. We all padded into the den looking for them. “Hope how about you check the den.” I ask her and turn around to check for Xavier. He wasn’t there just like he was suppose to be. Hope was all the way in the den looking for both of them. I pushed against a rock right next to the den like Sage instructed. It fell on the entrance of the den just where I wanted it. Only a sliver of light could be let in for her to see. “Candor! Get me out!” She yells for me. “It is too heavy. I will have to get Xavier. I will be right back!” I call and start to run down the hill back towards home. I could hear her yelling at me. “Wait where is Xavier!!” She whines. I just ignore her. I must get to our meeting place. Sage and Sol should be there by now. Xavier should be on his way. I beat tail. My legs burning from moving so fast. Everything went by in a blur of green, brown, blue, and white. Wind beat against my face and my fur beat against my body. I pushed further on. Saddle came into focus quickly and I gave a little smile at that. Sage was going to be okay and she wasn’t going to get hurt. I could see from here little specks of black and brown on the cliffs. “There they are!” I ran in their direction not stopping until I reached them. “Candor!” Sage called my name jumping up and down. “Happy to see me?” I ask laughing just a bit. Sol came running at me from behind Sage. He bumped into me leg giving me a little, tiny squeeze. “Are you ok? Everything went well with Hope?” She asked concern all over her eyes. “Everything went fine. Hope is not going to get out of there in a while.” I say very certain, but just then a voice boomed behind me. “Oh really, backstabber? Everything went fine? No, no it didn’t.” I turn around Hope stood there with Aphrodite right beside her. I put Sage and Sol behind me. Xavier came by my side. I felt Sol leave my leg and run to Sage. “Sage go.” I told her. Sol needed to get out of here. A pup could be easily killed here. Hope and Aphrodite took a step closer to us. I stood my ground. “I am not leaving you here.” Sage said stubbornly. “Sage, take Sol away from here. Now!” I barked. They started to move inch by inch closer to the four of us. “Sage, I am scared.” Sol trembled. I turned my head to her. Her eyes full of fear she looked at me for a second and turned grabbing Sol, then running up the hill out of sight. “Xavier I can’t believe you.” Hope scolded. Xavier looked down sadly. I could see his hurt face. “Aphrodite, don’t do this.” I demand her. “Little backstabber, you will pay for your mistakes.” She hissed at me and snarled and leapt in the air right in my face and snapped. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Hope pinning Xavier. I lunged at Aphrodite’s neck, but she moved away quickly out of reach. I turned back towards her. Wind started to pick up and the leaves swirled around in the air, trees swayed back and forth, clouds started to darken. She leapt on top of me, but I pushed her off quickly. I looked over my shoulder Xavier was pursuing Hope on the edge of the cliff. She reached the edge and her paw slipped, but she lunged forward grabbing Xavier’s neck pulling herself back up. She then leaped behind him and pushed him over the edge only leaving him to hold onto a thick stick hanging on by a thread of the rock. “This is what you deserve Xavier.” she proclaimed. “No!” I scream. Aphrodite gets between Hope and me. Rocks fell as Xavier lost a paw’s grip on the edge. He swung it back up regaining his grip again luckily. “Get out of the way!” “No! I will not! You will pay Candor. Xavier will, you will, and I will take Sage down painfully. You can't do anything to stop me.” She begins another sentence, but stops and turns around to a blur of fur. It rams into Hope hard sending her flying over the edge with a loud thud to the ground leaving her motionless. “Hope? Hope!” Aphrodite screams and turns to the blur figure revealing Sage trying to get Xavier back on the edge. She wasn't strong enough. I run by Aphrodite and stand in between them. “Get back Aphrodite before your next.” I warn her. “You are not allowed here ever again. Leave Slough Creek and never come back again and if you do I will make sure you pay.” I narrow my eyes a warning and growl my deepest growl. She stands there for a moment out of shock, anger, and possibly thinking of how to respond. “Leave!” I bark. She growls a little at me and turns disappearing into the woods. Sage grunts still attempting to pick Xavier up. “Here let me help.” I grab his scruff and pull up lifting him back onto the edge. He lies down and rolls over on his back. “Oh sweet ground that I walk on. I am so glad to have you back.” He declares happily. Sage giggles. “Where is Sol?” I ask her just thinking of him. “Oh right. I hid him in the bushes up the hill.” She explains. “Sol come on it is safe now.” I spot the little pup. His head popping out of the bush, his ears lifted high. He ran down the hill almost falling. “Hey there buddy.” I say nudging him with my nose. “Hello, Candy.” He says. “My name is Candor not Candy little guy.” I explain to him as he starts to chase a butterfly. “Kids and their short attention spans.” Sage flashes a smile at me. I smile back. She turns and picks up Sol by his scruff with her mouth. “Let's...go…..home.” She says voice a little muffled. “Where is home now?” I ask. “We don't exactly have a pack anymore.” I look to Xavier for a possible answer. He sat not having an answer either. Sage set Sol down on the ground and looks at me. “Your home is now Bison. You saved me from being a captive. Your part of the Bison pack if you take my invitation.” She offers. I give a big smile. “Let's go home.” She smiles and picks up Sol again leaving all four of his paws dangling. We walk to Bison in a line, Xavier, Sage, me. A new adventure waited us there. I can't wait. Bison was my new home, I had a new pack and Sage was my forbidden friend. Forbidden. © 2017 Aubrey HarrellAuthor's Note